The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 42

by Theodora Lau

  Ox + Rabbit

  The Rabbit is gentle, sagacious, and receptive to ideas and the feelings of others. The Ox may be lacking the emotion and sensitivity to understand the Rabbit’s refined personality. However, the Rabbit can be acquisitive, indulgent, and selfish. The Ox can be pragmatic but virtuous and well-disciplined. With these differences, each could supply the other with missing attributes if they care enough to make their union work. The Rabbit finds the Ox steady, realistic, and dependable, while the Ox sees the Rabbit as sociable, sympathetic, and feminine. However, the Ox can be very exacting and will criticize the Rabbit’s lack of discipline. The Rabbit may choose to withdraw from an unnurturing environment. Regardless of how this relationship ends, getting to know each other may be well worth an effort in this partnership, as both of them could sustain a satisfying relationship if they can adjust a little.

  Ox + Dragon

  Both these strong personalities will have to respect and admire each other a great deal before they will agree to make any adjustments in their relationship. Both signs are dutiful but stubborn. The latter factor could make or break the relationship. The Ox is slow and deliberate, much too methodical for the pioneering and dynamic likes of the fiery and excitable Dragon. The Ox’s influence could make the Dragon more persevering. It’s possible that the Dragon’s injection of optimism can liven up the Ox—or drive the Ox farther away. The Ox can be a cold and unemotional loner, while the Dragon needs fun, friends, and variety. A good deal of compromise is needed here. But if both parties try hard and succeed, they will be immensely proud of and dedicated to each other.

  Ox + Snake

  This is a very enduring and happy combination. The Ox has high standards of achievement, and the Snake is equally ambitious and materialistic. The Snake will be appreciative of the luxury and comforts the Ox can share. The Ox finds the Snake very well-mannered and undoubtedly physically attractive as well as astute in financial matters. Both parties here are cautious and selective, and they will find they made a good decision in choosing the other. Both are down to earth and dignified, and they share the same beliefs and driving ambition. The Snake is tenacious and scheming; the Ox is disciplined, orderly, and protective of family and home. They can rely on each other in a crisis. In such a partnership as this one, the Snake will learn to confide in the tight-lipped Ox and trust that they will stand together against all adversities. Both animals will give each other strength and be happy with what they feel is a very fair division of labor. They can look forward to a happy life together.

  Ox + Horse

  There is little prospect for a happy cohabitation here. The Horse is too versatile, high-strung, and outgoing for the organized, proper, and dedicated Ox. The Horse is always giddy with excitement, and the Ox is too sober to share the Horse’s zest. The Horse finds much to respect in the Ox but does not understand the Ox’s undemonstrative and rigid ways. The Ox feels that the Horse’s lighthearted and unpredictable moods make the Horse undependable. The Horse finds the Ox humorless and difficult to work or play with. The Horse is carefree and uninhibited, and the Ox is industrious and down to earth. The Ox wants a well-organized and pleasant home, while the Horse is too restless and busy to settle down. It will be difficult for either sign to find harmony in this relationship.

  Ox + Sheep

  The Sheep can organize an artistic and comfortable nest, if the Ox can take the lead on the finances. The Ox is prudent and persevering, whereas the Sheep is sentimental and capricious. That is to say, the Ox accumulates and the Sheep spends. The Ox is strong and decisive; the Sheep needs constant support. The Ox may not be so obliging with kind words, instead insisting on more discipline and self-denial in the relationship. The Ox will not relish the Sheep’s indulgent and impractical demands. The Sheep must be loved and appreciated to bring out the best in him or her. The Ox’s emphasis on order and discipline will be too constricting for the Sheep. The Ox is resolute and uncompromising and feels the need to make optimum use of time and energy. Meanwhile, the Sheep must wait for the right mood to strike to inspire action. With criticism on both sides, each may find the going rough at times.

