The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 23

by Theodora Lau

  The Horse Child

  A child born in a Horse year will be animated, boisterous, and mercurial with a passionate love of life and a buoyant personality. These children learn easily and act quickly. Although they will tend to be disobedient, stubborn, and willful when held back, they are not the whining, crybaby type. These sprightly little ones will love the outdoors and should be allowed plenty of exercise and independence; otherwise they will just take that exercise and independence for themselves. Being cooped up or asked to sit still could be a punishment for them. Although they may roam the neighborhood and indulge in all sorts of rough games, they will always find their way home at meal time.

  They will walk and talk early and will resent parents who restrict them too much. Interestingly enough, this sign is also likely to be left-handed. They’ll be affectionate, playful, and demonstrative, but they won’t like too much cuddling. A happy-go-lucky daredevil, they do things on the spur of the moment. Constrict them with rules, regulations, and tight schedules, and they will bolt. They will be plagued by a restless and searching spirit, and they need to be constantly occupied.

  It would be well to discipline the Horse child, as they should learn to control their volatile temper and impulsive ways. Even though Horses are self-centered, they are also realistic and will conform and adapt once they see that there is no other way out.

  These adventurous little people will get themselves into countless predicaments but won’t need you to bail them out. They are quite capable of getting themselves out of trouble. Although they do not deliberately look for trouble, they do not scare easily and prefer to fight their own battles.

  All in all, the colorful and lively personality of the Horse child will enliven any household. Parents and family will find these children entertaining and delightful and will marvel at their courage, agility, and quick-witted intelligence.

  The Five Different Horses

  Metal Horse—1930, 1990, 2050

  This is a popular but unruly type of Horse who is always on the go. Demonstrative, impetuous, and bold, this will be a most engaging personality. They are highly amorous and very appealing to potential romantic partners. They can be extremely productive when in a positive mode; it will be difficult keeping up with them, as they seem to be everywhere at the same time!

  Blessed with strong recuperative powers, the Metal Horse is never out of action for long. They are constantly seeking excitement and climbing to breathtaking heights.

  Metal will make this Horse more stubborn and self-centered than other types of Horses. These Horses may be the proverbial bubbling streams overflowing with brilliant ideas, but they are not consistent administrators. If their work provides no satisfaction, no motivation, no rewarding stimulation, they will become irresolute and irresponsible. They cannot exist on a diet of daily routine. Nor can they function with someone glancing over their shoulder. They thirst constantly for new experiences and challenges. When they are negative, they will have an irrational need for liberty and will be unable to establish deep personal involvements for fear that such entanglements may curtail the Horse’s freedom or take up all the Horse’s time. But when they are positive, they will race to the finish, leaving others lagging far behind.

  Water Horse—1942, 2002, 2062

  These cheerful, dapper Horses have excellent business acumen but are inordinately concerned with their own well-being, status, and comfort. They are very adaptable to change and can make extensive adjustments without batting an eyelash.

  This nomadic Horse could be more restless than the others. Inveterate travelers and sports enthusiasts, they won’t let any grass grow under their feet.

  This Horse may also have the habit of frequently changing his or her mind and may embark on an entirely different course of action without bothering to give colleagues any notice or explanation. They tend to be guided only by their own bouts of inspiration. Delicately attuned to their environment, they often can discern trends and changes well before anyone else is aware of them.

  They will have a delicious sense of humor and can be very amusing when they want to be. A colorful but fashionable dresser, they can also discourse on any subject with anyone.

  When they are negative, they become pretentious and inconsistent and can exhibit a deplorable lack of consideration for others. The Water Horse must try to develop a capacity for long-range planning and dedication to their work. Their powers of communication and persuasion are above par, and if they can acquire a little patience, they will succeed in rallying people to support them.

  Wood Horse—1954, 2014

  Friendly, cooperative, and less impatient, these Horses could be the most reasonable of the lot. But they will still resist being dominated. The Wood element enables them to better discipline their minds, and they will be capable of clear and systematic thinking. The Wood Horse will have a happy disposition and be very active socially. These amusing people are good conversationalists who are not overly egotistical and will not constantly strive to dominate in their interactions with others.

  But because they are progressive, modern, and unsentimental, they will throw out the old and welcome the new. Inventions and innovations will always capture their imagination, and they will not shrink from trying the unconventional.

  They will enjoy exploring many fields, but they will try hard to fulfill their responsibilities first. The strong, high-spirited and sanguine Wood Horses do not have a lazy bone in their bodies, but they would do well to be more cautious and discriminating about what tasks they decide to undertake.

  Fire Horse—1966, 2026

  This is a flamboyant and adventurous Horse possessing a superb intellect and great personal magnetism. They try to bring about the changes they desire through force and sheer willpower. The daredevil of the lunar cycle, they can throw caution to the wind when in hot pursuit of some desired objective.

