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by Dick Van Dyke

  Nuvigil, 152–153

  Obama, Barack, 175, 183

  O’Connor, Donald, 167

  O’Day, Anita, 68

  old age

  employability, 175

  feeling and acting young, key to, 154

  genetics and, 154

  health foods, 144

  jokes about, 64

  as precious gift, 71

  priorities, 150, 188

  respect for, ix, 64

  role models in, 66

  romance and, 129, 143

  sexuality in, 202

  shrinking, 144

  sixties and seventies, improvisation in, 9–10

  sixty as new forty, 4

  sixty-five as new forty, xii

  as stage of life, xiv

  stereotypes of, 66–67

  tips and truths about, 143–145

  Wikipedia definition of, xii

  work, continuing, 21, 25, 65–66

  See also aging

  The Omen (movie), 190

  One World government, 179–180

  openness, 82, 107

  palimony, 90–91

  Palmer, Bob

  death of, 60–61

  reaction to Nuvigil, 153

  surgery of, 54–55

  Pantomime Quiz (TV show), 50–51

  Parker, Charlie, 67


  Arlene’s fortieth birthday, 13–14

  holiday, at Mancusos’ house, 2–4

  wedding celebration, at Mancusos’ house, 128

  Paul, Byron, 212–213

  Pearl Harbor, 164

  Peck, Gregory, 16, 190

  Peck, Veronique, 105

  Penrod and Sam (Tarkington), 85

  People magazine, 37

  Perry Como Show (TV show), 168

  physiology, mentality and, 151

  Pierce, Franklin, 186

  planning, 9, 144

  plastic surgery, 12, 23, 143

  Plato, 84

  playtime, importance of, 42

  Porter, Cole, 67, 84

  possessions, perspective on, 78

  pot roasts, as coded messages, 103

  pot roasts, history of, 101

  prayer, power of, 212–213

  prescription drugs, 149

  present, focusing on, 65, 68, 215

  president, first black, 175

  Presley, Elvis, 167

  prohibition, repeal of, 160

  Prohibition Era, bootlegging in, 159

  Purdue University, 125

  Purvis, Melvin, 161

  pyschiatry, 201–202

  questioning, 80–81

  questions to carry around, 83

  racism, 69

  Ralph’s Supermarket, 177

  Reagan, Nancy, 173

  Reagan, Ronald, 173, 182

  Rebel Without a Cause (movie), 135

  Red Onion Saloon, 59

  Reilly, Charles Nelson, 127

  Reiner, Annie, 203

  Reiner, Carl

  advice for younger people, 205

  age of, 194

  on aging, 199–200

  anxiety about dying, 200, 202

  on best way to die, 204

  Bill Clinton, conversation with, 183

  The Dick Van Dyke Show, recordings of, 197–198

  dreams, 201

  as DVD’s grandmother’s favorite, 8

  first meeting with DVD, 194–195

  friendship with DVD, 40, 49–50, 193

  on his children, 205

  Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, 183

  on marriage, 203

  New Dick Van Dyke Show and, 172

  pride in The Dick Van Dyke Show, 199

  pyschiatry, 201–202

  on reading obituaries, xv, 200–201

  Shakespeare, knowledge of, 50

  walking, 201

  work, continuance of, 65

  youthfulness of, 40

  Reiner, Estelle, 183, 203–204

  Reiner, Lucas, 203

  Reynolds, Debbie, 167

  Richard Diamond (TV show), 196

  Rickles, Don, 65

  Rockwell, Norman, 185

  Rocky (dog)

