The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 17

by Theodora Lau

  The Five Different Dragons

  Metal Dragon—1940, 2000, 2060

  This type could well be the most strong-willed of the Dragons. Honesty and integrity are paramount virtues to them, and although they may be bright, open, and expressive, they are also unbending and critical.

  Action-oriented and combative, they will seek out and motivate those on their own intellectual or social level. They have little patience with the lazy and the foolish. Unpliable Metal combined with their natural lunar sign, Wood, will also enable them to intimidate weaker beings into submitting to their will.

  Metal Dragons are tremendously intense and will stake their lives on their convictions. At their best, they are magnificent warriors. It is futile to try to convince them that certain things just cannot be done. This type of Dragon will try to exorcise whatever evil they see in life and could be fanatical regarding their convictions and moral beliefs.

  When they are negative, they will have exaggerated views of their own importance. They are a bit short on diplomacy and have the habit of going it alone if others disagree with them or refuse to accept their leadership.

  The strong Metal Dragon will rush in where angels fear to tread. They will succeed because they will allow themselves no other course of action. They burn their bridges behind them so that they cannot retreat once they go on the attack.

  Water Dragon—1952, 2012

  This is a less imperious type of Dragon, who favors optimum growth and expansion. They can put aside their ego for the good of all and are less selfish and opinionated. Inhibited yet progressive, they try hard not to be as conspicuous as other power-hungry Dragons. Neither will they be labeled the conciliatory ones. They can assume a wait-and-see attitude, and their wits are as formidable as their strength of will.

  Water Dragons adhere to the maxim “to thine own self be true,” and they will not seek revenge on those who choose to go the opposite way. Democratic and liberal minded, they can accept defeat or rejection without bitterness.

  Water is calming and beneficial to people born under this lunar sign, enabling them to know how to act wisely and do what is essential for their progress. They are quick and reliable and are capable of marketing their ideas with untiring devotion. They are likely to be successful as negotiators; they know when, where, and how to apply force.

  Their main drawback is that they may be like an overoptimistic builder who forgets to reinforce the foundation. By trying to hold on to too much, they may lose everything. They must learn to make difficult choices and relinquish whatever is unfeasible or unnecessary. This way, they will be able to devote their energies to fewer but more rewarding endeavors.

  Wood Dragon—1904, 1964, 2024

  This is a creative and magnanimous type of Dragon capable of developing bright new revolutionary concepts. Wood combined with this sign makes the Dragon adept at formulating and implementing ideas and working cooperatively with others, even if this Dragon may be a bit condescending on occasion.

  Gifted with an exploratory nature, the Wood Dragon loves to look into cause-and-effect theories; their every action will be guided by sound logic. However, they also have a tendency to overinvestigate subjects or to submit people to endless debate when they face opposition. They are natural teachers and could be very scholarly in their own offbeat manner.

  Nonetheless, this is a generous Dragon who is amenable to taking the middle road, tries to offend as few people as possible, and subtly conceals their domineering ways. The Wood element produces a less fierce and unreasonable variety of Dragon, who will compromise when it is to their advantage. Still, as Dragons, they will ultimately relate everything to their oversized ego and will condescend to change only when sure of the benefits to themselves.

  They are less vindictive or self-centered than Dragons of the other elements, but they will still be outspoken, proud, and fearless when challenged.

  Fire Dragon—1916, 1976, 2036

  The most righteous, outgoing, and competitive of all dragons, the Fire Dragon will expect a lot from everyone. But while they may be demanding and aggressive, they are also blessed with enormous energy and have a lot to offer in return. The trouble is that they may go around with an air of superiority plus authority and make people fear or shy away from them. Their leadership qualities are often marred by their desire to be treated like the Messiah. Fire matched with this forceful lunar sign will give Dragons overzealous and dictatorial inclinations. They push hard even when there is little resistance.

  In reality, they are open and humane people given to impartiality and uncovering the truth at all costs. Their criticisms are objective, and they have the power to arouse masses with their vibrant personality. A natural empire builder, they will strive toward the supreme order of things, with themselves at the helm, of course.

  Because Fire Dragons are often enveloped by their insatiable personal ambition, they are short-tempered, inconsiderate, and unable to tolerate anything less than perfection. They also overgeneralize or jump to conclusions, frequently lumping people into categories without allowing for or even perceiving their individual differences.

  Nonetheless, here is a performer of the highest degree who could easily be a source of inspiration to others and a personality who will catch the public eye—when they learn to master their negative traits and communicate more humbly with others.

  Earth Dragon—1928, 1988

  These sociable, executive-type Dragons will have a compulsive drive to control their environment and the people who surround them. As Dragons, they are bound to be autocratic, and it would be folly to expect less. However, they will be fair and appreciative of other people’s opinions, even if they disagree. Earth makes them realistic, stable, and often even a bit impersonal.

