The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 46

by Theodora Lau

  The Monkey’s Relationships

  Monkey + Rat

  This is a strongly compatible match: the Rat will fall for the Monkey’s charm and ingenuity, and the Monkey will find the Rat’s go-getter attitude very admirable. Both are achievement conscious and will push each other up the ladder of success. Neither is hypersensitive, and both are able to accept the other’s faults with understanding. As a result they will manage to smooth out any rough spots in their relationship. Likewise, they could work together or choose separate paths or careers without creating any problems. They will be constantly discovering desirable qualities in each other, and their marriage will be rewarding, fulfilling, and financially auspicious.

  Monkey + Ox

  Both are self-assured and know what they want. And what they want may not be each other. The Ox is simple, serious, and down to earth. The Monkey is attractive, complicated, and self-centered. They both love success and money but have entirely different ideas about how to attain the former and spend the latter. The Monkey is quite accomplished and independent and is less security-minded than the Ox. These two will definitely butt heads when working together, as the Ox could become quite tyrannical because the Monkey takes his or her obligations too lightly. On the Ox’s side, the Monkey will never fully give the respect and admiration this animal craves. In the end, neither will ever succeed in subordinating the other. The Monkey is an extrovert, a natural performer. The Ox is an introvert and reticent. No doubt both parties have excellent positive sides, but they may not have a chance to display them. The Monkey has an innate superiority complex and considers the Ox dull and unimaginative. But the blunt and proud Ox will not mince words when it comes to pointing out the Monkey’s flaws. Both will have to exercise great control to achieve any kind of rapport.

  Monkey + Tiger

  Although both are sociable, energetic, and outgoing, the temperamental Tiger will dislike the competitive Monkey because the Monkey is too intelligent and confident to be intimidated by loud dramatics. Unfortunately, the Tiger is productive and forceful only when given center stage. Both are allergic to restraints of any kind and do not like playing second fiddle to anyone. They are both apt to think only in terms of “I” and are goaded by strong ambition and self-esteem. Tigers can be arrogant when not given their way, and Monkeys are naturally smooth and cunning in their undertakings. Each could have doubts and secret reservations about the other. One has to be more masterful in order to control the other. As a result, there may always be a struggle between them. This mixture of two inconstant and self-possessed personalities will prove too overwhelming to do either of them any good.

  Monkey + Rabbit

  The Monkey is a positive and innovative thinker and a captivating performer. The Rabbit is personable and well-mannered, although somewhat superficial. Both can be diplomatic and secretive when it comes to gaining their objectives. However, the Monkey needs a lot of attention and compliments to stay charming and companionable, while the Rabbit is drawn to quiet surroundings rather than active pursuits. Some hostilities may develop here. The Monkey is so self-assured and proud of his or her accomplished wit that the Rabbit may feel humbled by the Monkey. In response, the Monkey will hate the Rabbit’s anxiety and brooding. Both have the ability to see through others; consequently, when they look into one another, they may not find anything so fascinating. These two realistic individuals will not cooperate unless each has something substantial to gain from the commitment. They have totally different approaches to life. However, both are realistic and will either make adjustments in their relationship or seek another solution.

  Monkey + Dragon

  This is an ideal match romantically and mentally. The Dragon is drawn to the Monkey’s magnetism, and the Monkey admires the Dragon’s leadership. They are both ambitious and above-average performers. This is one of the best matches, as both will be able to harness their positive forces and achieve lasting unity and success together. Each is aware and moves aggressively toward goals. The Monkey is practical and crafty, while the Dragon possesses more than enough willpower and energy for two. The Monkey will plan, while the Dragon will set higher goals each time. The Monkey loves challenges, and the Dragon reassures the Monkey with support through thick and thin. Each will indulge the other, exchange ideas, and work in harmony. They will shine together beautifully. Combined, these two will look for new worlds to explore and conquer. Both are socially inclined and will probably maintain a beautiful home and entertain a good deal.

