Masque of Enchantment

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Masque of Enchantment Page 22

by Charlene Cross

  “I’ve learned my lesson,” Alissa said, quietly, remembering how her short life had passed before her eyes when she realized the stallion was about to kick. At that moment, her only regret centered on not having known Jared’s love. She’d have died with her husband’s name on her lips had he not rammed himself into Thor’s side. When she’d realized she still lived, she’d thrown herself at Jared, intending to shout her need of him. But he’d grabbed her arms and shaken her, bellowing his rage to all of Hawkstone. His tirade done, he’d swept her up, set her on Sweet Honesty, then mounted Thor, Megan before him. Not a word was said until they’d reached the glade. As she remembered his temper, she whispered, “I know never to disregard your warnings again.”

  “My warnings are given for a reason, Alissa. In Thor’s case, I do not want to see you harmed. I apologize if I hurt your feelings when I shouted at you in the stables, but I thought I’d lost you, and my only remembrance would have been the touch of your lips.”

  She felt the heat rise to her face; her gaze dropped to her hands. A gentle finger tipped her chin upward.

  “Look at me,” Jared said, and she did. “As I was about to tell you, my patience is growing weaker and weaker by the hour. I want you,” he said, huskily. “All of you. Tell me I can have you. Tonight.”

  The desirous look in his eyes melted any reserve that remained. Why didn’t she allow him his rights? Did she not want to discover what mysteries a man and woman shared? Wouldn’t they, then, be bonded more closely, to actually become one? Not only in body, but in spirit, as well?

  When she did not answer immediately, Jared urged her toward him, hoping to persuade her with a kiss. But a sudden racket in the woods beyond the stream jerked her away; her head spun toward the noise. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “N-nothing … I—I …”

  “It was a hare,” he said, pointing to the rabbit as it bounded up the hillside.

  Relief coursed through her veins when she realized it wasn’t Ian and Merlin. Since the moment that Jared had insisted they picnic in the glade, she’d been fearful they’d come upon his estranged friend. And her intuition told her it would not have been a pleasant scene, if they had. Each rustle of the wind through the trees, each scant sound of the forest’s inhabitants had stretched her taut nerves to the point of snapping, for something told her that if Jared ever discovered she knew Ian, she’d pay a heavy price as a result.

  Concerned eyes surveyed her. She’d suddenly gone pale. “Alissa, what is it, sweet?”

  “I’m just a bit jumpy. I suppose my near accident has made me a little anxious,” she lied, not knowing what else to say. “Every time I think of it, I grow weak.” Which was the truth.

  “Then perhaps we should head back to the house. A shot of brandy and a short rest will help soothe your nerves. Tonight, I want you relaxed.”

  “What are you proposing?”

  “I’m proposing we become husband and wife as God intended and as I desire.”

  Alissa’s mouth opened to make comment, but Megan ran up on quiet feet, three braided wreaths in hand. Placing crowns of wildflowers on Jared’s and Alissa’s heads, she curtsied. The last she placed on her own head and motioned for Jared and Alissa to rise.

  “I believe we have a princess who wishes to be honored with a bow,” Jared said, rising to his feet. Alissa did the same. After they had made the proper show of courtesy, Megan clapped her hands.

  “If you are of such noble blood, then who are we?” Alissa asked of the child and watched as Megan placed both hands at the sides of her head, her fingers stretching upward to the sky.

  “She says we are the king and queen, of course. And as all good royal persons do, it is time we seek out our palace. Our subjects must wonder where we are.”

  Seeing Megan’s disappointment on having to leave the glade, Alissa said, “When we get back to the house, we can have a round of charades in the downstairs sitting room, if your father agrees. But, afterward, we shall have our naps,” she stated, seeing his raised eyebrow.

  With everyone in agreement, they packed up their things and headed toward Thor and Sweet Honesty, tethered not far from the cottage.

