Spanked: Spanking Romance - Adult Bedtime Story Anthology of Punishment, Discipline & Submission Romance

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Spanked: Spanking Romance - Adult Bedtime Story Anthology of Punishment, Discipline & Submission Romance Page 14

by Lady Aingealicia

“Mr. King,” Marcel started, “I can’t be a dishwasher for the rest of my life.”

  “I know.” Mr. King answered. “I know. Hey be safe getting home tonight okay. Your mom just called and said you hung up on her.”

  “I did not hang up on my mom.” Marcel shook his head. “She is always blowing things out of proportion.”

  “Yeah,” Mr. King started, “however, a shooting is not out of proportion.”

  “I will be careful Mr. King.” Marcel answered hitting the door jam twice to say goodnight. “I will see you after I meet up with Mr. Durell tomorrow.”

  “Be careful of those producers.” Mr. King finally said as he looked up from his paperwork, “Those producers want your soul usually.” Marcel waved as he left the restaurant. He caught the subway and sat and thought about what Mr. King said. He knew Mr. King was right, the fact of the matter was, he had to get his family out of where they were. He watched the city lights through the windows on the sub and almost dozed off. His stop was coming up and working 3 jobs was taking a toll on his sleep.

  He got off the train and walked to his home. As he arrived, he saw Ebony waiting for him. She smiled and hugged him. He kissed her and held her body against him. Her full breast pushed up against his chest as he took her by the hand upstairs. He noted the graffiti on the wall and shook his head.

  “Johnny boy was shot tonight Marcel.” She finally said. “Mr. Crenshaw had to take him to the hospital.”

  “The ambulance never came?” He asked as he slipped the key in the door. Putting his finger to his lips, he took her to his room and shut the door.

  “Yeah, like a half hour after Mr. Crenshaw ran him to the hospital.” She added as she kneeled behind him and began to rub his shoulders. He sighed as she kissed the back of his neck.

  “Baby, let me take a shower first.” He got up and looked at her with his grey eyes. They had grown up with Johnny boy. Marcel had taught him how to play basketball and chess. He turned on the shower and got in. He soaped up and shook his head. He wanted the meeting to go well with Mr. Durell tomorrow. He needed it to go well for his dreams to come true.

  He went back into his room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Ebony had already crawled into bed. She opened her soft brown eyes and looked at him, the sheet covered her bounty. He ripped off the sheets and tackled her in the bed. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. Kissing his neck as her hands went down to his hard member. She loved how he felt inside her.

  Rolling him over, she sat on top of him with her red lace panties on. His fingers found their way under the lace and inside her warm heat. He pushed in further as her back arched from his touch. Her breast thrust out as he played with her nipples with his other hand.

  “Damn baby, you are so fucking hot.” He whispered as he pushed aside the panties and found his way inside her. She was as tight now as she was the first night they fucked. Both of his hands went to her waist as he pushed up inside her. Soon he rolled her over and laid on top of her. His mouth sucking on each nipple. Her hand went to the back of his head as she held him there. Wrapping her legs around his waist, pulling him into her deeper.

  “Yeah baby, fuck that pussy.” She whispered in his ear. Her nails digging into her back.

  “Whose pussy is that?” He growled back.

  “Yours baby, all yours.” Her body arched into his chest as he placed kisses on her chest and neck. She dug her face into his chest and cried out. He thrust one last time as they both came together. As he rolled over and held her close to him. They remained quiet for a few minutes and she finally spoke up.

  “I don’t want you to take the deal if it is not going to help you.” She said into his chest. He sighed. He knew how she felt about the record deal.

  “Baby, you know I have to to get us out of here.” He finally said. He listened to the shots fired outside. He held Ebony close as he tried to prepare for the next day. His sleep was restless as Ebony woke him with her mouth on his dick. He always loved it when she woke him up that way. His hand rested on her shoulder.

  She looked up at him and traced her tongue up and down the shaft as her mouth circled around his head. He thrust his hips up into her mouth as she took in more of him. He pulled her up on top of him as she placed her pussy over his dick and put it in. She slid down and began to rock back and forth as he looked at her breast bouncing up and down. For him it was one of the most beautiful sites to behold. He loved watching her bounce up and down on top of him.

  He held her thick hips and pulled her down all the way. Grunting he felt his balls tighten as her hands pushed against his chest and she forced her hips down taking control and hitting her g-spot. She would not tell him about the baby today, it would be too much for his mind. She did not want anything to go wrong.

  As she got off him, she grabbed her nightgown and went to take a shower. Marcel’s mom was used to her being in the house by now. She knew that Ebony was pregnant. They had agreed it would be best to wait to tell him after the meeting with Mr. Durell. Marcel joined Ebony in the shower as they heard his mom making breakfast in the kitchen. He made love to her one last time before getting out. They did what they could where they could as often as possible.

  “I am going to go visit Johnny boy today.” He said as he dried off. She nodded, she was going to help Marcel’s mom today with the shopping for the night’s dinner. They knew that he would get the contract. Marcel kissed Ebony and left the bathroom to go eat some breakfast.

