Virgin Lovers

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Virgin Lovers Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Beneath it was a lot of condoms. Turning toward Drake, she held them up.

  “It’s show time.”

  “They sent them?” He stepped toward her and took them. “Are you ready?”

  She took his hand, and led him toward their bedroom. “I am so ready for this. I’ve just got to go and get changed. I’ll slip into something a bit more comfortable.”

  Leaving him in the bedroom, she rushed into the bathroom, and closed the door. Quickly removing her jacket, sweater, shirt, bra, pants, everything until she was naked, she found her hands were shaking. Tugging on the sheer negligee, she glanced in the mirror. Nothing was hiding. She was completely open, completely at their hormones’ mercy.

  Two virgins.

  About to become two lovers.

  He was her soul mate.

  There was no denying that, and she was so nervous.

  Holding her hands out in front of her, she saw that they were still shaking. Gripping them tightly, she closed her eyes, and said a quick prayer to whoever was listening that their time together not be terrible, or a waste.

  You can do this, Kelly.

  She wondered how many women had stood in this very place, about to go out and be mated, and worried.

  They had come a long way from being the couple that argued. She reached up, bunching her hair together to see if she looked better one way or the other. Giving a quick turn, she looked down her back, to see if she should leave it up or down.

  This was making her even more nervous. Drake was her mate, and he’d told her so many times over the past few months that not only did he find her beautiful but also sexy. She was happy with who she was, and no one was going to change that. Squaring her shoulders, she went toward the door, and paused. This was a big moment, and she didn’t want to keep him waiting.

  Opening the door, she saw that Drake was sitting on the edge of the bed. He wore a pair of boxer briefs, and he’d been watching the door, waiting. When he saw her, he sat up, and his gaze traveled down the length of her body.

  The look he gave her was heated, and there was no denying what he wanted. She was in his sights, and he was in hers.

  “Hey,” she said. “How do I look?”

  Drake didn’t answer. Instead, he stood up, and she saw his dick tenting his briefs. Her pussy flooded, and she stepped toward him. She wanted this, as did he, and by the end of the night, they would be mated as one.


  The negligee that Kelly wore left nothing to the imagination. Whatever control Drake had, it seemed to snap. Standing up, he moved toward her, wrapping his arms around her and slamming his lips down on hers, tasting her sweetness. She was pure, and everything about her, he loved. This woman, she was the fire in his veins, and he had been waiting for her. All this time, she was who he wanted more than anything else, and he was going to have her, to consume her, to love her for the rest of his life.

  Sinking his hands into her golden locks, he continued to taste her, deepening the kiss even more. He pressed her against the wall until there was nowhere else to go. Grabbing her hands, he placed them above her head, captured in one of his own.

  “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?” he asked.

  “Fuck me?” Her words took him completely by surprise. “I want you to do that, Drake. I want you to take me, to make me yours, to make me beg.”

  “I will, baby. I so fucking will.” He ran his hands down her body, squeezing her breast, pinching her nipple, moving down to cup her hip. That wasn’t enough. He reached behind her. He grasped her ass and moaned as she melted against him, pushing her pussy up toward him, trying to grind on his cock.

  “I can’t help it, Drake, I need you.”

  He picked her up and placed her on the bed. Stepping away, he grabbed one of the rubbers, tearing into the foil packet. Before going any further, he eased his boxers down. His cock sprang out. He was rock hard, and his hands were shaking a little bit. He knew what he was doing, and had seen enough porn to know what to do. Not only that, he felt this need, this unending desire to consume her, to take her as only he should.

  She sat up and held her hand out. “Let me.” She took the condom, and slowly rolled it over his aching dick. He was so damn hard.

  When she lay back, he admired her beauty, knowing it was all his. Then she spread her legs, and all thought was once again lost. He went between her thighs, running his cock over her slit. He teased her, needing to hear her moan, needing every little sound that only she could give.

  “You want my cock, baby?” he asked.


  This was their first time. He’d never been inside a woman, saving himself for Kelly. “This could hurt.”

  “I know.” She leaned up and kissed his lips. “I trust you, Drake. I want this. We can make this so good.”

  She held him tightly, and he stared into her eyes, determined to make this perfect for her. Gripping his cock, he placed the tip at her entrance. Staring into her blue eyes, he thrust forward, breaking through that barrier, and taking what was his. Kelly was his. Even as she cried out, she didn’t fight him. He pushed up to the hilt inside her, and wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body against his. Her heartbeat raced against his chest. They were breathing, panting, and he closed his eyes, basking in the pleasure as her pussy rippled around him.

  “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you,” he said, kissing her neck.

  “You didn’t hurt me.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “You told me what to say.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “It’s not your fault.” She kissed his head, and he looked at her, seeing tears in her eyes.

  “I don’t like seeing you in pain.”

