The Ghost of Castle Isle

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The Ghost of Castle Isle Page 10

by C. Fennessy

Chapter Six

  The next morning, Kacey and her friends made fresh, hot, blueberry pancakes, and served them with real maple syrup. Afterward, they finished washing some windows, and vacuumed the rugs. When Kacey asked Aunt Mary what else they could do, she suggested that they might rake a few leaves.

  It was a beautiful fall day. Golden sunlight filtered through the red, orange, and gold leaves. Leaves wafted slowly to the ground and scattered upon the lush, green grass. The air was cool with a crisp aroma of oak and maple.

  The girls each took a rake and raked one section of the front yard. Soon all the leaves were gathered in a pile and then packed into large leaf bags. They pulled a few weeds and then worked in the large back yard. The girls watered the flowers and put clean water in the bird bath on the patio. By lunch time, everything was done.

  After lunch, they cleaned up the kitchen and told Aunt Mary that they hoped to visit with Brittany before the guys came later in the afternoon for dinner.

  "Why don't you go now?" Aunt Mary asked. She assured them that she would be fine on her own since she wanted to work on the sweater she was knitting.

  The girls piled into the convertible and drove to the Crystal Cauldron.

  Brittany was busy with a few customers when they arrived, so they browsed through the shop. After the customers left, Brittany came out from behind the counter asking,

  "So, wasn't it amazing last night? Isn't Garth Simms incredible?"

  Kacey smiled and looked at her friends, who waited to hear what she would say.

  Kacey replied, "Yeah, it was pretty interesting, but-"

  "And weren't you scared when you saw the candles go out and the book pages turn by themselves?" she asked with wide eyes.

  Kacey began, "Well, to tell you the truth-"

  "And then when the spirit of Abigail came and spelled out that message, I was so, so--" she searched for the word.

  "Brittany, I hate to tell you this, but none of that was real," Kacey said bluntly.

  Brittany's face fell. She demanded sharply, "What do you mean?"

  Kacey hesitated, searching for a way to explain things to her friend without offending her.

  "What I mean is, all those events can be logically explained. If we got a chance to see that room in daylight, we'd probably find lot of special effects props."

  Brittany was offended, "You mean, you don't believe any of that really happened? That is was all fake?" she asked, looking at all three of them.

  Ava shrugged, "Yeah, that's what we mean. I know it was pretty convincing. It was really well done. But I've been reading about séances and mediums, and..." she shrugged, "they're just not real."

  Brittany huffed and replied maliciously, "Well, if that's the way you feel, I'm sorry I wasted your time last night!"

  "Oh, we loved going to the séance," Kacey said hastily, "And we're very grateful that you invited us. But we're really more concerned about you than the séance."

  "Me? Why?"

  "Because of what all this magic stuff is doing to you and your life. You're getting caught up in a world of deceit and lies, and it's only going to disappoint you someday, or lead you into something worse. Not only that, it's taking you away from achieving your dream to be an artist."

  Brittany looked down and didn't answer at first, but then said spitefully, "You're beginning to sound like my mother."

  Kacey shrugged, "Well, we want you to be happy in life, and we're afraid that witchcraft will only lead you to unhappiness."

  Brittany shook her head, "You're wrong. I'm happier now than I've ever been. The people in my coven like me. They accept me for who I am, and they don't treat me like a freak.. They want me to join them. I feel like I belong."

  "That may all be true, but what about your future? How will becoming a witch help you lead a better life? You can't serve two masters. Either you believe in God and trust Him with your future, or you trust Satan. Whatever you may think, Satan doesn't not love you like God does. God knows your heart and soul, and He wants to help you if you let Him, but you have to make the choice yourself. Satan is just a deceiver, Brittany. He'll use you for his own purposes and then throw you away when he's done."

  Kacey stepped closer, and said sincerely, "And we want to help you, too. We're your friends, and we're concerned about what's happening to you. The best thing for you to do would be to quit magic and go back to school."

  "I tried school," Brittany snapped, "It didn't work out for me."

  "But you weren't there long enough to really give it a chance," Kacey said compassionately.

  "School is hard for everybody at first," Kacey continued, "But after while, it gets better. You just have to give yourself a chance to get used to it."

