Reason and Romance (River Valley Book 1)

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Reason and Romance (River Valley Book 1) Page 13

by Jenn Young

  Suddenly she wanted to lean her head against his shoulder. And if they hadn’t been in the middle of the dance floor, she might have done exactly that, but appearances had to be kept up. She didn’t doubt that many eyes were on her and Travis.

  Her lips curved in a smile that even she knew was plastic. “I just had an epiphany, that’s all.”

  “Sounds dangerous.” He nearly landed on her foot, but she’d anticipated his move. “Wanna do something about it?”

  Now she had to laugh. “Maybe. Come on, let’s dance more.”

  Somewhat, to her surprise, Grant cut in. She barely had a second to register his presence before he was guiding her away from Travis.

  “Enjoying yourself, Adrian?”

  She had to tip her head back, just to look up at him. He was so tall and so muscular that a girl could easily feel overpowered. If he had been a different kind of guy, he could have put his strength to a number of frightening uses, but even though he wasn’t that type, his ice blue eyes were … careful, Adrian decided. Flat, even.

  “Do you really care?” she said.

  “No. It was the polite thing to ask.”

  “Then get to the point.”

  Grant inclined his head. For a moment or two, she thought she might have glimpsed a glimmer of a smile—and maybe respect in his eyes. “With a dress like that, I figure you have some message to send tonight. What are you planning?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “So I can start digging graves for the casualties. You don’t take prisoners, Adrian.”

  His tone was matter-of-fact, but he’d paid her the ultimate compliment. He respected her, and that wasn’t something she could claim about everyone.

  “Believe it or not, I don’t have anything planned tonight,” she said.

  “Maybe not,” Grant said. “Or maybe he does.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He lifted an eyebrow, the gesture faintly incredulous. “Someone’s been watching you all night long, and I think you know who it is.”

  She clamped down on the instinctive protest that rose to her lips. No, he hasn’t been! He didn’t even care about how I looked. If she said any of it aloud, Grant would only roll his eyes, so she returned his gaze with a calm that she didn’t feel.

  “That’s nice. What do you expect me to do about it?” she said.

  Grant inclined his head. “If that’s how you want to play it …”

  He handed her back to Justin. After she danced with Justin three times in a row, she switched off with Travis and then back to Grant who escorted her to the sidelines where Vaughn was waiting. Before Adrian could even draw him into conversation, Grant disappeared.

  “He does that a lot,” Vaughn observed. “If he wasn’t friends with Justin, he’d be a hermit.”

  Adrian would have preferred to be somewhere else, but like it or not, the blonde had come to her rescue earlier, so Adrian stayed where she was. “He’s friends with Alex and Quentin too,” she pointed out.

  “Oh, I’ve always thought he puts up with them for Justin’s sake.”

  The truth in that statement was so clear that she couldn’t disagree. Grant had always seemed a little out-of-place—perhaps that was why she identified with him a bit. Oh, she was in a gorgeous Homecoming dress with one of the most popular guys as her date, and she was one of the five female nominees, but what did that matter? She was still an outcast as she’d been from the very first day here. Would there ever be a moment when she’d feel accepted?

  Vaughn was still speaking. “Ah, Mandy recovered. First string receiver.”

  Curious, Adrian scanned the crowds. It took her half a moment to locate Mandy Fitzpatrick. She hadn’t seen Mandy in what seemed like eons, since the redhead no longer sat at Alex’s table.

  “Mandy still hasn’t forgiven you, in case you’re wondering. I hear she has a voodoo doll.”

  “I’d be surprised if everyone doesn’t have one. Haven’t you heard? I’m the most hated girl at Varner High.” Despite herself, some bitterness slipped into her tone. “No girl will associate with me because they all want Alex and because they think I’m a threat.”

  Vaughn smiled. “Not true. I don’t want him.”

  “You’ve never hooked up with him?”

  “No. I may be blonde, but I’m not suicidal.”

  “I disagree. You’re standing here with me. Your social status will take a nosedive if you don’t move away.”

