The Midnight Assassin: Panic, Scandal, and the Hunt for America's First Serial Killer

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The Midnight Assassin: Panic, Scandal, and the Hunt for America's First Serial Killer Page 32

by Hollandsworth, Skip

  Wiebe, Robert H. The Search for Order, 1877–1920. American Century Series. New York: Hill & Wang, 1967.

  Wilbarger, J. W. Indian Depredations in Texas. Austin: Hutchings Printing House, 1890.

  Wilkins, Frederick. The Law Comes to Texas: The Texas Rangers, 1870–1901. Austin: State House Press, 1999.

  Williams, David A. Bricks Without Straw: A Comprehensive History of African Americans in Texas. Austin: Eakin Press, 1997.

  Williamson, G. R. Texas Pistoleers: The True Story of Ben Thompson and King Fisher. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2010.

  Wilson, Colin. The Mammoth Book of the History of Murder. New York: Carroll & Graf, 2000.

  Wilson, James Grant, and John Fiske. Appletons’ Cyclopædia of American Biography. New York: D. Appleton, 1900.

  Winegarten, Ruthe. Black Texas Women: 150 Years of Trial and Triumph. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.

  ______. Black Texas Women: A Sourcebook. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.

  Woodward, C. Vann. Origins of the New South, 1877–1913. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1951.

  Woolfolk, George Ruble. The Free Negro in Texas, 1800–1860: A Study in Cultural Compromise. Published for the Journal of Mexican American History by University Microfilm International, 1976.

  Wooten, Dudley G. A Comprehensive History of Texas, 1685 to 1897. Dallas: William G. Scarff, 1898.

  Worsmer, Richard. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003.

  Yadon, Laurence J., and Dan Anderson. Ten Deadly Texans. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing, 2009.

  Zelade, Richard. Guy Town by Gaslight. Charleston: History Press, 2014.


  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas

  Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas

  L. E. Daniell, Types of Successful Men of Texas

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library (left); L. E. Daniell, Personnel of the Texas State Government (right)

  Austin Daily Statesman

  Courtesy of Mollie Denton (above left and below left); Souvenirs of Austin, Texas (right)

  Texas State Archives

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Courtesy of Lois Douglas

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  San Antonio Daily Express

  Courtesy of Alan Govenar, Documentary Arts

  L. E. Daniell, Types of Successful Men of Texas

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Courtesy of Richard S. Bagby

  Courtesy of Dorothy Larson and Donna O’Donnell

  Austin Daily Statesman

  Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Souvenirs of Austin, Texas

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

  Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas

  Austin History Center, Austin Public Library


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abbott, Emma

  Abbott, Peyton

  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain)

  African Methodist Episcopal Church

  Alexander, Green

  Alienist and Neurologist (journal)

  alienists (later psychiatrists)

  Allen, Tom “River Bottom”

  American Journal of Insanity

  American Missionary Association

  American Surety Company

  Anderson, Nancy

  Anti-Colored Movement

  Asylum for the Blind

  Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb

  Atlanta Constitution

  Atwell’s Patent Window Bolts

  Aurelius, Marcus


  early history and appearance of

  later history of

  Austin, Stephen F.

  Austin Athletic Association

  Austin Bible Society

  Austin Board of Trade

  Austin Cadet Band

  Austin cemetery

  Colored Ground

  Old Ground

  Austin Chess Club

  Austin Citizen

  Austin city council (aldermen)

  blacks on

  “Austin City” (Whitten)

  Austin Daily Statesman

  Austin Police Department

  Negro officers in

  size of

  temporary policemen

  Austin Press Club

  Austin Public Library

  Austin Roller Coaster

  Austin Sanitarium for Nervous and Mental Diseases

  Austins baseball team

  Austin Steam Laundry

  Austin Sun

  “Austin—The Healthiest City on the Continent” (pamphlet)

  Austin Water, Light and Power Company

  Avenue Hotel

  Bailes, Thomas

  Bailey, Mollie

  Baker, Benjamin M.

  Balance Wheel, The

  Bancroft, Hubert Howe

  Bandy, R. W.

  Banker’s Daughter, The (comedy)

  Barker, Doris

  Barnett, Gus

  Bass, Sam

  Battle of Gettysburg Cyclorama

  Ben Hur (Wallace)

  Berninzo (organ grinder)

  black community

  blamed for murders




  education of


  independence parade

  jobs held by

  Juneteenth celebrations


  Lomax-Grant wedding

  Negro police officers


  railroads and

  response to murders

  saloon killing

  segregation and

  servant women


  Black Elephant Saloon

  Black Elk

  Black Elk Speaks

  Blocker, J. B.


  blood typing

  Boddy, Lucinda

  Booth and Sons

  Bostwick, Mamie

  Bostwick, Mr.

  Bostwick, Mrs.

