A Fatal Fall: A Senoia Cozy Mystery

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A Fatal Fall: A Senoia Cozy Mystery Page 7

by Harper, Susan

  “She had a fake I.D!” David declared.

  “Did she? Are you sure? Because you weren’t carding everyone,” Felicity said.

  “I carded every single person that I served drinks!” he said.

  “Not true. You didn’t card me or Jefferson,” she said.

  “Oh, come on, no offense or anything, lady, but you and your buddy are obviously over twenty-one,” he said.

  “Really? Because Jefferson is only twenty-three. He’s only been legal to drink for two years, and you didn’t bother carding him, and he has a young face. You were obviously not carding everyone. So tell me again, are you sure that Jamie had an I.D? Fake or not, you’re sure she had one on her?”


  “Really?” Felicity questioned. “Because her big brother took her fake ID from her, and guess what? He still has it. So she never took her fake ID to the party.”

  David seemed a bit flustered, and his answer sounded desperate. “She could have gotten another ID made. You don’t know.”

  “You know what?” Felicity snapped. “We’re obviously not getting anywhere. We’re just talking in circles. I spoke to some of my friends at the station, and it sounds like there were a lot of minors you served drinks to other than Jamie, so they’ll probably issue a warrant for your arrest anyway. Especially if I tell them about you knowing Jamie was up on the roof. I don’t know why I’m bothering trying to figure out what happened when the police will probably be able to squeeze it out of you themselves.”

  “All right, all right, chill,” he snapped right back, then lowered his voice. He glared over at the server who had greeted Felicity when she first arrived. “Go cut some lemons or something and quit eavesdropping!” he demanded, and the girl scurried off to the freezer storage. David then turned back to Felicity and sighed heavily. “Okay. I lied about her having a fake ID to save my own skin, okay? She wasn’t even drinking. She ordered a water.”

  “There was alcohol found in her blood,” Felicity argued.

  “I mean, at first. She didn’t ask for any booze. She just hung out around the bar and around the DJ station for a few hours. She kept bothering Mack and his girlfriend about something. During Mack’s first break, he came over to the bar and told me to give her some drinks and that he’d pay for everything. I told him I hadn’t seen an ID, but he vouched for her. He told me she needed to get wasted because she had had a rough day or whatever.”

  “So you served some girl a bunch of drinks just because Mack told you to?” Felicity asked.

  “Well, yeah, he was paying for them…” Suddenly, David looked a bit pale. He was holding back something.

  “What is it, David?” she demanded.

  He hesitated. “Okay, I guess…looking back, something wasn’t right about that whole situation. Jamie kept saying she had had enough, but Mack kept bringing her more drinks and insisting on her having them. I guess I just thought he was maybe trying to bring her home.”

  “She was just a kid, David!” Felicity snapped. “And you helped her get drunk out of her mind thinking that some creep was trying to bring her home for the night?”

  “I know, I know,” he said defensively. “But Mack’s an old friend. I just assumed everything was okay. He’s a good guy, you know? I don’t know. He had his girlfriend there too, so I wasn’t sure what the deal was exactly.”

  “Okay, well, tell me this: how did Mack know Jamie?” Felicity asked.

  “I don’t think he did, not really,” David said. “Mack’s girlfriend knew her somehow though.”

  “So who is she?” Felicity asked, but David simply shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I had never met her before, and I only talked to her for a few minutes. I just know the woman really got into it with Jamie a couple of times before the night was over, so I have no idea why Mack would want to buy the kid drinks if she was fighting with his girlfriend all night.”

  “That is a bit strange,” Felicity admitted and then pushed her club soda toward David. “Okay, I think I’ll leave you alone for now. Besides, I have a party I have got to get ready for. Try to stay out of trouble.” Felicity left the tavern and headed back down the street to meet Jefferson, eager to share what information she had gathered.

  Chapter 10

  It was nearly midnight, and Felicity and her friends were still waiting in line as they had been all night. She had not been able to get a hold of Mack, and after her conversation with David, she most certainly wanted to have a chat with Mack. After speaking with Abigail, she had learned the name of a night club up in Atlanta that Mack tended to DJ at, and after calling up the club, she had been able to confirm that he was working that night. When Autumn found out that Felicity intended to go to a club, half of the gang had shown up. Autumn, Monte, Veronica, Jack, and Jefferson were all with her. Unfortunately for Dawn, she was stuck on the graveyard shift at the hospital.