  Although less severe than the other Dragons, they will still have the basic urge to subjugate others. But they will be reasonable in their approach to problems, and their leadership will be less dictatorial. They work incessantly to develop their talents and exploit their resources. One who realizes the value of cooperation, this type of Dragon will seek to work for the good of all. They certainly cannot be accused of being selfish, stingy, or petty.

  The Earth Dragon’s self-control does not mean that he or she is lacking in initiative. It’s just that the Earth element influences them to be unhurried and to keep their aspirations solid and uncluttered.

  This aristocratic Dragon is quiet, strong, and brave. Given to reflection and organization, their outbursts of temper will be few, nor will they demean themselves by arguing with those beneath them when they are angered. However, they will retaliate quickly once their dignity is offended and will demand respect.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Dragon

  The Dragon is part of the First Triangle of Affinity, a group consisting of positive people identified as doers. The Rat, the Dragon, and the Monkey are performance- and progress-oriented signs adept at handling matters with initiative and innovation. Self-starters, they prefer to initiate action, clear their paths of uncertainty and hesitation, and forge ahead with leadership. Restless and short-tempered when hindered or forced to be unoccupied, they are full of dynamic energy and ambition. This trio is the melting pot of ideas. They can team up beautifully because they possess a common way of doing things and will appreciate each other’s method of thinking.

  Dragons will have their most serious personality clashes with someone born in the year of the Dog. Anyone whose ascendant is the Dog will also be likely to conflict with the Dragon. In the Circle of Conflict, the Dragon and the Dog are 180 degrees apart. The Dragon faces east, and the Dog is oriented to the west. The Dragon is identified with spring, and the Dog’s season is autumn. Finally, the natural element for the Dragon is Wood, whereas its opposite, Metal, is the Dog’s natural element. Because Metal cuts Wood, relationships between these two signs are not always successful.

  Aside from the most compatible partners, the Rat and the Monkey, and the most incompatible sign, the Dog, the othe
r nine signs are compatible with the Dragon to varying degrees.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Dragon

  Circle of Conflict


  The Rat and Dragon are a natural pairing, finding great compatibility from the same Triangle of Affinity. Each appreciates the strengths of the other, and synergy can naturally result when they put their two heads together. The Dragon possesses an abundance of strength and visionary thinking, and the Rat’s resourceful nature and positive attitude are assets to their partnership. These two animals will find compatibility in all roles of life—family, work, and romance. Each animal has the ability to support the other through challenges by offering up creative solutions that are mutually appreciated by each of these ambitious animals.


  The Dragon and Ox will have a great deal of respect for one another and will be able to cooperate to achieve common goals. However, the Ox can be uncompromising when pushed too far by the domineering Dragon and will turn out to be a stubborn and unyielding opponent. It would be advisable for both parties to agree upon their exact roles early in their relationship to prevent a struggle for power or authority. The Ox is a hard worker, so the Dragon will never have cause to complain about the Ox’s worthiness.


  This combination is fated to be moderately successful but with occasional fireworks. Both signs are easily agitated and can be vocal about their opinions. Clashes of will and misunderstandings may result when they fight for the limelight. The Tiger will not take a back seat, but the Dragon wants to do all the driving. Somehow they must learn to compromise and resolve their differences. However, both signs are as forgiving as they are colorful, and they quickly resume their friendship after a flare-up.


  These two may have many interests in common. The Dragon has great need of the Rabbit’s tact and good judgment, while the Rabbit admires the Dragon’s leadership and power. The Rabbit prefers to work behind the scenes to influence the course of things in an oblique way and may shy away from the direct and confrontational tactics of a belligerent Dragon on the attack. Yet the Rabbit could do wonders for the Dragon’s tarnished image if the Dragon allows the Rabbit to help.


  There is not much conflict in a Dragon-Dragon union. Usually they will either be fanatical about the same issue or they will not even bother to associate with one another. The danger is that, because this dynamic duo has so much power and steam, they could vent their frustrated zeal on lesser mortals with alarming ferocity. Strong religious beliefs and political causes usually bind this team together.


  The Snake will find the Dragon’s courage and affinity for success very attractive and will have no difficulty helping the Dragon achieve mutually held aims. These powerful signs can develop successful and compatible relationships because they need each other. Snakes can be practical and ruthlessly focused when they are after something, so they will appreciate the Dragon’s never-give-up philosophy. Ambition will be the key word in their partnership.


  The partnering of a Dragon and a Horse creates power and speed. There may be some struggle for dominance, as the Horse can be impatient and restless under the leadership of the Dragon. But if they have good communication skills, which both usually do, they should be able to iron out their differences and map out respective territories. The independent Horse has a clear perspective and is quick to sense changes blowing in the wind. The Dragon will do well to go along with the Horse’s superior instincts and ability to steer clear of trouble.


