The Only Solution (Crowley County Series Book 3)

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The Only Solution (Crowley County Series Book 3) Page 21

by T. E. Killian

  Mike pounded both fists down on the arms of his chair. “Blast it Floyd. You and I both know they did this.”

  Floyd grinned and said, “Welcome to small town politics Mike. This isn’t like the DEA. We don’t carry that kind of clout even here in our own county.”

  Soon afterwards, Daisy stood back and watched as one of the deputies attached a chain to his vehicle then to her car and pulled it out of the ditch. It didn't look as if there was any damage to the front of her car but her rear bumper was caved in though.

  On the rest of the way to Mike’s house, they were both quiet. Daisy was deep in thought and realized that Mike must be as well.

  When she pulled into his driveway, he surprised her when he turned to her and said, “I’m sure glad Lucy wasn’t in the car with us.”

  As she was getting his wheelchair out of the trunk and pushing it up to his open door, she marveled that he would think of her daughter that way. Mike Bates is a special man and she was learning new and better things about him every day.

  Chapter Fourteen

  That week went by quickly for Mike and he had been learning how to walk with his cane and was doing so well that he thought he was ready to ditch the wheelchair, but Karen wasn’t quite ready for him to do that just yet.

  Now, on Friday morning, he was sitting in his desk chair, which was pulled up to his desk. His wheelchair was sitting on the side of his desk away from the door. He was preparing for his first class and didn’t notice Suzette when she came in. He just knew that someone had come in and assumed it was one of his students probably Carla Early who was usually the first one in.

  When he looked up and saw Suzette standing there with her hands on her hips, he knew he wasn’t very successful at hiding the sudden disgusted look that came over his face.

  Her face turned red as she glared at him and she was almost foaming at the mouth by the time she started screeching at him.

  “Do you think that little slut you’ve been seeing has finally gotten the message yet?”

  She stood there for a full minute as if waiting for him to say something but he knew from his training that anything he said right then would only enflame her further.

  She began to shake all over before almost spitting out. “You’ll both be sorry.”

  With that, she stomped out of the room almost knocking Carla over as the girl was coming through the doorway.

  Carla paused beside his desk but when he just shook his head, she continued on to her desk on the front row.

  As soon as class started, Mike reached under his desk to grab his cane. He then pushed his chair back and stood up. He smiled to himself for he could see that he had their attention now.

  Using the cane, he walked around the desk and stood in front of it as all of the students sat there in shock. Then Carla and a couple more of the girls stood and started cheering. The rest of the class joined in until it grew quite noisy.

  Just as Mike held his hands up to try to quiet them down, the door opened and Ron came rushing in. He stopped halfway and just stared at Mike standing there in front of all the cheering students.

  The room suddenly became quiet and Ron walked up to Mike and said, “Congratulations Mr. Bates. I can see that I’m not the only one who rejoices at this great accomplishment of yours.”

  He slapped Mike lightly on the shoulder and turned to leave. Just before he went out the door, though, he looked back at the students and said, “Carry on.”

  After the door shut, it remained quiet for a moment then the students all cheered again for a short burst before returning to their seats.

  At lunch, Kent came rushing in as he normally did. Mike wondered if the little guy ever did anything slowly, including talking.

  Kent stopped in front of Mike where he sat at his desk opening his lunch. “Why didn’t you tell me this morning that you were going to turn the whole school upside down by walking around in here?”

  Mike laughed and said, “Sit down and eat Kent. You know as well as I do that you wouldn’t have been able to keep from telling everybody you saw.”

  When Kent started to deny it, Mike said, “Admit it. You know you would have.”

  Kent stood there another moment before almost wilting into the first student chair and with a big grin on his face began to attack his lunch.

  When Jason dropped him off at home after PT that afternoon, Mike began to prepare himself for his date with Daisy tonight. He wanted to be ready to discuss all the things that had been going around in his head especially after he had done some reading in the Bible. He had some questions for Daisy.

  Sure, he probably could have asked his mom or even Gil but that wouldn’t be the same. He found that he truly enjoyed it when Daisy explained anything about God to him. She should have been a teacher. She had such a way of making something difficult sound so simple.

  Well, that was just one of the many things he liked about Daisy Thomas.

  His mom came into the family room where he was sitting in his recliner and took a seat next to him on the sofa. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes just sat there not even looking at him. Mike knew this routine well. She was going to dump something heavy on him. He just knew it.

  After another long pause, she turned to look at him and said, “I really like Daisy.”

  That didn’t seem to need a comment so Mike didn’t say anything but continued to wait for her to finish.

  After another minute, she said, “And I look at her little girl, Lucy, almost as if she were one of my own grandchildren too.”

  Another silence. This time he was fairly sure she wanted him to say something but he wasn’t about to commit to anything until he heard enough more to know where this conversation was actually going.

  Finally, she stood in front of him, placed her hands on her hips, and glared at him. “Well, aren’t you going to say anything Michael? Aren’t you going to tell me how you feel about those two sweethearts?”

  Mike hadn’t really wanted to commit himself yet, especially to his mom, but if she pushed any more he decided that he would have to say something.