  “It will only hurt this time. It won’t hurt again.” She ran her hands over his back. “Now you can make it so much better.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said. Even as he wanted to begin thrusting inside her, he didn’t want to cause her any more pain.

  “You won’t. It’s gone now. There’s no more pain.”

  Staring into her eyes, he refused to look away. If he saw any sign that he was hurting her, he was going to stop.

  Easing out of her pussy, he waited, and she smiled at him. Before he had even begun to thrust, she gripped his ass and pulled him back inside her.

  They both moaned.

  “See. I’m not made of glass. I’m not going to break. I’m ready for you.”

  He groaned, and began to rock inside her.

  As he pressed his lips to hers, the tightness of her pussy, the feel of her wrapped around him, much to Drake’s shame, he didn’t have any control at all. Within a couple of minutes, he came, filling the condom, and holding her tightly.

  He collapsed on top of her, and after a few seconds, he felt her giggle.

  “Please don’t laugh.”

  “It’s fine.”

  But still her body shook, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Easing out of her pussy, he looked down into her smiling face.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because you told me not to, and then I couldn’t help it,” she said, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I thought it was wonderful.”

  “I lasted a minute.”

  “A little longer than that, but that’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not.” His cheeks were heating, and he wondered if all men felt like this. “I’m twenty years old.”

  “And a virgin. Don’t forget, this is our first time, and we lived through it.”

  “You seem so happy right now, and I’m not.”

  Kelly caught his face again, and forced him to look at her. “The first time we touched, neither of us lasted that long. With practice, I think we’re pretty damn good at it.”

  “So?” he asked.

  “So with a little more practice, it makes perfect, right? We’ve got all the time in the world to change that, and I look forward to what we can do together with all those co
ndoms, and all this time.” She grabbed him, pushing him to the bed, so that she was over him. Her lips were at his ear. “Or are you going to give up that easily?”

  Chapter Eight

  Kelly moaned as Drake surged inside her once again. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she sucked him inside her, desperate to feel him riding her. His cock was long, and it had been three days since they had lost their virginity. Three days of practicing, of getting it just right, and with the way he was sliding inside her, and his hands on her body, they were doing everything perfect.

  “You feel so fucking right, baby,” he said. “Look at us. Watch my dick take you.”

  She stared down at where they were joined, and moaned. His cock was driving in and out of her. The sight only served to turn her on, and when she reached down to stroke her clit, it made Drake wild. He fucked her with abandon, the strength of his thrusts making the bed slam against the wall.

  “I’m so close, Drake.”

  “That’s right, baby. Touch your clit. Your pussy is so damn tight, fuck. You’re so perfect, so right, so mine.” He claimed her lips just as she screamed her orgasm.

  He slammed inside her three times, filling her as deep as he could go. The last thrust sent her into another semi-climax that had her scoring her nails down his back from the pleasure.

  Their moans echoed off the walls, and she screamed his name over and over. When he collapsed on top of her, she held him tightly, kissing his shoulder.

  “That’s it, I’m done. I think you’ve broken my dick.”

  “Me? That was totally you this time. You attacked me.”

  “I walked in and you were playing with your pussy. How could I not dive in?”

  This had Kelly laughing as Drake rolled over. She watched as he removed the condom, and tossed it toward the trash bin, getting it inside.

  “It amazes me how well you do that.” She snuggled up close to him. “You always seem to arrive just as I’m about to come, and then you make it all about you.”

  “You loved feeling my cock inside you.”

  “You know I do.” She ran her hand across his stomach, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “That was a ten.”

  “Without a doubt?”

  “Without a single doubt. Total ten for me.”

  “I think you’ve got some room for improvement. Nine and a half.”

  She was laughing. “You’re an ass.”

  “Just keeping you on your toes, woman.” He pulled her close, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I never thought for a second we’d be doing this.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “Snuggling, having sex, making love. We even played a board game today. Come on, this has been a complete change from what we normally do.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, and smiled at him. “You can’t tell me you’re not surprised by everything?”

  “I’m not surprised.” He stroked her arm.

  “You said to me that you didn’t believe in the stuff you were saying to me. You kept pushing me away even as you hated yourself for it.”

  “I know. It was all my parents talked about. You, me, being together. I was tired of it, and I was also a kid. I fucked up big time, and I don’t want to justify that.” He held her chin, and smiled down at her. “I want to make up for being an asshole to you. I never meant anything I said. Even after I said it and I saw the pain that I caused you, I wanted to take it back, but I just couldn’t. It has been the biggest regret of my life.”

  “I don’t blame you anymore, and you’re certainly not hurting me now.”

  “I’ve still got to live with that. Knowing I was an asshole to you. I never for a second thought your ass was fat. I actually hated it because whenever I’d watch you walk away, I’d look at your ass, and want you. I’ve always wanted you, Kelly. That will never change.”

  “Does it help if I say that I forgive you?”

  “Don’t forgive me yet. I don’t deserve it.”

