by Sean Russell
PhilstoodinfrontofJade.Hegrabbedbothhershoulders,almosttoohard.He staredintohereyes,hisownintenseenoughtomakeherquiverinside.
SofarI’vebeensparring,nowit’stimetofight.Don’tquestionme.Don’thold me back. Just trust me and give me the freedom to fight, to win.” In the next momenthewasgone.Ifhiseyesweren’tsointense,andhershoulderswerenot sosore,Jadewouldhavethoughtshehadjusthallucinated.
Infact,heknewhewaslargelyresponsible.DeanMorganwasoutoftheisland, hisdeputyDecourceyO’NealeactingimmediatelytohavePhilFerguson’scase
heard.Justbrilliant.Hehadsavedthemanwhenhewasajuniorathisfirm.He hadcaughthimtakingabribewhilehewasassisting,doingsearches,onamajor case.
It would have been disastrous had the transgression been made public. Jimmy, beingamanofvision,tookthemanasideandofferedhimachancenottogoto jail.HealsodidhimthefavourofgettingajobwiththeCrown.Ofcourse,that meanthehadtoleaveJ.C.
Chambers. It also meant that Jimmy had a spy on the other side of the legal battlefield.MuchofJ.C.
Chambers’ work was defence litigation. Jimmy made sure to reward his accomplice.O’Nealewassmartandambitiousenoughtorisethroughthesystem
to the position he now held as deputy Director of Public Prosecutions. Jimmy pondered…withDeanMorganoutofthewayforsometimeandO’Nealeback
He was on his way for his treat for being such a shrewd manipulator. He was about to meet Amanda and Jackie at Amanda’s condo. This was a night for posterityandhehadtheequipmentinplacetorecordit.
Jimmy had hardly pressed the doorbell before the door opened and he was greetedbyagorgeousspecimen.JackielookedatJimmydirectly,eyetoeye.
They were about the same height. Jimmy wore shoes, she was barefooted. Her smile said ‘welcome’ in every way. She kissed him full on the lips without warning.
She stepped aside and ushered him in with a turn of her head. Jimmy was alreadyaroused.
Amandawassittingonthecouchinashort,red,sheernegligee.Herkneeswere bentwithherfeettuckedunderherbottom.Herkneeswerespreadslightlyapart.
Jimmycouldnottellifshewaswearingpanties,butheknewhewouldsoonfind out.Theroomwasdimlylitandtherewasamuskyaromaofincensethatwas
smouldering in an earthen pot with a low flame. The sound of soft, alternative jazz-rockfusionfilledtheroom.Itallhadanheady,sensualeffectonJimmy.
He was about to answer when she took a sip from her glass and walked up to him.Shekissedhimagain.Thistimeshepouredherdrinkintohismouth.Her
tongueplayedwithhis.Hegaveherapieceofhis.Hebecameawareofherhand onhiscrotch.Shewasrubbinghisdick.
Somehow she knew just how to touch. How much pressure, how much much intensity. He was going past aroused. He was not used to this. Jimmy was a controlfreak:takecharge,dothingshisway,followhiscommands.Here,hewas literally ambushed. It was not what he was used to, it was different. He had to admit that he liked it. He had been secretly hoping that something like this wouldhappen.Asurprise.Healwaysmanagedtobullyorintimidatepeople,so
Jackiewasworkingonhispantsnow,unfasteninghisbelt.Shewasonherknees in front of him. Amanda was in the background, giving him a show. She had parted her legs and placed her hand between her thighs. The other hand was alternating between her lips and her breast. She looked very turned on. She beckonedtohimwiththesamefingershewasusingtopleasureherself.Jimmy
don’t even know her.” Her tone was accusatory and he wasn’t sure if she was seriousorjustteasing.Hewasn’tabouttotakeanychances.Jackiewassweet, but he had wanted to fuck Amanda for so long that there was no way he was goingtoletthischancetohaveherslipby.
She had always been so elusive. He started walking towards her and nearly trippedonhispantswhichwerenowwrappedaroundhisankles.Hesteppedout
of his pants and ripped his shirt off. Jackie assisted him and was behind him
now.Hefeltrestrictedbyhisclothesnow.Hiscockwaspainfullyhard.Itmay not have been the size he suggested, but with the Viagra he had on board, satisfactionwasguaranteed.Asthoughshewasreadinghismind,Jackiespoke
softly in his ear as he marched over to Amanda. She had by now parted her thighsmoreandwasslowlyandrhythmicallygyratingherhips.
neckandherhandhadfoundhiserectmember.Hecouldnotbelieveitcouldget harder,butitdid.
