The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 14

by Theodora Lau

  Rabbit children will be able to fend for themselves and protect their possessions. Remarkably observant, they can calculate their chances of getting their way. Instead of directly resisting rules, the subtle Hare will carefully devise ways around them. In short, this polite little angel is going to bargain for a better deal every time. They are aware of not only their own strengths and weaknesses but those of others as well.

  They can take reprimands with a defiant or philosophical sort of indifference. Shrugging off their setbacks, the resilient Rabbit child will patiently start again from square one. Helpful at home, conforming at school, and well-tuned to their environment, this child will know their way around people and problems. Rest assured that they will be well liked and accepted everywhere they go.

  The Five Different Rabbits

  Metal Rabbit—1951, 2011

  This type of Rabbit could be sturdier physically and mentally than Rabbits belonging to other elements. They will also be less apt to compromise. They have an unshakeable faith in their own powers of observation and deduction, and more often than not they are convinced they have the right answers and solutions to their problems. They can assume responsibility admirably and will display a good deal of creative initiative in their work.

  Metal matched with this animal sign will make these Rabbits preoccupied with their own desires, goals, and creative urges. They will be more cunning, but their ambition will be carefully concealed beneath cool logic and intelligence.

  A connoisseur par excellence, they will know how to live well and will savor the good things life has to offer in a refined way. While they may be indifferent to the opinions of others, they are emotionally moved by painting, sculpture, music, and other forms of beauty. Their basic self-assurance and discerning eye will make them excellent judges of the arts. They may even become collectors of great distinction, if they have the means, because of their impeccable taste. Whatever career these Rabbits choose, they will make their mark early, as they are thorough and devoted workers.

  But, like all true romantic spirits, this type of Rabbit could be inclined to dark moods, and they work well only when they are sufficiently inspired. Possessing great depth and foresight, these ardent lovers will allow only a handful of people into the inner sanctum of their life because of their many hidden inhibitions.

  Water Rabbit—1903, 1963, 2023

  A meditative type with a fragile and emotional nature, these Rabbits cannot bear harassment or any other unpleasantness, such as dissent and bickering. They can be easily influenced because their high degree of empathy allows them to pick up the thoughts and feelings of others with uncanny accuracy.

  These Rabbits will possess an excellent memory and may have the kind of mental power that, without their being aware of it, transmits their ideas to others. Consequently, they attract the kind of people they relate to, and they may be surprised by the many supporters who rally to their defense when they least expect.

  However, these Rabbits are subjective souls, and their perspective gets distorted by the emotional barriers they set up. They are not very decisive and in many cases could readily come under the sway of others.

  At times, their delicate sensitivity makes them dwell too much on the past. Often reminiscing on long-ago injuries and indulging in self-pity, they need strong associates to help them see the brighter side of life and enjoy themselves. When they are in one of their negative moods, they suspect the motives of those around them, and they can become uncompromising, secretive, and even paranoid. In their positive state, these Rabbits could rally powerful allies to their aid. They are never without resources or influence so long as they do not carry their neutrality so far that no one will take their side.

  Wood Rabbit—1915, 1975, 2035

  When Wood is exalted in this lunar sign already governed by Wood, the result can be a generous and especially understanding person who will sometimes be too charitable for their own good. Although they have solid ambitions, they are often intimidated by authority and may choose to ignore mistakes made in their presence in order to maintain the status quo. As a result, others are tempted to take advantage of the Wood Rabbit’s sympathetic and permissive nature.

  However, this type of Rabbit usually turns out well. They thrive in large corporations or other institutions where they can slowly and diplomatically climb the ladder of success, one rung at a time. Group effort and togetherness appeal to them and offer the kind of security and reassurance they need. But because of their innate desire to belong to a group, they may become a bit too bureaucratic and may equivocate when they need to make a decision that might offend people or set a precedent in a controversial case. In their refusal to act promptly or take sides, they may end up hurting everyone, including themselves. Wood Rabbits should be more discriminating and decisive, and they should take the necessary steps to insulate themselves from those who prey on their generous nature. As a rule, this Rabbit can bend gracefully without breaking and will have no trouble fitting in anywhere they choose.

  Fire Rabbit—1927, 1987, 2047

  This is definitely a demonstrative, fun-loving, and affectionate Rabbit who has more strength of character than other Rabbits. Although Fire makes them temperamental, they are still able to mask their emotions with charm and diplomacy.

  They have an easy and natural personality. People respond positively to their ideas because the Fire Rabbit expresses them so well. Fire may make a Rabbit prone to emotional speeches, and they can be outspoken in expressing their displeasure. They are more capable of leadership than other Rabbits, but their rule is tempered with moderation and discretion. Despite their outgoing and progressive ways, they will try to avoid direct confrontation with their enemies and will prefer to use subtle plots or deal with go-betweens, as Rabbit natives are so adept at doing.

