Strong Craving [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Strong Craving [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 3

by Chloe Lang


  “I really haven’t spent much time with him, Maude. I admire him, though.”

  “And you’re attracted to him, too, right?” she asked with a warmth in her tone that was endearing.

  “I am.” Charly couldn’t mislead Maude or her husbands. “But the truth is I am also in love with the twins.”

  Maude pulled her hand back. “That can’t be, Charly. I already told you how it works here in Wilde.”

  Charly felt her insides rip in two. “I know—three and one. I get it. But your sons are headstrong.”

  “What do you mean, child?” Dad Greg asked softly.

  Charly couldn’t hold back, didn’t want to. She’d been dealing with the ridiculous plan of the brothers by herself. She needed someone to unload on, and who better than the people who loved her cowboys, too—their parents? “They have it in their heads that the six of them and I can create a family together.”

  Watching Maude’s mouth widen and eyebrows shoot up, Charly wished she’d kept the whole thing to herself.

  “That can’t be,” Maude snapped, shaking her head.

  Dad Grant put his arm around his wife. “Sweetheart, hear Charly out.”

  “But this is impossible, Grant. You know how it works in Wilde.”

  “Honey, Greg and I were born here. We know better than you, even though you’ve been here a very long time.”

  Maude leaned into her husband. “Decades. I know. This town won’t go for it, and Tobias is too traditional to ever agree to such an arrangement. And what about the bad blood between Seth and Heath? They can barely be in the same room together.”

  Charly felt tears well up in her eyes. Maude was right. Even though she’d known the whole time that Heath’s plan was impossible, she hadn’t stopped trekking down the dangerous path with the brothers. Why? Because she needed their comfort, their passion, their protection. It was selfish but true. Life had always dealt her a double dose of hard knocks, but with them she felt adored, desired, and safe.

  “This is all my fault.” She felt the guilt-ridden liquid stream from her eyelids down her cheeks.

  Dad Greg put his arm around her. “No it isn’t, sweetie. This is about love.” He turned to Maude. “Darling, when has true love ever been wrong?”

  Charly looked at Maude and saw her face soften.

  She said, “I know there’s nothing wrong with that, honey, but how can one woman take care of six men? It’s too much to ask of a single female. And Charly isn’t even from Wilde.”

  “Neither were you, Maude, but you adjusted quite nicely.” Dad Grant kissed Maude’s cheek. “You came to Wilde to beat some sense into your sister, and ended up falling for me and my brother.”

  “Greg Strong, don’t try to take me down Memory Lane to soften me up.” Mrs. Strong’s eyes glistened brightly.

  Charly asked, “I know some about how you got together, but not all of it. How did these cowboys sweep you off your feet, Maude?”

  “You’ll be sorry, sweetie, for asking. I never tire of telling the tale.”

  “But I want to hear.” Charly did want to know. Maude came from outside Wilde but was able to make a life for herself here. How she’d been able to do it intrigued her.

  “These two cowpokes had never practiced plural marriage. In fact, they had their own families—a wife and two sons each.”

  Dad Grant nodded. “Biologically speaking, Heath and Nate come from me, and Tobias and Seth come from Greg. But the truth is, they are all my boys.”

  “Mine, too,” Dad Greg added.

  “A year before my sister Mary came to town their wives went on a girls-only weekend to Vegas.” Maude closed her eyes. “On the way back, they were hit by a drunk driver and were killed.”

  Charly shook her head as the tragic tale made her very sad. “That’s terrible.”

  “My guys moved in together on their family ranch. They worked together to raise the four boys that had been left behind.”

  “Tobias, Nate, Heath, and Seth?” she asked.

  “Yes. The boys were really young. I fell in love with them first, then their dads. Tobias was the first Strong I saw. He was crying outside the Horseshoe.”

  “How old was he?”

  “Not even two. Greg was feeding Nate and Seth at the bar and Grant was changing Heath’s diaper on the counter. Tobias had run outside without either of these silly cowboys knowing it.”

  Charly grinned, imagining her guys at that age.

