The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 34

by Theodora Lau

  Ambitious, talkative, and active, with the decisiveness common to the two signs present here, Sagittarian Roosters set their sights very high. Don’t argue with them unless your patience is infinite, for they could carry on a debate from here to eternity to prove their point. But because both signs are scrupulously honest, they make poor liars. Don’t ask them for the truth unless you can stand to hear it. In spite of their unabashed frankness, they can be quite selfless and will not hesitate to volunteer their help if they feel you need it. Sagittarius gives the Rooster more dignity and a surer aim. It’s just that you wish they weren’t so right and so openly candid most of the time.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Rooster = Earth + Negative Metal

  A person born with this combination excels in thoroughness, efficiency, and a total lack of pretense. Neither sign in this match is known for malleability, so Capricorn Roosters will resist all attempts to remake them. However, the Rooster is less flamboyant here and perhaps more tight-lipped, though still given to exercising rhetoric without much forewarning. Rarely ruffled, this person will be a tidy, exacting creature who abides no nonsense nor any deviation from the law. Slowly but surely they will climb the ladder of success. They will probably like to be in the military, sports, or both.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Rooster = Air + Negative Metal

  This is not at all your run-of-the-mill Rooster. Aquarian Roosters are less relentlessly plodding than usual; actually, their clock may be a bit too advanced—they’re ahead of their time. But they will still have the Rooster’s directness, or genuine honesty, as they like to call it. They say what they want regardless of the furor they may cause. Actually, they relish being different and even shocking. Because the Rooster sign helps them persevere and Aquarius has a futuristic outlook, the Aquarian Rooster will be able to draw up far-ranging plans and have a good understanding of people’s future needs. They investigate with the candor of a child and the thoroughness of a scientist. Here is a Rooster who has a constant axe to grind and who is eternally busy with fact-finding missions. But they are not as outrageous as they pretend to be, and they have a big, generous heart.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Rooster = Water + Negative Metal

  The Fish makes the Rooster a peace-loving personality with an exacting but cooperative character. The Chicken’s tough moral fiber is all that it should be, but Pisces, with its talent for public relations, always manages to present a prettier picture. A less taciturn Rooster with no dogmatic inclinations, this one could put aside his or her staple diet of routine and methodical plodding and maybe even live a little. The conservative and gentle Pisces Roosters should have no difficulty obeying the rules, but they will see to it that their pattern of life is interwoven with equal amounts of rest and work. Artistic, composed, and elegant, they strut around with class.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Rooster = Fire + Positive Metal

  Hard to ignore, impossible to dismiss, and difficult to keep up with: that’s the Aries Rooster. When they are feeling positive, they can be truly indispensable. When they’re negative, you could have a full-fledged megalomaniac on your hands. Straight as an arrow and thoroughly honorable in intent, these people will make an indelible impression wherever they go. They tell it like it is, and in the final accounting they remain faithful to their convictions. The Aries Rooster has a very clear conscience. They may very well be the kind of bright and aggressive leader who will never ask anyone to do anything they are not capable of doing themselves. These tireless workers inspire others with their outgoing personality and infectious idealism.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Rooster = Earth + Negative Metal

  This combination of two such hard-working signs could give us a person who staunchly believes in Spartan denial (it’s good for the soul, you know) or similar tests of endurance only he or she can think up. Taurean Roosters will win hands down, of course, while you droop with exhaustion; they do not know the meaning of the word fatigue. While both signs here are serious in outlook, the Bull will certainly have better control over his or her tongue than the Rooster. The end product may be a bit on the dry side, as both Bull and Rooster have a similar brand of laconic humor. But it would be wise to take them seriously; they are always on target and ahead of schedule.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Rooster = Air + Negative Metal

  Here Gemini’s inconsistency will be ameliorated by Rooster efficiency and love of precision. These are sporty people who candidly speak their mind and get to the point without much ado or any fear of reprisals. But Gemini Roosters are still touchy about criticism and will swerve at the slightest blow to their ego or opposition to their ideas. The personality produced in this combination is bound to be more colorful than usual: a finger-snapping, hustle-bustle soul full of life, good intentions, organizational talent, and practical aspirations. Never boring to be around, they have a delicious sense of humor and can be witty even in the most desperate situations. Their sunny disposition and ability to see every dark cloud’s silver lining make them invaluable in a crisis.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Rooster = Water + Negative Metal

  Here is a careful, motherly, efficient person with a warm, demonstrative manner. The Cancerian Rooster is always genuinely helpful, though you will note the aggressiveness of the Chicken still shines through. But for once, the orderly Rooster’s good intentions will be expressed and carried out with Cancerian kindness and good taste, winning this person support and endorsement on all fronts. In this combination, Cancer’s passive tenaciousness is linked to the Rooster’s active perseverance. These people will be difficult to defeat, as they will allow nothing to prevent them from achieving their goals. Less direct and more intuitive, they tend to cover up their critical nature by being more diplomatic in their comments.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Rooster = Fire + Negative Metal

