The Only Solution (Crowley County Series Book 3)

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The Only Solution (Crowley County Series Book 3) Page 5

by T. E. Killian

  Sarah sat back down and fanned herself. “Thank you doctor. We will keep praying for him and I know the Lord will get him up out of that chair and soon.”

  Daisy was surprised at that comment coming from Mike’s mother. Her son sure didn’t seem to have anywhere near that kind of faith.

  * * *

  Mike woke up gradually as if he were emerging from a tunnel through a thick fog. He opened his eyes and the room slowly came into focus. Then he heard a sound to his right and turned that way. His mother was sitting there smiling at him.

  “Welcome back Son.”

  She leaned over and grabbed his hand. That was when he saw another face beside hers. As he focused on that face, he was surprised to see that it was Daisy Thomas sitting next to his mom.

  Why? What were they doing in his bedroom?

  Daisy spoke then. “Hi Mike. The doctors said you did great.”

  Doctors? What was she talking about? Oh yeah! The surgery. It was all starting to come back to him now. He was in the hospital after his surgery.

  Then he realized that he was extremely thirsty. He looked around for something to drink. There was a pitcher and cup sitting on the bedside tray. He started to reach for it but Daisy beat him to it. She poured water into the cup, and handed it to him.

  Daisy remained standing at the foot of his bed and as he sipped water, he took that time to look at her, really look at her, for the first time. She wasn’t tall, only about five four but she seemed taller. It must be the way she carried herself. He’d never noticed her slouching even when sitting.

  He looked at her shoulder length brown hair and realized that wasn’t a good enough description. Her hair was so shiny that it was just like the hair in those commercials on TV. He also noticed that depending on how the light hit it, it would look a little red and then a little blond. She had beautiful hair but he realized now that her eyes were what had always caught his attention. They were a golden brown that was almost green and were they ever huge.

  The sound of his mom’s laughter brought him out of his trancelike inspection of Daisy. He blushed. Mike Bates, former DEA agent actually blushed when he realized that not only his mom but Daisy had also caught him staring at her for so long.

  Sarah stopped laughing long enough to say, “I sure could use a cup of coffee. I think I’ll go see if I can find one. Daisy how about you?”

  His eyes were still on Daisy who was now blushing too. She nodded her head and said, “That sounds good but let me go get it.”

  “Oh no Dear, you just sit where you are and I’ll be right back.”

  With that, she was gone, leaving Mike and Daisy staring at each other across the length of his bed again.

  Mike couldn’t have said anything if his life depended on it. He was totally speechless. But he was glad when Daisy did speak up though. It seemed to break the spell he’d been under.

  “I would imagine that you’re getting rather hungry since you haven’t had anything to eat since last night.”

  When all he could do was nod his head rather stupidly, she continued. “The doctor said you would be able to eat a light lunch when it is served.”

  They both looked at the big round clock on the wall behind her. Eleven o’clock. He had to wait another hour to eat anything and he was starving. He’d probably been okay though if she hadn’t mentioned food.

  She recognized the look on his face and said, “I think I might be able to grab a tray for you a little bit sooner if you would like.” She smiled and said, “Being a nurse, I know how things work around a hospital.”

  He knew he had to say something or she would probably think he still hadn’t recovered from the anesthesia.

  “Yes, I would . . . like that . . . that is.”

  Well it wasn’t much but at least it sounded somewhat intelligent. He needed time to regroup and hoped she would leave in search of a tray but she didn’t.

  “I think I’ll have better luck getting you a tray if I wait another fifteen minutes or so.”

  She moved back to the chair she’d been sitting in when he’d awakened.

  Again, all he could do was stare at her and it seemed that she was staring right back at him.

  They were still like that a few minutes later when Sarah came in carrying two cups of coffee.

  “I didn’t think to ask how you like your coffee Daisy but since you are a nurse I took a chance on black.”

  Daisy broke eye contact with Mike and looked up at Sarah, “Yes, black is fine. Thank you.”

  Mike knew his mother had noticed the way they had been staring at each other without speaking. She leaned back up and said, “I think what this room needs is a little conversation about now.”

  So she proceeded to talk to and about both of them for the next ten minutes. At that time, Dr. Mark Martin came in and approached Mike from the other side of the bed.

  “Hello Mike, Mrs. Bates, Daisy.”

  He leaned across Mike and said, “Let me take a look at your legs.”

  He pulled the sheet up to Mike’s knees and grabbed his feet then poked him up and down each leg.

  “Feel any of that?”

  When Mike only shook his head, Mark said, “Well Mike, it looked pretty good in there where the bullet was lodged. We got all of it out and I don’t really think there is much nerve damage either.”

  Mike didn’t want to ask but was afraid not to. “Will I be able to walk? I still can’t feel anything.”

  Mark shook his head slightly, looked at Mike’s mother and Daisy then back at him. “I really don’t know right now Mike. It all depends on those nerves.”

  He paused and leaned slightly toward Mike. “But it’s not unusual to not have feeling yet. It usually takes a few days for the nerves more or less to wake up. We’ll do a series of tests Monday and get you started on physical therapy. If there’s any chance that you regain any feeling at all, we want those muscles to be ready too.”