  “Mike? Don't you just love those two?”

  Now he had to say something. “Mom, my feelings for Daisy and Lucy are between me and them. You know I don’t like to talk about things like that.”

  If he thought that was going to stop her, he’d certainly been mistaken.

  “Now, Mike, this is your mother you’re talking to. There should be no secrets between us.”

  Mike blew out a huge sigh. “Okay Mom. Yes, I think I’m beginning to love Daisy . . . and Lucy too.”

  He glared back at her and said, “Now, are you satisfied?”

  She just grinned hugely and left the room humming to herself.

  * * *

  Daisy hadn’t seen Mike since Sunday and she was surprised at how much she’d missed him. He’d been too busy with things from school. He was now the Student Counsel advisor and between that and grading tests from all of his classes, he hadn’t had time to do much else.

  Even though she had missed him, in a way, Daisy was glad for the break. It had given them, at least her, a chance to step back and evaluate where this whole relationship that was building between her and Mike was really going.

  Was there really a future for the two of them? Make that the three of them. As she’d heard other women say over the years, she was a package deal. Any man in her life would have to accept her daughter as a vital part of that relationship.

  As she thought about it though, she knew without a doubt that Mike was already doing exactly that. Hadn’t he insisted that Lucy go with them on their first date? Hadn’t he always talked to Lucy and listened carefully to whatever the little girl had to say to him?

  Yes, Mike was sure looking to be perfect for her little daughter. But was he perfect for her as well? She tried to think this through with her mind only but her heart kept getting in the way. Yes, Mike was a good man and she had to admit that she was falling in love with him.

>   In love? That made her think of Richard. She was ashamed to admit that she hadn’t thought much about him lately. Why? Lord, she didn’t want to forget Richard and for sure not Richie. They had both been too special in her life . . . still was for that matter.

  But how could she make room in her life for Mike especially if she clung to Richard. Richie could never come between her and anyone else. And Richie would always have a special place in her heart no matter what. So would Richard for that matter. It was just that maybe Richard would have a different place in her heart, especially if she allowed Mike into her heart.

  She had to push all those thoughts out of her mind now so she could start getting ready for her date with Mike.

  Later, when Daisy pulled into Mike's driveway with the rental car her insurance company had provided for her, she parked next to the black Tahoe again.

  As soon as she opened her door and looked up, she saw Mike sitting in his wheel chair in his open doorway. She smiled to herself hoping this was an indication that he was anticipating this date as much as she was.

  She opened the back door and released Lucy from her car seat. The little girl raced up to Mike and leaped into his lap giving him a big hug. Then she hopped down and ran into the house calling for Mike’s mom.

  Daisy was still standing in front of her car staring at Mike who was staring back at her. Then as she watched, Jason pushed Mike’s wheelchair over to the black vehicle and stopped just behind the rear bumper. He then went up to the back door and opened it.

  Daisy watched almost in shock as Mike pulled a cane out from where it had been resting between his legs and stood using it and a hand to the side of the vehicle to steady himself. Then she watched in sheer joy as he walked very slowly and stiff legged to the back seat and sat down in it.

  Daisy climbed in the other side of the vehicle quickly, threw her arms around Mike’s neck, and hugged him tightly.

  “Oh Mike that’s so wonderful. You walked all by yourself. Why didn’t you tell me you were getting that good?”

  He grinned back at her and said, “I wanted to surprise you.”

  She laughed and said, “You sure did. I just can’t get over it. You’ve come so far since your surgery and that was only three weeks ago today.”

  He just sat there grinning with her arms still around his neck. Then, as if as an afterthought, he brought his arms up and placed them around her too.

  As soon as they were at their table at Thelma’s Mike turned to Daisy and said, “I have another surprise for you tonight.”

  She wasn’t sure she could handle very many more surprises especially if they were as big as the first one. That one, even though it had been pleasant, had really shaken her up.

  While she was still wondering what he was going to say next, he simply grinned at her and reached into the bag on the side of his wheelchair. When he pulled out a new looking leather bound Bible, she didn’t know what to think or say.

  Before she could say or do anything but just sit there grinning at him, he said, “Gil came over Monday evening and we talked a lot. When I told him I wanted to get a Bible, what do you think that little guy did?”

  She shook her head, still in shock.

  “We got in his car right then and he drove me to Springfield to the Christian book store there and helped me pick this one out.”

  Daisy was still having trouble talking and that was when she noticed her eyes were growing moist again.

  Finally, she reached out and touched his arm on the table. “Oh, Mike I’m so happy for you.”

  Still smiling, Mike said, “I asked Gil to tell me where to read in the Bible to learn about God’s will and all that. And he gave me a long list of places to look.”

  He grew quiet for a moment and Daisy knew she should let him think out what he was obviously about to say.

  He blew out a noisy sigh when the waitress came with their meals. She knew he’d been about to say something and from the way he’d been acting it must have been pretty important to him. She only hoped he’d get back to it shortly.