  Ox + Monkey

  Both are self-assured and know what they want. And what they want may not be each other. The Ox is simple, serious, and down to earth. The Monkey is attractive, complicated, and self-centered. They both love success and money but have entirely different ideas about how to attain the former and spend the latter. The Monkey is quite accomplished and independent and is less security-minded than the Ox. These two will definitely butt heads when working together, as the Ox could become quite tyrannical because the Monkey takes his or her obligations too lightly. On the Ox’s side, the Monkey will never fully give the respect and admiration this animal craves. In the end, neither will ever succeed in subordinating the other. The Monkey is an extrovert, a natural performer. The Ox is an introvert and reticent. No doubt both parties have excellent positive sides, but they may not have a chance to display them. The Monkey has an innate superiority complex and considers the Ox dull and unimaginative. But the blunt and proud Ox will not mince words when it comes to pointing out the Monkey’s flaws. Both will have to exercise great control to achieve any kind of rapport.

  Ox + Rooster

  Both parties are hard-working and industrious. They will be a happy and contented pair. The Ox values self-respect and devotion to duty, which is why the competent and conscientious Rooster will win this animal’s admiration. They both love analyzing and organizing, and neither is easily hurt by criticism. These two can be objective and methodical when managing the office as well as the household. Both love simple pleasures and intellectual pursuits and will excel in specialized fields. The Rooster is open, frank, and brave, and the Rooster more than compensates for the Ox’s reserve and restraint. The Rooster is also hard-working and serious enough to suit the Ox’s love of dignity and prestige. The Rooster’s security consciousness will also appeal to the steadfast and resolute Ox. In response to the Rooster’s sunny and optimistic ways, the Ox may become more demonstrative and productive. However, the Ox is likely to be the prudent and down-to-earth one in this partnership, and in spite of the Rooster’s noisy and competent discourse, the Rooster will love to lean on the strong and noble Ox partner. They will find each other responsible and dedicated.

  Ox + Dog

  Both are faithful and loyal and will take their relationship duties seriously. However, difficulties could arise from the Ox’s overbearing attitude and rigid opinions. The Dog prefers free speech and equality and may not humor the narrow-minded Ox for too long. The Ox, on the other hand, may resent the Dog’s overdirect and outspoken ways; the Ox can nurse grievances for a long time. They both denounce pettiness and injustice but are sometimes guilty of these faults themselves. The Ox looks for money and prestige, and abhors dependency. The Dog is generous, open-minded, and a loyal ally. But the Ox could be too spartan and domineering for this friendly and communicative animal. The Dog will be tough, outspoken, and antagonistic should the Ox push too hard. The Ox could be too rigid and aloof for the Dog’s tastes. Meanwhile, the Dog’s questioning mind and cynical logic may be hard for the Ox to swallow. To work, this relationship needs a lot of understanding and compromise from both animals.

  Ox + Boar

  These two have the potential to make the best of each other’s outstanding qualities. The Ox is serious, well-mannered, and success-oriented, while the Boar is patient, self-sacrificing, and devoted. The Ox is hard-working, and the Boar is trusting enough to provide support and encouragement every step of the way. The Boar’s tastes may be more extravagant than the Ox’s, and the Boar will most likely be more sensual and demonstrative than the Ox. If motivated, the Boar will understand what the Ox needs and will lavish enough care to help make the Ox less reticent and stubborn. As a rule the Boar is warm, generous, and understanding, but the Ox may shy away from the animal’s love of extravagance and passionate ways. The Ox’s predilection for hard work and consta
nt security and self-discipline may unnerve the Boar. The Boar is a jovial, gregarious, and open person who works toward leisure as a goal. Meanwhile, the Ox frequently gets lost in work as a joy in itself. If these two do not find common ground, their initial friction will discourage any lasting friendship.

  The Tiger’s Relationships

  Tiger + Rat

  The Rat is self-motivated to seek power and riches, and the Tiger loves the prestige and recognition these provide. While this may be the beginning of attraction, long-term compatibility is unlikely. The Rat could be resentful of the Tiger’s unpredictable ways, while the Tiger has the tendency to criticize the Rat’s sometimes stingy ways. The Rat will feel unappreciated, and the Tiger will be too impatient to commit to change. While both are basically optimists, they will try to work out their differences or call it quits.