  “And there you go again, trying to push me away. Doesn’t it get tiring, doing that to every person? The only one you’ve really let into your inner circle is Travis Cates, and no one can figure out why. Quentin thinks it’s an effective ploy to attract attention. I have to say, it’s a daring stunt—”

  Adrian drew herself up. “Travis is a friend,” she said, every word carved out of ice. “I’m not using him for any reason whatsoever. You can spread any rumors you want about me, but you’d better leave him alone, or you will have me as an enemy. And that you don’t want at all, Vaughn. You really don’t.”

  The blonde’s mouth hung open. She stared at Adrian for a long, long moment, her pretty face a picture of astonishment. “Oh, I like you, Adrian!” she exclaimed between whoops of laughter. “Only you would threaten me and mean it!”

  Still laughing, she dabbled at her wet eyes. “All right, all right, you’ve put me in my place. I apologize for what I said about Travis. Truce?”

  Adrian looked at her narrowly. “Truce.”

  “And of course you really mean ‘fuck you.’ I did deserve that.” She glanced at Quentin who was trying to maul a girl on the floor. “Hmm. At least it’s not a blowjob. He got two under the teachers’ noses at the prom last year.”

  “Why did you come with him tonight?”

  “He makes me laugh.” Vaughn drew in a breath. “Ah. Now the school god approaches. Well, well. I wondered when he’d make his move.”

  Sparks coursed throughout Adrian’s veins. She’d pushed Alex to the back of her mind—or, at least, he wasn’t as dominant in her thoughts—but her heart took a gigantic leap in her chest. He really was making his way toward them. He’d lost his jacket and loosened his tie, but even so, he was still devastating.

  Her heart was thumping so madly that she could practically hear it. Travis was injuring four people on the floor, and Justin was dancing with Nicky. Grant and Bri had paired off, so there was only Vaughn—and Alex was still coming.

  “You having a good time, Vaughn?” she heard him greet the blonde.

  “The best,” the other girl said with a smile in her voice. “You haven’t danced with me, Alex. I’m starting to have second thoughts about our friendship. Shall we?”

  Thank you, Vaughn. Thank you.

  “Maybe later,” Alex said. “I owe Adrian a dance, or maybe she owes me. I’m not really sure which one.”

  Since there was no way to pretend she hadn’t heard him, Adrian swept her gaze over him. “Nicky’s dancing with Justin,” she said. “She’ll be done in a minute or two.”

  Alex’s laugh was low. “The exit’s that way, if you’re interested,” he murmured as he bent his head near hers. “It’s the shortest escape route.”

  Her skin was crawling. He hadn’t said a word to her since he’d briefly commented on her dress, but now there was no denying the tingle that raced up her spine.

  “Are you implying I’m running from you? Now, why would I do that, brother dear?”

  He held out a hand. “So if you aren’t running …”

  She’d walked into that one, and she knew it. Barring unexpected lightning bolts and earthquakes, there wasn’t any reason she could creditably refuse Alex right now. She brushed past his outstretched hand, but with an effort, she slowed down and swayed her hips. The slit in her dress revealed a long swath of skin from nearly her hip to her ankle every time she took a step forward. The effect had more than a few guys watching.

  Alex pulled her into an embrace. It was a slow dance, unfortunately, so coupl
es were wrapped around each other. Even the lights seemed to have diminished. It was an entirely romantic mood, and Adrian wanted none of it.

  Her hands linked behind his neck. Sometimes her partners were taller like Grant, so she had to rise on her toes and do some adjusting, but with Alex, she didn’t even have to. He was a perfect fit. Oh, she didn’t like this. He was pressing her tight against him, so she couldn’t move. It was a terribly vulnerable position, and if there was anything she hated …

  “Relax, baby,” Alex murmured.

  His hand was resting on the small of her back. It was hard not to shiver because she could actually feel the warmth of him. It got even harder when his thumb stroked her bare skin. Oh God! He was tracing her spine. But he didn’t stop there. Her breathing grew short as his hand roamed over her back.

  She had to slap him … she had to spit in his face …

  Her mouth had gone dry. Jason had never affected her like this. Ever. Admit the truth, Adrian! Admit it!