“What’s wrong Jimmy? Do I have do this all on my own? You promised me satisfaction.JustbecauseIgotaheadstartdoesn’tmeanyoucan’tcatchup.IfI have to, I’ll finish the race without you. But remember this, I will be very disappointed.” Amanda’s hip movements were quicker now. Her hand between her thighs kept pace, the other hand had found it’s way under the negligee for support.
Jimmy’s brain went into overload. He was being forced to choose. He had anticipatedthathewouldgetthegirlstofoolaroundwitheachotherandputon ashowforhim.Gethiminthemood,andthenhecouldjoinatwill,whenand
where he thought he would be most effective. Instead, they were pulling in oppositedirectionsandhefeltlikeifhewouldbeapunkifhetriedtoflipthe script.Hisbrainwasinoverdrive,buthisbodywasinneutral.Hehadstopped walking and stood still as he tried to work out how to gain control of the situation.
Jackie pushed him, gently, playfully he assumed, but it was enough for him to fall forward. Jimmy ended up on all fours, his face level with the seat of the couch and pleasingly close to Amanda’s knees and what lay beyond. He advancedsteadilyasifhewasapieceofironorebeingpulledbyanpowerful magnet.
Hismindwasracing,climaxinginanticipation.Hedidnotknowifhewasgoing toeatherorfuckher,buthewasreadytoattackAmandalikehejustgotoutof prison.
“Don’tworry,thisheightensthearousal.”Jackie’sgentlevoicecontradictedthe forcewithwhichherhandsclenchedthebagonhisneck.
Jimmy’ssensoriumbegantoblurandasitdidhissubconscioustoldhimthiswas what the bitches did, not men. Uncannily, as if Jackie was reading his mind again,shespoke.Thistimethetonewasharsh,almostdemonic.
Jimmy felt the most horrific sensation he could imagine—the entry of a hard, cylindrical object up his rectum, accompanied by immense pain. His las
t act beforehelostconsciousnesswastograbJackie’shandtopullthedildoout.His last thought before drifting into dreamland was Oh shit. This is not a dildo.
Jackie isaman!
Teddy heard Phil coming. First he heard the engine screaming, then he heard screeching as the agitated driver applied brakes. Next, he heard the driver bangingonhisdoor.Themanwasdefinitelyagitated.
“Come in Phil. Have a seat. Have a drink.” As usual, Teddy was having a libation.HehadsetasideaglassforPhilwhenhecalled.PhileyedTeddy,then theglass,andwithanexasperatedsighhefloppedintothechair.Teddypoureda drinkforPhilandhandedittohim.
“Iknow,butIdon’thavetimeforretrospect.Theywantmeincourtthedayafter tomorrow.Teddy,Ineedyourhelp.I’mreadytofightdirty.”
“Considering the bind that you were in, I took the chance and started my own personalinvestigationtogetdirtonJimmy.”
“She’sJimmyCadogan’spersonalsecretary.ShethinksJimmyisashite.Shehas seenalotofunfairandsomeillegalactivitiescarriedoutbythatman.
Shesaiditturnsherstomach.Shefeelsjusticeshouldbeserved.She’swillingto provide documents that prove that he’s broken the law several times and that plentytimeshehas,unethically,suithimselfevenifitunfairedhisclients.”
Great. Let’s talk to her, get the proof and get Jimmy to lay off. That’s how it worksright?”
Phil was on his feet. His nostrils were flaring, his chest was heaving and the veinsonhisforeheadwerebulging.Hislegthrobbedashelimpedaroundonit.
He should not have been weight bearing without support and he risked serious damagetothelimbbyignoringmedicaladvice,buthewastooagitatedtocare.
You told me fight dirty, but this is filthy!” Teddy remained cool in the face of Phil’soutburst.
Igonnatalktoyouasafriend,asIalwaysdo.Takeyourheadoutyourassand listen.”PhilgaveTeddyaglumlook.
“Phil, your ass is on the line. This man means to fuck you up. You ent in no positiontotalkaboutethics.
You headed to prison. Them things ent gonna help you there. You have to do whateverittakestokeepyououtofthere.Thewomanfearsforherlivelihood.
Cadoganisaveryspitefulman.Shewantsenoughmoneytorelocateandstarta newlife.Sheissurehewilldestroyherifshehangsabouthere.Berealistic.
Thatmoneyisasmallfortuneforher;it’spettycashforyou.Whatpricedoyou putonyourfreedom?Yourfreedom,myman,yourlife.”
“I understand what you are saying, and in a perverse, twisted way it makes sense,butIdon’tthinkIcandoit.”
“More than being locked up wrongfully on a made up charge and losing everything you worked your whole life for because of a cunt like Jimmy Cadogan???”
yourdirtyfighting.Lethersupportyouasyoufight,butdon’tinvolveherinthe nastydetails.Thereisnowaythatcanhelpyou.”Philnodded.