  reaction to Michelle’s death, 98, 104

  relationship with Arlene, 131–134

  swimming, 138–139

  teepee for, 186

  therapeutic treatments, 140

  walking with Arlene, 133, 137

  Rogers, Will, xv

  romance, old age and, 143

  Rooney, Mickey, 30

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 160, 182

  Rose, Charlie, 65

  Rose Marie, 197

  Roth, Michael, 69

  Rouse, Father Warren, 127

  rules for living, 213–214

  Ryan (DVD’s grandson), 76

  Sacks, Oliver, 103

  same-sex marriage, 176

  Sanders, Bernie, 65

  Sauter-Finegan Orchestra, 68

  Schieffer, Bob, 65

  Scopes, John T., 158

  Scopes trial, 158

  Screen Actors Guild Awards gala, 207

  Seattle, Chief, actual letter to President Pierce from, 187–188

  Seattle, Chief, fictional letter to President Pierce from, 186–187

  security, 125

  Selma, Alabama, 171

  senior citizens, increase in number of, 65

  Senior Olympics, 24

  “A Separate Plot” (limerick), 87

  September 11, 2001, 175

  Serling, Rod, 82

  Serra Retreat, 127

  sexuality, 202

  Sherman, Richard, 65

  shrinking, old age and, 144

  Signed, Sealed, Delivered (TV show), 32, 33

  Silverman, Fred, 5–6, 174

  Simon, André, 101

  Simon, Neil, 25

  Sinatra, Barbara, 16, 93

  Sinatra, Frank, 68, 188

  singing and dancing lessons, 190

  singing group (Vantastix), 6

  Singing in the Rain (movie), 167

  sixty as new forty, 4

  sixty-five as new forty, xii

  Skagway, Alaska, 59–60

  Social Security, 145

  Songs I Like, by Dick Van Dyke (recording), 169

  songs to dance to, 47

  songs to sing, 47

  Sons of the Desert (movie), 161

  Spider (cat), 132, 133, 139

  Stern, Stewart, 135

  Stiller, Ben, 30, 31–32

  Stokey, Mike, 50

  Summer Olympics 1984, 174

  The Sunshine Boys (play), 25, 116, 138

  Suquamish Indians, 186

  surprises, in life, 124–125

  Sybil (movie), 135

  talking, list of subjects for, 117

  Tarkington, Booth, 85

  Tati, Jacques, 195

  Tatum, Art, 67

  teepee, 186, 189


  benefits of, 159

  color, 169

  invention of, 159

  Teresa (movie), 135

  term life insurance, 15

  “That Old Senility” (song lyrics), 28

  The Magnificent Ambersons (movie), 170

  Thomas, Danny, 196

  Thoreau, Henry David, 68

  Tiffany’s jewelry store, 123–124

  Toaster from Amiga, 136

  Today Show (TV show), 4

  Tomlin, Lily, 66

  Tony Award, 127

  Tournier, Paul, 81

  Town Hall, New York City, 167

  Tracy, Spencer, 158

  travel, challenges of, 53

  Triola, Michelle

  allergy to cats, 132

  Bill Clinton, meeting, 182

  death, 98

  green thumb of, 93

  having lunch with the girls, 97

  health, neglect of, 94

  heart attack, 95

  lung cancer, 96

  meeting DVD, 90

  palimony lawsuit, 90–91

  personality, 5, 89, 94

  poker, love of, 16

  sailing, 91–92

  smoking, quitting, 95

  social circle of, 93

  Truman, Harry S., 166

  trust, 172, 184–185, 188

  TV commercials, on afflictions of aging, 17

  TV Land Awards, 199

  Twain, Mark, 85

  Twickenham Studios, 170

  Tyler (DVD’s grandson), 76

  The Ugly American (movie), 135

  Ukulele Mama 1 (Estelle Reiner), 203

  Ukulele Mama 2 (Estelle Reiner), 203

  Van Dyke, Arlene Silver (wife)

