The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 44

by Theodora Lau

  Dragon + Sheep

  Each will have a trying time in this union. The Sheep might be fascinated by the Dragon’s brilliance and dominant ways. The Dragon, on the other hand, could be drawn to the Sheep’s kindness, loyalty, and sincerity. On the darker side, the Sheep may be too timid to go along with the Dragon’s highly ambitious undertakings, and the Dragon may find the Sheep too reserved and unadventurous. The Sheep will be able to depend on the Dragon for encouragement, but the Sheep could push the Dragon beyond his or her level of endurance. The Dragon is adventurous and independent, while the Sheep is ruled by emotions and moods. The Sheep loves home and family, but the Dragon may not care to be so domesticated. The Sheep will want a more expressive partner than the Dragon wants to be on a daily basis.

  Dragon + Monkey

  This is an ideal match romantically and mentally. The Dragon is drawn to the Monkey’s magnetism, and the Monkey admires the Dragon’s leadership. They are both ambitious and above-average performers. This is one of the best matches, as both will be able to harness their positive forces and achieve lasting unity and success together. Each is aware and moves aggressively toward goals. The Monkey is practical and crafty, while the Dragon possesses more than enough willpower and energy for two. The Monkey will plan, while the Dragon will set higher goals each time. The Monkey loves challenges, and the Dragon reassures the Monkey with support through thick and thin. Each will indulge the other, exchange ideas, and work in harmony. They will shine together beautifully. Combined, these two will look for new worlds to explore and conquer. Both are socially inclined and will probably maintain a beautiful home and entertain a good deal.

  Dragon + Rooster

  In this excellent and productive marriage combination, the analytical and brainy Rooster will be drawn to the bold, bright personality of the purposeful Dragon. The Dragon will immediately recognize the Rooster’s inherent worth and intellectual prowess. The two could make a powerful team. The Dragon is not one to be intimidated by the Rooster’s bossy personality. The Dragon can and will dismiss the Rooster’s loquaciousness with a shrug, as this eccentric animal is bound to have a few peculiarities of his or her own. This combination could achieve a great deal of togetherness but they will have to smooth out some rough edges first. The Rooster’s discriminating but sometimes callous remarks could often deflate the Dragon’s towering ego. Intellectually, they are equals, but some pairings will find this relationship too competitive. At best, these two can teach each other a great deal. At worst, they will spend too much time consumed in one-upping each other.

  Dragon + Dog

  Many disputes will ensue because of the wide gap in this duo’s basic temperaments. Both are aggressive and forceful but in different ways. The Dragon loves freedom and will act independently, while the Dog demands cooperation and unflagging loyalty. Subconsciously, each may be trying to attain the attributes of the other that he or she lacks. However, they don’t have the first idea of how to go about it. Both signs are proud and willful when challenged. Neither will want to give in easily or lose face. The Dog thrives on cooperation and may resent the Dragon’s audacious, high-handed, overpowering tactics. The Dragon may find the Dog taciturn and erratic if the Dragon pushes the Dog too much; the Dog has a reputation for being pugnacious and acidly sharp when hurt. A great many adjustments are needed in order for this relationship to work, perhaps too many.

  Dragon + Boar

  In this fairly successful relationship, the gains will probably outweigh the losses. Both signs are ardent and forceful, although in different ways. The powerful Dragon could stimulate any partner into action or break them in the process. The Boar is not averse to bending to the desires of a worthy partner. They are evenly matched in energy and love of physical exertion. Their mutual flaw is that they are both too responsive to stimuli and could be easily carried away by their enthusiasm and excesses. With this intensely romantic couple, there may be no one to apply the brakes!

  The Snake’s Relationships

  Snake + Rat

  These two possessive partners are realistic enough to make the necessary adjustments in their partnership if they admire each other sufficiently. The Rat will value the Snake’s brilliance and tenacity, while in turn the Snake will find the Rat ambitious and clever enough to partner up with. Of these two materialistic and performance-conscious parties, the Rat may be more adaptable and easygoing. The Snake finds the Rat’s devotion very touching and will respond passionately. This aspiring and covetous pair will never stop moving upward. Theirs could be a successful and profitable union provided they have the right attitude and agree on their priorities. The sociable and charming Rat will be the spokesperson for the introverted Snake. However, both of these shrewd and resourceful parties should take care not to let petty jealousies impede their progress. Nor should they keep secrets from each other.

  Snake + Ox

  This is a very enduring and happy combination. The Ox has high standards of achievement, and the Snake is equally ambitious and materialistic. The Snake will be appreciative of the luxury and comforts the Ox can share. The Ox finds the Snake very well-mannered and undoubtedly physically attractive as well as astute in financial matters. Both parties here are cautious and selective, and they will find that they made a good decision in choosing the other. Both are down to earth and dignified, and they share the same beliefs and driving ambition. The Snake is tenacious and scheming; the Ox is disciplined, orderly, and protective of family and home. They can rely on each other in a crisis. In such a partnership as this one, the Snake will learn to confide in the tight-lipped Ox and trust that they will stand together against all adversities. Both animals will give each other strength and be happy with what they feel is a very fair division of labor. They can look forward to a happy life together.