  “Bowery Detective, The” (Philp)

  Boyce, Dick

  Bracken, William

  Brackenridge, J. M.

  Briggs, Rev. G. W.

  Brooks, William “Lem”

  Brown, Henry

  Brown, John Henry

  Brown, Rosa

  Brunswick Hotel

  Brush, George

  Buffalo Bill Historical Center

  Burditt, Alma

  Burditt, Thomas

  Burt, Dr. William

  Burt, Eugene

  Butler’s Brick Yard

  Buzzard Liz

  Callan, Myrtle

  Campbell, B. H. “Barbecue”

  Capital Detective Association

  Capital Gaslight Company

  Capitol Business College

  Carrington, Albert

  Carrollton House Hotel

  Carver, William Frank “Doc”

man’s Ball

  Central Grammar School

  Century magazine

  Chalmers, Mrs.

  Chalmers, Tom

  Chapman, Annie, murder of

  Chenneville, Ellen

  Chenneville, John

  Chicago Tribune

  Chicago World’s Fair. See World’s Columbian Exposition

  Christine (servant)

  Cisco Kid

  Citizen’s Committee of Safety

  City-County Hospital

  Negro Ward

  City National Bank

  Civil War

  Clara (servant)

  Clark, George

  Clarksville neighborhood

  Cleveland, J. T.

  Cody, William F. “Buffalo Bill”

  Colorado River dam and dynamo

  Comanche Indians

  Connor, James

  Coopwood, Bethel

  Cope, Mrs.

  Corwin, Dennis

  Crockett, Davy

  Crooker, Lou

  Cross, Irene

  Cross, (nephew)

  Cross Pits

  Crystal Saloon

  Cummings, Dr. Joseph

  Curtis, Blanche

  Custer, Elizabeth

  Custer, George Armstrong

  Dallas Daily Herald

  Dallas Mercury

  Dallas Morning News

  Dalton Gang

  Damos, Dr.

  Dark Rising Sons of Liberty

  Declaration of Independence

  Delong, Bart

  Democratic Party

  Denton, Dr. Ashley

  Denton, Margaret


  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, John T.

  Dick the Demon Negro

  Dodge (sailor)

  Douglas, Lois

  Dowd, Maria

  Driskill, Bud

  Driskill, Jessie

  Driskill, Tobe

  Driskill Hotel

  Duff, Harry

  Duke, Madam E. F.

  Dumot, Blanche

  Dunham, W. B.

  Eanes, Alice Missouri

  Eberly, Angelina

  Echols, J. D.

  Eddowes, Catherine


  of 1884

  of 1885

  of 1887

  of 1889

  of 1990

  electric burglar alarm systems


  Elgin, Nathan

  Evans, Ira

  Evans, Jack

  Falwell, Mary

  Farmer’s Daughter, The (play)

  Farwell, Charles B.

  Farwell, John V.

  Fatty’s Barber Shop

  Faulks, Dr. Henry

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)


  Firemen’s Hall

  First Baptist Church

  First Presbyterian Church

  First Ward

  Fisk, (London slipper maker)

  Fort Sill, Oklahoma

  Fort Worth Gazette

  Fort Worth Mail


  French, S. W.

  Gainesville, Texas, murders

  Galveston Daily News

  Gammell’s Book Shoppe

  Garfield, James

  Gassoway, Joseph

  General Land Office

  Georgetowns baseball team

  German immigrants

  Gibson, Patsy

  Given, Ella Denton

  Given, Dr. James P.

  Golden West, The (Wild West show)

  Gold Room saloon

  Gould, Jay

  Grand English Opera Company

  Grant, Rev. Abraham

  Grant, Anna

  Grant, H. G.

  Grant, Lucie A. Lomax

  Graves, Dr. R. S.

  Guiteau, Charles

  Gunfighters of the Western Frontier (Masterson)

  Guy Town

  “Habitation of the Planets, The” (MacFarlane)

  Hall, William K.

  Hamfriend, Dr. Graeme M.

  Hamilton, Dr. Allan McClaine

  Hamilton, Jeremiah J.

  Hancock, John

  Hancock, Lena

  Hancock, Moses

  trial of

  Hancock, Susan

  letter of

  murder of

  Hannah, George

  Hardin, John Wesley

  Harper, Newt

  Harrell’s Cigar Store

  Harrison, Shirley

  Hatzfield, Phil

  Hawkes, Dr. Albert

  Hazzard, H. H.

  Heidbrink and Co. Pawnbrokers

  Hennessey, Mike

  Henry, O. See Porter, William Sydney

  Hill, Samuel B.

  Hill, Thomas

  Himmel, Ike

  Hirschfield’s Dry Goods

  History of Texas from 1685 to 1892 (Brown)

  History of the North Mexican States and Texas: 1531–1889 (Bancroft)

  Hollingsworth, Henry

  Holmes, Dr. Henry Howard

  Hopkins, Press

  Hornsby, Malcolm

  Hornsby, W. W.