  Monkey + Snake

  These two will not get on well together at all. Their relationship will be a battle of wills and wits, as both are scheming and competitive. The Monkey could easily incite the Snake to anger, and because the Snake is not forgiving, he or she will retaliate swiftly. The Monkey is opportunistic, insensitive, and competent enough to challenge the Serpent, who is equally ambitious, conniving, and set on having his or her way. A tug-of-war might occur to determine who is smarter. Each may tend to magnify the frailties of the other. The Monkey is lively, outgoing, and enterprising, whereas the Snake is persevering, ambitious, and sophisticated. No doubt they are in the same big league, but they cannot help challenging—and at times opposing—each other because of their natural jealousy and innate suspicious inclinations. Both may have to make an effort to be sincere and straightforward before they can feel comfortable with each other.

  Monkey + Horse

  Both are adaptable and intelligent enough to leap over obstacles to their progress. But their very similarities may breed mutual contempt. Just as the Horse is practical and opportunistic, the Monkey can be unscrupulous. The Monkey is versatile and adroit, and the Horse may irritate the Monkey with his or her shrewd and mercurial movements. The Monkey is bright and beguiling, and the Horse is equally witty and persuasive. They may end up trying to con each other into submission. However, both partners in this union are versatile, flexible, and outgoing. Whether they can coexist in a spirit of goodwill will depend largely on their ability to control their self-centered personalities. Endurance is neither sign’s forte, and they will not persevere in working out their differences if one finds the other lagging behind. They are both independent and practical individuals who can cooperate if they want to, as they possess the same quick mind and keen faculties.

  Monkey + Sheep

  There is no deep or permanent attraction here, as the Monkey is too complicated and egotistical for the Sheep. Because the Sheep is so much more subdued in taste and action, all the Monkey’s expertise and craftiness will only upset and annoy the Sheep. The Sheep cannot keep up with the Monkey’s inconsiderate demands no matter how good-natured and obliging the Sheep may be. The Monkey is clever and appealing and will use the Sheep’s weak points to manipulate him or her. The Sheep is creative, pure-minded, and compassionate, but these qualities will go unappreciated because the Monkey prefers someone who is more shrewd and conniving. At first, the Monkey may be flattered by the Sheep’s attentiveness but will most likely grow to find that the Sheep’s flaws outweigh the virtues. The Sheep, on the other hand, is no match for the calculating and evasive Monkey, who may not always take the Sheep seriously. The Sheep stands to lose more in this relationship, as the Monkey will exploit the Sheep’s kind and generous nature. Unfortunately, they are on different wavelengths.

  Monkey + Monkey

  This combination could be binding as long as envy does not get in the way. If these two can think in terms of “we” instead of “I,” they can achieve much together. No problem will be too great when met in the spirit of true cooperation. Monkeys can rise above pettiness and jealousy by learning to share the good with the bad. These two could live in harmony provided they remain loyal and do not blame each other in the face of adversity.

  Monkey + Rooster

  These two ambitious, materialistic, and similarly powerful personalities may clash more often than they cooperate, unless the attraction is irresistible. The Monkey likes to get things done with a minimum of fuss and sup
ervision, taking pride in his or her ingenuity and innate capabilities. The Rooster is efficient and fastidious but prone to play devil’s advocate and pick on the Monkey’s imperfections. As a result, they try each other’s patience and endurance. However, the Monkey has the annoying habit of grabbing what he or she wants and hanging on to it, oblivious of how others may feel. The Rooster is too rigorous and exacting to let the Monkey get away with this. The Monkey is not amused by the Rooster’s skillful and parsimonious ways, nor is the Monkey impressed with the Rooster’s high level of debate. With equally impressive rhetorical skill, the Monkey will enjoy provoking the Rooster. These two definitely tend to rub each other the wrong way, and they will only cooperate when the inducement to do so is too good to pass up.