  This is a double Fire sign (Fire also being the Horse’s fixed element) and will produce a native who is highly excitable and hot-blooded. Fire Horses are easily distracted and are too inconsistent to stick to repetitious tasks. They have flair, wit, and charm, but their endless stream of bright ideas makes them extremely volatile. These Horses have many-facted personalities, and they require a great deal of spice and variety in life. They are happiest leading a double or triple life or having several professions to their credit.

  They love to travel, anticipate new trends, and work most efficiently when in charge. They rarely accept supervision, even from superiors. More than capable of holding their own, they constantly try to outperform themselves.

  The Fire Horse is a competitive thrill-seeker. They can assess and deal with all kinds of people and situations with only a moment’s notice. They are skillful at resolving sensitive and complicated situations, but they are not above being argumentative and unreasonable. This Horse will have ingenuity and resourcefulness but not perseverance. But with their speed and reflexes, they will never quit without waging an admirable battle—and we can bet on them to win.

  Earth Horse—1918, 1978, 2038

  Happy, congenial, but somewhat exacting and slow, the Earth Horse is apt to be more logical but less decisive than other Horses. Earth Horses prefer to consider all sides of a question before acting. Once they weigh the pros and cons, they will assess the competition and hedge their bets if possible.

  With Earth as their element, they will be less abrupt. They can settle down and learn to toe the line when necessary. They offer less resistance to authority while still holding true to their principles. Finely attuned to their environment, they are gifted with an ability to locate feasible investments. They can revive shaky businesses on the brink of failure and spur lagging industries to achieve greater productivity.

  Although these Horses are the look-before-you-leap type, they are nonetheless very capricious about little things and will not make up their minds easily. They may vacillate on one occasion and then take on more than they can handle on another. Yet, on the whole, Earth Hor
ses are able to make serious commitments and will not neglect their responsibilities.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Horse

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Horse

  The Horse is part of the Third Triangle of Affinity. This group consists of action-oriented signs who seek to serve humanity, promote universal understanding, and facilitate communication. The Tiger, Horse, and Dog are good at making personal contact and will develop strong bonds with their fellow human beings. The signs in this trio relate well to each other and are basically honest, open, and motivated by idealism. Unorthodox at times but always honorable in intent, they act more on impulse and heed their inner conscience rather than the dictates of convention. They keep their own counsel and inspire others to action by their high-spirited and aggressive personalities. Extroverted and energetic, they are always ready to do battle on behalf of the unfortunate and against the unjust. They will get along fabulously together.

  Circle of Conflict

  Horses will encounter the most difficulties with the sign opposite them in the Circle of Conflict: the Rat. Anyone whose ascendant is in the hours of the Horse (birth time between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.) is also likely to be incompatible with the Rat native. Horses and Rats are on the opposite sides of the spectrum. The Horse’s season is the summer, and their direction is directly south, while the Rat is identified with winter, and their compass point is north.

  Aside from the most compatible partners, the Tiger and Dog, and the least compatible, the Rat, the other nine signs are compatible with the Horse to varying degrees.


  The Rat and the Horse find hardship in communication and feel little appreciation for each other’s life philosophies. Horses prefer to go through life untethered so they can make decisions as they please. On the other hand, the Rat is eager to take on complicated tasks and enjoys keeping tabs on everyone involved, even if only tangentially. If the Rat and the Horse can find a common goal, they may be able to come to an amicable relationship. Otherwise, the Horse may simply choose a path that avoids the company of the Rat.


  Relations are moderately good between the Horse and the Ox, but there can be no permanent union unless one sign has the other as an ascendant. The Horse is mercurial and independent, while the Ox has feet squarely planted on the ground. The Horse works by intuition and instinct; the Ox prefers to go by the book. These communication barriers could prevent a close meeting of these two minds. Then, too, the Horse prefers shortcuts, while the Ox sticks to the proven path. The Ox could also prove too much of a disciplinarian for the flamboyant Horse.


  The Horse and Tiger are natural partners in crime. Both possess adventurous personalities and embrace new experiences with an open mind. The Horse and the Tiger are both highly emotional animals, the Tiger more so than the more even-keeled Horse; but they will get along easily because they find it easy to express themselves to one another. The two can depend on each other during the most difficult times because each possesses a protective instinct for the other. Both animals are active creatures that may find that they bond as much through sport as through common interest.


  The Rabbit may not always appreciate the Horse’s quick temper and outspoken ways. Discreet and at times inhibited, the passive Hare may not share the Horse’s fiery love of action and danger. When Horses lead the charge, they cannot count on the prudent Rabbit to follow blindly. Rabbits ultimately trust only their own judgment and will find the Horse too changeable to rely on. Unless one native has the other’s sign as an ascendant, the signs in this pair will not be able to truly understand each other’s nature.