  Let’s hope that the Lion’s generosity will subdue the Rooster’s penchant for hair-splitting. But because both signs are strong and masterful, Leo Roosters could be hell-bent on success or simply having their way. Roosters can apply themselves to mundane matters with devotion and steadiness, while Lions have their hearts set on glory. A person of this mixture wants or rather demands to be heard. They could have all the necessary assets to reach the pinnacle of power, but one cannot help feeling that they are a little too commanding to have around. However, their colorful personality and magnanimous charm could make up for their natural bossiness. And others may really want or even need them to take charge and bring some excitement into their lives.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Rooster = Earth + Negative Metal

  This is an incredibly secure Chicken who has both feet firmly planted on the ground. Because both signs here are virtuously eccentric, these Roosters could puzzle us with their unusual preferences as well as their perfectionism. These are clear and logical thinkers who excel in mental tasks. They are the perpetual students: you can put your encyclopedia away and trust them to be an absolute authority in their field or fields. The Virgo Rooster is a walking library of facts and is seldom wrong. They will meticulously register every bit of information for the benefit of posterity. A lover of charts and graphs, this Rooster is incurably performance-oriented. On the negative end, both signs are given to the peculiar pastime of finding fault. Please keep in mind that their critique is never personal and may be just a recitation of facts. They have nothing against you. Believe it or not, they are trying to help.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Rooster = Air + Negative Metal

  The Scales of Libra give the Chicken’s exacting nature great equilibrium. These Roosters will take to feathering their nests with eiderdown and expensive perfume. They are intellectuals who love comfort and are so s
mooth in delivering their lines that there may be little if any room for argument. Although they are likely to be particular and observant as all Roosters are, Libra will enable them to better comprehend the views of others, thus resulting in a person less critical regarding trifles and much more animated and happy. They will enjoy a higher popularity rating than other Chickens. This is a Rooster with a sweet nature who may also be indecisive because he or she is forever weighing the pros and cons.

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Rooster = Water + Negative Water

  Such fortitude and stamina! This combination is made up of two strong, individualistic, high-minded signs. Curt and to the point, the quiet Scorpio Rooster abhors compromise. Don’t even hint at it. Compromise means defeat to them, and they are never ever going down as a quitter. Since this personality sets out to win, Scorpio Roosters usually do, although their methods won’t win them hordes of friends. Never mind; they may prefer proud isolation to yielding even a single inch of ground. Scorpio’s watery currents bring out the sleuth in the Rooster, and little if anything escapes the purview of this commanding investigator. Sensuous and intensely devoted, here are passion and daring in the same boat.

  The Seasons of the Rooster


  Roosters born in the spring are inquisitive and outspoken. If they are born during the day, especially around dawn, they can really sound off like a church bell or even a booming cannon. Life for them will be full of predicaments and impossible missions, but they wouldn’t want it any other way. Eloquent, meticulous, and very tenacious, they will not give up their perches on the wall. You will have to find some other spot to make your announcements; spring Roosters will hog the microphone. Extremely good students and teachers, they have long attention spans and can excel at detailed work or intricate tasks. They are not easily discouraged and will stick to something until they master it. Their didactic powers can be amazing, and they will track something to its source, even if they have to move a mountain.

  Roosters born during the evening, after the sun sets, will be just as methodical, contemplative, and pedantic, but they will be more quiet. They will diligently do their homework before they give an opinion. You can always rely on them to be thorough and well-informed.


  Summer Roosters enjoy a good life and experience more than their fair share of excitement. They always gravitate to where the action is and are never at a loss for words. These Roosters have a bird’s-eye view of what is going on around them and are in a superior position to assess how things should be done. They are deliberate and intelligent in their outlook and fearless in their quest for information or perfection. Although they will be extremely dedicated and resourceful people, they also tend to be controlling and will take life too seriously. They will never shirk their duties or be found wanting at work. Pursuing their objectives with an almost military precision, these proud Roosters will have a lot to crow about.


  The Roosters of fall are a mixed bunch of inquisitive and industrious souls. They tend to be intellectual and guarded. They do not like to take anything for granted and are always checking and rechecking their information. Authoritative and proud of their skills, they will be very critical if anyone slips up. With their eagle eyes, they do not miss a trick and are highly resistant to doing unconventional or experimental things. Autumn’s Roosters are conservative and old-fashioned, and they prefer not to stray from the proven path. They operate like clockwork and like fixed schedules. The Roosters of dawn and dusk are more outspoken and noisy, while their evening brothers and sisters are less aggressive and ambitious. However, all of them make their presence known in one way or another.


