Red World Trilogy

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Red World Trilogy Page 108

by V. A. Jeffrey

  Rapheth was troubled and still trying to recover from this information. There were so many things he strove to understand that it felt like a tidal wave overtaking him.

  "Bear up! Gird yourself! You must walk the last part of this journey." Suddenly came a voice. It was deep and resonant and more powerful than the last ones.

  "Who are you?" Rapheth asked quietly.

  "I am Nagilla." Suddenly Rapheth clutched his chest but he did not fall. He felt as if something was burning, searing him from the inside out. He finally screamed out, the pain becoming too great.

  "The mark he has put upon you will be dealt with. Do you remember the star maps you studied?" After breathing, labored and hard he said: "Yes."

  "You must build them from memory. Recall them, if you can." He closed his eyes Rapheth recalled to memory the stars nearest Chialis. As he recited the stars, their groups and constellations and degrees they were positioned, it was as if out of the air around him they appeared, enveloped in dust and unfolding around him; his words drawing down the stars themselves. As he walked, he began going up a vast stair. He was now walking in the heavens among the stars.

  "One day man will come to the stars. Not yet, for the way has not been prepared for him." Said Nagilla.

  "So many things about you are unknown Nagilla, yet you have impacted our people in unimaginable ways. There is so much I want to know."

  "Do not fear in that. As you have walked your own path, Rapheth, many others have their paths, their own destinies to walk and the things I have done under the sun have been recorded and will be made known again by others who walk the Red Path, as you do. But we must not tarry. That is not for you to wonder at now." In the starry distance he saw clouds unlike any terrestrial cloud, great things full of stars and dust. The heavens and all its glory was built he could see like a great web, one on no scale any man could fathom. Webs upon webs and spiral arms that spidered out into an impossible vast structure of beauty. He heard what seemed like chimes and bells from far off, sounds that he could not quite describe. It thrummed his blood, his flesh, tremored his bones. It was the sound of the stars moving though it seemed they were still. The pain subsided slowly. Far off, an object was moving fast toward him. It was a golden ship with dazzling silvery web-like sails.

  The fabled ship of Milukem.

  The ship sailed nearby and let down a rope of shining stardust.

  "Come on up!" Said merry voice. Rapheth climbed up and onto the deck. The deck was a glittering plane of gold and star dust and the crew, who looked like Jurite, Fundian and Egian men were laughing, shouting and singing. One man had a white fiery aura about him and was resplendent in his dress and carriage. He was tall and broad, wrapped in bright white garments a golden belt and turban studded with precious jewels and he wore silver furs. He had a short, broad sword of gold at his side. He extended a strong hand.

  "I am Milukem, captain of this ship, the scourge of black-hearted men and bringer of hope, joy and blessings to the pure of heart."

  "I am Rapheth." The crew members, all outlined with that same holy aura all touched their beards to him. Rapheth, his own not more than stubble, did the same, feeling a little sheepish as he did so, not have the illustrious beard of a true man yet.

  "Good health to you! You have finally found this ship because your mind can perceive it. We cannot have you for long, my lord Rapheth, because you have one last thing to do and it will require this." Milukem whistled to one of his men. The sailor brought a long scabbard in the purest of silver filigree to him, holding the sacred thing lightly upon his palms.

  "Take the sword. The star sword of Airend-Ur. He gives it to whomever He chooses and He now gives it to you, as he gave it to Ishuye." Rapheth took the sword out of its sheath. It was a long sword, elegant, powerful looking but so light. He wielded it, now accustomed to using swords. Its blade, made of no metal known to men shined with an incandescent inner light. It's hilt, wrapped in black leather had a brilliant star rock jewel mounted in its pommel."