  The combination of Horse and Dragon means speed and power. There may be some struggle for dominance, as the Horse can be impatient and restless under the leadership of the autonomous Dragon. But because they both usually have good communication skills, they should be able to iron out their differences and map out their respective territories. The intelligent Horse has a keen ability to sense which way the wind blows and knows exactly when its direction changes. The Dragon could do well to go along with the Horse’s superior instincts and ability to steer clear of trouble’s way.


  The Snake and the Horse will have a cool-to-distant relationship, because they are both fixed Fire signs but dance to different drummers. The Snake could be too withdrawn and pensive to suit the hyperactive Horse. The Horse’s feelings are always bubbling on the surface, while Snakes keep their feelings well concealed deep beneath an impenetrable facade.

  The Horse is alert to changes and responds energetically with passion and feeling. The Snake is intuitive and sensuous too, but in a different way, and is an introvert to boot. Unless these signs have the same ascendant, it is unlikely they will have a common perspective. More likely, they will selfishly refuse to cooperate and simply go their separate ways.


  Two Horses may find they have a lot in common. To begin with, both are active, outgoing, and interested in everything around them. Teamwork can be achieved because they will probably be able to work at the same speed. They will enjoy good to lasting ties if they realize that mutual cooperation is necessary to reach common goals. Because neither expects too much from the other, Horses will either have a successful relationship or look for greener pastures. They won’t waste time struggling or compromising if they do not belong in the same league. The Horse is a practical and self-confident sign and will not insist on unworkable alliances with anyone.


  The Sheep will admire the Horse’s forthrightness and courage, and Horses may give Sheep the direction and confidence they need to market their many talents. The Sheep may indulge the Horse’s many caprices, and the Horse may choose to ignore the Sheep’s many complaints. The good-natured and creative Sheep needs the commanding and quick-witted Horse and will not care to challenge the Horse on any issues. In this relationship, the Horse will provide the leadership, and the Sheep will benefit from joining forces with the capable Horse. Compatible and successful business ties could result, too. The Sheep could be the good cop, while the Horse will definitely play the role of bad cop.


  The Horse and Monkey will cooperate to a certain degree to achieve common ends. If they share similar interests or a common ascendant, they will have no qualms about using each other’s particular talents for their mutual benefit. Whether strong ties develop between them will depend on how much each truly requires the skills of the other. You won’t find either of these signs holding their breath or pining away for the other. They are both capable of changing course at a moment’s notice and will always want to partake in whatever is going on. The only negative aspect to this combination is that each can be selfish or overly calculating.


  The Horse and the Rooster will have cool to amicable relationships depending on who’s the boss. When Roosters have the upper hand, they could be dominating and noisy commanders. If the Horse is at the helm, he or she may find the Rooster too critical, eccentric, and argumentative. Both signs love adventure, but they have different ways of looking at challenges. The industrious Chicken schemes, researches, and won’t act before having all the information, while the Horse will fly by the seat of their pants and astound the Rooster with their speed and unconventional methods.


  The Horse and the Dog have practical outlooks that complement each other well. The Dog understands that the Horse needs independence to achieve and feel free. The Horse respects the Dog’s logical approach to life and the fairness with which they act. Their union, whether it be love, friendship, or business, will have a solid foundation of loyalty. The two animals respect each other’s needs to act as individuals and can find a way to enjoy each other’s company while still providing breathing room. The Dog is a good confidant to the Horse, who also assumes the role of trusted advisor. The Horse will be a champion for the Dog, who will not have to w
orry about protecting the self-sufficient Horse.


  The Boar will only be moderately compatible with the Horse because of the Boar’s inability to match the Horse’s quickness. The Horse has need of the Boar’s strength and generosity and will seek an alliance with the lucky Pig if there is a bounty to be shared. However, where there are no particular attractions, there will be no great clashes either. Special bonds are only possible if they share the same ascendant and if the freedom-loving Horse is able to understand the possessive nature of the amorous Boar. Both signs are highly sociable and will be good friends if they find similar interests.

  The Horse and Its Ascendant Relationships

  We all have a shadow that follows us throughout life. Sometimes it grows bigger than life, and at other times it shrinks until it disappears into the soles of our feet. Sometimes it walks tall before us, and on other occasions it lags behind like a sulking friend. In Chinese horoscopes, this constant partner, manifest or not, is our ascendant, the animal sign that rules the hour of our birth and becomes a comrade in our journey through life. We may view it as friend or foe, or even a little of both. It surfaces when we least expect and shows a better or worse side of our nature. We can often be confounded by the way we listen to our “other self,” and we can feel resentful of the significant influence it can exert on us. Actually, a personality has many rings around the center of the self, and each ring can have a different size, texture, and aura. When all these factors combine, they bring forth the unique individual that the person truly is.


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