  Monkey + Dog

  This can be a workable and fairly positive match if these partners are generous and forgiving enough to discount each other’s frailties. The Monkey will admire the Dog for his or her sensible approach and logical outlook; no one appreciates the value of intelligence more than the Monkey does. The Dog, on the other hand, sees the Monkey as a capable go-getter and will bask in the Monkey’s witty and charming personality. The Monkey is the more materialistic of the two, with the Dog being the more idealistic. The Monkey values tangible wealth, while the Dog puts principles first. Should the Dog have the more successful career of the couple, the Monkey will struggle with his or her big ego. Nevertheless, with the necessary compromises, the two can contentedly travel right down the middle of the road.

  Monkey + Boar

  There may be a strong attraction in this combination, but the trials of everyday life could wear it away. The Boar is prodding, energetic, and staunchly devoted to his or her friends and goals, but the Boar often operates on blind faith, and in this case the Monkey cannot resist the urge to take advantage. The Boar, on the other hand, benefits from the Monkey’s financial acumen and guile but is not impressed by the unscrupulous and opportunistic methods the Monkey uses to get ahead. The Boar is too straightforward and scrupulous for the complicated Monkey. The Monkey has more pungent tastes, and the Boar will definitely be too bland. On the other hand, while the Monkey is deviously charming, the Monkey’s complexity and pretentiousness may prove too much. The Monkey finds the Boar too conscientious about spreading goodwill around. As a result, the Monkey could come to resent the Boar’s extravagant generosity as being distributed at the Monkey’s expense. Both are bound to be irritated and bruised by the incapacities of the other. Still, they could make a go of this match if they can figure each other out and concentrate on their positive qualities.

  The Rooster’s Relationships

  Rooster + Rat

  The Rooster is analytical and a perfectionist, but the Rat is stimulating, practical, and quite brainy as well. The Rooster is bossy, dogmatic, and prone to giving lectures. The Rat’s own resourcefulness and competence make the animal unwilling to follow the Rooster’s orders blindly and reluctant to accept criticism. When offended, the Rat can be sharp and petty. It’s clear to the Rat that the Rooster lacks the sensitivity and warmth the Rat needs in a partner. This is not a promising match for either party; they tend to agitate each other unnecessarily.

  Rooster + Ox

  Both parties are hard-working and industrious. They will be a happy and contented pair. The Ox values self-respect and devotion to duty, which is why the competent and conscientious Rooster will win this animal’s admiration. They both love analyzing and organizing, and neither is easily hurt by criticism. These two can be objective and methodical when managing the office as well as the household. Both love simple pleasures and intellectual pursuits and will excel in specialized fields. The Rooster is open, frank, and brave, and the Rooster more than compensates for the Ox’s reserve and restraint. The Rooster is also hard-working and serious enough to suit the Ox’s love of dignity and prestige. The Rooster’s security consciousness will also appeal to the steadfast and resolute Ox. In response to the Rooster’s sunny and optimistic ways, the Ox may become more demonstrative and productive. However, the Ox is likely to be the prudent and down-to-earth one in this partnership, and in spite of the Rooster’s noisy and competent discourse, the Rooster will love to lean on the strong and noble Ox partner. They will find each other responsible and dedicated.

  Rooster + Tiger

  A turbulent and spicy relationship will result from this pairing. Both are active and progressive souls, but they have wide differences in their personalities. The Rooster is too smart, well-informed, and critical to put up with the dynamic but overreacting Tiger. The Tiger is upset by the Rooster’s nagging, faultfinding ways and love of detail. And while the Tiger is openhanded, generous, and outspoken, the Rooster is efficient, thrifty, and methodical. The Tiger is idealistic; the Rooster is a keen intellectual. The Tiger is unconventional and ruled by the heart; the Rooster is eccentric but ruled by the head. Each can be very self-absorbed and will be unhappy with and irritated by the other. Perhaps under special circumstances these two may have an energetic and diligent partnership, but their negative tendencies result in petty and stubborn behavior.

