Siren Island: Shipwrecked (An Erotic Adventure Series)

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Siren Island: Shipwrecked (An Erotic Adventure Series) Page 4

by Virginia Wade

He touched himself, feeling the ridge, a look of confusion passing over his features. “There used to be a bump here.”

  “It’s gone.”

  “It is.”

  I was dry enough for my clothes, and I grabbed my shift, lifting it over my head.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. What in the blazes is in this water?”

  “Healing properties.”

  “If we could bottle it and ship it out, we’d make a fortune.”

  I tossed my heavy dress over my head, struggling to get my arms through. “I wish I didn’t have to wear this.”

  “Then don’t.”

  I emerged from the fabric. “I have to.”

  “It’ll smell soon. If it rains, it’ll mildew. I refuse to live with a woman who smells bad.”

  I giggled.

  He stepped into his trousers, doing up the buttons. His shirt was tucked in, and his waistcoat hung undone. “I’m starvin’.”

  “Me too.” I laced up my shoes.

  He held out his arm. “My love.”

  “Thank you.” I tingled everywhere looking at him.

  “Shall we see the reverend about performing a marriage ceremony?”

  I grinned. “Oh, yes, please.”

  He laughed, “You’re everything I was hoping for, Lucy. You’re everything I need.” He drew me to him, enfolding me in his arms. “I’m very fond of you.”

  Reality suddenly slapped me, hard. I stepped away from him. “Oh, but I forgot. We’re supposed to look for Samuel.” My shoulders dropped.

  “Then we’ll postpone the nuptials for a few days. If he’s on the island, we’ll find him.” He led the way through the jungle.

  “I’m a horrible fiancé. I’ve done…naughty things.”

  “Quit being so hard on yourself.”

  “What if Samuel’s alive? What will I do then?”

  “Terminate your betrothal.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Yes, or else I’ll have to kill him.”

  The threatening undercurrent in his voice was alarming. “You jest?”

  “Never. I only speak the truth.”

  “No one does that.”

  “I do. That’s why I have no friends or family. I’ve driven them off with my sharp tongue.”

  “What about women friends? Have you ever been in love?”

  “Only with myself.”

  I laughed, “That’s not true.”

  “I enjoy the painted ladies, Lucy, if you must know. A quick fuck and I’m out the door.”

  “Your language is appalling. So are your manners.”

  “That’s the least of my faults.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t marry you. I’ve just survived trauma. Perhaps, I’m not in the clearest frame of mind.”

  “Marriage or no marriage, it doesn’t matter. I’ll have you either way, and there’s nothing anyone on this island can do about it.”

  He was dead serious. The look in his eye made my tummy tense pleasurably. Even if Samuel did miraculously appear, my engagement was over.

  Chapter Seven

  We searched for Samuel most of the afternoon, wandering down the other side of the beach, hand in hand. I found luggage, which was thrilling, but dragging it to camp made my back ache. Jack had found a soaking wet portion of animal hide and several casks of tallow. We would now be able to make a primitive candle, using a burning strip of cloth dipped in tallow grease.

  When we returned, the sun had set, and the fire burned brightly. Fish grilled over a sheet of metal; the aroma was mouthwatering. The crewmembers had gathered a varied feast of green bananas, pineapples, papaya, coconuts, and wild mangos. Water had been captured in empty wine bottles, and the men shared a full carafe of claret, passing it amongst themselves.

  After we had eaten and washed off in the ocean, I found myself on the rustic bed within the shelter. It was far more comfortable tonight, because we had draped yards of fabric over the boards beneath us, affording a slight cushion. Pricilla did not object to Jack’s proximity, which was surprising. She also had not been angry that I had disappeared with him for hours today. The only hint I had received that she was piqued with me was the slight glint of disapproval in her eye, which I easily ignored.

  I snuggled into my lover, his arm going around me, drawing me even closer. His skin smelled of the wind, the salty ocean, and his own sensuous musk. I wanted to be intimate with him, my body craving his manliness, his glorious cock, but it wouldn’t be prudent. I drifted into unconsciousness a short while later, and it wasn’t until a noise woke me that I stirred.