  Veronica was decked out in high heels, her favorite little black dress, had done her hair, and adorned herself with her favorite jewelry. Felicity and Autumn had gotten a little dressed up too, but Felicity had to admit that Veronica was making them look like the pretty girl’s less attractive friends that evening. Monte had thrown on a cheap suit while Jack and Jefferson had opted for dark jeans and nice shirts, keeping it fairly casual.

  “Ugh!” Veronica moaned for what was likely the tenth time in the past ten minutes. “My feet are starting to kill me, and all we’ve done is stand in line! I want to dance and relax.”

  “You know that’s not why we’re really here, right?” Jack spat.

  “That’s not why you’re here, hon, and cool it,” Veronica warned. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re the odd man out here.”

  “Veronica—” Felicity started to scold.

  “She’s just cranky because she’s hungry,” Monte declared. He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a candy bar. “Dawn warned me you’d be cranky if you didn’t eat.”

  “Haha, very funny, Monte,” Veronica hissed, but she snatched the candy bar from him anyway and ate it inhumanly fast. She tossed him the wrapper, reapplied her lipstick, and then put her hands on her hips. “Okay, time to go,” she declared and broke the line.

  “Veronica!” Felicity snapped and hurried after her. “Don’t get out of line!”

  The rest of the group followed. Veronica strutted up to the front of the line and stood staring at the bouncer with a serious look. “Let us in,” she said as though her word was law.

  The bouncer looked at Veronica and her misfit friends behind her, shrugged, and nodded toward the entrance. Well, if I had known it would have been that easy, Felicity mused and followed after her friend. She could hear the people who had been in front of them moaning. Sorry, Felicity thought, but we’re on a mission.

  Autumn, Veronica, and Monte hit the bar, but Felicity remained behind with Jack and Jefferson. The music was loud, and the three of them had to shout. “You see Mack?” Felicity asked.

  Jack pointed. “There’s that creep,” he grumbled. “I ought to knock him around a bit for buying my seventeen-year-old sister alcohol all night.”

  “Easy, boy,” Felicity warned. “Jack, maybe you should go with Autumn and the others. Jefferson and I will try to talk to Mack. Maybe you should just relax some.”

  Jack grunted, but he reluctantly trailed after Autumn. Felicity and Jefferson made their way over to the DJ station that was up on a large stage, only to discover that it was heavily guarded by security. She attempted to talk to the security guards about speaking to Mack, but all they did was threaten to kick her out if she didn’t back up. “Well, this isn’t going to work!” Felicity complained to Jefferson.

  “Just back up before we get kicked out,” Jefferson said and ushered her away.

  They spent the next several hours hanging out around the DJ station, hoping to catch Mack during a break. He didn’t move from his equipment up on the stage, though. “I think I’m starting to go deaf standing so close to these speakers!” Felicity
shouted to Jefferson, so they backed even further away.

  They walked around aimlessly for a while until they found Autumn, Veronica, and Monte, who were all dancing and swaying to the music. After they made their way to them, Felicity leaned toward Autumn and shouted, “Where’s Jack?”

  “He’s made the bar his home for the evening,” Autumn said. “Bringing him here was probably a bad idea. He’s going to drown his sorrows in liquor.”

  Felicity sighed and hurried toward the bar. She had been the one who invited Jack along, so she felt a little responsible. She found him and discovered that he was on his third drink, and she deduced that that would be enough. Jack wasn’t exactly a lightweight, but she wasn’t about to let him, as Autumn had put it, drown his sorrows. She pulled him away from the bar, and the two of them danced for a while since they were unable to get anywhere near Mack.

  “Where did Monte go?” Felicity shouted at Autumn.

  “He’s over by the DJ station,” Autumn responded.

  “Well, I’ll be,” Felicity mumbled under her breath as she saw Monte giving her a nod from across the room, directing her toward a booth. He had somehow gotten Mack’s attention and they were having a conversation.

