Beauty's Beast

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Beauty's Beast Page 5

by Ann Cory

  She glanced at him in time to catch his lower lip stuck out in a sexy pout.

  “Okay, okay. I’m just not used to being viewed as such a sex object.”

  Mercedes put her hand up and groaned. “Oh please. Don’t go any further with that.”

  “I’m just saying.”

  “You shouldn’t say any more.”

  Chapter Five

  It was just after seven when they came to a gravel road at the base of the mountain. As they neared, her anxiety heightened. Aware Nox was staring at her she met his gaze.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “How did you know about this turn off?”

  She frowned. How did she know? When she came here before, she took the regular road up, and that was five years ago. She’d never been back since. “I’m not sure. I guess it’s something I retained in my memory, though I don’t know why. It’s weird, isn’t it?”

  He clicked his tongue. “In a way, but it’s to our advantage. I’ll have an easier time getting in without them seeing me. You should kill the lights.”

  Mercedes turned off the headlights and drove up part way. She noticed a grove in between a couple willows and pulled in. Nox had his seatbelt off and the door opened before she shifted into park.

  “Stay here. I’m going the rest of the way on foot.”

  She unfastened her safety belt. “I’m coming with you.”

  He turned fast, his eyes dark and narrow. “Absolutely not.”

  Mercedes folded her arms. “So I’m supposed just sit here?”

  “Yes. You said you’d drive me. That was all I agreed to. Nothing more.”


  His jaw clenched. “This isn’t the time to argue, and no, you won’t win.”


  “I knew I shouldn’t have let you drive me,” he grumbled.

  She winced at the irritation in his tone. Getting him riled up wouldn’t help. With a sigh, she nodded. “You’re right. I’ll stay here.”

  “Promise?” Gone was the edge to his voice.

  Mercedes chose her words carefully. “I don’t want to get in your way.”

  “I’ll be quick as I can. You do realize this is for us.”

  “I know. Please be careful. I’m scared for you.”

  He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “I need you to think good thoughts for me,” he said and closed the door behind him.

  She sighed and watched him disappear around the mountain. “I already am.”

  * * * *

  Mercedes waited while the sky grew darker. It was quiet and her mind spun with too many what if? scenarios. She kept to her promise and didn’t go after him right away. But now she was finished waiting, and decided to make sure he was safe. Nox could go all beasty on her ass and yell at her later.

  She slipped out of the car and pressed the door shut. She took the same path Nox had and within ten minutes, she was gasping for air. The trail stretched on longer than it appeared from the car and wound around in a big circle.

  Lungs aching and her body slick with sweat, she struggled to keep her momentum uphill. This wasn’t the brightest of ideas. She kept her mind busy while she trekked up the mountain. Mainly with thoughts of Nox and how much she admired him. It helped take her mind off the searing pain in her body. Exercise hadn’t ever been on the top of her priority list.

  Around the same time she was ready to collapse into a sobbing pile of goo, she saw a door that had been pulled off its hinges, and had a pretty good idea who was responsible. Grateful not to have to hike any further, she entered.

  Inside it was dark with a single faint light running across the ceiling, and smelled of must, dank water, and too many chemicals. All together, it made her throat burn each time she inhaled. A few steps in, tunnels split off into three separate directions, without a sign or arrow anywhere she could see. It was the oddest laboratory she’d ever seen. It was a cross between a cave and an underground parking lot. To her recollection, she’d never been in this part.

  Unsure of which way to go, she chose the tunnel on the right and soon picked up Nox’s scent. It was faint, but she caught enough of it to know he’d been there. Aside from the clicking sound of her shoes and an annoying drip, it was quiet. Her legs had gone from exhausted to rubbery and it slowed her pace.

  She rounded a corner and a new scent hit her. The origin didn’t register at first, but with each step, it grew stronger until she couldn’t mistake the scent. Blood. Nox’s blood. He was in danger.

  She ignored the discomfort of her legs and hurried through the twists and turns of the tunnel, milling through the never-ending labyrinth until she came to an area with a steep decline. Careful to not lose her balance and tumble down head first, she took it easy. If she got hurt, it could mean the death of them both.

  Once the walkway leveled out, she quickened her pace. The cave opened up again into a well-lit room, and the sight against the wall made her breath catch.

  Mercedes saw him, or at least the beastly side of him. His fangs, fur and scales showing, he was chained to the wall like an animal awaiting slaughter. He had the head of a boar and the body of a collection of creepies from her childhood nightmares. She forced down her instinct to scream. Regardless of his crude appearance, he was the man she burned for.

  “Nox,” she whispered and approached him slow.

  He raised his head, eyes wide and bloodshot. “Mercedes? What are you doing here? I told you not to come here.”

  “I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “Listen, I want you to get out of here. Right now.”

  How could he ask her to do that? “I’m not walking away from you.”

  His eyes narrowed to slits. “I said go.”

  “No,” she returned, choking back a sob. Even in his beast form, she couldn’t mistake the deep green of his eyes.

  “I didn’t want you to see me like this,” he muttered. “I wish you’d go and forget you met me.”