  From the hillside, Ian watched the threesome, his forearm leaning on the pommel of the saddle. “Well, Woden,” he commented to his horse, while surveying the tender ministrations being paid by his estranged friend to the young woman he knew as Aggie, “it seems love has come to Hawkstone, but methinks King Jared is only vaguely aware it has.” Quietly, he turned his horse toward Falcon’s Gate.

  As Jared, Alissa, and Megan made their way to the sitting room from the rear of the house, the three in high spirits, Jared leaned close to Alissa’s ear. “I’m rather weary of charades. Do we have to play yet more?”

  “Yes, and as you’ve stated, we will continue to do so, until you’ve cleared my name. You have only yourself to blame, sir. I am willing to unveil myself upon request,” she said, without thinking, and heard Jared’s groan of anticipation.

  “Tonight, love,” he whispered fervently, causing Alissa to blush as they entered the sitting room. “Tonight.”

  “Well, darling,” a woman’s voice cooed, prettily, stopping all three Braxtons in their tracks. “It’s so nice to see you’ve found your way home.”



  “Patricia!” Her name erupted from Jared’s lips as though he’d been beset by the plague. “What in blazes are you doing here?”

  “The word no is not in her vocabulary,” Robert said from the corner, a brandy glass in hand. “But, then,” he offered with a shrug, “perhaps, I do not pronounce it correctly.”

  The redhead sent a condemning look in Robert’s direction, then strolled toward Jared, her green silk dress swaying in time with her hips, a teasing smile lighting her eyes. “Robert is such a bear. He forgets that he had no transportation and would not be here himself had I not offered my coach.” Then she raised on tiptoes and placed a kiss full on Jared’s mouth.

  Astounded, Alissa watched the woman’s wanton show of affection. A sisterly peck it was not! Worse yet, Jared did not see fit to end the brazen caress! “I’ve missed you,” Patricia whispered when her mouth finally pulled away.

  Missed him? Alissa thought. Was she referring to the length of time since she’d last left Hawkstone? Or had her loneliness been precipitated by a more recent parting? Since Jared hadn’t shown even an inkling of affection toward the redhead during her last visit, at least not in Alissa’s presence, she suddenly wondered if her husband’s hasty “business” trip, only days after their marriage, had in truth been a fraudulent pretext—the redhead’s arms his actual destination.

  Jared glanced at Alissa, noting her mutinous glare. She resembled a lioness ready to pounce. Still dazed by Patricia’s arduous kiss, he took the woman’s arm and led her to the settee. Had he not been suffering from the shock of seeing her, he would have pushed her away. But she’d come upon him so unexpectedly, he’d not been able to react. There had been no response to her kiss on his part, but he knew Alissa thought otherwise. “Have you been offered some refreshment?” he asked, finally finding his voice as he sat next to Patricia in hopes of keeping the two women apart. One misplaced word, and they’d be at each other’s throats, he knew.

  “Mrs. Dugan is bringing tea and cakes. But, of course, I know you prefer brandy. Robert,” she called over her shoulder, “fix Jared a drink.”

  “What? Orders already?” Robert asked, in mock amazement. “Let’s not be so hasty, Patricia. You’ve not snared my cousin, yet.”

  Patricia’s head swiveled toward the man with such force that everyone thought it would topple from her shoulders. Jared’s lips twitched, trying to hide a grin. His eyes sparkling with amusement, he looked directly at Alissa and winked; she could not help but smile in return. Perhaps she’d assumed incorrectly. Mistress, indeed! But … as a lark, perhaps he intended to pit one against the other: wife versus mistress; winner takes all.

  “Miss P
embroke, please come join us,” Jared said, motioning to the chair closest to the settee and to him.

  Patricia viewed Alissa with a caustic eye; then the redhead’s gaze settled on Jared in irritation. “Can’t we have a family visit without Megan’s governess continuously at our side?”

  “Would you prefer I dismiss her?”


  “Well, then, I suppose I’ve no other option,” he said, and noticed Patricia’s shoulders square, anticipating her victory; Alissa’s slumping in defeat. “Miss Pembroke, I ask that you stay. The choice, of course, is yours.”