  Maude continued, “The door to the Horseshoe shut, and Tobias couldn’t get back inside. I found him sobbing at the door. He was the cutest little boy I’d ever seen in my life. He wrapped his arms around me, and I was a goner from then on. I walked him back in, and his dads insisted on buying me lunch.”

  “Sweetheart, that lunch was the start of the rest of my amazing life with you.” Grant kissed his wife.

  “Me, too, darling.” Greg stroked Maude’s hair.

  “Shortly after we were married, I gave birth to my beautiful twins, Dax and Drake.”

  Looking at the trio, Charly could see how much in love they still were after all these years.

  Dad Grant kissed Maude’s cheek. “You’re worried about Charly and our six boys, Maude. Don’t be. Our niece, Jessie, seems to be doing just fine with her five husbands. In fact, she is absolutely glowing. Charly comes from the same stock as her. From what I’ve seen, she can handle about anything. And you know, honey, we can’t hope for a better daughter-in-law than Charly. She would make our boys happy. I know it, and you know it, too.”

  Maude turned to Charly. “I do adore you, so much. You are like a daughter to me already. But I feel like it may be very difficult for you with six Strong cowboys, no pun intended.”

  Charly got teary-eyed. “Tobias doesn’t seem keen on this plan.”

  Maude cupped her chin. “Tobias is a stickler for rules, but you know, I can tell he’s already into you in a big way. He’s falling for you as we speak.”

  Her heart cracked into pieces. She had to make them understand. The dads were turning Maude around to what could never be. The fantasy of her being with the six brothers could never happen, no matter how much she wanted it to. It was impossible. “Maude, this really can’t be. You know it.”

  Maude looked at her husbands. “Screw Wilde protocol. You guys are right about this.”

  “About everything, honey. Haven’t you learned that yet?” Dad Grant laughed.

  She shook her head. “We both know better. But I can see that Charly might be able to heal the old wounds between my boys.”

  Charly needed Maude back on the side of reason, and fast, so she blurted out, “Seth can’t stand me.”

  “Not true. I saw how he looked at you in the sheriff’s office. He’s into you. A mother knows.” Maude smiled. “Sweetie, I know Seth can be pig-headed, ornery, and even an ass, but he clearly has a level head, and deep down, he knows what’s best for his brothers. Once Tobias gets fully in line, he’ll make sure that Seth gets on board.”

  * * * *

  With Charly and his parents inside the Horseshoe eating lunch, Tobias stood just outside with his brothers. “Let’s make a plan of action.”

  Seth growled, “If you’re talking about Heath’s plan to get all of us on board to marry Charly Wynn, I’m out!”

  Tobias was shocked that Seth knew anything about the plan. “So you know about that?”

  “You guys aren’t the best at subtlety. I’m not an idiot. Look, it’s obvious how you guys feel about her just by how you act.”

  Drake put his hand on Seth’s shoulder. “I know it seems odd, but, Seth, she’s the one for us. All of us.”

  Seth pulled away. “Are you nuts?” He pointed at Heath. “Are you trying to turn this town upside down?”

  “Just give it a chance, Seth.” Heath’s face seemed to cloud with guilt and the tiniest bit of hope. “You’ll see. With Charly, we can be a family again.”

  “I knew you were capable of a lot of things, but
this is too much. Risking the heart of such a lovely woman as Charly Wynn is the worst thing you’ve ever done, Heath. Get this through your head, brother. I. Will. Never. Forgive. You.”

  Heath closed his eyes tight and clenched his jaw. Once again, the Gabby incident burned painfully hot and fresh as it had all those years ago.

  Seth continued in a low, threatening tone, “Like I said before, I’m out.” Without another word, he turned and walked away.

  Tobias actually agreed with Seth about the outrageousness of Heath’s idea. Sure, it would be wonderful if it worked out to have all his brothers back, especially Seth, but six men and one woman would never go over in Wilde. Even his parents wouldn’t accept such an arrangement. Still, Charly Wynn wasn’t a woman he was ready to let go of. Best to stay close to her and win her. In the end, she might be the one for him, Nate, and Heath.

