Jessie (Big Sky Dreams 3)

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Jessie (Big Sky Dreams 3) Page 20

by Lori Wick

  The two prayed together and then talked about the sermon. Seth stayed for more than an hour, but managed to be on time when the store opened. He started work thinking about the letter he needed to write to his brother. It was an amazing thing to be able to assure Eliot that someone in Token Creek was looking out for him and that the pastor he remembered was still a blameless man of God.

  “Hold still,” Jessie said to Clancy on the first day of school. That little

  girl was getting her hair brushed and could barely contain herself. “When do we eat?” Clancy asked Hannah. “I can’t remember.” “At noon.”

  “Where is our dinner tin?”

  “You’ll have it,” Jessie said patiently. “Hold still, please.”

  “Seth,” Hannah went to the man watching all of this in silence and asked, “are you going to walk with us?”

  “I would like that,” he said. “Does your mother usually take you?” “Just on the first day. She puts a sign on the door.”

  Seth’s eyes swung to Jessie, who only glanced athimand kept brushing. He had never known her to do this, and his expression said as much.

  209”It happens once in a while,” she said, her tone not inviting further comment, but Seth found himself smiling. “You think you know so much, Seth Redding, but you’ve been gone a long time,” Jessie added.

  “True,” he agreed, his tone affable. “Very true.”

  Jessie fought the smile that threatened her own mouth and finished Clancy’s hair. Had the girls not been distracted by their thoughts of school, they would have wanted to know exactly what was going on, but this time the adults got away with it.

  “All right, girls, do you have everything?” Jessie asked, her eyes scanning them for every detail.

  “Do I have to walk home with Hannah?” Clancy asked. “Yes. Stay with her all the way back to the store.”

  “What if Clara wants to walk with me?”

  “As long as Hannah is with you, that’s fine.”

  “But sometimes Hannah walks with Vera, and Clara is littler like


  “Clancy,” Seth spoke up. “You’re worrying about a lot of things, and the day hasn’t even started. Plan to obey your mother. After you’ve walked with Hannah a few days, you can ask questions about changes you want to make.”

  “I think about things,” she said, her voice not demanding and expectant as it often was.

  “Yes, you do, and most of the time that’s good, but sometimes you worry, and that’s not good.”

  “Will you pray for us today, Seth?” Hannah came close to ask. “Yes, I will,” he said, smoothing the hair away from her face. “You look very pretty, Hannah.”

  “Do I look pretty?” Clancy asked, voice back in full form. “Yes, you do. You both look ready to start school.”

  “And read,” Clancy said, her frown in place.

  Neither parent responded to this, but both smiled. Moments later they started toward the schoolhouse.


  “Are you all right?” Seth asked when they were far enough away from the schoolhouse not to be heard.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “You just look a little sad.”

  Jessie didn’t say anything. She wasn’t used to having an adult around who could read each nuance. She was sad, but she didn’t know why. The girls were excited, and she would not lack things to do until they arrived home.

  On Seth’s part, he let it go. She didn’t answer him, which could mean any number of things. He didn’t think she was upset with him, but on the chance that his question felt intrusive, he kept his peace.

  “Why did you ask that?” Jessie suddenly asked again.

  “You just looked a little pensive.”

  Jessie didn’t stop walking, but she had slowed quite a bit. Seth matched his longer steps to her shorter ones and waited, shooting the occasional glance in her direction.

  “I don’t know why,” Jessie said, and Seth knew she meant it. “It just feels odd, as if part of me is missing.”

  “The store will certainly be different,” Seth commented, having just realized how much this would affect him. He wished he had the right words for Jessie, but he didn’t.

  “I’m always ready to see them at three o’clock,” she added. “Is that when they come?”

  “About that time, yes.”

  The store came into view just then, and Seth asked a question that had been on his mind since he returned.

  “What happened to your dream to build a house?”

  Jessie laughed before saying, “Who has time?”

  “Is that all that’s stopping you?”

  “Isn’t that enough?”

  They reached the store and the conversation was dropped, but enough had been said. A solid plan was forming in Seth’s mind.



  “WHAT IF HE DOESN’Tlike what we’re fixing?” Heather said to Becky on Monday afternoon.

  “He’ll like it,” Becky said in her unflappable way.

  “How do you know?”

  “He’s a bachelor. He’ll like anything.”

  At just about any other time Heather would have laughed, but at this moment it was lost on her. She went to work on the dining room table, hours too early, wanting it to be just right. She had taken another walk with Nate on Friday evening and then seen him the day before at church. Jeanette had asked him to supper tonight, and Heather suddenly found herself all nerves. At some point she got ahold of herself and made herself calm down, but it didn’t last long. Nate Kaderly was coming to supper, and Heather didn’t know the last time she’d been so excited.

  “I walked with Hannah” were the first words from Clancy’s mouth to her mother.

  “I’m glad. How was your day?”


  Seth hung back and listened to the girls talk to their mother. He was fairly certain he was seeing their daily routine. Jessie had come up front to work at about quarter to three. A woman had come in looking for something, and Jessie only directed her to the aisle, holding her place at the front. When the girls came through the front door, she was right there. Everyone hugged, and much as Seth would have enjoyed being part of it, he enjoyed watching as well.

