Reason and Romance (River Valley Book 1)

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Reason and Romance (River Valley Book 1) Page 19

by Jenn Young

  “What do you know about Grant?” she’d asked Vaughn earlier.

  “He’s always been a little of a mystery,” the blonde had replied. “He moved here when we were still in junior high. Even then, he was practically a mute giant.”

  “Sounds like he hasn’t changed much. Has he ever dated anyone?”

  “He brought a few girls to school dances, but it never went past that. There used to be some buzz that he was gay.” Vaughn’s suddenly demure expression left no doubt as to who had started that alleged rumor. “But that didn’t last.”

  “Some guys tried to mess around with him. But he just looked at them with those freaky eyes,” Travis put in, “and they shut up.”

  Adrian knew exactly what he meant. Grant wasn’t the type who deliberately used his size to intimidate people, but he so seldom said a word that it was easy to mistake his silence for menace. Even then, his silence said volumes.

  She had just finished packing her backpack when Grant showed up. He nodded a greeting as he leaned against the adjoining locker. His muscular frame took up most of the space, but she’d be damned if she stepped back from him.

  “So what do you want to talk about?” she said.

  Grant smiled briefly. “Alex needs his ass kicked.”

  “Why now?”

  “He went too far this time.”

  “Yes,” Adrian agreed. She’d never really had close friends back in Chicago, but even she understood that what Alex had done was wrong. “But if anyone has the right to be upset, it’s Justin, not you.”

  There was a flash of anger in those eyes. “Justin will never confront him.”



  It surprised Adrian. She’d always known Justin was different from his friends, but could he be that passive? Would he really bite his tongue and look the other way as his best friend waltzed off with his twin sister?

  Grant was watching her. She had the feeling that he’d understood her mental process because he said, “Not everyone is like you, Adrian.”

  “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

  “Take it however you like.” His eyes moved over the empty hallway. “Alex has it for you so bad that he’s screwing Justin over. Whether you’re worth it, I don’t know, but if you screw with Justin, I will burn you. And trust me, you do not want that.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Grant. I can take anything you dish out, but if I were you, I’d be more furious with Alex. He’s the one who betrayed your friendship, not me.”

  “Fair enough. Do you have something in mind?”

  Adrian hesitated. It was hard to break her lifetime habit of not confiding in anyone. Odd how she’d spent three years with Jason, and yet she’d talked to him so little. No, they had never been meant to last.

  “Alex has an ego,” she said.


  “He wanted me to cry my eyes out when I saw him with Bri.” As she said the words, she could still feel that sting. “He wanted to break me.”

  Now there was a glint of humor. “I don’t think he succeeded in breaking your heart,” Grant said, “but by all means, feel free to cry on my shoulder.”

  “Here’s the thing. Two people can play that game.”

  He raised his eyebrows, and in that moment Adrian knew he understood. And if she were a betting person, she would have said he knew exactly who she was thinking about. Nicky had once said he was a spooky cyborg, and she hadn’t been wrong.

  “You have any objections?” she said.

  “Too many.”

  “Then what do you suggest we do? Alex’s not playing nice, and if we’re playing nice …”

  “I didn’t say I disagreed.” Grant looked thoughtful and remote as always, but she knew the anger was there. “If you think it’s what you have to do, go ahead.”

  “Are you going to tell Justin about this?”


  “Why not?”

  “He’ll do anything for Bri. He’ll hope that Alex can make her happy.” Grant said the last few words with a nearly invisible roll of his eyes.

  She knew Grant was right. Justin was more soft-hearted than his friends, and she wondered why they even put up with him. Or why he put up with them when he could do better. It was such an unlikely quartet, but she’d formed an unlikely trio with Travis and Vaughn, so maybe she wasn’t one to talk.

  “All right, so we don’t tell him anything,” she said.

  “Yes. If we’re going with your idea …” His smile was faint. “I’d offer myself up, but I’m no good at this kind of thing.”