  Winter brings forth the most analytical Roosters, who love to plan and investigate. Gifted with scientific minds and a love of finding the truth, they are the geniuses of the mathematical and computer worlds. Wizards are such complex and intricate beings, however, that they can be helpless when it comes to doing practical chores. Eccentric and proud, they do not like to reveal their true feelings except to the few people they feel they can trust. When they are negative, they can nitpick to exasperation. They are often misunderstood because of their love of controversy and their pompous know-it-all attitude. Winter Roosters are also tight-fisted and frugal but given to bouts of overspending for overrated items or things they feel will enhance their importance or knowledge. But on the whole, these natives will do more than their fair share and will take on responsibilities without complaint. As a matter of fact, they will fight for more commitment than others feel they can handle.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Rooster


  Jessica Alba


  Charles Bronson

  Roger Federer

  Alex Haley

  Deborah Kerr

  John Glenn

  Meghan Markle

  Prince Philip

  Natalie Portman

  Britney Spears

  Serena Williams


  Michael Caine

  Joan Collins

  Ariana Grande

  Quincy Jones

  Larry King

  Zayn Malik

  Liam Payne

  Joan Rivers

  Meghan Trainor


  King Birendra of Nepal

  Eric Clapton

  Goldie Hawn

  D. H. Lawrence

  Steve Martin

  Helen Mirren

  Dolly Parton


  Daniel Day-Lewis

  Gloria Estefan

  Daniel K. Ludwig

  Frances McDormand

  Pope Paul VI

  Michelle Pfeiffer

  Grover Cleveland

  Paul Gallico


  Jack Black

  Cate Blanchett

  Peter Drucker

  Angie Everhart

  Katharine Hepburn


  Edwin Land

  Jennifer Lopez

  Matthew McConaughey

  Edward Norton

  Paul Rudd

  Gwen Stefani

  Renée Zellweger


  The Eleventh Sign of the Lunar Cycle

  The Dog

  The martial strains have summoned me

  to hear your sorrows,

  still your pain.

  I am the protector of Justice.

  Equality—my sole friend.

  My vision is never blurred by cowardice,

  my soul never chained.

  Life without honor

  is life in vain.


  Lunar Years of the Dog in the Western Calendar Elements

  February 14, 1934, to February 3, 1935 Wood

  February 2, 1946, to January 21, 1947 Fire

  February 18, 1958, to February 7, 1959 Earth

  February 6, 1970, to January 26, 1971 Metal

  January 25, 1982, to February 12, 1983 Water

  February 10, 1994, to January 30, 1995 Wood

  January 29, 2006, to February 17, 2007 Fire

  February 16, 2018, to February 4, 2019 Earth

  February 3, 2030, to January 22, 2031 Metal

  January 22, 2042, to February 9, 2043 Water

  If you were born on the day before the start of the lunar year of the Dog, e.g., February 9, 1994, your animal sign is the one before the Dog: the Rooster, the tenth lunar sign.

  If you were born on the day after the last day of the lunar year of the Dog, e.g., January 31, 1995, your sign is the one following the Dog: the Boar, the twelfth lunar sign.

  The sign of the Dog rules the two-hour segment of the day from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. People born during this two-hour segment are said to have the Dog sign as their ascendant; they will display many of the characteristics common to this sign and will have great affinity for people born under this sign. Quite possibly, one paren
t or grandparent will also have been born in the year of the Dog.

  The Dog’s appointed direction is west-northwest. Its season is autumn and its principal month is October. The Dog corresponds to the Western astrological sign of Libra, which rules autumn from September 23 to October 22. The Dog’s fixed element is Metal, and it is considered a masculine or yang sign.

  The Dog Personality

  The Dog may be the most likable sign in the Chinese horoscope. A person born in the year of the Dog is honest, intelligent, and straightforward. They have a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play. A Dog native is usually animated and attractive and will exude sex appeal. Generally amiable and unpretentious, they will know how to get along with others and are not too demanding. The egalitarian Dog likes to meet others halfway, is always willing to listen to reason, and can be counted on to do his or her share.

  If you have a forthright Dog for a friend, you know that when you are in trouble, all you have to do is dial D-O-G. No matter how much he or she complains, scolds, or feigns indifference, the Dog person cannot ignore a real call for help. At times, Dogs protect the interests of others more avidly than their own. If anyone will bail you out ten times out of ten, that person must be a Dog. The Dog-born sometimes stick to the object of their affection no matter how unworthy the person may be. You don’t find Dogs leaving home just because they discover that their master or mistress has the proverbial feet of clay. Dogs make allowances for such frailties and will probably remain loyal through thick and thin. And if they do leave home, well, don’t blame them; it must be a truly dismal place indeed! The Dog does not desert easily.


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