  The harshness of his appearance didn’t concern her. The many wounds covering his body did. “I’m not going anywhere without you. Deal with it.”

  He stared at her with a blank expression. “How can you look at me without screaming? I’m hideous.”

  “The man I happen to care deeply about is still in there. Control your emotions and let me see him.”

  “It won’t work.”

  “Try,” she pressed. “For me.”

  He closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. She struggled to keep the tears at bay, wanting to be strong for him. In the next moment, he changed back into her handsome Nox. His shirt and pants were torn to shreds and not covering very much. Blood streaked down his body and raised welts covered his arms. When he opened his eyes, they reflected defeat.

  Mercedes let her gaze fall over his battered and bruised body. “It pains me inside to see you this way.”

  “The wounds don’t hurt,” he said glumly. “They might look it, but I don’t feel them.”

  “Well, I do.” From deep inside her belly, an odd sensation rushed through her. Like her body was charged with electricity and demanded release. In her mind, she knew without a doubt that she had the power to heal him.

  Following her instincts, she reached up and smoothed her hands along his arms. A bright white light followed the sweep of her hands and illuminated Nox’s injuries, and then the wounds began to heal.

  She repeated the motion over his swollen knee and back up the rest of his body. “Better?”

  Nox stared on in awe. “How did you do that?”

  The light disappeared and she relaxed her arms. It left her dizzy but she didn’t care. “I don’t know. I’ve never done it before. I just did what felt right.”

  His gaze locked with hers. She sensed his sadness.

  “Be honest with me. Do I frighten you?”

  She should be afraid, terrified even. Under any other circumstance she’d run from a man who could become a creature. But this was Nox and she knew him.
Even in his current state, to look at him made her body liquefy all over again. “No. It makes me want you more.”

  His lips curled. “You saw me as a disgusting thing. How were you not sickened by me?”

  “Because I know the real you.”

  “Impossible,” he retorted. “I don’t even know the real me. You need a man who can stay a man and give you everything you deserve.”

  “Stop it,” she snapped. His pity trip was getting on her last nerve. “You’re only saying this stuff because of a bruised ego. I want you. Do you hear me? I. Want. You. Hell, I’m pretty damn certain that I love you. So knock off the ‘you’re not good enough for me’ bullshit, because you’re not getting rid of me.”

  “I love you too.” He smiled for a second and then lowered his gaze to the ground. “I want to be with you. Hell I don’t want to go a day without looking into your beautiful eyes. But you need a real man. One who doesn’t change into a circus freak. I can’t imagine the kind of life you’d endure with me. I don’t know there’s a cure. I may get worse. The future isn’t up to me.”

  Mercedes stepped forward and rested her hands on either side of his face.

  “You better look at me when you say that,” she soothed. “I’m not afraid of what you become. I know around you my memory is sharp and my body radiates with an uncontrollable desire. Yes, we might end up hurting one another for one reason or another. Instead of throwing it all away, why don’t we see where it leads us? Neither of us will ever know unless we try. We’re good together.”

  “You’ve no idea how much I want all that to be true.”

  “It is.”

  She could tell he wanted to argue the point until she gave up on him, but he’d be waiting a long time. In her mind, she saw herself freeing him from the chains that stood in the way of their future. It worked before when she healed him.

  Mind made up, she jutted out her chin. “I’m going to get you out of here, and I don’t want to hear another word out of you.”

  Nox pursed his lips but didn’t say anything. A smart move, she thought, considering she planned to shoot down any of his attempts to sway her.

  Mercedes wrapped her hands around the upper chains that bound his wrists and pulled.

  “These are strong chains,” Nox interrupted. “They’re made to bind the strongest of beasts, not an average human.”

  “Shut up, you’re ruining my concentration,” she spat.

  “You’ll hurt yourself if you aren’t careful.”

  She tuned him out and focused on the chains. Eyes closed she visualized the power in the chains weakening. Envisioned them turning to liquid. From her center, the surge of electricity grew. With a bit more force, she looked through the chains and saw their demise. Heat traveled swiftly through her upper body and white light sparked from her fingertips.

  The chains broke apart and turned to ash. Mercedes bent down and repeated the same visualization on the chains around his ankles. When those too broke away, her body went slack and she sank to the ground.

  Nox knelt at her side and kissed the top of her head.

  “See, you’ve gone and sapped your strength.”

  She looked up and glared. “Would it kill you to thank me?”

  He let out a quiet chuckle. “Thank you.”

  Nox slid his arms beneath her legs and around her back. “We need to get you out of here. I’ll see you safely outside and then I’ll come back for Dr. Bodwell.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her body lift from the ground. “I can go back on my own,” she said. “I promise I’ll stay put this time.”

  Again, he chuckled. “I don’t trust you to do that.”

  Mercedes smiled. He knew her too well already.

  “And anyway,” he continued. “I can’t be mad at you. Had you listened to me I’d still be chained to a wall feeling sorry for myself.”

  She wanted to whoop or clap her hands. The old Nox was back.

  “See, I’m good for you.”

  “Undoubtedly. I also can’t go after Dr. Bodwell if I’m worried about your safety.”