  acceptance of DVD’s marriage proposal, 123

  belly dancing, 1–2, 115

  Caesar salad dressing, making, 19

  care of DVD during illness, 32–36

  as DVD’s makeup artist, 112–113

  engagement ring, choosing, 123–124

  family’s reaction to relationship with DVD, 116

  first meeting with DVD, 111–112

  fortieth birthday party, 13–14

  friendship with DVD, 113–115

  hosting homeless family at Disneyland, 48–49

  invitation to lunch in DVD’s trailer, 113

  memorabilia, discovery of, 75

  Nuvigil, reaction to, 153

  proposals of marriage by DVD, 112, 122

  proposition in Skagway, Alaska, 59

  purchase of DVD signature cardigan, 73

  refusal to have Rocky put down, 137–138

  romantic relationship with DVD, beginning of, 115

  on set of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb, 31–32

  teepee, desire for, 186

  Twitter, post of Dick dancing, 37

  wedding, 127–128

  wedding celebration party, 128

  See also Alaska cruise; Rocky

  Van Dyke, Barry (son), 18, 116

  Van Dyke, Carey Wayne (grandson), 76

  Van Dyke, Carrie Beth (daughter), 116, 170

  Van Dyke, Chris (son), 18, 55, 116

  Van Dyke, Dick, early years

  in Air Force, 4, 126, 164

  Air Force fitness rating, 43

  birthday cake, favorite, 4

  first bicycle, 41–42

  free piano lessons, 162, 190

  in high school drama club, 81

  as junior class president, 126

  magician, desire to be a, 41

  playing boogie-woogie piano, 162

  in school band, 162

  in special services, 165

  summers, memories of, 41

  tap dance lessons, 190

  trombone solo at state band championship, 162

  in Wabash College track meet, 125–126

  Van Dyke, Dick, with Margie Willett (first wife)

  archaeological dig at ranch, 77

  at Arizona ranch, 5

  on Atlantic cruise, 58

  at dinner party with Reagans, 173

  Margie’s death, 96

  marriage, 79

  Van Dyke, Dick, as entertainer

  After Six Award, 75

  Beatles, meeting in England, 170

  CBS, contract with, 212

  CG animation, use of, 136–137

  Chimney Sweep Award, 76

  dancing in Mary Poppins, 31

  The Dick Van Dyke Show, impact of on, 159

  as disc jockey (DJ), 22, 67, 84

  early television, interest in, 23

  gift for making people feel good, 208

  injury during Chitty Chitty Bang Bang rehearsal, x

  Mary Poppins, getting role in, 127

  Mary Tyler Moore, initial reservations about, 196

  as Mr. Dawes in Mary Poppins, 14

  pretend campaign-style speech, 181

  rejection by AARP magazine, 18–19

  roles, criteria for acceptance of, 81, 209

  Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award, 76, 207

  Tony Award, 127

  as TV host in New Orleans, 212

  as vaudeville performer, 167

  working on Mary Poppins in England, 170

  See also The Dick Van Dyke Show

  Van Dyke, Dick, and Michelle Triola

  pot roasts, 102–103

  grief after Michelle’s death, 103–104

  life with Michelle, 91–94

  meeting, 90

  Michelle’s death, 98–99

  Van Dyke, Dick, personal life

  agenda for life, lack of, 126

  animation, interest in, 136

  arthritis, x–xi, 149

  as Barefoot Prince of Malibu, 20

  big nose of, 12

  Carl Reiner, friendship with, 193

  clothing, indulgence in, 74–75

  collapsed lung, 34–35

  crossword puzzles, 10, 46

  dancing with Betty Ford, 181–182

  dating, 105

  Death of a Salesman, reaction to, 166

  Disneyland, hosting homeless family at, 48–49

  drawings, 75

  dream about running, 27, 201

  drinking problem, 211, 213

  eighty-ninth birthday, 2–4, 14

  emphysema, 34

  as executive creative producer of Malibu Playhouse, 25

  first cruise, 58

  first TV, 166

  games, 50

  grocery store, singing and dancing in, 44

  Halloween, enjoyment of, 76–77

  involvement in world, 48

  learning something new, 49

  lost wallet, 177

  memorabilia, boxes of, 75–76

  modern TV and music, opinion of, 67

  music, love of, 84

  mystery affliction, 147–154

  naps, 50

  near-death experience, 29–30

  new romance, risking, 106–107

  NOT-to-Do lists, 45–46

  on organized religion, 68–70

  out-of-wedlock conception, discovery of, 165

  painkiller, use of, 149

  Pandora, listening to, 134

  philosophical To-Do lists, 45

  piano, playing, 162

  pleurodesis, 35

  pneumonia, 33

  racism, reaction to, 69

  ranch in Arizona desert, 5, 77

  regrets of, 190–191

  religious beliefs, 211–212

  rock music, opinion of, 167

  on romance in old age, 129

  sailing, 5

  shingles, 33

  simple pleasures of, 11

  singing, enjoyment of, 161–162

  singing and dancing, 47

  sleeping pills, 149

  smoking, 34, 43, 149, 211

  To-Do-lists, 44

  TV repair, course in, 23

  Vines, starring in, 134

  working out, 42–43, 201

  See also Alaska cruise

  Van Dyke, Dick, family of Barry (son), 18, 116

  Carey Wayne (grandson), 76

  Carrie Beth (daughter), 116, 170

  Chris (son), 18, 55, 116

  father (See Van Dyke, Loren)

