Strong Craving [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Strong Craving [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 6

by Chloe Lang

  “I’ve got work to do, sweetheart. I’ll be back to check on you as soon as I can.” Drake gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging off to help.

  “Either you go now, Charly, or I carry you. Which is it?” Tobias’s patience was gone.

  She sighed, feeling the weight of hopelessness on her shoulders. “Okay.”

  He removed the thick glove on his left hand and touched her cheek with his fingertips. “Wait for me, sweetheart. I promise to come get you.”

  Charly nodded, juggling a million questions that could all be wrapped up into one overriding one—what now?

  Tobias pulled her in close, possessively. He didn’t say anything at first, but she could sense a deep worry in him. Finally he said, “If I hadn’t been able to open that door…God, I can’t lose you.”

  “You got me out in time, so I’m fine.” Gone were her worries about the things she’d lost. Her focus was on the cowboy who had been there for her. He’d insisted they leave the moment he’d noticed the smoke, rushing her down the stairway meant only for deliveries and staff. His split-second decision had saved both their lives.

  Tobias didn’t move. The gravity of what might have been seemed to be holding him in place.

  Charly kissed him. His mouth was the only thing not covered in black on him.

  “Hey, Strong. Can you give me a hand?” Wyatt Masters was snuffing out more of the fire with an extinguisher. “I’ve got several tanks that are still full.”

  “Do your job, fireman.” Charly looked into his big eyes. “I’ll be waiting for you in one of the booths by the window.”

  Tobias nodded and ran to one of the fire extinguishers by Wyatt.

  Charly spun around and headed straight to the diner. She had the oddest feeling that someone was watching her. She looked up and down the street, which was a chaotic collection of men and equipment. No one was paying her any notice at all. She chalked it up to nerves from all that had happened that day. First, Darren Blue startled her when he’d shown up at her hotel room, not with revenge in mind, but to ask for forgiveness. Then there were the murders that Heath was being questioned about. She’d been told the bodies had been identified, but the state officials were keeping a lid on it. Charly still wondered, why? And what was she going to tell Dr. Thompson about the job in Malibu? Could she leave Wilde now after all that had happened? She’d changed so much since meeting the brothers, but had she changed so much to let go of her old dream? Maybe her mind might still be set on working at the center, but her heart had other ideas.

  She walked through the entry of the diner and saw Mackenzie glued to the front window watching the firefighters around the rubble across the street. “Sit anywhere you like, Charly. You’re my only customer, right now.”

  “Thanks.” Charly sat in one of the booths by the front windows, recalling the other things that had transpired recently. Tobias had swept her off her feet with the plane ride and picnic. Four of the six Strong brothers were clear on what they wanted. Drake, Dax, Heath, and Nate didn’t give a damn about the norms of Wilde or the three-man-one-woman max. Charly wasn’t sure about what Tobias wanted, but he didn’t seem to be on the same page as his brothers. And then there was the Strong brother who was the wild card in Heath’s master plan.

  As if conjured by her thoughts, Seth Strong walked into the diner. Her gut tightened. Like all the other men in Wilde, he wore a fireman’s hat and flame-resistant clothing.

  “You need something to drink before you go back?” Mackenzie asked him.

  “I’m here for her.” Seth pointed at Charly and beelined to her.

  She looked up at him when he got to the booth. “Everything okay?”

  He didn’t answer, but looked her up and down, as if dividing every inch of her into a sample to place under a microscope.

  “What?” she choked out.

  “Give me your hands,” he ordered.

  “Why?” she asked, confused and unnerved by his demeanor.

  “Because my brother is an idiot. Did you get checked out by the doc before he sent you here?”

  Charly shook her head. Did he actually give a damn about her? He’d been sending mixed signals from the first time she’d met him up until now.

  He frowned. “Your hands. Now.”

  Charly extended her arms, and he grabbed her by the wrists. “I had no idea you were a doctor, Seth,” she mocked.