  Mike didn’t talk much more during their meal. For Daisy, it was one of the longest meals she’d ever endured. She was so anxious to hear whatever it was that Mike had been about to say. She dared not hope that it might be what she’d been praying for. But it was probably too early for that anyway.

  When Mike finished his dinner, he placed his fork in his plate, wadded his napkin up and tossed it there too. Then he looked deep into Daisy’s eyes.

  Finally, he sighed again and said, “Daisy, I think I’m ready now.”

  She hoped he would finish without any prompting from her. She just gave him what she also hoped was an encouraging smile.

  He shook his head as if to clear it, looked down at his hands, which were clenched into fists, and finally looked back at her.

  “I read everything that Gil gave me to read and then some more. Now I know I’m ready to accept the Lord into my life. I’ve been ready since Wednesday, but I wanted to wait for you to be with me.”

  Daisy was so excited that she almost leaped into his arms right there. Mike looked around the restaurant and said, “Why don’t we go back to my house where we can have a little more privacy?”

  * * *

  They both were anxious to get back to Mike’s house now and Daisy was so excited she wanted to shout for joy. In fact, they left so quickly that Jason who had just stepped outside to check out the parking lot wasn’t near them when they emerged from the restaurant.

  Before Daisy knew what was happening, she felt someone grab her hair from behind and yank hard on it. She cried out in pain and turned around to face her attacker.

  When she did, Suzette’s face came to within a few inches of hers and the other woman began screaming at Daisy. “This is your final warning woman. Leave my man alone.”

  She then slapped Daisy on the cheek so hard it brought tears to her eyes and almost knocked her down. Before she could recover from that, Suzette took off running around the corner of the restaurant building. Jason, who had seen from a distance, ran after her leaving Daisy standing there in the middle of the parking lot still in shock.

  It was a long moment before she realized that Mike was out of his wheelchair and standing. He wrapped his arms around her cradling her head on his shoulder. She had the craziest thought just then. She marveled that Mike was just the right height for her to lay her head easily on his shoulder. It felt so good she started crying again.

  Daisy didn’t know how long they stood that way in each other’s arms before Jason came trotting back to them.

  “Well, I lost her. I’m sure she was back there somewhere, probably hiding in the alley but I couldn’t find her and I didn’t want to leave the two of you out here like this very much longer. Who knows, that could have been a decoy to get me away so her brothers could attack the two of you.”

  Daisy was surprised at that statement and realized the truth of it immediately.

  Jason herded them into his vehicle quickly and called the incident in on his radio. He turned back to them in the backseat and said, “I don’t think anybody’ll be able to find her tonight but she can’t hide forever. We’ll get her sometime this weekend.”

  With that, Jason drove them to Mike’s house where they all went inside to await Floyd’s imminent arrival.

  When he blew through the door, they were all, including Sarah, sitting in the living room. Daisy was thankful that Lucy had fallen asleep earlier watching TV on the sofa in the family room.

  Floyd looked closely at Daisy and gently touched the red spot on her cheek where Suzette had slapped her. “Are you okay, Daisy?”

  She nodded and said, “The slap didn’t hurt nearly as much as when she pulled my hair before that.”

  She felt her eyes tearing up again. “Floyd, I don’t like to say this, but I think Suzette has lost all touch with reality. I used to see people like her come into the ER all the time. In fact, her eyes looked as if she was high on something.”

p; Floyd nodded and said, “That’s what I’ve been wondering too.”

  He then asked each one, including Jason, to tell him what they had seen. Then he folded his little notebook, stuck it in his shirt pocket, and looked straight at Daisy.

  “I guess you know this means that you can’t be alone anywhere until we catch Suzette.” He seemed to think for a moment. “In fact, I’m not sure how safe you’ll be even after we catch her. Her brothers could still come after you.”

  She leaned toward Floyd and Mike placed a hand on her back. “Floyd, I know you’re probably right but short of leaving town, what can I do?”

  Floyd shook his head then said, “I don’t think you’re going to like this but here goes.” He snorted. “Don’t leave your place alone. And when you do leave, let me know so I can get someone to protect you while you’re gone.”

  He looked closely at her then said, “I don’t think they’ll do anything to you at the home. But just in case, I’ll step up the patrols in that area.”

  When she still didn’t say anything, he turned to Mike and said, “Do you have any better ideas?”

  Mike sighed loudly and said, “Not really. I know she wouldn’t like my suggestion of moving in here temporarily. After all my mom is here.”

  Daisy was surprised and somewhat pleased at that statement. But she had to set Mike straight. “You’re right, Mike. I couldn’t do that. My job is where I live. I can’t just pick up and leave without getting a replacement.”

  They all talked around several possibilities of what they could do to keep Daisy and Lucy safe and also of what they would do to try to catch Suzette.

  After Floyd and Jason left, Sarah went into her bedroom as if she sensed that Daisy and Mike wanted to be alone.

  When her door closed, Mike turned to Daisy and said, “I don’t want what just happened to get in the way of our happiness. Suzette’s finally gone too far and one way or another she should be removed from our lives.”

  Daisy tried to give him an encouraging smile but she was sure it came out more like a watery frown.


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