  Everything he was saying and doing was making it impossible for her to feel anything but love for him. They had grown a great deal from being here on this island.

  Pressing a kiss to his lips, she reached over and grabbed another condom. She straddled his legs, and smiled down at him. Tearing into the packet, she rolled the condom over his length.

  “Now, what do you think you’re doing?” he asked, grasping her hips. He didn’t make a move to stop her.

  “We said practice makes perfect.” She eased down over his already swelling length. “Well, we can lie here and talk about the past, or we can move past it, by making love.” She moaned as he seated to the hilt inside her. “I know what I prefer to do.”

  He held her in place. His cock pulsed inside her, sending shockwaves of pleasure rushing through her. “You feel so amazing.”

  With her hands on his chest, she began to move up and down on his cock. Her eyes closed as she basked in the sensation of having him fill her. He was so big, and he surrounded her in a way that was just perfect. She loved everything about him, and that alone scared her.

  The teaching of the island was that during a couple’s isolation, they found themselves drawn to each other, which was how it was supposed to be. That love went deep, and it couldn’t be easily broken. They were going to be true mates, and that connection was never going to be severed.


  Christmas came, and together they dressed their house up. Gifts were not much of an issue for either of them as they spent most of the buildup and the day making love. The New Year seemed to come faster, and then it was on course to Valentine’s Day. Now this day, Drake did have some big plans for. They still had a couple of months to go before they were clear, but before then, he wanted to do something romantic.

  He’d asked his father to send a ring, and some other things so that he could make the scene that he wanted to create. After spending as much time with her as he could, he wanted this to be the perfect setting.

  On the day of Valentine’s, he took her out to the pool.

  “What are you doing?” Kelly asked.

  “I’ve got a little surprise for you, and in order to do it, I need you to stay here so I can make everything perfect.”

  She rolled her eyes, folded her arms, and glared. “What exactly are you going to do?”

  “That’s the surprise. I need you to trust me.”

  “Ugh.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him close. “Can’t I convince you to stay? We’ll make this a day to remember.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “This is going to be a day to remember. I promise.” When he pulled away, she held his hand.

  “Don’t go.”

  Drake groaned. “Please, let me go and do this for you, babe. It’ll be perfect, I promise.” He then grabbed the bag he’d stored everything inside, and handed it to her. “E-readers, chocolate, and coffee. Give me one hour.”

  “One hour?”


  “Okay. See you in one hour.” She kissed him, took the bag, and he was off.

  Rushing back toward the house, he entered, and paused. There in his sitting room was his father.

  “What the hell?” Drake rushed forward, hugging him.

  “I was allowed to be here to help you set up. You’re really going to do this now? You’re ready?”

  “I’m ready.”

  “Do you think she’ll say yes?”

  “I’m hoping so.” He had his fingers crossed. “I love her, Dad. That’s all that matters. I know she loves me, too. I want this to be perfect.”

  “I’m here to help.”

  “Great, I’ve got an hour to get this perfect.”

  Without speaking Drake headed for the table, picking it up, and carrying it outside. His father hung up lights so that the backyard was aglow. In an hour the sun would be setting, and everything would go the way he planned. He hoped. This was his very first romantic plan, and he just hoped he got it right.

  An intimate meal, a garden aglow, candles, and
soft music. With his father’s help, he was able to get everything how he wanted it.

  “You’re sure about this, son?” he asked.

  “Dad, I was picked by the elders. We were picked, Kelly and me. I nearly lost her once. I’m not going to do it again.”

  “The food is heating in the oven. Your mother cooked lasagna, so it should help seal the deal.” His father hugged up. “Love you, son.”

  “Love you, too, Dad.”

  There was a knock on the door, and once Drake was sure everything was in place, he went to answer it.

  Kelly was there, a smile on her face. “I think it’s been an hour, and I may or may not have missed you. I wanted to see that everything was okay.”

  “And to see the surprise that I’ve got.”

  “Yes, that, too. I like surprises. Mostly.”

  He took her hand and helped her into the house. “I’m going to need to cover your eyes.”

  “Is this a kinky surprise?”

  “No. Nowhere near close.” He placed his hands over her eyes.

  “What’s that smell?” she asked. “It’s amazing.”

  He heard her stomach rumble and chuckled. “That would be my mom’s lasagna. She makes a great one.” Entering the backyard, he removed his hands. “You can open your eyes now.”

  When she did, he heard a gasp. “Drake, it’s beautiful.”

  “It’s not even close to being done.” He quickly left to grab the lasagna. The ring was in his pocket, and it was driving him crazy.

  “This is all amazing. You did this in one hour?”

  “I had Dad’s help.”

  “Your dad was here?”

  He nodded. “Yep. He knew what I wanted to do today, so he helped me to get the show on the road.”


  Placing the lasagna on the table, he served her up a plate before doing himself one.

  “You’re nervous, Drake. What’s going on? Do I need to be worried?”


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