  “Come on,” Felicity said, grabbing onto Jefferson and leading him over to the booth that Monte was luring Mack to.

  “Wait, where you two going?” Jack shouted.

  “Stay here,” Felicity demanded, thinking it was best that Jack kept his distance from Mack.

  She and Jefferson met up with Monte and Mack at a booth, and Felicity shot Monte a quick smile. “Hey, Felicity, you remember Mack from the party in Senoia, right?” Monte said with a wink. She had almost forgotten that Monte had spent a considerable amount of time hanging out at the DJ station during the party.

  “Hey, Mack,” Felicity said.

  Mack and Monte were both standing, so Felicity didn’t bother taking a seat. “Felicity Overton, what’s up?”

  “Nothing much, Mack,” Felicity said, but she did not wait long to dive into her interview. She wasn’t sure how long of a break Mack would have. “Listen, I need to ask you about the event in Senoia.”

  “Oh?” he questioned, taking a drink from Monte’s hand. Evidently Monte had lured him in with a free drink. He took a sip. “What’s up? Did I leave something behind or what?”

  “No,” Felicity said. “I want to talk about Jamie. The girl who died at the party.”

  Mack frowned. “I don’t know anything. Already told the police that. I got to get back to work.” He started to leave, but Monte blocked him.

  “Hear her out,” Monte demanded, and Mack bucked up at him slightly.

  “Who do you think you are?” Mack snarled.

  “Did you tell the police you were the one buying Jamie drinks?” Felicity asked, and Mack spun around to face her.

  “Who told you that?” he spat.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Felicity said.

  “All that matters is you don’t seem to be denying it,” Jefferson said, standing alongside Monte so that the man couldn’t bolt.

  “Do you have a girlfriend, Mack?” Felicity asked.

  Mack laughed. “Why, sweetie, are you asking me out on a date?”

  “Pig,” Jefferson snarled. “No, she’s not.”

  Mack rolled his eyes. “No, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Really?” Felicity questioned. “Because your bartender buddy says that you do.”

  “Oh, did he?” Mack hissed. “I’m guessing he’s the one who told you about me buying Jamie drinks then. I don’t have to talk to you about a thing, Felicity.” He turned toward Jefferson and Monte. “Move or I’ll have security throw all three of you out, got it?”

  He stared them down, and Felicity gave her two friends a reassuring nod so that they’d back away. They stood aside, and Mack shoved both of them as he pushed his way between them and headed back toward the DJ station. “Well, that wasn’t very informative,” Monte said. “Sorry, guys, I tried. He recognized me from the party. We had talked for a good bit that night before Dawn and I had to leave. So I waved him over for you.”

  “Thanks for the try, Monte,” Felicity said. “He didn’t give us much. Either David or Mack is lying about the girlfriend, though.”

  “My money is on Mack,” Jefferson said. “He seems kind of slimy.”

  There was loud shouting coming from the DJ station. Jefferson and Monte spun around, and Felicity glanced over the men’s shoulders to see that Jack had grabbed at Mack, and there were two security guards pulling Jack back. “Idiot!” Jefferson shouted.

  Monte scurried in their direction. “Jack, knock it off!” he roared over the loud music.

  Mack was screaming and cussing at Jack, who had a hold of his sleeve and had caused him to drop his free drink. “Back off, buddy!” one of the security guards shouted as he pushed Jack. He tumbled and landed flat on his back just as Felicity, Jefferson, and Monte caught up to him.

  “You’ve gotta go, man,” one of the security guards huffed, glaring down at Jack.

  “All of them!” Mack shouted and waved toward Felicity, Jefferson, and Monte. “They’re all causing trouble. Kick them all out!”

  Well, this is a first, Felicity thought as she and the guys were escorted to the back parking lot of the club. “Control your boys, sweetie,” one of the bouncers said as he slammed the back door shut, leaving them all locked out of the club.

  “Great,” Felicity said and pulled out her cellphone to alert Autumn and Veronica to their current predicament.

  While she attempted to get a hold of the women, the three men all shouted and argued with one another. “Way to go, Jack! Are you drunk?” Jefferson snarled.

