The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 32

by Theodora Lau

  Capable and productive, Roosters vary in the amount of flair and attention they bring to a task. These careful, dutiful, and less obtrusive people could excel in precision work, research, preparing long-range studies, or compiling statistics and the like. A meticulous worker, the Rooster is also likely to make a very thorough and patient teacher, a watchful and protective manager, and a thorough lawyer. At the helm of things, the Chicken makes a fine leader and entrepreneur. No one can supervise as well as they can; with their love of efficiency and regularity, they get everything going like clockwork. You cannot find a better personal trainer or coach than one born in the year of the Rooster. They will make order out of chaos and get your muscles to work!

  They do have the tendency to harp on things or constantly remind you of what is next on the agenda, but this should be accredited to overzealousness and not because they are out to persecute you. They are much too busy for that. However, one does get the impression that they are out to reform or remake the people they love. This is simply their way of showing they care. They cannot bear to see you make mistakes when they are on hand to prevent them. Consequently, they will help you up every time you stumble, provide you with the right word every time you stammer, and second-guess you on what you may want to eat or wear. Helpful to the extreme, the Rooster can sometimes drive the objects of their devotion to the limits of sanity.

  Roosters will forgive you for anything, but not before they get those hurt feelings off their chest with a strong lecture. After that, they won’t harbor grudges and are not vindictive by nature.

  The Chicken is most often a simple dresser who will prefer simple, classic, easy-to-wear outfits that are appropriate for numerous occasions and that can be complemented by a large array of colorful accessories. Don’t be surprised if the Rooster possesses tons of exotic and even atrocious accessories or a vast collection of quaint antique pieces that could form an art exhibit by themselves. For Roosters who wish to make a bigger fashion statement, they will do it loud and proud. The most reserved-seeming Roosters make the most daring fashion choices.

  When first going to a Rooster’s home, one may be surprised by the decor. The Rooster’s style can range from decidedly traditional to more eclectic, but no matter how it looks at first glance, it will be put together with great care. This sign is motivated by details, and until they get the details right, it will drive them crazy. You may have to take a step back to see many of the careful decisions in a Rooster’s home, but they are there. See how the little space between the door and the couch has a perfectly sized table positioned in it? Or how the mismatched plates are all a similar shade of blue? Not a coincidence. Hunting down all the right pieces and making them work in harmony is an art and a science to the Rooster. But don’t be fooled by the garish tapestry on the sofa; some things are just for a laugh. Don’t forget the Rooster does have a sense of humor, and there is always room for that. One can strive for order and have some fun along the way.

  Taking a peek into a Rooster’s bag could teach you a lot about his or her character. Besides those little notes they write themselves constantly, they will probably have a number of rainy-day items. They’re armed to the teeth with remedies for every illness and eventualites. Aspirin, hot sauce, a comb—the emergency gear will be dictated by the Rooster’s priorities. They are exact and orderly and will enjoy taking charge of distributing or organizing things. When it comes to responsibilities, the Rooster takes pride in seeing each task done well and on time. The tasks that others find mundane or laborious will be those that the Chicken takes pleasure in, and if the Rooster holds power within a group or business, all the better.

  Every Rooster is a responsible worker. They will know how to please their superiors, who will be impressed by their sharp intellect and efficiency. But although they have boundless energy and a driving will to succeed, Roosters are too cocksure when they become negative. Then their efforts can be misdirected, and they can take on impossible tasks. The irony is that the Rooster will find success and money in the most ordinary, everyday places. Contrary to their own thinking, they will not have to search far and wide for their fortune. As the Chinese put it, “Chickens can find food even in the hardest ground with their sturdy beaks and claws.”

  That is why, if vigilant Roosters can come down to earth and apply themselves to mundane matters, they can literally dig up gold from their own backyard. They would do well setting up their own business or running the family estate. But wherever they go, they will be meticulous and competent enough to have everything operating smoothly in no time at all.

  The emotions of the Rooster-born swing from high to low and back again. The Rooster is plagued by an active and inquisitive mind. Their probing ways keep them chained to their objectives. Once they set out to prove a point, they will not leave a single stone unturned. They make excellent investigators because there is a bit of Sherlock Holmes in every Rooster.

  With their many administrative abilities and natural passion for work, Roosters will start out young and gain success early in life. What they need most in everything they undertake is restraint, moderation, and a firm hand to direct their irrepressible energies. No matter how competent they are, they must realize that they cannot take the world by storm in a single day and reprogram everyone else to do things their way. In short, the Rooster can perform the most astonishing task with aplomb and then become eccentric and bogged down on the last detail.

  The Rooster loves praise, is allergic to criticism of any kind, and can be very selfish about sharing the limelight. They will never like to admit they are wrong. They will also go to any length to discredit their enemies. A good provider, the Rooster person is wonderful to his or her family and will indulge them in anything, provided no one dares usurp the Rooster’s number-one spot. It would be well for Roosters to have a large family, as they need a cheering squad to bring out the best in them.