  Tiger + Ox

  A clash of temperaments imperils this match from the start. The Ox loves tradition, respects authority, and behaves conservatively. The Tiger is the nonconformist, the activist, and the defiant rebel. These two stubborn individuals are miles apart in their thinking. It will be difficult for them to find common ground on which to tolerate each other’s outlook on life. The Ox is practical, well-organized, and stable; the Tiger finds this too predictable and dour. They are on different wavelengths. The reserved Buffalo will be shocked by the Tiger’s unrestrained and passionate display of emotion. On the other hand, the Tiger will be frustrated by the Ox’s perceived coldness and may need a more warm-blooded and outwardly passionate partner.

  Tiger + Tiger

  Both parties are attractive, vibrant, and charming, and they may have a great deal in common. However, both are equally rebellious, stubborn, and quick on the draw when displeased, and their easily bruised egos could easily place a strain on the relationship. Each needs a good deal of personal freedom. They both have an excellent sense of humor, which gives them some perspective and may enable them to patch up their differences, but the family budget could have a perpetual hole in it; these Tigers are big spenders.

  Tiger + Rabbit

  The imaginative and docile Rabbit is inclined toward mental and creative endeavors. The Tiger is dramatic, sensuous, and electric. The Tiger may be too strong and colorful for the quiet and impeccable Rabbit. Nevertheless, the refined Rabbit may be attracted to the tough and appealing Tiger. Upon closer examination, though, the Rabbit’s interest may be put off by the Tiger’s impulsiveness and daring. The Tiger’s attraction may wane as the Big Cat may tire of the Rabbit’s moody and worrying nature. The Rabbit is rational and opportunistic; the Tiger is led by feelings and has little need for diplomacy or tact. The Rabbit is polite and sensitive; the Tiger is loud and spontaneous. Both will have to make a major effort to put up with the other’s idiosyncrasies if the relationship is to work. While this relationship may not last long, this pair’s differences could promote a learning opportunity. The Rabbit could help solve many of the Tiger’s problems if the Tiger could take time to listen. On the other side, the Tiger could build up the Rabbit’s confidence and assertiveness if the Rabbit can open up to the Tiger’s unorthodox teaching methods.

  Tiger + Dragon

  This is not a quiet, conventional, and uneventful pairing. Both partners are progressive, pioneering, and active. They could provide each other stimulating company if they understand their basic individual need for freedom and expression. The Tiger may respect and adore the Dragon partner but will never give up an individual identity. Both are quick-tempered and will resist being dominated. These two are both energetic, ambitious, and brave. With both of them being so innovative and daring, there may be no one left to finish the job once their mutual initial enthusiasm fades away. The Dragon aspires to leadership and will fight the Tiger for dominance. The Tiger will let some things slide as long as the Dragon does not restrict the Tiger’s actions or expect the Tiger to be docile. This overly dynamic duo cooperates successfully only after a good deal of adjustment on both sides. If they can maintain a workable balance, they will enjoy an adventurous relationship indeed.

  Tiger + Snake

  This will be a difficult and upsetting relationship. Neither can understand or overlook the other’s frailties. Both signs are passionate and deeply suspicious. They cannot ever really trust each other. The Snake is refined, intellectual, and constant. The Tiger is altruistic, lively, and idealistic. The self-contained Snake finds the Tiger too unconventional, stimulating, and outspoken. The Tiger, on the other hand, is resentful of the Snake’s secretiveness, aloof behavior, and intense ambition. As a result, each will question the other’s motives and notice only their negative traits. The Tiger’s jealous streak will find fault with the wise and practical Snake’s sensible course of action. The Snake cannot comprehend the Tiger’s love for courting disaster. It doesn’t help that the Snake may be financially shrewd, because the Tiger is overgenerous and a spendthrift. This couple cannot accomplish very much together because they fail to ever truly communicate.