  Snake + Tiger

  This will be a difficult and upsetting relationship. Neither can understand or overlook the other’s frailties. Both signs are passionate and deeply suspicious. They cannot ever really trust each other. The Snake is refined, intellectual, and constant. The Tiger is altruistic, lively, and idealistic. The self-contained Snake finds the Tiger too unconventional, stimulating, and outspoken. The Tiger, on the other hand, is resentful of the Snake’s secretiveness, aloof behavior, and intense ambition. As a result, each will question the other’s motives and notice only their negative traits. The Tiger’s jealous streak will find fault with the wise and practical Snake’s sensible course of action. The Snake cannot comprehend the Tiger’s love for courting disaster. It doesn’t help that the Snake may be financially shrewd, because the Tiger is overgenerous and a spendthrift. This couple cannot accomplish very much together because they fail to ever truly communicate.

  Snake + Rabbit

  These two are compatible to a good degree if they can enhance each other’s stronger points. The Rabbit has great potential, vision, and tact. The Snake is determined to succeed and supports the Rabbit’s materialistic aims. But though both will have the same refined tastes and inherent love for ease and beauty, the Snake could be too ardent and demanding for the Rabbit’s superficial style of involvement. On the dark side, both signs are philosophical and meditative, and the lines of communication could be severed should they decide to be negative. These signs are basically not very obliging. They may neglect each other in their search for self-expression and gratification of their desires. But the Rabbit is not as possessive as the Snake and will not be too upset if the Snake gets wrapped up in work. The Rabbit will be content so long as he or she has an independent and fulfilling life of his or her own.

  Snake + Dragon

  The Snake is loving but possessive and complicated. The Dragon is generous, open, and excitable. The Snake acts carefully and deliberately. The Dragon may have to struggle with the Snake to communicate his or her views. Some friction is bound to develop in the relationship, but secretly the Dragon longs for someone wiser and more dominating than he or she is. The Snake will not only provide a stabilizing force
for the union but will also admire the Dragon’s ambition and enthusiasm. Together, they could surge forward with greater determination. This is a mutually helpful and constructive alliance. A fulfilling and stimulating relationship will result if these two diverse personalities can adjust to each other. As the Dragon is always geared toward work and success, the Snake can impart some of his or her tenacity and common sense to the Dragon. The Snake may have a finer business acumen than the Dragon; at the very least, the Snake will handle the couple’s finances well. They can both build a sound foundation for their life together.

  Snake + Snake

  Both will be on the same wavelength and will communicate well, especially when involved with the same project. They won’t cling to each other too much, as both are independent thinkers. In their search for power and success, they can be relentless and enduring. Their mutual ambitions usually bind them together. If jealousy does not get in the way, they could accomplish a great deal.

  Snake + Horse

  This is an unlikely match, although both are mentally agile and realistic enough to capture each other’s interest. Nevertheless, each has a different approach to life. The Snake is cautious, tenacious, and strong-willed, with clear long-term goals. The Horse is adventurous, mercurial, and impatient, caring more for the joys of the moment. The Snake is consistent in his or her endeavors; the Horse is impulsive, quick-witted, and inconsistent. The Snake finds the Horse’s carefree ways irresponsible and hard to keep up with, while the Horse dislikes the Snake’s serious, calm, deliberate mental deductions. But while the Horse is mercurial and needs freedom and variety, the Snake can be resistant to change and resentful of the Horse’s rash and self-centered ways. The Snake may be too determined, private, and refined for the Horse’s tastes, and in turn the Snake may not find the Horse’s strong appetites consistent enough to be worth the Snake’s while. Both have to be very unselfish to make this relationship work.

  Snake + Sheep

  There is much common ground in this relationship, but both parties will need to make a sincere effort for this to work over the long term. Both are materialistic and receptive to beauty and refinement; these characteristics could seal their union. However, the Sheep lacks the perseverance of the scheming Snake. The Snake, on the other hand, could be too secretive and distrustful for the sensitive Sheep to tolerate. The Snake is calculating and guided by wisdom, while the Sheep is emotional and led by artistic inclinations. They will occasionally disapprove of each other’s behavior but still find much they can agree upon. The Snake’s unfaltering determination could be a valuable asset for the Sheep to cling to. However, Snakes who are very ambitious or extremely independent will find some Sheep too codependent for their tastes.

  Snake + Monkey

  These two will not get on well together at all. Their relationship will be a battle of wills and wits, as both are scheming and competitive. The Monkey could easily incite the Snake to anger, and because the Snake is not forgiving, he or she will retaliate swiftly. The Monkey is opportunistic, insensitive, and competent enough to challenge the Serpent, who is equally ambitious, conniving, and set on having his or her way. A tug-of-war might occur to determine who is smarter. Each may tend to magnify the frailties of the other. The Monkey is lively, outgoing, and enterprising, whereas the Snake is persevering, ambitious, and sophisticated. No doubt they are in the same big league, but they cannot help challenging—and at times opposing—each other because of their natural jealousy and innate suspicious inclinations. Both may have to make an effort to be sincere and straightforward before they can feel comfortable with each other.

