Marked by a Vampire (The Hybrid Coven Book 1)

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Marked by a Vampire (The Hybrid Coven Book 1) Page 7

by Angela Sanders

  Matthew looked down at their joined hands, then back into her beautiful blue gaze. “There is nothing to forgive, Grace. Please do not be upset,” he said with a small smile. He wanted to kiss her, but he knew it would be inappropriate.

  The doorbell rang before Grace could reply and Matthew was thankful. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand in such close proximity to her without looking like a lovesick puppy. He was over one hundred and seventy-five years old. He was mentally chastising himself and knew he needed to act accordingly.

  He pulled his hand away. “I’ll answer the door. Why don’t you finish your lunch?”

  Grace nodded and Matthew went to answer the door. It was Elizabeth.

  Chapter 9

  “Hey, Matthew. Sorry, I’m late,” Liz said as she walked through the door.

  She was wearing her usual black leather pants, green tank top and knee-high black leather boots, with the Sword of Light sheathed to her back. Her long, dark brown hair hung in waves concealing it and her yellow-green eyes were glowing when she walked into the family room.

  “Welcome. You’re not late. We were just having lunch. There’s plenty if you’re hungry and coffee is on the table,” Matthew said, closing the door behind her.

  “No, thank you, but I will have some coffee.”

  “Hello, Elizabeth. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” Genevieve stood to greet her. “This is Grace and you already know Dee. Grace is our newest family member and recently turned hybrid that I spoke to you about over the phone,” she said, smiling at Grace as a proud mother would.

  “Hey, Grace. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry about what happened to you, but at least you’re in good company,” Liz said when she sat down on the couch.

  “Thank you. I have to agree,” Grace said. “Everyone has been wonderful, especially considering what they’ve had to put up with since I arrived. It’s been strange, that’s for sure.”

  Dee jumped up and hugged Liz. “It’s so good to see you! I’ve missed you, girl. How have you been?” she asked excitedly, taking a seat beside her.

  “Well, since the whole talisman shit went down, it’s been like living in a nut house,” Liz replied. “The damn coven won’t leave us alone and they’re treating us like criminals. You know Delphine’s talisman has always belonged to our family.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s the council. Something’s up with them, but I’m not sure what it is. I just keep my nose out of it and steer clear.”

  “Good that you do,” Liz said. “You’d think since my family has protected their asses all these years and kept that stupid talisman safe, they’d help find out who stole it instead of investigating us.” She blew a strand of hair from her face and huffed. “It’s freakin’ hot as hell outside. I should’ve pulled my hair back.”

  Dee began laughing. Liz was exactly the same—still funny as hell. She loved her divalicious personality. She was always dressed to the nines and for a twenty-one-year-old, she was much more mature than most her age. Dee hated that Liz’s family was going through so much. She only knew part of the story but had heard about her sister, Abby, being attacked by a demon and how their evil ancestor, Marie Delphine LaLaurie, had somehow escaped her talisman-encased prison. She had attempted to take over Abby’s body and soul in order to rise again and have a corporeal body of her own, but that demon screwed up her plans. From what she understood, Abby nearly died trying to rid New Orleans of the demon, then she and her family were summoned before the council almost immediately afterward. Dee wasn’t up to speed on all the details but knew they’d really been through a terrible ordeal.

  “I’ll grab you a hair tie from my apartment when we get there,” Dee said. “We have to stop by so I can pack a few things. I’m staying here with Grace for a while, at least until we can get rid of the vampire who marked her.”

  “Thank you. I was in a hurry. There’s too many damn people in my house these days,” Liz remarked with a roll of her eyes and flipped her hair to the side.


  Grace was listening to Dee and Liz’s conversation while she ate and knew right away that she and Liz would get along. Her fiery personality reminded her a lot of Amelia. Crap, Amelia. Her friend was most likely a vampire now and that meant Liz would have to kill her or redeem her or whatever that light sword did to her soul. Grace’s heart sank in her chest and she lost her appetite.