  No matter what happens, Roosters will benefit from being such tireless workers, for they will have to work their way through life. Things won’t just fall into their lap. They are the intrepid dreamers, full of ambition and goodwill, but destined to succeed in ordinary things. But on the other hand, it doesn’t pay to underestimate the Rooster’s powers. Being fiercely competitive, the Rooster could peck the formidable Snake to death should they set their mind to it.

  To sum up, the colorful but controversial Rooster will never fail to make an impression on you. You will either be enchanted and grow to love them immensely, or you will simply be unable to bear the sight and sound of them.

  The Rooster Child

  Even as a child, the Rooster will be a self-starter. A good student, fast learner, and industrious little soul, he or she will be forever poking around for answers. You can rely on them to pursue their studies, or anything else that attracts them, with self-generated zeal. It will be a joy to teach them, as they are alert, intelligent, and painstakingly precise. They will have all the tendencies of a bookworm.

  Rooster children will be neat and orderly. They will do things in the proper sequence and will be creatures of such meticulous and exacting habits that they will sometimes annoy you. They won’t be reticent about their opinions, either; instead they’ll be something of a wise guy around the house. Tough and self-disciplined, they will save the most pocket money among the children. They can be petty about minute discrepancies and will plan the most routine deed with military precision.

  These children will be very demanding of their parents, but in return they will be dependable when called upon to do their part. Not inclined to cry for help, they will detest weakness and dependency in others. If you make some kind of a mistake, they will be the first to notice and call it to your attention. They can’t help doing this; it’s part of their nature. They tend to be bossy, too, so if you are not careful, your little Chick will soon be running your life.

  Fearless, optimistic, and dauntless, Roosters will never change their course of action even if the whole world condemns them. You may hav
e to watch helplessly as they rush headlong off a cliff because they won’t take any advice once they have made up their mind. Just keep praying that some of their wild, idealistic schemes work. They are never too practical when it comes to their own lives. But one day, who knows, their unlikely ventures may hit it big. Many wealthy people were born in the year of the Rooster, and they all have one thing in common besides money: they were eccentric and opinionated.

  What is more tiresome, however, is the fact that they will be completely blind to their own faults. Don’t bother to debate with them; it will be a waste of time, as they never admit they are wrong. The Rooster’s way is the right way, and no ifs, ands, or buts about it!

  In short, the high-powered and resplendent Rooster will have many fine talents (which no doubt he or she will carefully enumerate to you), but they also carry a big bag of idiosyncrasies. They will never take the middle of the road. With them, you either sink or swim. Their simple “love me or leave me” attitude means that if you wish to support them, you must be prepared to go all the way.

  The Five Different Roosters

  Metal Rooster—1921, 1981, 2041

  These practical, exacting, and industrious Roosters captivate people with their brilliant powers of deduction. Investigative, optimistic, and idealistic, they will have a passionate attitude toward work.

  Metal will make them opinionated and headstrong, and they will have a strong need to be important and famous. They are tireless workers who could be so fixated on their own worldview that they find it hard to even consider the opinions and ideas of others. With their gift for oratory, they may even drown out the voices of their opponents. Although they are factual and reasonable, they find it hard to be totally impartial when their ego is directly challenged.

  If they cannot relate well to others or make any real efforts to compromise, their talents could be wasted, and their genius will go unrecognized. An excess of rationalization and analysis could be disastrous. When they are negative, they will even subject a blooming romance to a routine clinical examination. They should curb their urge to overdo things and be more open to the views of other people.

  Despite their outward bravado, Metal Roosters can be inhibited with their emotions. They will insist on order in their life and will demand hygienic conditions or even sterile cleanliness in their surroundings.

  But while these acquisitive Roosters are attracted to material wealth, they will also be concerned with social reform. They are not above using their expertise on behalf of humanity, as they will find fulfillment in solving social problems or instigating reforms for the advancement of humankind.

  Water Rooster—1933, 1993

  This is an intellectual Rooster who will enjoy cultural pursuits. Respectable and inspiring, they have tremendous energy and initiative at their disposal and will seek to use their own resources or enlist the help of others to speed up progress.

  With Water as their element, they will think clearly and be extremely practical. They can be reasoned with, especially when faced with insurmountable odds. They are less austere and critical than other Roosters.

  A proficient writer as well as a commanding speaker, the Water Rooster can sway the masses and prompt others to action. With their strong scientific leanings, they will be interested in health, medicine, and technology. However, because the Water Rooster’s mind functions with computerlike efficiency, they could lose sight of the main issues should they overemphasize details. Systems and procedures fascinate them, and if they become obsessed with perfecting details, they could get bogged down in creating a fine bureaucracy—and little else.