  The sound was lilting and intoxicating, spurring me to sit up and glance around. The others were sleeping all in a long row, snoring and oblivious. Jack sat up as well.

  “What the hell is that?” he whispered.

  “I don’t know.” There it was again. It was a female voice, distinct and soulful. The resonance came from the jungle. I slid from the boards, my feet finding their shoes. “I…it’s so beautiful.”

  Jack was with me, taking my hand, all but dragging me into the jungle. We walked mutely, the moon’s pale light over our heads, illuminating the ground beneath our feet. The sounds of toads croaking filled my ears, along with the mysterious music that echoed enchantingly. I felt determined and nearly possessed to discover the source of the mysterious sound. It seemed Jack felt the same way. We were the only ones who had been woken by it. It was nearly deafening; once we reached the waterfall, the entire enclave sparkled with bizarre lights.

  My lover squeezed my hand reassuringly, and I gazed at him. “What is this?”

  “I wonder…Sirens…perhaps. But that’s an ancient myth.”

  “What are Sirens?”

  “Beautiful creatures who lure sailors to shipwreck with their singing. It’s in Greek mythology, but I can’t remember anything else.”

  “But that’s not real.”


  “Then what’s making the sound?” Light shone from beneath the water, illuminating the clear depths, exposing its rocky bottom. “Look!” From the furthest region of the pool, a female figure swam towards us beneath the surface. She was naked, with flowing hair and a lengthy flipper, which propelled her forward at remarkable speed. “Oh, my God…”

  “What the hell is that?”

  Her face emerged, water pouring off her. She was extraordinary looking, with wide expressive eyes, a pert nose and full, shapely lips, which were slightly parted. “Don’t be afraid,” she said in a soft, soothing tone. “We mean you no harm.”

  “What are you?” asked Jack. His arm was protectively around me. “Are you Sirens?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “You were the one watching us today, weren’t you?” She nodded. “I told you I saw someone, Jack. It wasn’t a hallucination.”

  He looked thunderstruck. “How many are you?”


  “What’s your name?”

  “Phoebe. Who are you?”

  “I’m Jack, and this is Lucy.”

  “Are you part fish?” I was dying of curiosity, wondering about the fin that was attached to the creature.


  “Are you trapped in the pool or do you swim in the ocean?”



  “I can walk on land. I’ll show you.” She came to the edge and lifted herself out, the lengthy fin shining with moisture. In the darkness, it looked like it was a brownish color, textured with little ridges, the base projecting outwards like a lady’s fan. Legs suddenly appeared in place of the fin, lithe and human-like.

  “Well, would you look at that,” murmured Jack. “I’ll be damned.”

  She was on her feet in an instant, tall, elegant and naked. Her breasts were gloriously large, contoured invitingly with hardened nipples on each tip. Water poured from her hair. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I felt a moment of jealousy. Jack stared at her openmouthed.

  Shapes moved in the water behind h
er. “My sisters come.”

  I glanced at Jack, feeling annoyed. “Must you stare like that?”

  He grinned wickedly. “It sure is pretty.”

  I hit him in the arm. “Jack!”

  “Sorry, darlin’.” He shrugged. “I’m a man. I appreciate a good set of…er…tits.”

  “What if they kill us? Aren’t Sirens supposed to be evil?” Fear and uncertainty made me hesitant.

  Phoebe glanced at me. “You have my word; we mean you no harm.”

  “Then why did you call us?” A second Siren emerged, pulling herself out of the water, her enormous fin giving way to lovely legs.

  “I don’t wish to alarm you, Lucy, but we’re lonely for male company.”

  Jack’s grin all but split his face. “Is that so?”

  Anger pricked me. “I’m afraid you’re sorely mistaken, if you think my…friend is some toy that I’ll be loaning out for you…to play with.”

  The second Siren was just as lovely as the first, with long dark hair dripping with water. Her breasts were smaller, but pert and high. “Welcome to our spring. You’ve experienced its healing qualities. My name is Astraia.” She glanced at Phoebe. “You’re right, sister. He is magnificent.” She eyed Jack, as if he was edible and she was starving.