  “Liz, if we find that Amelia was turned, do you really have to kill her? Is there any other way?” Grace asked, interrupting her conversation with Dee.

  Liz looked over at Grace with a sad expression. “Well, it all depends. If she’s gone rogue and can’t control her bloodlust, killing innocents, then I’m afraid the answer is yes. It’s what I do. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Grace looked down at her hands for moment then back to Liz. “What if there’s another way? If she was turned, she’s only been a vampire for a few days. Shouldn’t she be given a chance once we get her away from those ancient assholes?”

  “We will give her the opportunity to prove herself,” Genevieve said. “I wouldn’t want to kill an innocent soul. If in fact she was turned, we will know if it was against her will.” She looked at Liz then back to Grace.

  “I’m glad to know that Amelia has a chance,” Dee said, then sighed. “But what, exactly, am I going to say to her? She can smell bullshit from a mile away.”

  “Just call her from my cell and tell her yours is dead,” Grace replied. “Then let me talk to her.”

  Matthew had been silent the entire time, allowing the women to catch up and talk, but when Grace mentioned speaking to Amelia, the expression on his face was saying a whole lot of hell no. “I’m not sure that is such a great idea, Grace. What if Donavon is listening in on her thoughts?” he asked, looking directly into Grace’s eyes.

  “That’s what we want, right? To lure him and his buddies out so Liz can go all Buffy the Vampire Slayer on ‘em?”

  Liz snorted and laughed out loud. “That’s one way of putting it. Sounds okay to me. You won’t be alone and I’ll know as soon as they get anywhere near your place,” she said and poured herself a cup of coffee from the carafe on the table.


  Matthew didn’t appreciate Elizabeth interrupting him or the fact that she was right. He wanted to do everything possible to ensure Grace’s safety. He sat back against the sofa without saying another word. He did, however, continue to steal a glance at Grace when he thought she wasn’t looking.

  Genevieve stood from her seat and clapped her hands. “All right, everyone. It’s time we go over our plans for tonight. First we must go to Dee’s apartment, but we have to be discreet.” She paused, looking at Dee. “Your home could be under surveillance, so you’ll have to be quick about gathering your things—in and out in five minutes.

  “Grace. You and Dee will enter your apartment first. I want Dee to do a magical sweep of the area to ensure the space is empty before the two of you make the call to Amelia.

  “Matthew. You, Liz and I will we be across the street in my van waiting for confirmation.” She paused again and looked back toward Dee. “Once you’ve deemed the apartment secure, call me and we’ll take the back entrance and meet you inside. Does anyone have any questions?”

  Grace raised her hand and Genevieve nodded for her to go ahead. “Do you think I’ll be able to call upon my magic now? I mean, I hope it wasn’t just a fluke.”

  “My dear, it was no fluke. I’ve never witnessed power awaken as quickly or as powerful as yours did today. You only need to call upon it with your mind, but you must feel it within yourself when you do. Does that make sense?”

  “I guess so,” Grace replied with a shrug. “I assume if I’m in danger, the magic will come no matter what—I’ll scream for it if I have to.”

  Genevieve and Liz smiled at her. “I’m sure it will not come to that,” Genevieve said warmly. “Concentration is key. Remember, you’re not only a newly awakened witch, but a hybrid too. You h
ave much more strength and power inside of you than you realize.”

  “All right then. A learning process it is. Hopefully my kickass hybrid side jumps into gear soon.”

  Matthew reached across the table to make himself a cup of black coffee. He’d drunk too much Scotch today. Although, as a hybrid his body could consume much more alcohol than that of a human, he was beginning to feel like a lush. He knew he needed to be at his best tonight; he was done with day drinking, at least for today. The women, Grace in particular, were driving him mad. The onslaught of newfound emotions was making his head spin. His mind kept screaming the word, “Mine.” He growled in frustration and Grace looked at him with a confused expression.