  Snake + Rooster

  These are two brainy, calculating, and very performance-oriented signs who will prefer power and money in the bank to holding hands romantically in rags and poverty. They will share the same dreams of prestige and material security. The Snake is philosophical enough to put up with the Rooster’s rambling and eccentric ways. In the end, the Snake will still rely on innate wisdom to make a decision. On the other hand, the Rooster is happy that the Snake understands the Rooster and allows the Rooster to let off steam, as well as letting the Rooster run the Snake’s life to a certain extent. Both are intellectuals but in different ways. The Snake is serene, reflective, and deliberate; the Rooster is overcharged with zeal and dauntless optimism. This union provides them with the opportunity to balance the scales by offsetting each other’s excesses. In this combination each will be able to expend energy productively; they will have a strong spiritual and mental affinity for each other.

  Snake + Dog

  The Dog is level-headed and open-minded but may still be puzzled by the Snake’s mystique. The Snake is inclined toward more sophistication and luxury than the unmaterialistic Dog can endure. Both lack the proper understanding to ever be totally enchanted with each other’s personality, but they may be realistic enough to have an amicable life together if each can accept the other for what he or she is. The Snake is power-hungry, cool, and deliberate in his or her actions. The Dog is affectionate, loyal, and fair. They may have a mutual admiration for each other, but the Dog will support the Snake only to the extent that his or her principles allow. The Snake expects total commitment and adheres to the belief that the end justifies the means. Both have strong convictions. They may clash if the Dog finds the Snake straying from the righteous path. The Snake feels one must make hay while the sun shines and cannot understand why the Dog’s conscience is so easily offended. The Dog is not materialistic and cannot comprehend the Snake’s fascination with wealth and power. Their disapproval of some of each other’s ways may drive a wedge between them.

  Snake + Boar

  Both animals will lack appreciation of each other’s positive traits. The Snake possesses unfailing determination and willpower. The Boar is easygoing and community-spirited. The Snake feels the Boar will not be able to understand the Snake’s stresses because of the Boar’s indulgent and compromising attitude toward others. The Snake is mystical, sophisticated, and deep. At times, the Boar is simple, trusting, and naive. The Snake finds the Boar’s scruples unappealing and has no use for the Boar’s goodwill unless there is a calculated motive behind it. The Boar is incapable of deciphering the Snake’s complex and doubting mind. The Snake can be aloof and does not care for the Boar’s sweetness and sincerity, and the Boar’s feelings will inevitably be bruised. Their diametrically opposed personalities cannot provide either with much happiness.

  The Horse’s Relationships

  Horse + Rat

  Both parties have independent and active spirits, but the Rat will be very irked by the Horse’s restlessness and inconsistency. The Horse, on the other hand, will be unhappy and nervous because of the Rat’s constant bickering. The Horse requires physical as well as mental freedom. The Rat is levelheaded, industrious, and affectionate, content to stay near home in a close-knit family, whereas the Horse must constantly explore uncharted seas. The Rat is resourceful and thrifty; the Horse is adventurous, flirtatious, and changeable. They will not see eye to eye on how things should be done because of the differences in their temperaments. After careful appraisal, neither may find the other appealing enough to join forces with permanently.

  Horse + Ox

  There is little prospect for a happy cohabitation here. The Horse is too versatile, high-strung, and outgoing for the organized, proper, and dedicated Ox. The Horse is always giddy with excitement, and the Ox is too sober to share the Horse’s zest. The Horse finds much to respect in the Ox, but does not understand the Ox’s undemonstrative and rigid ways. The Ox feels that the Horse’s lighthearted and unpredictable moods make the Horse undependable. The Horse finds the Ox humorless and difficult to work or play with. The Horse is carefree and uninhibited, and the Ox is industrious and down to earth. The Ox wants a well-organized and pleasant home, while the Horse is too restless and busy to settle down. It will be difficult for either sign to find harmony in this relationship.

  Horse + Tiger

  There w
ill be a unity of spirit between these two signs. They are bound to each other by the same animated, lively, and passionate outlook on life. The Horse is captivated by the Tiger’s vivacious personality, and the Tiger is greatly attracted to the Horse’s colorful, vibrant, and self-assured demeanor. Both are active, affable, and appealing. These two make a well-balanced and harmonious pair. While the Tiger fights for a cause, the Horse prefers to direct both their energies to more practical and rewarding pursuits. The Tiger will appreciate the Horse’s quick and intelligent mind—especially the Horse’s incredible instinct that can steer both of them toward worthwhile objectives. Neither one is domesticated enough to be too possessive. The Tiger is thoughtful and affectionate when humored, and the Horse is flexible enough to put up with unpredictability. Because they share the same philosophy, they will gravitate toward the same goals. They will have a passionate relationship and will greatly enjoy each other’s company.


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