  Relationships between the Dragon and Sheep range from cool to acceptable. If the Dragon feels protective toward the peace-loving Sheep and does not make unreasonable demands, matters should work out fine. The Sheep will be more than willing to cooperate and let the brilliant Dragon take command. The Dragon will provide leadership in such a partnership, while the Sheep’s creativeness will definitely bloom if the Dragon is able to inspire the sensitive Sheep in nonthreatening ways.


  The Dragon and the Monkey make a brilliant team. Each animal recognizes the talents of the other. The Dragon quickly identifies the Monkey’s talent for clever problem solving, and the Monkey appreciates the Dragon’s big ideas and passionate support. Despite the presence of two big egos, they work together well as long as each partner gives appropriate acknowledgment of the other’s efforts. The Dragon and Monkey can have a lifelong relationship.


  The Dragon is drawn to the Chicken’s expertise and competence, while the Rooster is in awe of the Dragon’s zeal and enthusiasm. They will strive to find prosperity, success, and happiness together. In order to achieve mutual bonds and lasting relationships, both signs must approach the partnership with fewer expectations and smaller egos. The Rooster can deal with the Dragon’s brashness, and the thick-skinned Dragon is not afraid of the Chicken’s undiluted criticism and need for exactness. The Dragon can fight while the Rooster perches on its shoulder and supervises. We should pity the opposition.


  The Dragon and the Dog are like night and day, and communication suffers as a result. With big dreams and lots of vibrato, Dragons need like-minded people as their supportive audience. Dogs are not likely candidates because they will always turn a critical eye upon unrealistic pursuits. In the end, the Dragon may feel like the Dog is always raining on the parade. Without a common ascendant or a strong common bond, the Dragon and the Dog will find conflict.


  The honest and obliging Boar will be happy to be the Dragon’s friend and join the Dragon’s fabulous group of faithful followers. There should be no large differences or serious conflicts in such a partnership. Both signs value sincerity and commitment and will work passionately for what they believe in. On the negative side, the Boar may be more lenient and scrupulous than the Dragon cares to be, and the Dragon may be too egotistic and pompous for the sociable Boar, who prefers to make friends instead of vanquish enemies, as the Dragon is fond of doing.

  The Dragon and Its Ascendant Relationships

  We all have a shadow that follows us throughout life. Sometimes it grows bigger than life, and at other times it shrinks until it disappears into the soles of our feet. Sometimes it walks tall before us, and on other occasions it lags behind like a sulking friend. In Chinese horoscopes, this constant partner, manifest or not, is our ascendant, the animal sign that rules the hour of our birth and becomes a comrade in our journey through life. We may view it as friend or foe, or even a little of both. It surfaces when we least expect and shows a better or worse side of our nature. We can often be confounded by the way we listen to our “other self,” and we can feel resentful of the significant influence it can exert on us. Actually, a personality has many rings around the center of the self, and each ring can have a different size, texture, and aura. When all these factors combine, they bring forth the unique individual that the person truly is.

  Hence, a Dragon with an incompatible ascendant, like the Dog, has perhaps a more difficult inner struggle than a Snake born during the hours of the Snake. The double intensity of the Snake person will be easily understood by horoscope readers, while the more intricate Dragon/Dog may exhibit the contrary Dog and Dragon traits to varying degrees. There are many voices within each person, but in the end, only the individual determines which course he or she will follow, which choices he or she will make.

  Following are the time periods governing the twelve ascendants, with descriptions of each ascendant’s effect on the Dragon born during that period. The time of birth used to determine the ascendant is always the local time in the place of birth.

  11 p.m. to 1 a.m. = Hours of the Rat

  Your typical Dragon generosity is tempered by the Rat’s frugality. The Rat ascendant has a more affectionate and charming nature than the forthright Dragon. A captivating and talkative Dragon, you will be objective and decisive, with a certain shrewdness and love of main
taining control of each situation. You know how to get your way without having to resort to Dragon force every time.

  1 a.m. to 3 a.m. = Hours of the Ox

  You may tend to be a more cautious, slow-moving Dragon who likes to be sure of what you are doing before acting. Nonetheless, you are still a fire-breathing Dragon and could employ the Buffalo’s heavy-handed tactics in dealing with those who dare cross you. The Ox’s restraint and reliability, however, may make you more patient and persevering. Dedicated, studious, and spirited, you could carry the world on your shoulders if you devote yourself to something you ardently believe in.

  3 a.m. to 5 a.m. = Hours of the Tiger

  With the Tiger’s wild impulses, you could be motivated for emotional reasons instead of rational ones. The Dragon is always ready to march into battle with all flags flying, and the Tiger ascendant is just as idealistic. Big-hearted, helpful, and optimistic, you must learn to deal with setbacks and disappointments calmly instead of flying off the handle and blaming those closest to you.


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