  “I’m a certified emergency medical technician, if you must know.” He cupped her chin. “Look at me and open your eyes as wide as you can.”

  She obeyed.

  Seth nodded, apparently satisfied by what he saw in her eyes. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

  “Happy to do it.”

  The corners of his mouth curled up slightly. “A bit of a smart-ass, I see.” He looked down her throat, and then placed his hands on her forehead. “No temperature. Good. Any pain?”

  Charly liked this side of Seth. He was the sexiest caregiver she’d ever seen. “I’m fine, cowboy. Really, I am.”

  He stepped back. “You will go see the doc as soon as he’s back in his office after this fire is completely out, understand?”


  “Good.” He turned and headed back to the door.

  “Wait!” She wasn’t ready for him to leave, not yet. He’d never been so kind before, and she wanted to thank him for his concern.

  He didn’t acknowledge her, though she was certain he had heard her call, but instead went out the door.

  Chapter Seven

  Charly sat in the doctor’s office next to Jessie. Though it was the middle of the night, her cousin had been a doll and brought her some clothes after the fire. Jessie had also insisted she take her cell phone. “Thanks for coming with me. Seth made me promise I would come see the doctor, but I feel fine.”

  “I’m on his side, Charly. The doctor needs to at least listen to your lungs. You took in a lot of smoke.” Jessie turned to the woman behind the desk. “How much longer, Tina?”

  “Not long. He should be finished up with the last patient in a few minutes.” The woman looked at her computer screen. “We’ve been really busy tonight dealing with the hotel guests. Tomorrow, we’re going to be swamped with all the volunteers getting checked out. Too bad they couldn’t save the old hotel.”

  “I know. But thankfully, no one was hurt.”

  She nodded. “That’s for sure.”

  The entrance to the office opened, and in walked Nate Strong and Austin Wilde, both dressed in fire gear.

  “What are you doing here?” Jessie asked her husband.

  “There’s a killer still out there, and apparently an arsonist, though I would bet they are one and the same. That’s what, pet.”

  “What about the fire?”

  “It’s almost out.”

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she confessed.

  “And what about you, cowboy?” Charly asked Nate.

  “Same. Tobias sent me. We don’t want you without one of us by your side until the SOB is found.”

  Charly smiled. “Come sit beside me.”

  He did and put his arm around her shoulders. And then it hit her, what she really needed from the doctor. Nate communicated with sex much better than with words. It was one part of his masculine charm she loved. Still, she’d gotten lost in his passion the other night and had forgotten to insist on protection. Had he forgotten, too? She doubted it. Nate wasn’t the kind of man who forgot anything. Likely, her sexy devil had an ulterior motive for not using a condom. But what?

  She didn’t want to set off any wagging tongues by buying a home pregnancy test at the local market. I’m here. Why not check with the doctor instead?

  Her stomach flip-flopped. What if it came out positive? What then? True love had to mean something, but could it be enough for her to realize her dream of making a life with all the Strong brothers?

  “How do you feel, baby?” he asked, but the only word that reverberated in her head was “baby.”

  “I’m fine,” she lied. “Just getting checked out. You should, too.”

  “I will, but after I hand you back off to Tobias’s care.”

  “I’m not helpless, Nate.”

  Jessie snorted. “Don’t try to stop your guys, cousin. Once the men in this town get something in their heads, there’s no stopping them. I know. Believe me.”

  “Listen to her, Charly.” Nate smiled.


  The examining-room door opened, and out came the doctor and Carlotta. She was on crutches, and her left leg and foot were wrapped in bandages.

  “What happened to you?” Charly asked the local psychic.

  “I vas on a ladder reaching for da cleaning supplies on da top shelf. I fell off da ladder and landed on my ass, my dear.”

  “Oh no. Are you okay?”

  “Doctor tells me it is only a sprain, but I know dat da spirits are testing me.”

  “Why do you think that?” Charly asked.

  Before Carlotta could answer, another man came in from the office’s entrance. He was a distinguished-looking man.