  “I never loved him,” she said abruptly.

  Alex lifted his eyebrows, and only then did she realize she’d blurted it aloud. Well, then. She’d just find the deepest hole and crawl into it.

  “Your ex-boyfriend? I wondered.”

  Her lungs were burning. She’d never told anyone this, but what the hell, it was dark in the shadowed gymnasium. She and Alex were speaking in low voices meant for each other’s ears only. No one else could overhear them unless they draped themselves over her shoulder. In a way, Alex had torn the blindfold away from her eyes. She’d devoted the last three years of her life to Jason, and what had that gotten her?

  “He seemed a little too sensitive,” Alex said.

  Somewhat to her surprise, Adrian found herself smiling. This conversation was so unreal that a part of her still couldn’t believe she was talking with Alex.

  “You provoked him,” she said. “You didn’t see him at his best.”

  “Quentin provoked him, not me.”

  He did have a point there. “And if you had liked Jason, Quentin wouldn’t have done it.”

  “Mm, I won’t argue that.”

  He’d traced her spine, but now his hand had dipped lower to the curve that the satin made against her lower back. His fingers were flirting with the material, and she had to repress a shiver.

  “So, you and Justin seem to be getting close,” he murmured, his lips nearly brushing the outer shell of her ear.

  “You and Bri seem to be getting close too.”

  “Well …” Alex smiled. “I’m not dancing with her now, am I?”

  “That’s true. I should dance with Justin more.”

  “He won’t begrudge me this one.”

  Her lashes swept down. “He’s a gentleman.”

  “And I’m not?”

  “He’s one of your best friends. I’m sure he sees something worthwhile in you.”

  Alex laughed. “Nice. So what are his chances of seeing you out of that dress?”

  “This old thing? Please.”

  His arms tightened around her. “If you’re fishing for compliments …” He bent his head until their foreheads nearly touched. “You outshine every girl here, Adrian.”

  Oh, this wasn’t fair. They were dancing so closely that all she had to do was to rest her head against his shoulder and let him hold her. Wait. What was this? Both Grant and Vaughn had said Alex was making his move.

  I won’t be played. Not anymore.

  She pressed herself against his chest. “I’m glad you think so,” she said, her voice husky. Her breasts brushed his shirt. “But really …” Her hands slid down to his hips and then she moved slowly, teasingly. The fabric of her dress rubbed against his pants as she rolled her hips in an undulating motion.

  Alex inhaled sharply. He couldn’t quite push her away because it wouldn’t have been polite. Adrian linked her fingers around his neck more securely. Her mouth brushed his ear, and then with a brief hesitation, she nibbled on his earlobe. A slight tremor ran through him—one that she wouldn’t have felt otherwise.

  “I don’t really need your compliments,” she whispered. Smiling, she tipped her head back to regard him with heavy-lidded eyes.

  She saw answering laughter in his eyes. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  It was nothing short of a miracle that she was able to tear herself away from him. Luckily, however, before she’d taken a few steps, Travis bounced up to her.

  “Dude!” he warbled. “You’re smiling. Stop it.”

  Laughing, she put an arm around his waist. “Don’t worry, Travis. You’re safe from me.”

  He grinned at her. “Yeah, I know.” He squinted at something past Alex’s shoulder. “Dude, I told you there was gonna be a shitstorm!”

  Mandy Fitzpatrick was beating Quentin’s chest with her fists. How the argument had started, Adrian didn’t know, but he was laughing and fending off her punches. People had converged around them in a loose group, some of them excitedly whispering.

  “You take that back!” she screamed over the music.

  Vaughn materialized at Adrian’s side. “Five bucks says that he destroys her within a minute.”

  “No bet,” Adrian said. “What are they arguing about, anyway?”

  The blonde shot her an amused glance. “Quentin propositioned her.”

  Mandy’s howls had reached an unearthly crescendo. Adrian winced and Travis slammed his hands over his ears. Even Grant had worked his way over to them.