  This type of Rabbit will have a high level of intuition and perhaps even psychic ability. They are intensely aware of changes in their surroundings and are easily moved to anger, hurt, or disappointment. They can also be terribly neurotic when negative. They require approval, wholehearted support, and inspiration in order to sparkle.

  Earth Rabbit—1939, 1999

  A serious and steadfast type of Hare, the Earth Rabbit has well-defined patterns of thought and is capable of well-calculated moves. They deliberate before giving in to their emotional inclinations. Their balanced, rational personality wins them favor in the eyes of their superiors, as does their realistic approach to their goals.

  The Earth element makes them more constant and less indulgent, although their constancy will be of a passive sort. Their introverted nature causes them to turn inward when beset with problems, because this Rabbit must be in accord with his or her inner self before acting. Yet they never hesitate to appropriate whatever resources are available and use them wisely.

  A rather materialistic sort of person, the Earth Rabbit’s prime concern is their own well-being. They could easily be indifferent to the needs of others when those needs are not in accord with the Earth Rabbit’s own objectives. Still, they do possess the humility to acknowledge their shortcomings and will strive to overcome them if possible.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Rabbit

  The Rabbit is part of the Fourth and last Triangle of Affinity, a group of the emotionally and artistically guided signs of the Rabbit, Sheep, and Boar. These three signs are mainly concerned with their senses and what can be appreciated through them. They are expressive, intuitive, eloquent, and talented when it comes to the fine arts, architecture, design, fashion, and innovative computer software. Diplomatic and compassionate, the signs in this trio have calmer natures than other lunar signs. Dependent on others for stimulation and leadership, they are flexible because they are sympathetically tuned to the vibrations of their environment. These three signs are drawn toward beauty and the higher aspects of love. They will extol the virtues of peaceful coexistence with the rest of humankind. They will no doubt provide each other with excellent company because they share
the same basic philosophy.

  The Rabbit will encounter the most severe personality clashes with someone born in the year of the Rooster. Anyone whose ascendant is in the hours of the Rooster will most likely also come into conflict with the Rabbit native. (Even someone with a strong Rabbit ascendant will not find harmony in the company of Roosters.) In the Circle of Conflict, Rabbit and Rooster just do not see eye to eye. They are worlds apart in their way of thinking because they occupy directly opposite positions on the wheel. The Rabbit’s direction or compass point is east, whereas the Rooster’s is due west. Spring is the Rabbit’s season, and the Rooster rules in the fall. The Rabbit’s fixed element is Wood, and the Rooster’s is Metal. Because Metal cuts Wood, relationships between these two do not last. It would be best for them to deal through intermediaries or mutual friends.

  Aside from the Rabbit’s most compatible partners, the Sheep and Boar, and the Rabbit’s least compatible partner, the Rooster, the other nine signs are compatible with the Rabbit to varying degrees.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Rabbit

  Circle of Conflict


  The Rabbit maintains a working relationship with the efficient Rat. There is little difficulty in these two getting along. Both are sure of themselves and what they want, but they had better want the same thing, or the deal is off! Both tend to be calculating and superficial in situations where there are no real benefits for them. Because the Rabbit is so suave and composed, it would be hard for the charming Rat to outmaneuver him, although he or she will certainly try.


  Both are reserved and shy. They may show a lukewarm interest, but there is no magic here unless one or the other shares the same ascendant. The Rabbit is too polite to openly offend but may be repelled by the Ox’s spartan outlook. The Ox is not attracted to the Hare’s love of ease and luxury. Besides, the Rabbit’s closest allies, the Sheep and the Boar, are not too fond of the rigid Ox. Compatibility may be strained if interests and friendships are diverse.


  The lines of communications are not strong between the Rabbit and the Tiger. The Big Cat is too rash for the conservative and peace-loving Rabbit, who is often scandalized by the Tiger’s loud, hot temper. They will have sympathy for each other only when their ascendants are in harmony. Otherwise, the diplomatic Rabbit may avoid the aggressive Tiger because of their dissimilar personalities and interests. The Hare always favors discretion; the Tiger does so only rarely.


  Rabbits get along fine with their own kind. Two Rabbits are a study in politeness and quiet diligence because there is mutual understanding and no struggle for dominance. They readily understand the benefits of working together peacefully. However, at times they can be indifferent or aloof when their feelings are hurt. Hopefully, each is considerate enough to give the other room to sulk. Both will work to keep their equilibrium.


  The Rabbit and the Dragon may have some personality clashes, as the Rabbit finds the Dragon domineering at times. But these two signs will strive to settle their differences when they have a common cause or share the same interests. They are not vengeful or petty and will attempt to see matters in a larger perspective. If the Rabbit understands the Dragon’s ego, it will be easy for the Rabbit to maneuver things to his or her advantage.


  The Snake and Rabbit have the wisdom to make a relationship work. How deep that relationship is will depend on how much effort each one is willing to invest. However, there can be no strong bonds or deep attraction unless they share a common ascendant. Otherwise, they will merely tolerate each other to get the job done and achieve their mutual aims.