  "To enemies it is blinding to look upon it in the sun. By night it lights the way through darkness like a fire. No other man can touch the sword, less it burn his flesh. The king who now controls Hybron, your great-uncle, has a great sword of his own that he has styled the star sword of God but you have the true one and no machinations of Black Alchemy will overtake it. No power, no will, no scheme in the world will defeat it as long as your own heart is upright. And now, to be about your business," Milukem stood back and appraised him, his eyes settling upon Rapheth's chest. Rapheth felt completely exposed and wanted to hide away but he fought this powerful urge.

  "There is one enemy who stands like a shadow in your mind and heart that you must face, is there not?"


  "Ah! Agent of the wicked one!"

  "I made a promise that I should never have made and wondered on my journey if I would live to fulfill it."

  "Your chance to fulfill it is now!" Said the captain, his voice booming like rolls of thunder. The ship was steered down and Rapheth looked over the deck and saw the world as he had never seen it before. It was great sphere, far bigger than anything and it was red. And the ship was steering down into it, rushing past the clouds.

  "The iron world! There are many out there besides this one!" Said Milukem.

  "How many are there?" Rapheth's voice was nearly buried beneath the rush of wind as the ship raced through the air. He clutched the star sword to his breast.

  "More than you or I can count. This place, the lower heavens, goes on from my eye into the great forever and the grandeur, the order and composition is unmatched. Wonders await the human family one day in the far future, if they allow themselves to be reconciled to the First Pillar of creation. Then, all the secrets will be revealed to them, all the secrets of creation."

  "Have they been revealed to you?"


  "It is the whole purpose of the work of alchemy as I understand it." Milukem nodded at this and grinned, his teeth shining white as ivory.

  "That and more!" They flew down near the Llordis Sea. At first all the lands and seas and valleys looked like a neat patchwork rug but as they descended farther down toward the seas, the North Ocean took on violent motion, furious waves crashing and drawing up again. Rapheth strapped the scabbard to his tunic sash and rested his hand on the warm hilt as the golden ship raced down and into the waters. Feeling the sword in his hand invigorated him. The pain was roaring back but his new strength did not allow him to cry out but to bear under it. It burned like a terrible fire but within his heart, another great fire was kindling. The star sword, the pure water of knowledge and the words upon him all worked together to renew him so that he did not die upon this last stretch of journey. And now Abgaron's game would play out to the end. They were on the sea, crashing through the waves like a hammer coming through rotten wood. The assailing waves did not damage the golden ship.

  "Abgaron! Come out to me!" Rapheth felt the timbre and power in his voice deepen. Like a roaring, mighty one the great dragon came, ready to devour. The waters around him boiled like tallow bubbling in a pot. He lept up from the waters. Milukem and his crew laughed merrily. Rapheth felt the brand burning mercilessly but he focused his power on the star sword. He raised it high and the sword gleamed so bright rays flew from it, piercing and burning off the dragon's scales. The brand now burned so that it set Rapheth's flesh aflame, yet the star sword continually renewed his flesh as the brand ate it away. Three times he could feel the flesh and skin curling and peeling and being eaten by fire and the sword again renewing his body until the brand in a flood of red fire burned itself out, the black substance running out of the wound and drying up and finally the mark faded away and disappeared from his chest.

  The curse of Abgaron was lifted.

  In a rage Abgaron lifted his spiked tail and brought it down upon the ship. It smashed the deck into pieces which immediately mended back together again. Again the dragon smashed the ship and the ship became
whole again and all the while Milukem's deep, powerful laughing could be heard. Rapheth ran down the deck and when the tail came down to attack the ship again a third time with sword in hand he plunged it into the hard scaly skin and rent a split through it. The sword cut through it as if through cooked, soft flesh. The dragon let out a howl so fearsome that the whole sea rocked, as if the ocean was being lifted up into heaven itself. The tail split in two parts and black and greyish blood sprayed out, clouding the waters and making them even more murky and the waters surrounding the ship began to stink. An infernally foul stench came forth from the black wound.