  “Hey, Deuce,” Nate said.

  “Deuce!” Carlotta shook her head.

  “Hey, baby.” The old cowboy took off his hat.

  “What are you doing here?” Carlotta asked, her odd accent suddenly absent.

  Hearing the sweet psychic talk with perfect diction caused her jaw to drop.

  Carlotta was clearly taken aback by Deuce’s appearance.

  “I’m here to ask you for another chance.” The man spoke softly. “I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking.”

  Carlotta blinked several times, as if trying to grasp that her old boyfriend was right in front of her. “You left me, Deuce, a long time ago. Things are different. We can’t go back.”

  “I shouldn’t have left you, Cee. I thought you would never go with me on the circuit.”

  “You never asked me, Deuce.”

  He nodded, old regret spreading over his face. “I know, sweetheart. I was a fool.”

  “Yes, you were. I would’ve gone with you, cowboy.”

  His eyes closed tight, as her words settled deep into his mind. “I fucked up, baby. I hope you will forgive me.” Deuce opened his eyes and stepped up to Carlotta. He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I know it’s a long time overdue, but I’m asking now. Will you go with me?”

  Charly’s heart warmed at his words. She prayed the old flame between these two would rekindle. She waited for Carlotta to answer Deuce, but several seconds ticked by before her favorite medium finally spoke.

  “You’re too old to rodeo now, Deuce.”

  “I know, but I’m still involved. I train new guys and I work on promotion around the country. It’s a lot to ask of you, baby. You’ve done so well here in Wilde. I know you have a home here and several businesses. I promise to bring you back during off-season every year.”

  “Stop, Deuce. It’s too much to take in.” Tears streamed down the woman’s cheeks. “It’s been so long. How can we pick up just where we left off?”

  “I’ll show you, love.” Deuce leaned in and kissed her.

  “There you go,” Nate said. Charly looked over at him, and saw the smile on the man she had fallen in love with.

  When their kiss ended, Carlotta looked overwhelmed but also dizzy with reawakened passion. “I–I can’t say I’ll go with you or not, Deuce. Not right now.”

  Deuce grinned broadly. “How about we talk over at the Horseshoe and have some drinks?”

  “No. My diner, Norma’s. We’ll have coffee.”

  “That’s my girl.” He lifted Carlotta up in his arms, catching the crutches before they fell to the ground.

  Charly smiled. Deuce and Carlotta had lost years to misunderstanding. Thankfully, they were on their way to a new life. In her own way, she’d been hesitant to follow her heart and take the leap of faith into the arms of the Strong brothers. No more. It was time to let go of anything holding her back. The job waiting for her in Malibu no longer held any interest to her. As soon as she could, she would call Dr. Thompson to turn down the position. There was only one place she wanted to be from now on—in Wilde with her cowboys.

  “You’re too much, Deuce.” Carlotta leaned her head into his chest.

  “So are you, darling. So are you.”

  Charly and everyone in the doctor’s office watched the two lovebirds leave.

  When they were gone, Austin swept Jessie up in his arms and gave her a kiss.

  “Now, that’s true love,” Tina said, looking at the door Deuce and Carlotta had left through.

  “Yes, it is.” Charly took Nate’s hand and squeezed. Perhaps things might turn out the way she needed them to with the Strongs.

  “Ms. Wynn, what can I help you with?” the doctor asked.

  * * * *

  Tobias hated how he’d left things with Charly. He’d been a fucking fool to push her so hard to forget trying to bring Seth around. She didn’t wear a ring on her finger or a collar on her neck yet. Even when she finally did, Charly wasn’t ever going to be a woman who didn’t speak her mind. She was smart, which was one of the things he loved about her. Hearing her opinions and views kept him on his toes, hell, kept all of them on their toes.

  Like it or not, Charly was hell-bent on spending time with Seth.

  He knew his brother would never find a way to let the past go and forgive so that they could build a life together. Seth was too stubborn and too angry to do that.