  She had expected nothing less, but even so, it was a loss. She’d asked Vaughn for information about him, so she could figure out who he was, but she’d also asked to see if Grant had ever dated. If they pretended to date, it would quite possibly send shockwaves roiling throughout the school, and that was exactly what she wanted.

  “Any chance you’ll reconsider?” she said.

  “I’m flattered,” he said, “but no.”

  “Why? Because you don’t like me?”

  “Because you’re Alex’s. Or he’s yours. Either way, it’s the same.”

  Her mouth twisted. “I rather doubt that.”

  “Believe what you want, but I know what I know.”

  Irked, Adrian picked up her bag and shouldered it. She didn’t need to think about what he’d just said, because it was so patently untrue. If Alex had cared for her at all, he would never have gone off with Bri.

  “The list of available guys isn’t that long,” she said. “There isn’t much competition here.”

  “There’s one guy you haven’t mentioned.”

  She grimaced. If she was honest with herself, she’d floated that name in her mind all day long, but now that she was actually discussing the possibility, she still didn’t like it.

  “Quentin,” she said.


  “He’s my number one candidate as you probably know, but I don’t want him feeling me up every chance he gets.”

  Oh yes, she could just imagine it. Quentin would stand too close to her, his hands in places where she didn’t want them to be. His lips on hers, and … just, no. The first time he tried something she didn’t like, she would slap him. And that would be the end of the charade.

  “That’s a problem, yes,” Grant conceded, “but you do want someone who will act as if he’s into you. Like it or not, you’re going to have to do some PDA. He’ll be only too happy to volunteer his services.”


  “He’s Alex’s oldest friend, and they’ve been tight since kindergarten. And if we’re talking about money, he’s got that in spades. Everyone always goes to the parties he throws.”

  Yes, that was one point in Quentin’s favor. He met all of the superficial requirements: looks, brains, money, and social status. Justin was out since he wouldn’t go against his sister, and Grant had disqualified himself. She couldn’t ask Travis to do more than he was already doing. No, it had to be Quentin.

  “We need him, Adrian.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  “Do you trust anyone?”

  She favored him with a tight smile. “Touché. Will he do it?”

  “I think so. He can’t resist the chance to have some fun, even if it’s at Alex’s expense. He’s not happy about what Alex did to Justin.” Grant lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “And I have it on good authority he thinks you’re hot. Win-win.”

  Her lip curled. “Thanks.”

  “I won’t talk to him until I have your permission.”

  Once she said yes, it would put things into motion, but she hesitated. Was it really what she wanted? Did she have a choice? Alex was with Bri, which was bad enough, but he’d done so because he’d wanted Adrian to see.

  “He’s going to have to do one hell of an acting job,” she said.

  Grant shrugged again. “Not really a problem. Quentin loves the spotlight.”

  That part was true. Of course Ale
x would understand that dating Quentin was her retaliatory move, but since he knew she knew that he was dating Bri out of sheer spite, that didn’t really matter. No, it would only warn Alex that she wasn’t taking it lying down. And she had Vaughn who would fuel the gossip machine in her favor.

  “He’ll hold up his end of the deal?” she said.

  “Yes,” Grant said. “I’ll personally guarantee it. Do I have your green light?”

  She tapped her fingers against her thigh. If she said yes, she wouldn’t be able to take it back. She would have to put up with Quentin. She would have to kiss him and pretend to enjoy it. And she’d have to do it with everyone watching her every move and speculating breathlessly. Was it really worth it?


  It boiled down to the crucial fact that Alex had hurt her, and for that, he would pay.

  Adrian met Grant’s eyes. “Do it,” she said.

  “I’ll talk to him tonight.”

  They didn’t shake hands, but it was as good as done. A part of her wanted to turn the clock back. If only Alex had indicated that he’d liked her, they could have—well, there was no use thinking about it. Alex had flung down the gauntlet by going off with Bri, and there was only one thing to do: pick up the damned gauntlet.