  Rooster + Rabbit

  These two are unlikely to find their ideal love with each other. Their personalities may clash strongly because each is vexed by the other’s negative traits. The Rabbit would prefer to be catered to and served. The Rooster is too straightforward, meticulous, and efficient to put up with the Rabbit’s whimsical requests. Both are knowledgeable but eccentric. While the Rabbit broods in dark silence, the Rooster will compose a long list of faults and make them public. The Rabbit is an artistic and reticent intellectual who may be a bit self-indulgent and unwilling to work hard. When the industrious and ruthlessly efficient Rooster gets through with the Rabbit, the Rabbit may feel like a victim of the Inquisition. Needless to say, the Rabbit will be defiant and uncommunicative. The Rooster’s lack of tact and indelicate ways are not intentional, but the Rooster cannot avoid hurting the Rabbit, who thrives on sympathy and consideration. They could make life very uncomfortable for each other.

  Rooster + Dragon

  In this excellent and productive marriage combination, the analytical and brainy Rooster will be drawn to the bold, bright personality of the purposeful Dragon. The Dragon will immediately recognize the Rooster’s inherent worth and intellectual prowess. The two could make a powerful team. The Dragon is not one to be intimidated by the Rooster’s bossy personality. The Dragon can and will dismiss the Rooster’s loquaciousness with a shrug, as this eccentric animal is bound to have a few peculiarities of his or her own. This combination could achieve a great deal of togetherness but they will have to smooth out some rough edges first. The Rooster’s discriminating but sometimes callous remarks could often deflate the Dragon’s towering ego. Intellectually, they are equals, but some pairings will find this relationship too competitive. At best, these two can teach each other a great deal. At worst, they will spend too much time consumed in one-upping each other.

  Rooster + Snake

  These are two brainy, calculating, and very performance-oriented signs who will prefer power and money in the bank to holding hands romantically in rags and poverty. They will share the same dreams of prestige and material security. The Snake is philosophical enough to put up with the Rooster’s rambling and eccentric ways. In the end, the Snake will still rely on innate wisdom to make a decision. On the other hand, the Rooster is happy that the Snake understands the Rooster and allows the Rooster to let off steam, as well as letting the Rooster run the Snake’s life to a certain extent. Both are intellectuals but in different ways. The Snake is serene, reflective, and deliberate; the Rooster is overcharged with zeal and dauntless optimism. This union provides them with the opportunity to balance the scales by offsetting each other’s excesses. In this combination each will be able to expend energy productively; they will have a strong spiritual and mental affinity for each other.

  Rooster + Horse

  This is an incongruous but sometimes workable arra
ngement. The Horse is witty and skillful, while the Rooster may be frank, knowledgeable, and zealous. The Horse could start something magnificent and then dash off when he or she gets bored. The efficient Rooster will complain and no doubt criticize the Horse’s lack of dedication, but the Rooster will sort out the details and finish the job (if motivated to do so). The Horse is too high-spirited and detached to be really annoyed by the Rooster’s outspoken and fault-finding ways. In fact, the Horse may not even stay around long enough to hear the end of the lecture. Neither animal will be greatly disturbed by the faults of the other if they find their union interesting enough. If not, the provocative and undiplomatic Rooster will castigate the Horse for high living and flightiness. The Rooster may find the Horse’s lifestyle is too sophisticated, witty, and flamboyant to settle for the simple and hard-working lifestyle the Rooster enjoys.

  Rooster + Sheep

  These two animals have vast dissimilarities in their basic outlooks, which may prevent them from enduring each other’s peculiarities easily. In fact, the tolerance factor in this combination is very low. The Sheep is kind-hearted and considerate enough to make a sincere effort at anything, but the Sheep can easily grow to find the Rooster too cold, calculating, and particular for this creature’s comfort. The Rooster loves to investigate, analyze, and administer other people’s lives. The Sheep is pessimistic and subjective, while the Rooster is optimistic and objective. The Rooster’s energetic and fearless attitude could intimidate the sensitive and unobtrusive Sheep. The Sheep needs to be indulged and supported, but the Rooster will have neither the patience nor the talent to lift the Sheep’s spirits. The Rooster, on the other hand, will say it is difficult to deal with someone so sentimental and self-indulgent.


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