  Vaughn was gnawing on an immaculate fingernail. “Do I pull Quentin away, or do I let him have his fun? Decisions, decisions,” she sighed. “Right, here I go.” She squared her shoulders and sailed into the fray.

  She put a hand on her heart. “I thought you loved me, Quentin!” she wailed with a heartfelt passion that had her voice soaring above the rapt crowd who didn’t want to miss a single minute. “Why are you talking to her?”

  Surprise flickered in his eyes, then he grinned. A born entertainer couldn’t pass up that opportunity, and he didn’t.

  “Baby, don’t be like that,” he entreated.

  Adrian burst out laughing. She heard someone laugh from behind her, and even without turning around, she knew it was Alex. The slow delicious warmth that had pooled in her stomach during their brief dance flushed her face.

  The teachers put a stop to the fun, but not before large crocodile tears rolled down Vaughn’s cheeks (somehow not marring her makeup) and certainly not before the crowd was chanting Quentin’s name. “Maxwell! Maxwell!”

  It capped the dance. People started leaving the gym in a steady stream, talking about what they’d just witnessed. Most of them would be heading out to the after-parties. And if it hadn’t been for Nicky, Adrian would have joined them. But even as she thought of it, she knew Nicky was only a convenient excuse.

  Justin escorted her outside. The heat was no longer blistering at this hour, but sleepy and languid instead. She drew a deep breath, tasting the fresh air.

  “Did you have a good time?” Justin asked.

  She nodded and then smiled in surprise.

  For once, it wasn’t a lie.


  Adrian drove early to school on the following Monday. On the way, she listened to music, and only then did she smile at the realization. Normally, she preferred to drive in grim silence, mentally preparing herself for the hellish torture that was Varner High, but things were better. No one had gotten out the pitchforks lately.

  Oh, people still stared or whispered when she passed them in the hallways, but by then, it was the same old crap. White noise, that’s all it was.

  A familiar blond head popped into the edge of her vision, and she hesitated. Should she say hi? Vaughn wasn’t exactly someone she enjoyed talking to, but the girl had come to her rescue at Homecoming dance, and Adrian Blake paid her debts.

  Adrian stopped by Vaughn’s locker. “Hey,” she said. She watched the other girl’s face for any involuntary grimace or muscle tic. The second she saw one, she was ou
t of here.

  Vaughn looked up from her backpack. “Oh hey,” she said, pulling out a tube of lip gloss. “Did you know I’m secretly pregnant with Quentin’s baby?”

  “Is that what they’re saying?”

  “No, that’s what I am saying.”

  Now she had to laugh. “Yeah, well, that sounds like you.” She shifted her weight. “Why do you love spreading rumors about yourself?”

  It was just a question she’d asked for no particular reason, but now she was suddenly curious. How could someone enjoy that kind of thing? Back home, the gossip mill hadn’t been so kind to the Blake family. People had whispered about her mother’s scandalous behavior. Well, they’d whispered at first, but then they’d openly talked about it. Adrian had no idea how her father had been able to hold his head high.

  “Why not? I mean, it’s not like we do much around here. If I can get half of the school to believe I’m having threesomes with Quentin and Mandy Fitzpatrick, so much better, right?”

  Something about that breezy answer irked Adrian. “It’s one thing to spread rumors about yourself, but you talk shit about other people. How can you justify that?”

  Even she could hear how pointed her voice had become.

  The blonde looked at her sidelong. “Some people ask me to do it on their behalf, actually.” She lifted a hand when Adrian snorted. “No, I’m serious. Sometimes a person will get together with someone else, and they want the whole school to know. Or there’s a party, and they want the word to get out.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad,” Adrian conceded, “but that’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”

  Vaughn shouldered her locker shut. She leaned against it, so that they were facing each other directly. “I don’t know how they did it at your old school, but …” Her lips pursed. “All right, here’s the perfect example. Have you heard about what happened between Alex and Lindsay Melbourne? She was Mr. Melbourne’s daughter.”

  “Justin told me a bit.”

  “Honey, that was intense. When Lindsay announced she was late—”

  “What?” Justin hadn’t told her this part of the story. “She missed her period?”


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