  “Matthew, did you say something?” she asked scrunching her face. There it was again. His voice in her head and this time he said, “Mine.” What in the actual hell was that supposed to mean? “Mine.” Was he serious or was she hearing voices in her head? Ah shit. Maybe she was really losing her mind or it was Donavon attempting to break into her thoughts again. “Not now,” she said through gritted teeth under her breath, shaking her head.

  Matthew paused mid pour not realizing his coffee mug was now overflowing. “Hey, you’re making a mess,” Dee snapped and removed the carafe from his hands. No, it wasn’t her house, but damn. What was going on with him? He’d been giving Grace the googly eyes all day and it was starting to get creepy, at least by her standards. If he wanted to talk to her, he should just do it already.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention,” he remarked and began soaking up the spilled coffee with a cloth napkin from the food tray.

  Grace was still waiting for Matthew to answer and by his reaction, she was certain he definitely spoke to her mind, but not on purpose like the time before. “Matthew, can I speak to you in the foyer for a moment, please?” she asked, standing up from the couch.

  Matthew only nodded when Grace walked toward the foyer, expecting him to follow. How the hell was he supposed to answer something he didn’t understand himself? She had heard him and most likely this was not the first time, but how?

  Once they arrived in the foyer, Matthew suggested they continue on to the dining room if they truly wanted to have a private conversation. He told her how supernaturals, especially hybrids and vampires had extraordinary hearing, among other senses. She folded her arms across her chest and followed him into the expansive dining room where a long, mahogany table took up the middle of the room with a gorgeous crystal chandelier hanging from the tray ceiling above.

  “Please have a seat,” Matthew suggested.

  Grace eyed him curiously, but wasn’t afraid. She waited for him to seat himself, then sat beside him in a matching high-back chair. Good grief, the furniture here was unbelievable. She took in her surroundings and the glass china cabinet—breathtaking.

  She turned in her seat and looked pointedly at a seemingly nervous Matthew. “How do you it—why do I hear your voice in my head? Is that normal?” she asked him.

  Matthew swallowed hard. “I am not sure. It has never happened to me before. I meant to speak to Genevieve about my suspicions, but you overheard my rambling thoughts before I—”

  “Mine,” Grace cut him off. “Why did you say that word when referring to me? Do you consider me your possession now because I’m staying in your home? Let’s get one thing straight. I like you Matthew, but I was married once before as well, except Charles was an abusive asshole and I was glad to get rid of him. I am no one’s possession. Are we clear?” She pointed a finger between them. Her blue eyes were beginning to glow—a telltale sign that her magic was coming forth. He knew he needed to try and keep her calm; otherwise she might blow up the house. She seemed to be getting angrier by the second.

  Grace wasn’t trying to come across as angry, but the thought of another man trying to possess or control her in any way only served to bring up memories of a marriage that never should have happened. Charles was an abusive SOB, both physically and mentally. After the new wore off, it was nothing for him to come home drunk and slap her around without remembering it the following day. Twice was all it took for her to file for divorce. No amount of “I’m sorrys” or “It’ll never happen again” would change her mind. She left his pathetic ass high and dry, then moved in with Dee until she found the apartment she was currently living in. Well, was living in until now. Then the shit storm, which brought her back to why she was peeved at Matthew.

  Matthew sighed. “I would never presume or even suggest that you were a possession, mine or otherwise.” Then the words that she said hit him like a brick. “Did you say your ex-husband put his hands on you?” he asked, attempting to rein in the anger that was about to burst at any moment. How dare a man lay a hand on his—he stopped himself right there. Grace was not his, no matter how much he wanted it to be so. He knew it would take some time and that was only if she returned his affections.

  “Yes, and you’re changing the subject. How is it that I can hear your thoughts? Are you purposely trying to communicate to me with mind speak or whatever it’s called?” she asked, leaning forward on the table with her fist under her chin where she was almost nose to nose with Matthew.