  Surprised, Alissa noticed her husband’s gentle regard and realized he’d given her a choice for a reason. She could either stay at his side, should she want to be near him, or she could leave the room and escape Patricia’s hateful slams. Gratitude sparked in her eyes. “Thank you, Mr. Braxton,” she said, almost reverently, “but I believe I shall retire to my rooms for a rest. I hope you’ll understand.”

  “I do, Miss Pembroke,” he said with a slight nod, acknowledging her wishes were acceptable. “Oh, Miss Pembroke,” he called in afterthought, stressing her assumed name to relay the importance of her disguise, “we shall be dining at eight. Please bring Megan with you when you come. In fact, I believe it’s time for her nap, also. Perhaps you can see her safely upstairs.”

  “I shall be most happy to do so, sir.” With one last glance at her husband, Alissa took Megan’s hand and escaped the room. Poor Jared, she thought, uncertain whether or not he had the strength to withstand the woman’s gibberish and still maintain his sanity.

  She wondered if he was strong enough to fight off Patricia’s advances, as well. A warm and willing body, here and now, might be far more appealing than awaiting a skittish wife, not knowing when or if she’d ever give herself willingly. But would he choose just any woman to fulfill his needs? Although she suspected Jared’s carnal appetites were more powerful than most, she was certain he was far more discerning in his selection of a partner than the majority of his gender. Patricia Southworth did not fit his requirements. Of that, she was positive. Yet, she found herself questioning whether she met those discriminating requirements herself.

  That evening at supper, Jared purposely sat Alissa to his right; Patricia took the chair to his left, Robert settling beside the redhead.

  “Where is Megan?” Patricia asked Jared, shaking open her napkin with an annoyed flick of her wrist, upset because he’d seen fit to seat the governess and not herself. “I thought she was supposed to bring her along.”

  “Megan complained of illness,” Alissa answered, her eyes making contact with Jared’s, and he received the message there was nothing amiss, except the child wished desperately to be excused. “She’s in her bed, asleep.”

  “If she’s ill, why aren’t you with her? She might need your care.” Patricia pulled her gaze from Alissa and turned to Jared. “Really, you should find a competent individual who shows more concern for the child.”

  “And I suppose you have such an individual in mind?” Jared asked, his elbow leaning on the chair’s arm, his jaw resting against his thumb.

  “No. But I’d be happy to find someone. Miss Pembroke obviously is not acceptable. Not by my standards. And I would hope not by yours, either.”

  “She’s more than acceptable to me,” Jared countered, his cool gaze pinning the redhead to her seat. Weary of the woman’s prattle, of her interference, of her superior attitude, and especially of her attacks on Alissa, his tolerance snapped. “Since you’ve no say over my child—nor, might I add, Patricia, will you ever—I’ll make the decisions I believe best for her. Your wishes do not matter!”

  Surprised by his curt statement, Patricia’s eyes widened. Then, she watched Jared’s warm regard settle on the governess. Realization hit her with the force of an exploding volcano. Surely not … impossible! He wasn’t in love with this vile little creature, was he?

  Through narrowed lids, she studied the pair. Daggers dipped in hatred flew from her eyes, aimed directly at Alissa. She was a witch! She had to be! Otherwise, no man could possibly find the unsightly female the least bit attractive. Yes, that’s it! She’s blinded him with some sort of potion that she’s sprinkled on his food or slipped into his drink. Why else would Jared ignore her own beauty to gravitate to one so plain? Convinced this was the case, Patricia decided she’d find the evil concoction, present it to Jared, and expose the ugly thing for what she actually was. Once freed from his curse, he’d turn his affections to her. Patricia was certain of it.

  To Alissa’s relief, the meal progressed without further disruption; Patricia remained in a silent huff throughout. Robert, quiet as always, drank more than usual; and, as Alissa had noticed on his first visit, he still directed odd looks at Jared. Finally, they all went their separate ways, Jared whispering he’d meet her in the garden, by the summerhouse, in an hour.