  “My seat is by Deena’s,” Hannah said.

  “That must be fun. Did you talk when you weren’t supposed to?” “Only once.”

  “I didn’t learn to read,” Clancy said, a small frown in place. “Well,” Jessie said slowly, fighting laughter, “I think it might take more than one day.”

  “Our teacher is readingBlack Beautyto us,” Hannah put in. “I like


  Without warning, the girls turned to Seth. They told him everything they’d told their mother, and it was Jessie’s turn to watch. She expected to feel a little jealous over sharing them, but she didn’t. It was just as fun to watch them as it was to be a part of it, and if the truth be told, the look on Seth’s face made it all worthwhile.

  He loved his daughters. There would be no way to miss this fact. They had climbed onto the counter, and he put his arms on the counter to lean close to their faces as they talked. As usual the girls’ words tumbled all over each other, and it was fun for Jessie to see how she must look to Seth as she tried to follow each one.

  “What was your favorite part?” Seth asked just as a man came into the store. He saw that Jessie was taking care of him and stayed with the girls. “Wait a minute,” he had to cut back in. “Hannah, you go first.”

  “I like sitting by Deena. She’s nice.”

  “I don’t think I know her.”

  “She goes to church,” Hannah informed him, as though this explained everything. “I’m going to ask Mama if she can come and play.” “That would be fun. Okay, Clancy, what was your favorite part?”


  “We get to play outside after dinner. I ran with Clara, but she was faster.”

  “Is she older?”

  “A little, I think.”

here do you eat dinner, outside or at your desk?”

  “Outside, as long as we eat before we play.”

  “And what’s your teacher’s name?”

  Seth had to laugh when it started them both again. He knew at some point they were going to have to be taught not to interrupt each other, but for the moment, this was simply too much fun.

  Heather went to the front door for the third time to see if he was coming. Becky kept on with her work, which included a huge effort not to laugh. Heather had helped with most of the meal, but for right now Becky was on her own. Jeanette came down to find Heather looking tense, and for a moment Becky stopped to listen.

  “How are you?” Jeanette asked.

  “I’m fine,” Heather said with her mouth, but nothing else about her agreed. Jeanette took pity on her and didn’t say anything else. As it was, they were out of time. The man himself was at the door, and Heather looked like she was going to faint. Thankfully Nate was a man of keen awareness, and he saw instantly that Heather was not relaxed.

  “How was your day?” he asked when he’d been let inside. Jeanette and Becky had greeted him but then moved toward the dining room.

  “It was fine,” Heather said, but her voice was pitched higher than usual. “How was yours?”

  Nate smiled before saying, “Fine. Tell me something, Heather. Are you worried about my being here?”

  “A little,” she said, obviously embarrassed.

  “What did you think would be a problem?”

  “It occurred to me that you might not like the food,” Heather


  answered truthfully, but she was mentally adding to the list

  ormydress and hair.

  “I’ll like it,” Nate said with a surety that Heather could nottniss. Itimmediately brought her out of herself.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I’ve tasted my own cooking and enough ofBecky’s toknow what I’m in for.”

  Heather smiled, relaxing a little more.

  “That’s better,” Nate said, wanting to take her hand but resisting. “I suppose I was being silly.”

  “No, you weren’t. Just kind.”

  The two shared another smile, and this time Heather’swas real. She led the way to the dining room, believing for the first timethat this was a good idea.

  As for Nate, he thought if he had to wait much longer to

  tell this woman that he loved her, he was not going to survive. He

  madehimself concentrate on the meal and the wonderful company, allthe

  while reminding himself that Heather was worth any amount oftime he

  needed to wait.

  “Well, Seth, come on in,” Rylan invited on MondaynightWhenhe found him at the front door.

  “Thank you, but I’ve just come with a question. Hi, Bri.” “Hi, Seth. Can you sit down?”

  “Thank you, but I need to keep moving if I’m goingto behomebefore the girls go to bed.”

  “Go ahead, Seth,” Rylan invited. “Ask your question.”

  “Thank you. Who builds houses in town?”

  “Chas Vick.”

  Seth frowned before saying, “I thought he builtfurniture like Jeb.”

  “No, Chas builds houses.”


  Seth smiled before saying, “That’s perfect.”

  “Are you building?” Rylan asked, smiling at Seth’s expression.

  “If I have anything to say about it, but I have to get around Jessie.” Rylan laughed. “That should be fun.”

  “We’ll see,” Seth said before thanking the Jarviks and heading on his way. He was pretty sure he knew which house belonged to the Vicks and wasted no time getting there. This would be his fourth stop of the night. He hoped after this he would have something to tell Jessie.

  “Thank you for supper,” Nate said to Jeanette and Becky. “You’re welcome, Nate. We hope you’ll join us again.”

  “I’d like that,” he said before the women took their leave. In a matter of seconds it was just he and Heather. “Would you like that?” he asked the woman in front of him.