  Horseshoe Saloon

  Hotchkiss, Hanna

  Houston, Sam

  Houston, Temple

  Houston Daily Post

  Houston Police Department

  Howe, William

  Hubbard, Richard B.

  Humphreys, Dr. M. W.

  Huntsville, Texas

  Huntsville state prison

  Hyde Park neighborhood

  Independence Day celebrations

  Industries of Austin Texas, The (catalogue)

  Insanity, Its Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment (Spitzka)

  Institute for the Blind

  Internal Revenue Service

  Ireland, John

  Ireland, Mrs.

  Iron Front Saloon

  Iry, William “Boy Rope Walker”

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jack the Ripper

  Jacqua, Stephen

  James, Jesse

  Jewish citizens

  Jim Crow

  Johnson, Delores

  Johnson, Gus

  Johnson, Dr. Lucian

  Johnson, Richard

  Johnston, Bill

  Journal of Insanity

  Journal of Mental and Nervous Disease

  Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)


  Kelly, Mary Jane

  Knox, J. Armory

  Korman and Monroe

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard von

  labor unions

  Lakota Indians

  Lamar, Mirabeau B.

  Lambert, William P.

  Laredo Times

  Larson, Dorothy

  “Leather Apron” (pamphlet)

  Lee, H. Grooms

  Lee, Joseph

  Lewis and Peacock’s leather goods

  Lomax, Lucie A.

  London Daily News

  London Daily Telegraph

  London Metropolitan Police Service

  London Times

  London Whitechapel murders. See also Jack the Ripper

  Lucy, James

  Lundberg, Charles


  Maas, Max

  MacFarlane, Dr. Alexander

  Mack, Aleck

  Mack, Sallie

  Maddox, Frank

  Madison, Henry

  Managua, Nicaragua, murders

  Manning Rifle Band

  Man of Destiny, The (pamphlet)

  Martinez, Anastazio

  Martin’s Shoes and Boots

  Masonic lodges


  Masterson, Bat

  Maurice, (Malaysian immigrant)

  Maybrick, James

  McCutcheon, George

  McCutcheon, Mrs.

  McDonald, John

  medical examiner’s offices

  Merchant Police and Southern Detective Agency

p; Methodist church

  Mexican immigrants

  Mexican Joe

  Midnight Assassin

  aftermath of

  arrests and

  ax and

  calls for more police and

  Chicago World’s Fair murders and

  Christmas Eve murders of Susan Hancock and Eula Phillips and

  Eliza Shelley murder and

  footprints and

  forensic tools and

  Gainesville murders of Genie Watkins and Mamie Bostwick and

  ghost stories and

  Gracie Vance murder and

  inquests and

  Irene Cross murder and

  Jack the Ripper and

  lingering mystery of

  Managua murders and

  Mary Ramey murder and

  Mollie Smith murder and

  nickname coined

  nicknamed Axe Man and

  nicknamed Intangible Nemesis

  nicknamed Servant Girl Annihilators

  nicknamed Talented Sensationalist

  Orange Washington murder and

  private eyes and

  rewards and

  San Antonio murder of Patti Scott and

  serial killer as type and

  serial killer fiction and

  servant women assaults and

  signature style of

  theories on, as “maniac” or “moral insanity”

  trial of Jimmy Phillips and

  trial of Moses Hancock and

  trial of Walter Spencer and

  witnesses and

  Mignon (Thomas)

  Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan)

  Miller, Monroe

  Millett, Charles

  Millett’s Opera House

  Miss Multon (melodrama)

  Missouri Republican

  Mitchell, Lewis

  Mitchell, South Dakota, Daily Republican

  Molly Maguires and the Detectives, The (book)

  Monroe, George

  Moore, Taylor “T. E.”

  Morris, Clara

  Morris, John F.

  Morris, Lewis

  Morris, Dr. Wade A.

  Murder in All Ages (Pinkerton)

  “Murders in the Rue Morgue, The” (Poe)

  Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens)

  Nalle, Joseph

  Neal, Dr. Quinton B.

  New History of Texas, A (Pennybacker)

  New Orleans Picayune

  Newton’s Restaurant

  New Year’s Day

  New Year’s Eve

  New York Academy of Medicine

  New York and Texas Land Company

  New York Society of Medical Jurisprudence

  New York Sun

  New York Times

  New York World

  Nichols, Mary Ann “Polly”

  Nitschke, Charles

  Noble, C. M.

  Noble Commercial Detective Agency

  North American Review

  North Texas Lunatic Asylum (Terrell, Texas)

  Norwood, J. P. and J. T.

  Oakley, Annie

  Odell, James

  Old John

  Olds, J. W.

  Olds, Mrs.

  Omaha Bee

  On a Mexican Mustang Through Texas (Sweet and Knox)

  Parker, Cynthia


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