  The Contract

  Marcel shook Mr. Durell’s hand and then sat down across from him and his partners. He did not remember everyone’s name, he was only interested in getting to know Mr. Durell. The contract sat in front of him. He read it over again and again. They were willing to give him a contract with the agreement they had rights over his words. It did not sit right in his gut.

  “Mr. Durell,” he began, “my words are my words.” He looked at him.

  “Well son,” The blonde haired, blue eyed man sat across from him, “I know that and you know that. We just are worried that they may offend some listeners.” He put his hands together and looked at Marcel.

  “That is the point of the music.” Marcel stood up and headed to the door with the contract in his hand. “I need someone to look over this before I decide.”

  “Take your time Marcel.” Mr. Durell smiled and stood to walk Marcel to the elevator. Marcel looked around the office and saw the platinum records on the wall. He knew he wanted one of those, but not at the cost of his lyrics. His lyrics were a part of his world. This man did not come from his world, he would never understand.

  Marcel rode the train to work and walked in. It was already busy as he walked to the back. He peeked in on Mr. King and stopped. He waited to be motioned in. As he sat down, Mr. King finished up a conversation on the phone and then looked at Marcel.

  “Well how did it go?” He finally asked. Marcel handed Mr. King the contract.

  “I was hoping you could go over this later.” Marcel began, “It does not set right in my gut.”

  “I can have it back to you by the end of your shift.” Mr. King sat the contract on top of the paperwork on the desk. “Going to be a busy night you know.”

  “I know Mr. King.” Marcel was not looking forward to doing the dishes, it was a job though and it helped out his mom to pay the bills.

  “I want you to start learning the line soon.” Mr. King said as Marcel left the office.

  “Really Mr. King.” The one other passion in Marcel’s life was cooking. He was sure that would come with a raise as well. He went to the kitchen and put on his apron waving to everyone on his way in. He saw he already had a pile of dishes to do. The night slipped by quickly and soon it was closing time.

  Marcel realized as he took out the garbage he had not gone by to see Johnny boy. He had to make that a priority for the next day. It was his only day off. He stopped by the office and looked at Mr. King. He was reading over the contract shaking his head.

l Marcel,” He continued to look it over. “there are a lot of restrictions and requirements of you. Great pay, bad pay off. I would advise you to discuss this with your mom and Ebony before you sign.” He handed Marcel the contract. Marcel hung his head, his one shot to get noticed and he would have to let the contract go. He knew Mr. King was a smart business man and would not steer him wrong.

  “Thank you Mr. King.” Marcel took the contract and put it in his coat pocket. “I had a feeling it was not a good contract.”

  “Look I have a friend who is a lawyer.” Mr. King started, “He owes me a favor. He could go in with you next time to negotiate for you if you like.”

  “Really Mr. King?” Marcel looked at him, “You would do that for me?”

  “Well yeah Marcel.” He answered. “You are a talented young man. I hate to lose you, however it is your gift.”

  “Thank you Mr. King.” Marcel answered as he left. He rode the train home and the hood seemed very quiet. He was not sure what was wrong, he just knew there was something wrong. He looked around for Ebony who was usually waiting for him when he got home and she was nowhere to be seen. He proceeded with caution. As he came around the corner he saw that there were 4 guys beating the shit out of a boy on the ground.

  He ran towards the 4 guys and shouted. He knew it was not the right thing to do, he did it out of reaction. There was no justice on the streets from any protection outside of these streets.

  “Boy, you got no business here.” One of the voices said as he waved a gun. “I suggest you take your ass home and forget you saw anything.” Marcel thought about what the voice said, it would be so much easier to do that then help the person who was being kicked and laid on the ground.

  “Don’t you have a fucking job to get to?” Another voice piped up. “Thinking you are better than the rest of us in the hood. Like you deserve better things.”

  “Maybe we should fuck you up too Marcel.” A third voice piped in. He knew the voice. It was Lil L. They had been in school together until L dropped out. “Fuck you up like Johnny boy.”

  Without thinking, Marcel rushed the one of the bodies he saw standing there. He knew that he was going to get the shit beat out of him, he just could not stop himself. He pounded 3 of them before he felt the bullet hit him in the back. Everything went black after that.

  The Hospital

  Marcel woke up with an IV in his arm. He looked around the clean room and his vision was blurry. The nurse moved around quietly. She noticed he was awake and rushed out of the room to get the Dr. When the Dr. came in, he looked Marcel up and down and checked his vitals. Shining a light in his eyes and moving to his feet.

  “I thought you gave gang banging up son.” He finally said shaking his head.

  “Dr. Cole?” Marcel recognized the voice.

  “Yes, Dr. Cole.” He sat down in a chair beside him. “We found the gun that shot Johnny boy beside your body.” Dr. Cole was the family doctor before he decided to work at the Hospital full time. He never held back when talking to anyone from the neighborhood.

  “Want to tell me what happened before the cops come in?” He continued. “You know you won’t get a fair deal with them.” It was well known that the police in their neighborhood only wanted a collar, it did not matter who actually committed the crime. Marcel had a record as well. He used to be a banger before he got his shit straight. His mom made sure of that the last time he was arrested. Marcel took a deep breath and told Dr. Cole everything. Dr. Cole listened and nodded, he shook his head.