  Tiger + Horse

  There will be a unity of spirit between these two signs. They are bound to each other by the same animated, lively, and passionate outlook on life. The Horse is captivated by the Tiger’s vivacious personality, and the Tiger is greatly attracted to the Horse’s colorful, vibrant, and self-assured demeanor. Both are active, affable, and appealing. These two make a well-balanced and harmonious pair. While the Tiger fights for a cause, the Horse prefers to direct both their energies to more practical and rewarding pursuits. The Tiger will appreciate the Horse’s quick and intelligent mind—especially the Horse’s incredible instinct that can steer both of them toward worthwhile objectives. Neither one is domesticated enough to be too possessive. The Tiger is thoughtful and affectionate when humored, and the Horse is flexible enough to put up with unpredictability. Because they share the same philosophy, they will gravitate toward the same goals. They will have a passionate relationship and will greatly enjoy each other’s company.

  Tiger + Sheep

  This relationship is unlikely to be a longstanding one. The Tiger is outgoing, involved, and vivacious. The Sheep is domesticated, sensitive, and attention-loving. The Sheep needs affection and understanding to thrive. Although the Tiger may be attracted to the Sheep, it will be difficult for the Tiger to devote themselves exclusively to the Sheep’s needs, finding the Sheep dependent and indecisive after a while. The Sheep is basically understanding but could wallow in self-pity if the Tiger is curt, impatient, or appears unconcerned about trivial complaints. The Sheep is easily hurt by sudden bursts of fury and dramatic scenes. A genteel soul, the Sheep needs a quiet and comfortable life. The Tiger prefers a fast life and cannot tolerate the Sheep’s unhurried and worrying ways. In the end, the Tiger may be too strong for the Sheep’s liking; the Sheep is not suited to handle the Tiger effectively. Each will have to adjust to the other’s ways before they can make a relationship work.

  Tiger + Monkey

  Although both are sociable, energetic, and outgoing, the temperamental Tiger will dislike the competitive Monkey because the Monkey is too intelligent and confident to be intimidated by loud dramatics. Unfortunately, the Tiger is productive and forceful only when given center stage. Both are allergic to restraints of any kind and do not like playing second fiddle to anyone. They are both apt to think only in terms of “I” and are goaded by strong ambition and self-esteem. Tigers can be arrogant when not given their way, and Monkeys are naturally smooth and cunning in their undertakings. Each could have doubts and secret reservations about the other. One has to be more masterful in order to control the other. As a result, there may always be a struggle between them. This mixture of two inconstant and self-possessed personalities will prove too overwhelming to do either of them any good.

  Tiger + Rooster

  A turbulent and spicy relationship will result from this pairing. Both are active and progressive souls, but they have wide differences in their personalities. The Rooster is too smart, well-informed, and criti
cal to put up with the dynamic but overreacting Tiger. The Tiger is upset by the Rooster’s nagging, faultfinding ways and love of detail. And while the Tiger is openhanded, generous, and outspoken, the Rooster is efficient, thrifty, and methodical. The Tiger is idealistic; the Rooster is a keen intellectual. The Tiger is unconventional and ruled by the heart; the Rooster is eccentric but ruled by the head. Each can be very self-absorbed and will be unhappy with and irritated by the other. Perhaps under special circumstances these two may have an energetic and diligent partnership, but their negative tendencies result in petty and stubborn behavior.

  Tiger + Dog

  This is an ideal marriage of two charming, attractive, and humanitarian signs. Both are idealistic by nature. The Tiger is passionate and animated. The Dog is loyal, understanding, and helpful. While the Tiger is impulsive and impatient, the Dog is logical and clear-headed enough to give advice without getting personal. The Dog can be more objective and logical than the animated but hotheaded Tiger. The Tiger admires and respects the Dog’s loyalty and good sense. As a result, the Dog’s diplomacy and objectivity will persuade the Tiger to see reason without touching any sensitive spots. The Tiger, on the other hand, is demonstrative, affectionate, and honest, which the Dog likes, and the Tiger’s sanguine disposition could liven up any relationship. As a result, these two will feel completely at ease with each other. This admirably well-suited match should enhance this couple’s unpretentious and generous personalities, bringing out the best in both of them. The fact that each is warm and responsive to the other’s needs without invading privacy guarantees a very satisfactory relationship.


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