  After the doctor left, Daisy excused herself to go find a tray for Mike.

  Sarah took that opportunity to grill Mike and he knew before she even started what was coming.

  “Mike, Hon, Daisy is a very nice woman and I think she likes you . . . a lot.”

  He didn’t say anything so she said, “Well, what are you going to do about it?”

  He finally looked over at her and said, “Do? What do you mean do about it? What do you think I should do? I’m still going to be in a wheelchair when I leave here tomorrow.”

  He slapped his thigh. “I still don’t feel anything down there.”

  She tried to smile but he could see that she was close to tears again. “But the doctor said that you now have a chance to walk again with that bullet gone.”

  Daisy came in just as Sarah said that and as soon as she placed the tray on Mike’s table, she said, “That’s right Mike and the only way you’re going to be able to walk again is to work hard in physical therapy. You’ve got to get those muscles built up again. You won’t be able to walk with flabby muscles.”

  She sat down with a blush on her face. He knew that she had surprised herself with that outburst. Somehow, he knew that wasn’t really like her. She had always seemed to be very quiet even shy around him.

  Mike was trying to force himself to eat the bland almost liquid lunch they had given him when he heard a commotion at the door and it opened to reveal Floyd, Jason, and Ollie Short coming in.

  He did not want to talk with them, and used eating as an excuse to get rid of them quickly.

  He was just about finished with his soup, which was really only broth when the door opened again. He was shocked to see the high school principal, Ron Farley step in and tentatively look around the room.

  Mike put down his spoon and waited for the man to speak. He’d always gotten along well with Ron who had been a fair man to work for.

  Ron walked around to the other side of the bed from the women and after greeting everyone said, “Mike, I sure was glad to hear that they finally got that bullet out.” />
  Mike just nodded.

  Farley blew out a breath and said, “Well, I really wanted to come and tell you that all of us at the high school are pulling for you.” He paused and looked from one to the other and finally back at Mike. “But the main reason I’m here is to tell you again that your old job is still waiting for you.”

  Mike shook his head. “You don’t want a cripple in there teaching. Besides school starts Wednesday and there’s no way I could be ready by then.”

  “Now wait a minute, Mike. Just listen to what I’m about to propose before you say no.”

  Mike continued glaring at the man who sighed and continued, “I don’t care if you are walking or in a wheel chair, you’re still the best history teacher I’ve had in a long time.”

  Mike started to bring up school starting that week but Farley interrupted him before he could start.

  “And as for school starting Wednesday, I have a competent substitute ready to take your classes until you’re ready to take them back over.”

  Mike didn’t know what to think about that. He was still tossing it around in his mind when Farley spoke again.

  “You don’t have to decide right now, Mike. Just give me a call when you do, okay.”

  Mike nodded and Farley left.

  * * *

  Daisy watched Mike as he continued to stare at the closed door after the principal left. She didn’t know what he really felt about teaching, but she was certain that it would be good for him to have a job like that to look forward to.

  It might even be good for him to start teaching before his full recovery. It could even speed up his recovery too. She knew him well enough now to know that he was the type of man who needed activity. And sitting around his house all day was definitely not good for him.

  Mike turned back to his tray and finished his soup still grumbling about not getting any real food. He’d had soup and Jell-O. She had tried to explain to him that his stomach wasn’t quite ready for real food as he called it but he still grumbled.

  She stood and stepped around the bed to pull the table off to the side so he could still reach his water.

  When she sat back down, she began thinking of what she could say to get herself out of this uncomfortable situation. She couldn’t imagine what had come over her before to have sat there and stared at Mike even though he was staring at her. She’d never done anything like that before. Why now? Why Mike?

  It had been one of the most embarrassing situations of her life when Mike’s mother had come in and caught them staring that way. What would Sarah think of her now?

  She was about to open her mouth to excuse herself when there was a knock on the door and Jo and Gil Turner stepped into the room.

  Daisy thought she was getting to know Jo fairly well now but she was still surprised when Jo came up to her and gave her an awkward hug around her huge belly. She hadn’t thought they were that friendly.

  Gil stepped up to Mike’s bedside and said, “Mike.” He turned to Sarah. “Mrs. Bates. I’d like for you to meet my wife Jo.” He pointed to her belly. “And our son or daughter who may just decide to make an appearance before we leave the hospital today.”

  Everyone laughed and Sarah gave Jo a loose hug but Mike didn’t say anything. Daisy would have been surprised if he had. He just lay there staring toward the wall beyond the foot of his bed.

  That didn’t seem to bother Gil. He didn’t waste any time but began praying right away for a speedy recovery for Mike and for him to be able to walk again. As soon as Gil finished praying, Sarah turned to him and said, “Reverend Turner.”

  He interrupted with, “Gil, please. Everybody here calls me that. We don’t go too much on formalities down at First Baptist Church. We save those for when we address the Lord.”

  Her smile was bigger than any Daisy had seen on her face so far. She laughed then and said, “Well, you just answered my first question. You see, being from Oklahoma I’m Baptist too of course.”

  Jo clapped her hands and said, “That’s simply wonderful Mrs. Bates.”