  “Well, I guess Seth is off the table,” Dax stated. “What’s next?”

  “Me and Drake will head to the bus stop and make sure Darren Blue leaves town,” Nate stated.

  Dax nodded. “I’ll head over to where the bodies were found and see what I can dig up. Heath, you are the best choice to check out what is out of place at your garage.”

  “That’s for sure. I’ll do it.” Heath looked at Tobias. “That means you’re Charly’s bodyguard. Perfect.”

  “I agree,” Nate interjected. “Time for Tobias to spend some quality time with her.”

  The twins nodded in unison.

  Tobias looked at his remaining four brothers. They were completely nuts. “You guys are too much. Heath is in trouble with the law. That’s all we should be focused on right now.”

  Heath shook his head. “Just because I’m dealing with this murder mess doesn’t mean our plan with her is over.”

  Tobias frowned. “But you heard Seth, bro.”

  “I did. Have a little faith, brother.”

  * * * *

  Tobias walked into the Horseshoe Bar and Grill feeling somewhat perplexed. His brothers were all headed in different directions, but their words still hung in his ears. He couldn’t figure out how in the hell any of this would work out, for him, for Heath, and most of all for Charly.

  His parents and the gorgeous woman were still sitting at the big table. Their lunches were only half-eaten, which didn’t surprise him. Worry often did kill an appetite.

  His mother was the first to spot him, and the broad smile she sent didn’t quite fit for the gravity of the moment. What had they been discussing while he was outside with his brothers?

  “Look, Charly. It’s my boy, Tobias,” his mother said, waving him over.

  Charly’s cheeks reddened. To him, she looked good enough to eat.

  No doubt about it, they’d been talking about something, and he wanted to know what.

  Tobias took the seat next to Charly. “Y’all seem to have cooked up a conspiracy in the few minutes I was outside. Spill it.”

  Dad Grant spoke first. “Son, you’re paranoid. We’ve been enjoying lunch with Charly. That’s all.”

  Before Tobias could reply, his cousin Jackson came through the front door of the bar. “Sorry I’m late. My horse threw a shoe before I got to my truck. Added several minutes to me getting here. I talked with the sheriff on my cell, though. The state reps are already here. I think we’re in good shape, but I need to talk with Heath. Where is he?”

  Tobias’s own anxiety for his brother boiled hot. “He has no idea how that spark plug showed up by those bodies. What can he say about any of this?”

  Jackson sat down at one of the free chairs. “Maybe he knows someone who has it in for him, cuz.”

  “Who would want to harm Heath?” Maude asked.

  “That’s what we need to find out. We want to make sure all the loose ends are tied up. There’s not enough evidence to get a charge against Heath, let alone a conviction, Aunt Maude.”

  His mother huffed. “I would hope not, young man.”

  Charly’s hands were curled into tiny fists. “He’s innocent, Jackson. You do believe that?”

  “Of course I do. We all do.”

  Tobias looked at Charly, who was shaking and on the edge of panic. “I think it’s best for me to take Miss Wynn away, too. She’s been working on finding land for Michael for his project.”

  Dad Grant winked. “The gay dude ranch, right?”

  “Yes,” Charly choked out. “But can’t I help here? Help with Heath’s case?”

  “I think Tobias is right. It’s best to get your mind off of this.” Dad Greg patted Jackson on the shoulder. “Besides, we’ve got the best lawyer in all of Nevada on the case. Everything is going to be just fine.”

  Tobias came up behind Charly and put his hands on her shoulders, and he felt her trembling. “How about coming with me and looking at some property for Michael, sweetheart?”

  “Jackson, you haven’t answered me. Can’t I help?” Her tone was so small and so sweet.

  “There’s nothing any of us can do right now. Once we get more information, I might have some questions for you, but right now, why don’t you go with my cousin? I’ll stay here with my aunt and uncles. I’ll let you know if anything changes.”

  Tobias looked into her saucerlike eyes. “Come on, honey. You need a break from all this, don’t you?”

  “I guess I do,” she admitted.