  “I’m not drunk! I only had a couple of drinks!”

  Felicity held up three fingers with her free hand, and Monte laughed. “He can’t hold his own,” Monte said.

  “Shut up, Monte! I told you, I’m not drunk!” Jack roared. “I just saw how that Mack guy pushed past you three, and I was going to try to talk to him, but he freaked out! That’s all! I wouldn’t just attack some guy!”

  “Really?” Jefferson questioned and gave Jack a slight shove. “Because that’s sure what it looked like, Jack! Your cop buddies were right. You’re too close to this. You’re not thinking straight. We could have stuck around and tried to talk to Mack again once he cooled off, but there is no way he’s going to ever talk to us now! We’re not cops. We can’t just haul him off to the station. You’re on sabbatical. You can’t either. We have to handle this like civilians, and you just screwed up! You straight up attacked him like a raving lunatic!”

  “Oh, give it a rest, Jefferson,” Jack hissed.

  “Would you three be quiet!” Felicity snapped. “Autumn, can you hear me?” Felicity could hardly understand her friend over the sound of the music in the background.

  A few minutes went by, but eventually Felicity and the guys spotted Autumn and Veronica making their way around the back of the club toward them. “Way to go!” Veronica sang. “Did you guys really get kicked out of a club? Who knew you were such a rebel, Felicity?”

  “Very funny,” Felicity whined. “You know good and well it wasn’t my fault.”

  “Let me guess,” Veronica teased and then pointed right at Jack. “That one, right?”

  “Not funny,” Jack retorted.

  Felicity turned to face Jack with her arms crossed. “Why did you act like that, Jack? I know it’s your sister, but—” Jack pulled out his phone and tossed it to Felicity. She barely caught it. “Patrick just sent that to me. He asked me if it meant anything to me. Apparently, that picture was found on my sister’s cellphone.”

  Felicity looked at the picture to see Mack and Nadine standing by the DJ station together at the party in Senoia. “What is this?” Felicity asked.

  “I didn’t just freak out because of the way Mack acted, all right?” Jack took a breath. “Patrick called me while you guys were talking to Mack. He wanted to know if my Uncle
Roger and Aunt Nadine were separated, and I said no. Apparently there’s a lot of photos on my sister’s phone of Mack and Nadine together. At the park. At a bar. And at the party. She’s got one picture of Nadine leaving Mack’s house early in the morning.”

  “Your aunt was cheating on your Uncle Roger with the DJ?” Felicity questioned and handed Jack back his phone.

  Jack was nearly in tears, but he fought them off. “Mack must have found out that Jamie was onto them. From the pictures, she was obviously planning on telling Uncle Roger. Mack must have found out… and then he probably decided to shut Jamie up about it. It’s why he bought her drinks. He must have gotten her drunk so that he could kill her!”

  “Jack, you don’t know that,” Monte said.

  “Yeah,” Autumn agreed. “Let’s not overreact here.”

  Jack was already walking back toward the club. “Jack!” Veronica called, chasing after him in her way too tall heels.

  The others hurried after him as well. Jack paced along the back of the building. “I’m going to make him tell me what really happened!” Jack declared, his fists clinched at his side.

  “Jack, stop it!” Felicity demanded in such a strong tone that Jack stopped pacing. “Maybe we should talk to your uncle. See what he knows as far as Nadine and Mack are concerned. They’re not going to let us back into that club after you almost punched the DJ.”

  Jack leaned against the brick wall of the building. “I’m sorry. But when I got that text from Patrick, and then saw that smug guy trying to get away from you guys as quickly as possible, I freaked out. I just made things more difficult. I’m going to go talk to my uncle right now.”

  “Jack, you can’t drive,” Jefferson said.

  “I told you, I’m not drunk!” Jack shouted.

  “You’re close enough,” Felicity said. “I’ll drive you home.”

  “Um, guys, we all drove up here together in the van, remember?” Autumn retorted.

  “Why don’t the three of us just take a cab, and Felicity and Jack and Jefferson can go do what they need to do?” Veronica suggested. “We’re all headed to Newnan, and those three will be headed to Senoia. It’s nearly two in the morning. I don’t want to be in the car any longer than I have to.”


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