  She clung tighter to him. Being so close helped strengthen her, and the feeling returned to her legs, but she didn’t want to say anything just yet. They were together and it felt good.

  Chapter Six

  Nox hurried through the cave with Mercedes secure in his arms. There wasn’t time to worry if anyone followed them. He could deal with that later. In all his time as a beast, he never expected that one day he’d need saving. It amazed him the powers Mercedes held. Powers she didn’t even know about. They also concerned him. Her powers made her a valuable commodity to mad scientists like Dr. Bodwell. If he discovered them, she’d be at risk.

  “You can put me down,” she said, a welcome interruption to his morbid train of thought. “Not that I’m complaining about being carried, but we’ll get out faster if I’m on my own two feet.”

  Nox paused. “You make a valid point.”

  Gently he set her back on her feet and pulled her into his embrace. He tilted her chin toward him, ready to give her a kiss he hoped would make her weak all over again, when Dr. Bodwell stepped out from the shadows.

  A sinister smile crossed the doctor’s lips. “I applaud your attempt to escape. Too bad it didn’t work.”

  Nox turned his body so he shielded Mercedes. He wanted to get her out before things turned ugly. “Let her go. She’s not involved.”

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” Bodwell said smugly, “but she’s very much involved.” His smile widened as he looked at Mercedes. “Oh yes, my dear, I never forget a face, especially one as beautiful as yours. Though I understand you’ve become somewhat forgetful?”

  “Don’t talk to her,” Nox spat.

  Anger coursed through his veins. If he didn’t get control, he’d turn into the beast before he wanted.

  Bodwell took a step forward. “Aren’t you curious as to why I’m not the least bit surprised to see her with you?”

  “Not really.”

  “It was the way I meant for it to be.”

  Mercedes stepped out from behind him, confusion apparent in her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m responsible for your matchmaking. I intended for you to be mates. Call it a real life beauty and the beast fairy tale. My staff and I studied what would drive a woman who could have any man she wanted to fall for a repulsive half-man, half-creature. I personally injected pheromones and impulse triggers to draw you to one another. I see that five years later it still works.”

  Nox tried to block Mercedes but she kept moving away from him. “You mean you set us up to desire each other? We’re being controlled by substances you injected us with?”

  The doctor shrugged. “You two are the only test specimens that it worked on. It’s a shame I’m going to have to separate you just when you’ve found one another. Of course I’ll have my fun first.” Bodwell’s greedy stare traveled the length of Mercedes’ body and fixed on her breasts.

  “Fuck you,” Nox spat. “You won’t lay a hand on her.”

  The doctor pulled out a long needle. “You won’t be able to stop me.”

  “Like hell. I don’t think you want to go head to head with the monster you created.”

  “Idle threats don’t affect me in the least. Besides, you’re making me the enemy when I’m here to help.”

  Nox waved his hand. “I don’t want your help.”

  “You also don’t want to become a beast forever, do you? I can end your suffering with a simple injection.”

  Did the guy think he was that gullible? “You’d help me? Why?”

  “I wanted to make things right years ago, but you insisted on running from my men.”

  “I don’t believe you,” he scoffed. “You want me to believe you’ll give me the cure and send me on my way?”

  “I didn’t say I had a cure. I said I could make your suffering go away. Unfortunately, I must destroy you. Before
you hurt her.”

  “I’d never hurt her,” he said in a clipped tone.

  Mercedes took another step forward. Nox tried to stop her but she balked at his reach.

  “I’m fine. I want to hear it from the good doctor’s own lips. What exactly was your intention with me? I want to know my purpose in your sick little experiment.”

  Bodwell’s eyes lit up, and it made Nox sick. “Your purpose was to lure unsuspecting men here, and then seduce them so I could turn them into my personal killing machines. You were very good at it and I enjoyed watching the many ways you brought them pleasure.”

  Nox heard her gasp and clenched his fists. “She doesn’t need to hear anymore.”

  “Yes I do,” Mercedes answered and gestured toward the doctor. “Go on.”

  “The first beasts I created didn’t work out. I hadn’t perfected the formula and their bodies rejected everything else I tried. So I destroyed them. With Nox, I thought I’d finally gotten it right. He had the strength and his body responded well to the chemical changes. I didn’t count on him beating the drug with such a strong mind, refusing to kill.” He paused a moment, turning the needle around in his hands. “Then I brought you to him, thinking you could manipulate him in other ways. Make him think he’d be killing for you. Sex for bloodshed. Unfortunately, your mutual attraction was so fierce, I couldn’t contain it. So I had to separate you. I’d never seen that kind of passion and hoped you’d extend it to me. It didn’t work out that way and I cared for you too much to force you. So I wiped your mind clean of what went on here and let you go. I’ve kept tabs on you and every now and then send my men to wipe your mind clean again as a precaution.”

  “A precaution,” she snorted.

  Nox shook his head and asked, “Why don’t I remember her from before?”

  “More shots,” Bodwell answered, as though it were a party joke. “All this time I didn’t think they’d worked. Don’t you remember what prompted your escape?”

  Again, Nox shook his head. He hated that the doctor had all the answers, and that he’d never know the truth unless he allowed the man to speak.


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