  An alarming bout of jealousy had me seeing red. “I do beg your pardon, but this man…my fiancé, is not a trinket for you to play with. I don’t know what’s happening here, but he’s certainly not going to do anything with you ladies.”

  A third creature emerged wet, lithe, and blonde. She smiled radiantly. “Good evening. I’m Thia.” She was slightly shorter than her sisters. “Welcome to Siren Island.”

  “You worry for naught,” said Phoebe. “We only want to please you...both. Thia prefers women. She’s an eager and attentive lover.”

  I stood my ground. “Thank you very much, but no. That’s a perversion I’m not inclined to.” I grasped Jack’s arm. “I think we should go.” When he said nothing and remained still, I pulled on him only to discover that his feet were like tree roots, held firmly in place. “Jack!” Alarm raced through me.

  “What’s the rush? We should stay and enjoy these…ladies.” The front of his pants had risen dramatically. The Sirens eyed his package with lust flaring in their look.

  I became even more worried. “Jack, for God’s sakes.” My voice cracked.

  “Sweetheart.” He drew me to him, pressing me to his chest. “They’re not gonna hurt you, honey.”

  I sniffed against his shirt. “I’m scared.”

  “There’s no need. I’ll protect you.”

  “They’re beautiful monsters, Jack. It’s a trap. They’ll eat us or something.”

  “We’re not the ones you should be worrying about on this island,” said Thia ominously. “Tonight we want to celebrate our human friends, do we not?” Her sisters agreed, smiling eagerly. “Let us show you the meadow. Let us pleasure you…both. Come.”

  She turned towards the jungle, her bare bottom gleaming under the dim light of the moon. She looked like a goddess, which worried me even more. Jack was far too susceptible to the charms of these creatures.

  He took my hand. “Don’t be a wet blanket, Lucy. You’ve got to let your hair down once in a while, sweetheart.”

  He was of absolutely no help. “If you end up roasted and eaten over a spit, don’t blame me. You’ll have only your cock to blame.” He laughed at that.

  We followed the mysterious nymphs through the inky darkness of the jungle, while toads croaked from the mangrove and strange birdcalls filled the air. The balmy breeze lifted tendrils of hair away from my face. The Sirens were before us, their nakedness on full display. Jack seemed enthralled with their feminine curves, his eyes never leaving them, which pricked me with irritation. They led us to a lush meadow of short, dry grass, which was soft beneath my feet.

  Thia snatched a fruit off a tree and offered it to me. “Enjoy.”

  “Um, no thank you.”

  “I’ll take it.” She gave it Jack. “Thanks.”

  “Come; sit with us,” said Astraia.

  The Sirens sat together, their long hair still damp, draped over their bodies like silken curtains. Phoebe practically devoured Jack with her eyes, her tongue darting out to lick her bottom lip.

  Jack and I sat together. “So what exactly did you girls have in mind?” He flashed a naughty grin.

  Phoebe leaned towards him. “You should take your clothes off. I’m dying for a cock. It’s been ages.”

  Chapter Eight

  It was upsetting that Jack was so eager to make love to these strange creatures. I crossed my arms over my chest. “You’re horrible, lustful women.”

  Phoebe laughed, “You forget. I saw you today. You’re no different. I can sense your arousal. You’re fighting yourself, Lucy, and you mustn’t do that. Let yourself go.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with the sensual touch,” said Thia. She approached on her knees. “Let me help you out of that dress.”

  Jack had taken his shirt off; his cock bulged inside his trousers. Astraia touched his shoulder, kneading his flesh. Her breasts hung dangerously close to his face. He growled and grabbed her, burying his nose in her globes. Phoebe practically ripped his pants from him, exposing his hard cock.

  “Oh! The Gods have blessed us. Look at how big he is.”

  I was about to verbalize my protest, but Phoebe’s mouth covered mine. I was so stunned by the kiss that I gasped, and she thrust her soft tongue into me. She pulled away, gazing into my eyes.

  “Stop,” I whispered. “Don’t do that.”

  She giggled, “Why? We’re only having fun.”

  “Oh, my God,” groaned Jack. Astraia had his penis in her mouth, sucking noisily. “Ooohhh…yes…”

  He’d not even tried to put up a fight. Men! Thia pulled my dress over my head. She went to grab my shift. “Don’t touch me.”