  “Please, call me Sarah. As your husband just said, that’s a little too formal among friends.” She turned back to Gil and said, “My other question was about the times of your services on Sunday.”

  He grinned back at her and said, “Sunday School is at nine thirty and worship services are at eleven and six.”

  “Thank you.”

  Daisy quickly added, “I could come by and pick you up if you don’t mind riding with all of us from the home. We have a twelve-passenger van and there are only eight of us. So there will be plenty of room for you. I’m sure Bert will gladly give up his front seat for you since Mike is one of his heroes.”

  Sarah smiled back at her and said, “That would be just fine Dear.”

  “Okay, we can be there a little after nine then.”

  It looked as if Jo and Gil were leaving, so Daisy decided that would be a good time for her to leave too. Things had been too embarrassing before and she certainly didn’t want a repeat of that after they left.

  “Jo, if you don’t mind, I’d like to walk out with you and Gil. I have something I need to talk to you about.”

  Jo, who Daisy had caught watching her and Mike before grinned at her and said, “Sure, come on. But you’ll have to walk at waddle speed. That’s what Gil’s been calling it.”

  Everyone laughed as the three of them left the room with everyone but Mike calling out goodbyes.

  As soon as they were down the hallway enough not to be overheard, Jo stopped and turned to Daisy.

  “Okay, Daisy give.”

  When Daisy only gave her a puzzled look, Jo said, “I know something is really bothering you. When you were in the shop Monday, you’d been crying. And I’m sure that it must have had something to do with Mike Bates . . . so give.”

  Gil laughed and wrapped his arm around his wife. “Now, Jo, when Daisy’s ready to talk she will.”

  He turned to Daisy and said, “It seems that my wife if an incurable matchmaker.”

  Jo giggled and said, “Well, you have to admit that I was right about Floyd and Sue Ann.”

  Gil just laughed while shaking his head.

  Daisy felt like a heavy burden had suddenly been placed on her shoulders and she could barely move much less walk. She looked back down the hall toward Mike’s room then back to the sweet couple in front of her.

  In a soft voice she said, “I’m ready.”

  The other two had already started walking toward the elevator when they stopped and turned back to her.

  Jo’s eyes lit up and she said, “One or both of us?”

  Daisy thought for a moment. “Pastor, I hope you don’t mind but I feel like I need to talk to another woman right now.”

  Gil chuckled. “No problem Daisy. Jo’s good at these things. If you can give her a ride back to the house when you’re finished I’ll just be on my way.”

  Jo grabbed him by the arm pulling him back for a kiss then he took the stairs down to the main floor.

  Daisy was sure that he did that so she and Jo could be alone in the elevator. She really liked their relatively new pastor. He was so thoughtful and considerate.

  Jo turned back to Daisy and said, “Why don’t we go down to the cafeteria. Since it’s after lunch, we ought to be able to find a private table.”

  Soon they were sitting at a corner table in the almost deserted cafeteria with cups of coffee in front of them. When Jo turned to Daisy, she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer.

  “Well, first of all, I think I should tell you what happened to Lucy and me that eventually brought us to Crowleyville.”

  Jo smiled, laid a hand briefly on Daisy’s arm, and said, “That’s fine.”

  Daisy proceeded to tell Jo about Richard and Richie, her decision to leave nursing, and their move to Crowleyville. Jo didn’t say a word during the whole story that Daisy had now told for the third time in less than a week.

  “Wow!” Jo seemed to be overwhelmed at first. Then she p
ulled a napkin out of the dispenser and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that and I can see now why you’re so protective of Lucy.”

  Daisy didn’t know what if anything to say to that so they remained silent for a few minutes while they both sipped their coffee.

  Finally, Jo sighed and said, “Now tell me what’s bothering you right now.”

  Daisy was tired of hiding her feelings and just knew that Jo was not one to repeat things.

  “I started out just wanting to help Mike. You could say that being a nurse, I took it as a professional challenge to get him motivated and see that he walks again.”

  She didn’t know how to continue but Jo saved her the trouble.

  “You said, ‘at first.’ That must mean that you no longer look at Mike strictly professionally?”

  Daisy could only nod and blush.

  Jo giggled and said, “Welcome to the club Daisy. Love has a way of sneaking up on us like that. I didn’t realize how long I’d loved Gil until all of a sudden he told me he loved me and asked me to marry him all at once.”

  Jo took a sip of her coffee while watching Daisy through her lashes.

  Daisy knew she had to be bright red. She was blushing so much that her face was hot. She knew what she wanted to ask Jo next but couldn’t work up the nerve to do so.

  Jo laughed aloud this time and said, “Now you want to know what to do about all this don’t you?”

  “Yes. But how did you know?”

  Jo giggled again. “Been there, done that.”

  Daisy liked this sweet little woman more every minute.

  “Well, my professional opinion . . .” Jo grinned. “Is to do . . . nothing.”


  “That’s right. More specifically, I would say don’t do anything that you’re not already doing. Be there for him and let his mom help you along the way. I was watching her in there today. She knows what’s going on between you two and she likes it.”

  “She does? Do you really think so?”


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