  * * * *

  Charly arrived at the jailhouse with Nate. Her emotions were all over the map. She was worried why the sheriff had summoned her here and yet relieved by what she’d learned during her exam. After talking to the doctor, she thought it unlikely she was pregnant considering the time in her cycle. It was too soon to do a typical pregnancy test, but the doctor had taken her blood and promised to call her as soon as he had the results. As she was leaving the doctor’s office, the sheriff had found her. He’d asked her to come to his office straightaway.

  As she and Nate walked into the small room, she saw Tobias first. His eyes were filled with concern for her. Why? Drake and Dax stood by the window with the same look on their faces. Heath stood to the left of the desk. Same look.

  She turned to the sheriff. “Why are they all looking at me like I am about to be arrested or worse?”

  “Sit down, young lady.” The sheriff’s tone was fatherly and soft. “The state boys will be here in about ten minutes to ask you some questions and to have you sign some papers.”

  “Oh my God. What’s going on?” Panic spread through her like wildfire. Instead of taking a seat, she leaned into Nate as her knees became wobbly. Tobias moved to her other side, keeping her steady between him and Nate.

  “The victims have been identified. One is Slim Glass. He’s a con that lives in Bandit’s Hideout. Apparently, he served time with your dad.”

  “My dad?” The sheriff’s words only confused her more.

  “I’m sorry to tell you this, Ms. Wynn, but the other victim is your father, Charles Wynn.”

  “That’s impossible.” She closed her eyes, trying to make sense out of what he’d just told her. Suddenly a million memories of her dad played in her head.

  “Yes. There’s more. He left you a letter. We found it with some of his belongings, which were discovered on the road to the north of the Strongs’ ranch, where the bodies were found.”

  “The state guys have it, but I have a photocopy of it for you. Once this investigation is over, you can have the original.” The sheriff pushed a piece of paper to the edge of his desk.

  Heath took it. “You want me to read it to you, sweetheart?”

  She shook her head and held out her hand. Talking at this moment just wasn’t possible for her.

  He gave it to her, and she looked down at the copy of the letter her father had meant for her. She recognized his handwriting, with its dashes for periods and slashes for exclamation points. The same cursive had been inked on
the love letters from him that her mother refused to throw out.

  As she read the letter, tears streamed down her face.

  Dear Charlene,

  I’ve been a terrible father. You deserved so much more than I gave you.

  I’m getting out of prison today. I want to see you but just can’t. I’ve got too many enemies, and I just won’t put you in harm’s way.

  I know your mom is sick. I’ve got some leads that might land me some good money. If they pan out, I’ll send some to you and your mom.

  Know this, I never stopped loving you or your mother. You both are the light of my life.

  If there were any other way, I would come to you, Charlene. There just isn’t.



  “I don’t understand any of this.” Charly suddenly recalled one of the few good memories she had of her dad. He’d bought her a board game for one of her birthdays, which one, she couldn’t remember. He’d played with her all day, rolling the dice, laughing, and telling her what a great player she was. He’d let her win, which she’d even suspected back then, though she had been so young.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Wynn. I truly am.” The sheriff stood and walked to the door. “I’ll leave you all alone until the state boys show.”

  “My dad is dead,” she said after the sheriff was gone. “Why would anyone want to kill him?”

  “Sweetheart, we’ll find the person responsible,” Tobias said.

  “It’s so strange. I barely knew him. He’s been out of my life for years. I was okay with that. Actually, I was glad he was gone.”

  “You’ve got too much to take in right now. This is going to take time.” He squeezed her hand.

  Nate stroked her hair. “Baby, we’re here for you.”

  Heath cupped her chin. “Always.”

  “My dad never was. He was always gone on some big scam of his.” Her heart pounded in her chest. The buried emotions from her childhood bubbled up to the surface. “Who did this to him?”

  “Sweetheart, I promise to find out,” Drake said.

  “And they will pay for what they have done,” Dax added. “Count on that, love.”


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