  “You’ll feel better without it on.”

  “Oh, God, Jesus, ladies…” Jack was on his back, and both Sirens were licking and sucking his cock, ravenous in their desire to eat him.

  “Get him to his knees,” instructed Astraia. “Up with you.”

  “What you girls got in mind?” Jack’s hands and knees rested on the carpet of grass. Rounded buttocks were thrust in the air, while Phoebe stole beneath him and sucked his cock. “Oh, Jesus.”

  Thia’s hands were all over my body, although I wished they weren’t. She massaged my breasts and tweaked my nipples. She drifted between my legs, and an incredibly talented finger rubbed over my nub.

  “Holy shit!” exclaimed Jack.

  Astraia’s face was buried in his crack. It was shocking to think what she was doing to him. She’d separated his cheeks and ate his ass, driving her tongue in deep. This was depravity at its worst. The sight had me catching my breath. Jack groaned repeatedly in the throes of unimaginable pleasure.

  “Oh, God! Jesus fucking Christ!”

  I was going to ignore that he had just used the Lord’s name in vain. I was being gently pushed onto my back. “No,” I murmured weakly. She opened my lips, exposing my soggy hole to her eager gaze. “Oh, but you mustn’t.”

  “You look marvelous. I can’t wait to eat you.”

  “Oh, God…oh, fuck me…ooohhh…sweet Jesus…”

  Phoebe was beneath Jack sucking his cock down her throat, while Astraia reamed his ass with her tongue. She drew away and let spittle drop to his opening. Then she inserted a finger, rubbing him intimately.

  “Oh, oh, shit…”

  “You feel very nice, Jack,” she purred. “Do you want more?”

  “Yes, you horny bitch. Yes! Do me more.”

  “You ask, and you shall receive.” Fire flashed in her eyes as a penis suddenly appeared where her pussy had been. I sat up utterly shocked. How had that happened? She had been a woman a moment ago!

  “We can change sexes,” said Thia. “See.” Her pussy had also grown a cock. “You can touch it, if you want.”

  Stunned, I was speechless, staring in fascinated horror, as Astraia began to prod Jack’s anus with the tip of a lengthy looking phallus.

  “What the fuck?” He glanced behind him, seeing the object that demanded entrance. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Just relax, Jack. I’m going to pleasure us both,” murmured Astraia. “You’ve never had anything like this before.”

  “Holy shit!”

  Phoebe was beneath him, working his cock, with sloppy sucking sounds. Astraia added more spittle to her penis, rubbing the wetness over a glistening head. Excitement gleamed from her eyes, her expression nothing short of rapturous. She held her tool, pointing it towards his puckered opening, and then she thrust deeply.


  I had wanted to protest, even a little, but Thia’s tongue in my pussy felt so good, that I moaned instead, lifting my hips into her face. “Ooohhh…no…”

  “Good God, you ladies are perverse,” said Jack. A determined looking Siren fucked him from behind with such force, her hips slammed against him. “Jesus.”

  “Oh, it’s so good,” she breathed. “So good.”

  “I can’t take it anymore. Ooohhh…” Jack groaned then, a look of pain etched into his features, while the tip of his cock erupted inside Phoebe’s mouth. “Ooohhh…God…yeah…”

  A wild, dangerous look came over Astraia. Her hands gripped his hips while she worked him, driving deep with each punishing thrust. She threw her head back, sending long hair over his feet.

  “Praise to the Gods! Praise!” she shouted, pouring measured pulses of semen into his anal cavity. Her breasts jiggled invitingly, her body convulsing in spasms of bliss. “Oh, yes, the Gods are good.”

  “Let me have him now,” demanded Phoebe.

  “You should take her.” She pointed at me. “She could use two hard cocks.”

  Thia lay on the grass. “Ride me, Lucy.”

  Feeling lethargic and slightly drugged, I threw a leg over her and lowered onto the male anatomy. It wasn’t as large as Jack’s, but it was extraordinarily hard. I enjoyed this position immensely, rubbing my clit against her pelvis with each pass. Hands were on my bottom, feeling and prodding in an area that was strictly off limits.


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