  The Rabbit may not always appreciate the Horse’s quick temper and outspoken ways. Discreet and at times inhibited, the passive Hare may not share the Horse’s fiery love of action and danger. When the Horse leads the charge, he or she cannot count on the Rabbit to follow. Rabbits ultimately trust only their own judgment and will find the Horse too changeable to rely upon.


  The Rabbit and the Sheep easily bond, as both are popular with their sunny dispositions. Both animals have a passion for the arts and take pleasure in the finer things in life. The Rabbit will appreciate the Sheep’s generous heart, and the Sheep will be impressed with the Rabbit’s refinement. Both sides will contribute to this relationship equally, with the Rabbit most likely to act as leader, with the Sheep’s blessing.


  The Rabbit may be attracted to the Monkey’s superior intelligence but will find it hard to trust the Monkey completely unless they share a common ascendant. Petty differences and subtle rivalry can cause their relationship to be less than perfect. But the Monkey will work their magic on the Rabbit whenever they need help, and the Rabbit will oblige the Monkey if doing so is to the Rabbit’s advantage.


  The Rabbit and the Rooster are two very different animals that have difficulty seeing eye to eye. This conflict stems from each animal’s approach to communication. The Rabbit is a firm believer in upholding etiquette and exercising decorum, while Roosters prefer to be loud and sometimes boastful with their news. The Rooster’s style can rub the proper Rabbit the wrong way and dissuade them from establishing long-term ties.


  The Rabbit and the Dog will have a compatible and rewarding union, as they can establish trust and understanding with little effort. Both will do their share to make the relationship workable, or else they will call a truce and part peacefully. When these two join forces, they will find harmony and happiness, as neither of them is overly aggressive or unreasonably demanding.


  The pairing of a Rabbit and a Boar can result in an all-star team. Each animal’s strengths complement the other’s. The Rabbit and the Boar will find that conversations flow easily and that they both do not like to take part in petty arguments. The Rabbit possesses sage wisdom, and the Boar is a tireless promoter. When the two put their heads together, they are practically unstoppable.

  The Rabbit and Its Ascendant Relationships

  We all have a shadow that follows us throughout life. Sometimes it grows bigger than life, and at other times it shrinks until it disappears into the soles of our feet. Sometimes it walks tall before us, and on other occasions it lags behind like a sulking friend. In Chinese horoscopes, this constant partner, manifest or not, is our ascendant, the animal sign that rules the hour of our birth and becomes a comrade in our journey through life. We may view it as friend or foe, or even a little of both. It surfaces when we least expect and shows us a better or worse side of our nature. We can often be confounded by the way we listen to our “other self,” and we can feel resentful of the influence it can exert on us. Actually, a personality has many rings around the center of the self, and each ring can have a different size, texture, and aura. When all these factors combine, they bring forth the unique individual that the person truly is.

  Hence, a Dragon with an incompatible ascendant, like the Dog, has perhaps a more difficult inner struggle than a Snake born during the hours of the Snake. The double intensity of the Snake person will be easily understood by horoscope readers, while the more intricate Dragon/Dog may exhibit the contrary Dog and Dragon traits to varying degrees. There are many voices within each person, but in the end, only the individual determines which course he or she will follow, which choices he or she will make.

  Following are the time periods governing the twelve ascendants, with descriptions of each ascendant’s effect on the Rabbit born during that period. The time of birth used to determine the ascendant is always the local time in the place of birth.

  11 p.m. to 1 a.m. = Hours of the Rat

  You are affectionate, astute, and always well-informed. The Rat ascendant livens up the Rabbit’s retiring ways and makes them more involved. A dispenser of good advice and a paragon of proper conduct, you are to be found in a close-knit circle of friends or family relation
s. Never one to go it alone, you are a good team player, and your sound opinions are valued and respected.

  1 a.m. to 3 a.m. = Hours of the Ox

  With the Ox as your ally, you will act with more conviction and authority than other Rabbits. You could have a sterner outlook and be more insistent on having your own way. Silence and stubborn resistance may be your weapons of choice. If you learn to be more open and communicative, the Ox’s strength and self-control can make you very successful.

  3 a.m. to 5 a.m. = Hours of the Tiger

  You can be a colorful, fast-talking, fast-thinking Rabbit, who is quick and always observant. The dramatic Tiger ascendant urges you to be more aggressive, while your innate Rabbit good sense will try to maintain dignity and good taste. Both signs in this combination will land happily on their feet no matter how they are tossed. Hopefully, your Rabbit side will get you to look before you leap and check that impulsive Tiger inside you.

  5 a.m. to 7 a.m. = Hours of the Rabbit

  You could be a philosopher extraordinaire, everyone’s psychologist, or a wonderful Rabbit sage who contemplates but never takes forceful action because you won’t take sides. Yours is a pure Rabbit sign, and you tend to magnify the positive and negative qualities of the Hare. You prefer to float above issues and distance yourself from disharmony. If you can bring yourself to make real commitments, your contributions will be greatly appreciated and recognized.


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