  Chapter Four

  Charly looked over at the man piloting the plane, Tobias Strong. He’d surprised her when he’d taken her to the private Strong airfield, claiming the property he’d wanted to show her was best appreciated from the air. Though a little frightened, she was delighted to be up in his Cessna. Tobias had been positive that Michael would want this land for the gay dude ranch for the A-listers from New York, Los Angeles, London, and God only knew where else.

  “What smells so good?” she asked, speaking into the mike of the headset he’d given her.

  “Our supper. Fried chicken, biscuits, potato salad, and a bottle of wine,” he answered.

  Her stomach rolled in anticipation, but what thrilled her more was how kind Tobias had been with her. Like his other brothers, he was cowboy through and through, but, under the rugged demeanor, he had a warm and honest heart.

  “Maybe we could eat after we land. I’m really hungry.”

  “Sure thing, sweetheart.” He turned to her and smiled, causing tingles to spread through her.

  Being the eldest of six must’ve molded him into the most serious of the lot, and yet she’d seen a humorous side to him that peeked out occasionally. He also had perfect timing, something that any comedian would’ve given their very soul for. But this trip was more than a pleasure ride and more than to investigate some land for sale. This trip was obviously about the two of them spending time together—all part of the plan that Heath had cooked up.

  She had no doubt that the brothers had talked about just that while she’d been eating with their parents at the Horseshoe. Now that she knew Maude and their dads were okay with Heath’s idea of her being with all six brothers, it did make things a little easier for her—but only a bit. Was she crazy to saunter down this insane path to inevitable heartache? The answer was a resounding “yes,” but she couldn’t stop herself.

  “See that strip down there, Charly? That’s where I’ll put us down.”

  She looked at the little brown line on the ground. “That doesn’t look big enough to take this plane.”

  “But it is, sweetheart.”

  They were really high up, much higher than she’d imagined. The sky was so blue with not a single cloud. Flying in a private plane was really amazing. She’d never even considered getting her own pilot license. Not until today.

  She was already completely gone on Dax, Heath, Drake, and Nate. Was it wrong to place her bet, her heart, on the long shot of a life in Wilde with these men? Again, the answer was “yes,” and yet she was risking everything for the slim chance at happiness. I shouldn’t be thinking about anything or anyone but Heath right now. He was still dealing
with being the only suspect identified for the two murders. Something was fishy about the whole thing, but she was certain that Heath was completely innocent.

  “You’re drifting, sweetheart. Don’t you have a job to do for Michael?” He smiled, and her heart melted.

  “You’re only trying to keep my mind occupied, Tobias. I’m no fool.”

  “You’ve got me, but if you look to your right, sweetheart, you’ll see the prettiest land in all of Silver County.”

  He was right. The trees were a bright green, and the bluest river she’d ever seen wound through them. There was even a waterfall that splashed to a pool below. She wanted desperately to get into that pool and feel its cool embrace. Like it or not, just being near this sexy cowboy had pushed her temperature upward.

  She glanced over at Tobias. His large hands were steering the plane, and an image of them gliding over her body sent a tingle between her thighs. She’d never realized a woman could be attracted to so many men at the same time. The brothers were all so much alike, and yet so different. Every one of her fantasies could be met in their arms. Every desire could be explored in their kisses. Yes, she was attracted to the Strong cowboys, but her feelings went beyond attraction and to something much deeper, Heaven help her.

  “I need to lose some altitude, honey.” Tobias winked. “Hang on.”

  Suddenly, Charly felt like she was on the biggest drop of a wild roller coaster, plummeting to the earth. Her stomach flew up in her throat, and she clasped her hands together. And then, as quickly as the dive had begun, it was over.

  “You okay, honey?” Tobias’s voice came through her headphones.

  She turned to him. “Scary but fun.” So much like everything had been since she’d arrived in Wilde.

  His lips curved up into a very sexy smile. “I bet your heart is racing.”

  Charly nodded. The pounding in her chest was quite fast.

  In no time, Tobias landed the plane, placing them on the ground.

  “Ready, Charly?” he asked.

  “For what?”

  “Trust me, you’re going to enjoy this.”


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