  "May you go the way of Kivorok, foul beast!" Rapheth shouted. The dragon called down evil upon him and called out to the heavens in a tongue Rapheth did not know but he surmised the dragon was calling upon his father Garon. The sky stormed over and on the horizon black ominous clouds were boiling over like great herds of wild horses. Lightening struck the sea as Garon answered back and great storm clouds boiled down from the sky to destroy the ship. The storm god was offended. And then there was a great break in the clouds and red sky could be seen again beyond the gray and black storm clouds.

  Who dares to lay a hand upon the one I have chosen?

  The storm was immediately blown away like a strong wind blows away the plague of locusts. The dragon sank, raging and roaring down beneath the waves and finally the sky cleared. Milukem and his crew were ecstatic.

  "It has been a long time since I have seen a fight like that! It enlivens the spirit!" He said. A voice that sounded like terrible rumbling thunders came down from the sky.

  It is I, Airend-Ur. Did you not think that I would protect you, Rapheth?

  "I am here, I am your servant." Rapheth and all those aboard fell to the deck on their knees.

  Listen to me. I shall rebuke you for this was brought upon you because you did not trust in me from the first. You have trusted in your own wisdom. You have doubted me and what has happened? I have subdued Abgaron and his father. Though I would have destroyed Abgaron I shall not because you did not listen to my voice from the Holy Writings or trust in me at the first when you encountered him. Because of that, I am making him a thorn in your side when you become king. He will hunt the North Ocean, the Llordis Sea and now the South Ocean and he will plague your reign, but not overly so. I shall deal with him during the reign of your son, but you must suffer the penalty.

  Rapheth and the entire crew dropped upon their faces.

  And now get up! Go your way back to Nachar where they are waiting for you to command them. Lift up your eyes and see the Sea Star Elitaph, for I am making it red in the morning and in the evening. You are the blessed one, the Red King of Hybron and I will make your reign prosperous and greater than any before it, if you will only listen to my voice.

  "I shall do all the good words that you say. Not one of them shall I turn away from." Said Rapheth.

  Rise. I am making a covenant with you today that your offspring will never die out and that they will rise again for the third and final time when I am bringing perfection in all things reconciled back to me. Then the kingdom shall be spread in all the world from the middle world and all the families of Chialis will bless themselves by means of this covenant. The Reshaim shall never die and it will come into absolute perfection since the beginning.

  Rapheth rose and then raised his sword high and a shined like a fiery flame.

  This sword shall not be used by men not of your direct line for it is holy. I set upon you the divine right as ruler of Hybron as I promised to Khalit, forefather of Kaiga I, as I did to Kaiga I and all those after him until the last king, Dahlan. Rule with power, wisdom and might but also with care and love and mercy. You must read the holy words to acquire this wisdom and the people must read it and know it. You must bring back to the land what was ripped from it, the wisdom of the holy words I gave your forefathers. I am with you and I shall strengthen your arm.

  "What shall I do about Ephron?"

  I will not interfere in the matter. Only to say, show mercy where you can and if in the end you cannot, you must make the holy laws known and felt.

  A strong wind blew the ship and the waves grew higher and higher until they slid upon the starry heavens again.

  "You have your destiny to fulfill, Rapheth. As you see, we are all in constant joy. Go in joy and in peace, my son." Milukem put his palms together as if in prayer and bowed to him.

  "May peace and joy always be upon you, my brothers." Said Rapheth. He felt in indescribable happiness as if his whole body glowed with light. He put his sword in its scabbard of pure silver. Milukem guided him to a door on the ship to a room below deck. Rapheth went in and found himself in the Cave of Forever once again. He walked, now with definite purpose. This time the voices did not call out to him or seek him.

  "Nagilla? Nagilla!" Rapheth called out hopefully like a small child to a father but the voices remained as unintelligible gibberish. None came forward. Climbing the stair, He finally reached the top and saw Saujiah waiting there for him, sitting on the ground facing the opening.

  "I have traversed the darkness into the blessed light of God and his holy messengers."