  Wood Rooster—1945, 2005

  This Rooster is an expansive type who can be more considerate of others and has a wider outlook on life. Although they are much less stubborn and opinionated than other Roosters, they still have a tendency to complicate matters and get trapped in a maze of their own making. They should learn to contain their enthusiasm and avoid overexerting themselves. In addition, they should not expect everyone to have the same stamina and dedication that they possess. No matter how well-meaning their intentions, a Wood Rooster who imposes unrelieved rote work and regimentation on his or her subordinates may totally alienate them.

  Wood makes these Roosters progress-oriented, and when Wood is matched with their virtuous qualities of honesty and integrity, they will excel in their performance, and their charts and graphs will amaze everyone.

  Open-minded, fair, and sociable, they can give unselfishly of themselves to foster the welfare of others. They will seek to improve existing social conditions. Because they alway desire to be in a congenial atmosphere, they will seek close association with the people they work with and will have an excellent record of reliability. Still, this person is basically a Rooster and will not water down his or her biting comments when aroused. However, they will always work hard to protect their security. Life will be good for them if they do not take on too many high-flying projects at the same time.

  Fire Rooster—1957, 2017

  This combination is possibly a shooting star. With Fire as their element, these Roosters will be vigorous, highly motivated, and authoritative. They will be able to operate independently and with great precision and skill. On the negative side, they could be temperamental, overdramatic, and nervous.

  Strongly principled and single-minded in their pursuit of success, they will display above-average managerial abilities and leadership. The diligent and intense Fire Rooster will stick fanatically to his or her own views and will conduct his or her own fact-finding tours and feasibility studies. They will be unswayed by the feelings or personal opinions of others, although they will be professional and ethical in their dealings.

  At times, they might be too inflexible to effect workable compromises. As a result, they will take to putting people and situations under a microscope for observation. If things do not measure up to their expectations, they could assume the role of an inquisitor or cause major upheavals.

  Yet they do have organizational talents and can project a stimulating and dynamic public image. And despite their shortcomings, this type of Rooster will have the noblest intentions behind their actions.

  Earth Rooster—1909, 1969,

  These studious and analytical Roosters will dig for the truth, mature early, and compile their own data storage banks. Earth ensures that they will be accurate, efficient, and careful in carrying out assignments. They will know how to brush aside the gaudy inessentials and view the hard, cold facts for themselves. With them, you will get the bottom line first.

  Unafraid of shouldering vast responsibilities, they will adhere to the Rooster’s reputation for not mincing words. Unpretentious and dogmatic, they will have strong missionary tendencies. They love conducting sermon-style meetings, exhorting everyone to work harder and follow their shining example. They are satisfied to lead simple, austere lives if they find their job rewarding. Fanatically systematic, they will keep all their notes, file all their data, and record everything they do for posterity.

  A hard taskmaster, strict educator, and much-dreaded critic, the Earth Rooster will sow and reap from sunup to sundown. If they can bring themselves to be practical in their aspirations, they will have bushels and bushels of success to show for their efforts.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Rooster

  The Rooster is part of the Second Triangle of Affinity, which is made up of the most purposeful and steadfast signs. The Ox, Snake, and Rooster are the dutiful and dedicated fighters who strive to scale great heights and conquer by their constancy and unfailing determination. These three are fixed in their views and are given to thought and systematic planning. They are the most intellectual signs of the cycle. They depend on their own assessments of facts and figures, and they give little credence to hearsay. They are more likely to comply with the dictates of their heads than of their hearts. Slow and sure in their movements, they prefer to act independently. They will invariably seek each other out and can intermarry and
intermingle most successfully.

  Roosters will encounter their most serious personality clashes with someone born in the year of the Rabbit. Anyone with an ascendant in the hours of the Rabbit will also be likely to come into conflict with the Rooster native. In the Circle of Conflict, the Rooster and Rabbit are on opposite sides, 180 degrees apart. The Rooster’s appointed direction is directly west, and the Rabbit’s is east. Autumn is the season of the Rooster, while spring is the time of the Rabbit. Furthermore, the fixed element of the Rooster is Metal, which is destructive to the fixed element of the Rabbit, Wood.

  These two will have different opinions and outlooks and will have difficulty understanding each other and one another’s motives. Unless a Rooster native is born during the hours of the Rabbit or vice versa, there is little these two will find in common. Besides having different personalities and preferences, they will do things that may be counterproductive for each other, perhaps without even being aware of it. Unintentional as these actions may be, they tend to produce friction and disputes.

  Aside from the most compatible signs, the Ox and the Snake, and the least compatible, the Rabbit, the other nine signs are compatible with the Rooster to varying degrees.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Rooster

  Circle of Conflict

  The Rooster will pair off nicely with the wise and intuitive Snake. Snakes will need the effervescent personality and sunny, dauntless outlook of the Rooster to bring them cheer. Oxen will also welcome the sunshine the Rooster could bring into their regimented existence. Although both will be compulsive workers, the Chicken is less spartan than the Ox. Dragons will definitely find the grandiose plans of the Rooster very much to their liking, both signs being outgoing, energetic, and ambitious.


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