  He inhaled her scent without meaning to look like a creep and closed his eyes. She smelled of honey and a warm summer day. He could smell the peach body wash on her skin and wanted to move even closer to commit her scent to memory.

  “You’re sniffing me, hybrid boy—man. Whatever. Just stop.”

  “I do apologize, but you smell heavenly.” He slowly backed away from her.

  Grace was secretly not at all bothered by his closeness or him smelling her hair. There was something about the man that made her think of things she couldn’t afford to be thinking of, not tonight anyway.

  “Thanks. So you really don’t know why I can hear you? Can you hear me?” she asked curiously. Holy shit! How many times had she ogled his body or wondered what his muscled chest would look like without his shirt or on her floor to be more exact. Oh, she was bad.

  “I’ve only heard your thoughts the one time, during your transition and that is all,” he replied sincerely. Grace didn’t detect a lie and felt a bit better knowing he hadn’t accidentally eavesdropped on her most intimate and embarrassing thoughts.

  “All right then. It is what it is. Maybe Genevieve will know more, but first we have some vampire ass to kick,” Grace said leaning forward once more, grinning mischievously. She was a hair’s breath away from his lips and wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Those full lips. Run her hands through his jet-black hair. Dammit. It had been way too long since she had been with a man and here she was drooling and ready to pounce on Matthew in the dining room no less. Her face instantly turned a bright shade of red, then she tried to pull away, but he was much faster.

  Matthew clutched her face in his hands. “May I kiss you, Grace?” he asked in a deep sexy voice. All she could do was nod in his hands. She was lost in an ocean of blue, hypnotized by the stunning man in front of her. At the time, she didn’t care if he could hear her thoughts. All she heard was the loud thumping of her heart beating with anticipation as she waited for him to kiss her.

  “Say it. I want to hear you say the words, Grace,” Matthew demanded.

  “Kiss me, Matthew,” she said breathlessly.

  He brushed his soft lips against hers, gently at first. When she parted her lips and gasped, he took it as an invitation for more. Matthew darted his tongue into her mouth—she tasted exquisite like a fine wine. Releasing her face, he pulled her from the chair, not breaking the kiss and sat her on his lap. Their kiss was like a dance, both fighting for dominance, but neither giving up the chase. When Grace nibbled on his bottom lip and threw her arms around his neck, he nearly came undone. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d kissed a woman so passionately or maybe because it was Grace. He couldn’t get enough. The woman was reaching down into the very depths of his soul with her kiss alone. She moved on his lap to straddle him and Matthew gr
owled deep in his throat. The word “Mine” rushed into his mind immediately—he had no control over his thoughts.

  Grace heard that word again, but she was so lost in his kiss and feeling his hard body pressed against hers, she couldn’t care less. She’d think about it later. She’d never been so aggressive with a man and wondered if it had something to do with hybrid hormones. Were they different?

  When Matthew lifted her T-shirt and exposed her bra, Grace threw her head back, mind speak and everything else forgotten except the gorgeous man in front of her. He was reaching places inside of her she never knew existed without so much as a touch. Her body trembled when she felt his lips graze the peaks of her bare breasts.

  A throat cleared at the doorway to the dining room. “You two about done in here?” Dee asked, holding back a snicker. “Good thing we’ve been eating in the family room. Remind me to never eat in here.”

  Grace frantically pulled her shirt down and Matthew deposited her back in her chair and stood, forgetting about the painful throbbing in his pants. “We were only talking. Having a heated conversation, that is all,” Matthew lied, adjusting his shirt.

  Dee raised a brow. “Uh huh, and I was born at night, but not last night. Come on, you two. We have work to do.” She looked over at Grace’s flushed face and smiled. It was about time that girl hooked up with someone and who better than Matthew. The man was as kind as they come—silent and somewhat brooding, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to tease the shit out of the two of them for a while. She definitely wasn’t expecting that when she went looking for them. Matthew’s creepiness factor just went out the window. She shook her head and turned to leave.

  “I’m coming. Be out in a second,” Grace said looking mortified.


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