  When she stepped out of her car Tuesday morning, Adrian knew she looked good. She’d picked one of her nicest outfits and worked on her hair and makeup. Revenge was a dish best served cold, but there was a certain revenge in looking your best.

  She was halfway across the parking lot when Quentin’s car roared to a screeching halt. How he managed not to kill anyone, she would never know, but in twenty seconds, he’d shut down the engine, locked his car, and slipped his arm around her waist.

  “So I hear you need my gigolo services. Let’s negotiate, shall we?”

  It took all of her patience not to grit her teeth. “It’s called diplomacy. It’s an art. Have you ever heard of it?”

  “Baby, the only art I like is of naked girls.”

  “Charming, Maxwell. I begin to see why you’re single.”

  He grinned. “Wrong. I’m your new kept man. The only thing I want to know is how much you’re going to, ah, commit yourself to this—”

  “Not sleeping with you. Sorry.”

  He didn’t even bother pretending that he hadn’t propositioned her. She couldn’t decide if that made him honest or sleazy. If there was a person who fit the definition of “honest sleaze” it was Quentin, but maybe that was giving him too much credit. Maybe she should have tried to persuade Grant harder to be her new boyfriend.

  “Why not?” Quentin said.

  She brushed off his hand. “Because a girl could pick up one or two STDs by just breathing the same diseased air you breathe.”

  “Just like a guy could get frostbite by standing in the same vicinity as you. That’s something you’ll have to work on, sweetums. If you keep looking at me as if you want to bite off my dick, Alex won’t take you seriously.”

  As loath as she was to admit it, Quentin did have a point. Alex would know that she was taking up with Quentin to show him that she couldn’t be played with, but if she had actual chemistry with Quentin, that would make him think again.

  “Why are you doing this? Why are you going against Alex? Aren’t you supposed to be one of his flunkies?” she said.

  “Is that what you really think? That I’m one of his flunkies? We go back to kindergarten, that’s how close we are.” He sounded stung, and she knew that was good. “If you actually had friends other than that pothead, you’d know—”

  She wagged a finger. “No, no. Remember, you’re not allowed to insult Travis. I don’t care if he throws a beer at you.”

  “I can do anything I want. You don’t tell me what to do.”

  “That’s something you’ll have to work on, sweetums. If you keep talking to me in that tone, Alex won’t take you seriously.”

  He blinked once, then twice. Even as she watched, he exhaled slowly, a mixture of annoyance and admiration in those dark eyes.

  “Damn, Adrian. You always go for the jugular, don’t you?”

  Her smile was slow, feline. “Mm-hmm. And don’t you forget it.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “I don’t think I will.” He inclined his head as if in a show of respect and held his hand out for her backpack. “That chip on your shoulder looks awfully heavy. Better let me carry your books.”

  She snorted, but handed her bag over. They started walking across the parking lot. The fact that they had been talking hadn’t gone unnoticed because the other students were glancing at them curiously.

  That’s right, boys and girls. Stay tuned for more drama!

  “Did you get a chance to talk to Justin?” she asked.

  She’d looked for him all day yesterday, but much to her surprise, he’d vanished. If he had been anyone else, she would have said he had played hooky, but that was almost impossible to believe. He was Justin Latimer, the all-American guy that you brought home to your parents. Even the teachers trusted him.

  Quentin grimaced. “He’s not answering his phone or his texts. Grant hasn’t gotten through to him either.” He nodded at the cars arrayed behind them. “And I don’t see his car anywhere. Yeah, I don’t think we’ll talk to him anytime soon.”

  So Justin was nursing his wounds. She couldn’t blame him because she knew only too well how it felt to be kicked over and again. How you didn’t want to step outside your home because you would see people’s insincere smiles and their murmured lies. In the days following her mother’s death, she’d wanted to stay home, but she had gone to school every single day. Even then, she understood that you didn’t run from your problems. You faced them head-on.

  And you fucking beat them.