  “For you to join us again? Yes.”

  Nate looked at her, wanting to say what was on his mind but not sure how. Something had happened tonight. He didn’t know exactly what, but Heather was looking at him differently.

  “You look like you want to say something,” Heather said when the silence lengthened.

  “I was just thinking about the evening. I had a good time.”

  “I did too. You fit in with us very well,” Heather said, laughing a little. “I hope that wasn’t an insult.”

  “I’m not insulted at all. My men probably wouldn’t believe I could enjoy such an evening, but I do.”

  “Have you told anyone that we take walks?” Heather asked, her term for seeing this man.

  “Rylan and I talk about it, but I’ve not spoken to anyone else about it. How about you?”

  “Just Jeanette and Becky, mostly Becky.”

  “Is Becky a help?”

  “She’s very practical.”

  216”Let me guess. She tells you to relax and enjoy yourself” Heather smiled. “That just about sums it up.”

  “And have you been able to do that?”

  “I think so. I tried very hard tonight.”

  “Why do you suppose it’s so hard?” Nate asked innocently, only to have Heather’s eyes grow huge.

  “Men are so hard! I don’t know anything about them. You’ve been married, but I don’t know a thing!”

  Nate had never seen her quite so animated. The longing to take her into his arms and kiss her almost got the best of him, but he held off.

  “I’m glad you told me,” Nate said, thinking the words sounded inadequate.

  He knew they were inadequate when Heather looked uncomfortable, her eyes dropping to the floor. Only then did Nate decide to act. He pickedup her hand and held it, watching to make sure he wasn’t overstepping. The way Heather’s eyes met his and softened did much for his heart. He kept her hand in his and spoke.

  “Walk me to the door?”

  Heather nodded, her mind centered on the hand holding hers. They walked slowly through Jeanette’s large home and finally arrived at the front door.

  “I have to work tomorrow night, but I’ll come on Wednesday to the shop to see you.”

  “I’ll watch for you.”

  “Goodnight, Heather,” Nate said, giving her hand a squeeze. “Goodnight, Nate.”

  Nate grabbed his hat and was out the door just seconds later, but Heather didn’t move. She stood by the door, working to take in the new things she was feeling. She even looked down at her hand, still able to feel Nate’s. She didn’t join Becky in the kitchen until that woman came to check on her, and even then she had very little to say.

  217”Where were you?” Clancy asked Seth as her parents came to the bedroom to tuck the girls into bed. Seth had been home for only about ten minutes.

  “I had some business I needed to attend to.”

  “Where?” Clancy pressed.

  “A few different places.”

  “Did you and Hannah wash your faces?” Jessie asked to divert the child. She was just as curious, but clearly Seth was not going to say where he’d been.

  “Yes,” the girls chorused.

  “Do you kiss?” Clancy asked suddenly.

  “We used to,” Jessie said calmly, not looking at Seth, whose eyes had gone directly to her. “We haven’t for a long time.”

  “Why don’t you now?” Hannah asked next.

  “Well, Seth and I haven’t seen each other for a longtime, and sometimes waiting is best.”

  “Pastor Rylan and Bri kiss,” Clancy informed her mother. “I’ve seen them.”

  “Yes, they do,” Jessie agreed, sounding quite calm.

  “Will you kiss again?” Hannah asked.

  “Maybe we will,” Jessie said, her voice still calm. “If we decide we want that, we’ll tell you, but you should not ask again.�

  Jessie kissed both girls goodnight and then moved so Seth could get to them. He took his time, kissing them gently, his heart feeling things he didn’t know how to process.

  “Sleep well,” he said to them. “I’ll see you in the morning.” “Are you going to Pastor Rylan’s?”

  “Not tomorrow,” Seth said, glad that Hannah had asked. “I’ll be here.”

  “Next time will you tell us?”

  “I will tell you if you want me to. Goodnight, girls.”

  The lantern was blown out, and Seth and Jessie left the room. Seth waited only until the door was shut to speak.

  “Did you anticipate that question?”

  218”Oh, yes,” Jessie said, a small hint of laughter in her voice. “How?”

  “I just know my daughters, and I knew it would come up.” “What did you mean by your answer?”

  “Just what I said,” Jessie spoke the words from the sofa she’d sat on. Seth took a chair, debating his next question. The couple looked at each other for long moments.

  “Do we know what we’re doing?” Seth had to ask.

  Jessie did not immediately answer. When she did her voice was thoughtful. “I think with the girls we do but not with each other?’

  Seth nodded his head in agreement before asking, “You don’t always know what to do with me, do you?”

  Jessie looked surprised but admitted that she didn’t.

  “I think at times I’m still angry with you.”

  “And trust comes hard after what I’ve done.”

  “I don’t plan to hold that against you forever,” Jessie said, frowning a little and not looking at him.

  “Might you want a relationship with me again, or do you know right now that you never will?”

  “What made you ask that?”

  “I can’t always read the situation. Sometimes it seems like you might be giving me a chance, and other times you keep me away.”

  “What do you want?” Jessie asked, not willing to admit how confused her thinking was these days.


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