  grandchildren, 4, 15, 76

  grandfather, 7, 163, 179

  grandmother, 7–8, 165

  great-grandchildren, 4, 15

  great-grandfather, 185

  great-grandmother, 7, 179–180

  great-grandparents’ farm, life on, 185

  great-great-grandfather, 180

  Jessica (granddaughter), 76

  Kristen (granddaughter), 76

  mother, 4, 6

  Ryan (grandson), 76

  Shane (grandson), 76

  Shirley (sister-in-law), 20–22, 116

  Stacy (daughter), 58, 116, 170

  Taryn (granddaughter), 76

  Tyler (grandson), 76

  Wes (grandson), 76

  See also Van Dyke, Arlene (wife); Van Dyke, Jerry (brother)

  Van Dyke, Dick, philosophy of aging

  acting an
d feeling one’s own age, xiii, 2, 144

  aging as new normal, 64

  on birthday parties, 4

  books, enjoyment of, 85–86

  death, preparing for eventual, 94

  dessert, importance of, 51–52

  disinterest in what other people think, 23

  dreams for future, 188–189

  feeling and acting young, key to, 154

  hobbies and passions, importance of, 42

  how one feels inside, 24

  inner child, playing with, 39–40

  involvement in world, 48

  learning something new, 49

  letter from editor of Los Angeles Times, 72

  letter to editor of Los Angeles Times, 71

  material things, attachment to, 74

  memories, 75–76

  morning, perspective on life in, 145

  playtime, importance of, 39–42

  possessions, perspective on, 78

  as precious gift, 71

  priorities, 150, 188

  pro-aging tips, 66

  questioning nature of existence, 80–81

  respect for, ix, 64

  romance, 129, 143

  rules for living, 213–214

  sense of normal, changes in, 36–37

  as stage of life, xiv

  work, continuing, 21, 25, 65–66

  on worrying, 8–10

  See also aging; old age

  Van Dyke, Dick, political views

  civil rights march in Selma, Alabama, 171

  conservatism, 157

  on Dwight Eisenhower, 168

  on Harry S. Truman, 166

  on John F. Kennedy, 168

  on Martin Luther King Jr., 174

  on Nelson Mandela, 174

  on Barack Obama, 183

  on Ronald Reagan, 173

  on Vietnam War, 173

  Van Dyke, Dick, with Arlene Silver (wife)

  beginning of romantic relationship with, 115

  belly dancing with, 2

  engagement ring, choosing, 123–124

  family’s reaction to relationship with, 116

  friendship with, 110–115

  initial attraction to, 105–106

  invitation to have lunch in trailer, 113

  marriage proposals to, 110, 122–123

  meeting, 111–112

  twenty-first century, introduction to, 134

  wedding, 127–128

  wedding celebration party, 128

  Van Dyke, Jerry (brother)

  age difference in marriage, 106, 109–110, 116

  conversations with wife, 118–119

  cruise ships, performing on, 56–57

  on Dick’s recovery from pneumonia, 36

  Gilligan, rejection of role of, 210

  grandfather’s death, 163

  health problems, 19–20

  in My Mother the Car, 210

  on plastic surgery, 23–24

  on putting Rocky down, 138

  refusal to have backup plan, 23

  stand-up act, 21–22

  water therapy, 139

  Van Dyke, Loren (father)

  admiration of Fred Astaire, 75

  conversation with sons, lack of, 6

  death of, 7

  disbelief in DVD’s relay race, 126

  Franklin Roosevelt, dislike of, 160

  music, agreement with DVD about, 84, 161


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