  “So you don’t know who did all this then?” He nodded to Marcel.

  “I have a good idea Dr. Cole.” Marcel did not care who thought he was a snitch, he was not doing a bid for 2 people who were in the hospital. He told Dr. Cole of the voice he recognized and Dr. Cole nodded and left the room. His mom and Ebony came in after the Dr. left. His mom stood there and cried.

  “You are not going to get a fair chance Marcel.” She said between sobs.

  “Mom, stop.” Marcel finally said as he held Ebony’s hand and looked at her. “There is no way they can say I shot Johnny boy. I was at work.”

  “You know they will find a way.” She continued, “They want to hang you like they did your daddy.” It was not uncommon for children of convicted felons to be targeted.

  “Mr. King will vouch for me.” Marcel continued. “Moms stop.” Ebony was holding back the tears as the door opened and two officers walked in with Dr. Cole. The women left and Marcel’s mom went to call Mr. King. She knew that he could help them.

  After about an hour, Dr. Cole came out and Mr. King was in the hallway of the hospital. He looked at the officers and took a deep breath before he spoke. The officers looked Mr. King up and down. Dr. Cole nodded at Ebony to go ahead and go in the room.

  “That boy was working the night that Johnny boy was shot.” Was all Mr. King said.

  “We know that Sir.” One of the officers piped up. “We were just getting information from the kid.”

  “That kids name is Marcel.” Mr. King stated clearly. “Does he need a lawyer?”

  “No, just make sure he does not leave the city.” The other officer stated and tipped his hat to Marcel’s mom. Turning to leave, the whispered amongst themselves. They knew they did not have a case against Marcel and that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mr. King went into the room with Marcel and Ebony. He shook his head.

  “What were you thinking Marcel?” He asked. “Why couldn’t you call the authorities?” Marcel remained quite. Ebony spoke up for him.

  “Mr. King, we take care of our own.” She started. “Marcel saw someone in trouble and he wanted to help.”

  “Well, that I understand.” He paused. “I want you to recover and come back to work as soon as you can Marcel. We need to talk some business.”

  “Yes Sir Mr. King.” Marcel answered. He held Ebony’s hand tightly. He knew it would be a little bit before he was able to recover. He took a deep breath and sighed as his mom came in.

  “Marcel,” She kissed his forehead. “I have to get home to get the twins off the bus. Ebony, I will see you at home.”

  “All right moms.” He had not called her moms for a long time. Only when he was not feeling the best. Ebony sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Marcel.

  “Baby, we have to get out of there.” She finally said as her hand laid on his thigh. She stood up and pulled the curtain so the window would not be seen. Her hand went under the blanket and she began to feel around. “I miss you at home.” Her hand woke him up as she looked around to make sure that no one was going to be coming in. He groaned. He did not expect this. Grinning he placed his hand on her breast.

  “Always wanting aren’t you?” He questioned.

  “I am always wanting you baby.” She moved her hand up and down under the blanket. Slowly at first, he held onto the bedrail as her hands were magick in waking him up. She lifted the blanket and placed her mouth on his dick. “I am the only one that will give you a sponge bath while you are here.” She grinned at him as her mouth covered his head and he felt her velvet mouth on his dick.

  He was sure a nurse was going to walk in at any moment and he did not care. He needed Ebony at this time and her magic mouth. She made long strokes with her mouth and wrapped her tongue around his shaft. Her small hands cupped his sack as she gently squeezed and then teased him with her nails. He groaned as he felt himself building. Moving her mouth quicker up and down, she felt him getting ready to release as her hand continued to match her mouth and she gave him that release he needed.

  She sat up and looked at him smiling, placing his hand on her belly. He was not sure how long he had been out, however he knew before he came in her belly was not that swollen. She nodded as his eyes got wide. He did not know what to say.

  “Baby, Mr. King has a house that he is going to let us move into with your mom and the twins.” She said quickly. “We have to get out of the hood, now that we have a little one on the way.” He nodded and agreed without
saying a word. He knew she was right and even though it may not be a record contract that got them out it was still a deal in the end.

  Thug Love

  Rap Star Romance

  By Lady Aingealicia

  After the Fact

  Marcel’s dreams seemed to have been taken with one shot that put him in the hospital. With a family to support and his mom needing his help, life seemed it was the same every day. Yet he still dreamed of a record deal that came with all the fame and glory instead of being a line cook. He was still dealing the aftermath of the shot that put him in the hospital and allowed his family to move to a new neighborhood. Yet when all in his life was beginning to change for the better, all hell was about to break loose in a world that knew nothing of the world that he came from and what he had survived.

  Jersey City

  Marcel watched as Mr. Kings hired movers packed up the last of his mother’s small apartment. He limped around the apartment and came to his room. Everything was taken down and already packed and in the truck. His mom and Ebony had already left with the twins. The twins were excited to get out of the projects and move to a house. They were each getting their own rooms. He and Ebony were going to make the basement their space and his mom was finally going to have a real kitchen.


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