“Myfriend,youwillsitwithmeuntilyoumakeadecision.Eitherway,I’llback you but you don’t have time to waste. If you decide to work with Sonia, do it tonight.Thereisnolotoftimeforhertogetfilesandmakearrangements.”
Teddy pondered after Phil had left. He had always admired Phil—he was genuinelyagoodman,alittlespoilt,buthedidlearnfromhismistakes.Teddy remembered the last time Phil was in a bind. They were both in the hiatus between high school and university. It was the summer after ‘A’ levels. High schoolwasfinished.
They were partying one Saturday night at one of the night clubs on the south coast.Philhadhadsomedrinks,ashadTeddy.Theywereontheirwayoutwhen amanwhowashasslingPhil’sdatecameoutafterthem.Theman’snamewas
Derek and he had recently broken up with Erica. He had been too smothering andshehadwantedtobreathe.ShewasoutwithhergirlfriendsandhadmetPhil attheclub.Philwassocool-lookingandsoeasytotalktothatshe’dstartedto partywithhim.Derekhadturnedupthereashegotwindofwhereshewas.In
reality, one of Erica’s friends who wanted to see some drama, decided to call Derekandpretendtobeaninnocentspectatortotheresultingscene.Sheknew how jealous he got, even if he and Erica were supposed to be ‘seeing other people’.
Theclubhadanoutdoorareawherethedancefloorwasraisedandseparatedby awoodenrailing.Itwasamoonlitnightwithaskysoclearthatonecouldcount allthestarsinthegalaxy.Eventhoughitwassummer,therewasacoolbreeze comingacrossthefloorfromthebeachjustafewmetersaway.Therewerejust enoughpeopledancingforthehumanenergytobepalpable,andeveryonehad
enough room to strut their stuff. For those who craved romance, it was one of thoseperfectnights.
Derek arrived just in time to see Phil and Erica grinding on the dance floor to After the Love Is Gone by Earth, Wind and Fire. Derek fumed as he watched Erica’slithebodyintimatelyengagedwithPhil’sathleticstructure,followingits every twinge. It was is if they were having sex right there on the dance floor, onlytheprospectofthemwearingclothesactingascontraception.Hemarched
Phil looked at him, assuming it was a prank Teddy was playing on him. He smiledandpulledsomemoneyfromhispocket.
“Get yourself a beer and enjoy the party.” Derek’s demeanour immediately escalatedfromseethingtoenraged.HepulledPhilaroundandchuckedhim.Phil wasabouttoretaliate,butEri
casteppedinbetweenthemandpleadedforthem not to fight. Derek was not satisfied; he wanted blood. He pushed Erica aside with his left arm and was about to hit Phil with his right, but the punch was arrested when Teddy held him firm. Derek was ready to take his chances. He wasstillveryupset,butbythistimeaverylargehumanbeingexplainedtoall involvedtheycouldendthedramathereandthenorbeejectedimmediately.
Common sense prevailed, but Erica was by then upset and embarrassed and decided to leave. Phil offered to take her home, but she declined. Teddy took Philtothebarforsomedrinkstocoolhimdown.
“You ready to finish what you started?” Derek called to Phil as he and Teddy walkedtothecar.
“Yeah.WithErica!”Philsaidwithagrin.Hewassweetwithalcoholandsohe didn’tgiveashitaboutsomepoor,jealousboyfriend.HewasluckyTeddyand
Theywerealmostbythecar.Philhadthekeys,butitwasTeddy’suncle’scar,an oldToyotaCorollawhichhadclearlyseenbetterdays.TeddyletPhildrivesohe could drink as much as he wanted. Phil was more careful with the drinks and hencemoresoberbythetimetheyhadfinishedtheirnocturnalexcursions.
Teddyhadenteredhissidealready—theyneverbotheredtolockthedoors.Phil hadopenedhisdoorandwasabouttogetinwhenDereksteppedupbehindhim
andpushedhim.PhilstumbledforwardandstruckhisheadontheApillarofthe car.Hesawstars,buthewasawarethatDerekwasontheothersideofthedoor.
Heusedthedoorasabatteringramandventedhispainbyusingittoslaminto Derek’sbody.Itwasaforcefulblow,onethatwouldmakeanyNFLlinebacker
Phil was on his way to beat the shit out of him when he felt his progress
retarded. Teddy was holding him, his hands gripping Phil’s jeans as he leaned acrossthecarseat.PhilwasofamindtochopTeddy’shandandbreakthegrip, butheheardTeddy’svoiceappealingtohishigherself.