  Moonlight shone through the latticework, framing the columns of the summerhouse, creating diamond patterns along the floor. The scent of roses filled the air as it traveled on the light summer’s breeze. A night for lovers, Alissa thought as she waited for Jared, still entrapped in her disguise. Looking out over the rail at the garden, her anticipation grew with each passing moment. With her thoughts on her husband, she’d come to a decision. They would truly become man and wife, as he had promised … and as she wanted … tonight.

  A gentle arm slipped around her waist, pulling her back against a warm, solid chest, and Alissa suddenly felt exhilarated by his familiar touch. “Jared,” she whispered longingly.

  “I missed you, sweet.” His breath fanned her hair, then he turned her in his arms. “Kiss me, Alissa. Kiss me.” And his head lowered, his mouth capturing hers, and she dissolved against him, her lips opening in complete surrender to his demands.

  Her wild abandonment surprised Jared—hot desire shot to his core, and he pulled her more fully to his hard length. Willingly, her body melted to his and her slender arms encircled his neck. A violent need surged through him, rocking his masculine form to the foundation of his soul.

  Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered why she’d come to him so easily. He prayed he was the sole cause of her surrender. But he suspected that Patricia had somehow spurred her on, making her give herself before she was truly ready. If that were the case, he did not want her. Her regrets would come on the morrow, he knew. She must come to him freely. Yet, with her lithe body so close to his, beckoning him on, her soft lips and velvet tongue teasing, tasting his own as it darted tentatively, naively, he found he could not stop himself. Her reasons be damned!

  The fiery possession of his smoldering lips, slanting fiercely across hers, sent wave upon wave of heated emotion coursing through Alissa’s quivering body. Frightened, yet spellbound, she could not decide whether to flee or to stay. Then his splayed hand slid from her waist, down over her hip, to press urgently against the base of her spine, molding her, fitting her to his hardened body. His masterful lips left hers, grazing across her cheek, leaving an urgent trail of kisses in their wake. “I want you,” he whispered at her ear. His swirling tongue invaded and teased its delicate folds, and a shiver of ecstasy quaked through her as he nibbled the lobe. “But only if you give yourself freely, Alissa.” Then his flaming lips blazed over hers once more.

  His urgent plea spiraled through her head and penetrated her drugged senses to fix itself in her brain. Freely, Alissa, she heard again inside her mind, and her responsive lips hesitated. Jared instantly felt her slight withdrawal, and with a strength he did not know he possessed, he dragged his aching lips from hers and set her away, then smoothed the wisps of hair from her face. “You must not come to me because you fear I will seek another. You’ll be mine because you want it for yourself, as well.”

  “B-but …” Yes! She wanted him, wanted his love, wanted his child. She knew he would offer his body, give her his child, but would he ever award her his love? Then she decided naively that the bond of a child, one created from their
union, would surely make him love her. “Jared, I—”

  “Hush, sweet,” he said, fighting down his raging desires, not giving her the chance to deny her need of him. “Our time together must wait. When our guests have gone, and we’re alone, I’ll teach you all the pleasures that await you. Until then, we must be patient.” His last words were more for himself than Alissa, he knew. Taking a deep breath to cool his ardor, he drew her close, settling a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  Several yards away, spiteful gray-green eyes surveyed the couple as they tenderly embraced in the summerhouse. “How touching,” Patricia hissed beneath her breath, then turned on her heel and stormed back up the path. Now, more than ever, she was determined to find the potion that had bewitched Jared. Tomorrow, she thought. She’d find it tomorrow. If not then, then the next day, or the next. But she’d find it! No matter how long it took! “Witch!” Patricia gritted between her teeth as she reentered the house. “I’ll see you burned at the stake!”

  The next morning, Jared and Robert headed off to Melrose to settle some labor problems at a tweed mill Jared had recently invested in. They would not be back until late. Once her husband had left, Alissa quickly gathered Megan and their lunch, escaping to the cottage, away from Patricia.

  In the afternoon, the two picnicked near the stream, disappointed that Ian and Merlin did not show. But Alissa decided that perhaps it was best he hadn’t, for her conscience would have bothered her the more.


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