  "You have triumphed." Rapheth touched the hilt. It was pulsing with a power that seemed to fall in time with his beating heart.

  "No one is able to touch that sword who was not called to wield it. Anyone touching its blade will be burned by it. Anyone taking it will suffer plagues and death." Said Saujiah. Rapheth felt his renewed sense of purpose and destiny more clear than it had ever been in his life.

  "Come with me, Saujiah." He said. "Hybron is waiting." Saujiah walked with him through the last door of the Cave of Forever.

  . . .

  The camp was in minor confusion and especially after Rhajit, Luz and the rest that went with Rhajit arrived back to the camp. Even after the letter was read. Rapheth had been gone thirteen days so far but Parso seemed not be too worried. Rhajit decided to talk with him, more to put his own mind at rest.

  "I suspect he has gone on a journey."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Of the spirit. In the Holy Writings Ishuye did so before he was given the star sword, after he had found that the great dragon had taken a sacred scroll." Rhajit thought on this for a moment. He now wished he had more than a passing familiarity with the Holy Writings and the Law.

  "I wish he had said something to us before he left. The people wonder and this in no time to create doubt. Why would he have me go through the mountains to announce his coming if he has to make a special journey now?"

  "It does seem odd to do such a thing but I get the feeling that when he comes back we will have all the certainty we will need."

  "You and Rapheth seem to be close."

  "Well, I am something of a substitute father. I came from Egi, at Ilim's behest to watch over him and finish his training when they were living in Rhuctium."

  "I see. You know? It is hard for me, Parso. I try but it is hard for me to really understand how men like you see the world. Men like you and Ilim the prophet. How do you become a spiritual man? Is it conferred upon you? Saujiah conferred upon me an oath. Is it like that?"

  "In some cases a special commission is given to one, like to Ilim, the little mother or any of the other prophets. But mostly no. To walk a spiritual path you must want it in your heart and then you must simply walk it. Meaning live by the code of your spiritual tradition. It becomes not just something you do as ritual though rituals are sometimes involved, but it becomes your life. Even when it is inconvenient. This path is open to every man and woman. The problem is that for many, it is inconvenient when they are challenged or disillusioned by hardships or tragedy."

  "Why should people face so much hardship or deprivation in order to. . walk this way?"

  "Because those are the fires that determine who is truly for the path and who is not. A warrior who wishes to join the army of the king must put forth strenuous effort to train. He cannot do so without very hard, sometimes painful e
ffort. If he succeeds, he has been through the fire, been "purified and the dross removed" as they say in the alchemists' schools."

  "Are there different levels?"

  "Not officially. Only variances in intensity or zeal. There are two distinct paths a spiritual man can take. I have come to this on my own musings. The spiritual man who looks forward is a visionary or seer. A prophet. The one who looks backward is a mystic."

  "Really? Mystic. I wonder what happens if both ways of seeing are combined?"

  "So do I. I think upon it all of the time. Perhaps such a man can then truly know the mind of God. In such a way that no man has yet experienced it."

  "Another kind of holy warrior." Said Rhajit. Parso grunted and took up a few rough blades of grass dipped in olive oil and chewed them. The camp commotion had died down somewhat after Parso's words had soothed them as he bade them to wait upon the king.

  "The letter, did it say anything about when he would return?"

  "No. Only left instructions for us, and for Omun specifically."

  Omun himself was readying himself to go on to Susamon to look for a smith and he was bringing twelve men, his brother among them, a small delegation. He seemed to have an air of both apprehension and growing excitement. Tribal men were going as they knew their way through the mountains.

  "I know not where this road ends but I am sure I will play some small part in it."

  "Small? I do not think it small at all, Omun. You bring the element of supernal iron with you, that secret knowledge that was the scourge of the Ohdrufrid. Hybron will now get a taste." Omun smiled at that looking, rather proud. The tribesman looked perplexed.


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