  Quentin wasn’t finished speaking. “Alex and I fought over Play-Doh in kindergarten. That’s how we first met, you know. Justin split his clay into halves and gave the first half to me and the other to Alex. He didn’t keep any for himself.”

  He looked straight ahead. “That’s Justin for you. And that’s why I’m your gigolo. Satisfied?”

  Adrian nodded. Had he cited any other reason, she wouldn’t have believed him, but this one had the ring of truth. Quentin was far too close to Alex, and he loved playing games just for the hell of it. What was to say that he wasn’t stringing her along for Alex’s benefit? But if Grant vouched for him and if Justin was his reason …

  “All right,” she said.

  Quentin punched the air with a fist. “Yes! Let’s go make Alex jealous, baby. I willingly offer the use of my body for this glorious cause.”

  Well, at least he didn’t have a hard time mustering some enthusiasm. Hell, he had probably installed a twenty-four-seven live feed in his bedroom, just so the entire school could be his rapt audience for every intimate play-by-play. Quentin thrived on attention like nobody’s business.

  “If we’re going to do this,” she said, “we need some ground rules.”

  “Rules are meant to be broken.”

  She didn’t think she’d ever met anyone who made her roll her eyes every other minute. God, it was like dealing with an overgrown toddler.

  “Maybe I misunderstood you,” she said. “I thought you wanted to get back at Alex for what he’s doing to Justin. This requires something called ‘discipline’ but I’m not sure you’ve ever heard of it. If you’re going to act, you’ll need it.”

  “Every great actor improvises. There’s a difference between having a tight ass and being a tight-ass.”

  “Thank you for that enlightenment.”

  He laughed. “Seriously, Adrian. What do you think you’re doing here?”


  Glancing around, Quentin lowered his voice. “You can dress this up as much as you want, but we both know you want to get back at Alex. Fair enough. But if you want to turn me in a … what, model boyfriend, that’s not going to cut it. I’m not your robot, for one thing. Plus, Alex knows me.
I could be the best fucking actor in the world, but once I play Mr. Sensitive Boyfriend, you’re going to see him laughing his ass off. Is that what you really want?”

  Once again, he was right. She’d briefly visualized turning him into a sanitized boyfriend, but if that was what she had really wanted, she could have easily picked any other guy.

  What did she want?

  The answer came swiftly. She wanted Alex Montgomery sorry that he’d ever fucked with her. And to do that, she would have to upset him. Keep him off-balance and hurt him.

  Quentin was watching her. “You’ve thought of something?”

  “Oh yes.” She stepped closer to him. Casually, she reached out, pleased by the flicker of surprise in his eyes. She ran a lazy finger up his arm. “You’re right, darling. If you put on an act, Alex will never believe you, but as for me …”

  He was quick, she’d give him that. “So you are going to pretend you’re into me? Isn’t that just as obvious as me pretending I’m into you?”

  “Not if I play it right. And, really, if we’re keeping score, he’s being obvious by being with Bri. So it’s just a matter of seeing who’s better.”

  Quentin’s dark eyes opened wide. She had the notion that he was actually disturbed by her cold-blooded logic, but he only shrugged.

  “You’re the boss,” he said.

  Amused, she laced her fingers with his. Maybe this would pan out. And in a perverse fashion, this arrangement actually made sense. If she did most of the work, that gave him less chance to fuck up.

  “Where’s the best location if we want to be highly visible?” she said.

  He nodded toward the school entrance in the front. They were standing on the side because they’d come from the parking lot, so they would have to walk around. The spot he’d picked out was one that was easily seen from the street. And that meant many, many student drivers. Plenty of witnesses.

  “Good choice,” she said. “Come on.”

  It was strange holding hands with him, as they strolled across the school grounds. Jason had been the only guy whose hand she’d clung to, but they had only done it a few times because she’d never enjoyed public displays of affection. She had scorned these people who made out in the hallways and groped each other because they’d always smelled of desperation. Well, now karma was coming back to bite her in the ass.


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