  "But I hate all those dumb courses they make you take, like algebra and history-"

  "Then go to an art school where you won't have to take them," Kacey suggested, "I can help you find one if you like. There are lots of art schools in Boston and Manchester. I'll even help you apply for financial aid if you can't afford to pay for school."

  Brittany was silent. She recalled how much she missed the art classes she took in high school. She had many artistic friends there and they all admired her and her artwork.

  "Why not think it over?" Kacey suggested, "And we can talk about it later. Our boyfriends are coming for dinner tonight. Would you like to come for dinner and go out with us later?"

  Brittany thought it sounded like fun, but then remembered her other commitment.

  "Can't. I already have plans for tonight. I'm going to the Castle with Hannah. Garth wants to see me."

  Kacey and her friends exchanged concerned glances.

  "I'd be careful around him, if I were you. He can't be trusted," Kacey warned.

  "Garth is fine!" Brittany insisted, "He's the high priest of my coven. I trust him."

  "But this coven won't be around much longer," Ava interjected, "Then what will you do?"

  "What do you mean?" Brittany asked.

  Emma blurted out, "She means that Garth won't have the castle much longer. We found the real deed to the castle and it belongs to Aunt Mary. Garth will have to move out."

  Brittany scowled, "What?"

  Kacey and Ava exchanged looks that expressed their exasperation with Emma for telling this.

  Kacey explained, "The coven will not be able to use the castle once Aunt Mary gets it back."

  "But Garth said his father left the castle to him!" Brittany argued.

  Kacey replied, "Unfortunately, his deed is a fake. We found the real one, and Aunt Mary wants the castle to go back to being a museum for the public."

  Brittany looked angry. She turned and walked behind the counter, refusing to look at anyone.

  Kacey began, "Brittany, I'm sorry-"

  "I have work to do! You can leave now!" Brittany said spitefully, without looking at her.

  The girls took the hint and left the shop.

  Once outside, Ava turned to Emma, demanding,

  "Why did you have to tell her about the deed?"

  "Well, why shouldn't I? It's the truth, isn't it?" Emma asked defensively.

  "Yeah, but you don't have to tell everybody!" Ava insisted.

  Kacey stepped in, saying, "Let's not argue about it. I'm sure no harm was done. I don't know if I talked any sense into Brittany or not."

  Ava said, "Well, at least you tried."

  "Yeah," Emma agreed, "If she gets into trouble, it will be her own fault. At least you tried to help her."

  "Well, I'm not giving up on her yet," Kacey said, "I'll think of another way to try to convince her to quit magic. If we could only prove to her that Garth is a phony..."

  Ava replied, "Once he loses the castle, he may lose some of his appeal."

  Kacey nodded, "Let's hope so."

  That same afternoon, a black sports car pulled into the driveway and three young men climbed out. They mounted the wooden steps of Aunt Mary's porch and rang her doorbell.

  When the door opened, Ava's face
lit into a smile.

  "Hi, Guys! Come on in! We've been waiting for you!"

  The three young men came into the living room where the girls were waiting. They hugged each other and then Kacey introduced them.

  "Aunt Mary, I'd like you to meet Joshua Miller, my boyfriend....Dave Edwards, Emma's boyfriend, and Rick Villa, Ava's boyfriend.

  "Delighted to meet you!" Aunt Mary smiled and shook their hands. "Please come in and sit down."

  The guys took seats in the large living room, and Emma brought in a tray of drinks and snacks.

  "Are you hungry? I made some pizza squares if you'd like some. It will be a couple hours until dinner."

  "Sounds great!" Joshua replied as he took some snacks from the plate. "So what have you three been up to since you came here?"

  Kacey told them about the work they'd done around the house, and Ava told them about their boat trip to Castle Isle which almost ended in disaster. As they ate, the girls told them about Brittany Cooper and the séance they attended at the castle.

  "I remember Brittany Cooper," Dave said, "She was a super-talented artist in high school. I thought she went to Salem State to get her art degree."

  "Well, that's what she started to do," Kacey explained, "But she quit school when she and her boyfriend broke up. Brittany works in a witch's shop selling magic and occult objects. Now she wants to become a real witch."

  "A witch!" Dave exclaimed in disbelief.

  "Yeah," Ava said, "Crazy, huh?"

  "She gave up school to become a witch?" Josh asked incredulously.

  Kacey nodded her reply. Emma said, "And now we're trying to get her to quit that idea and go back to school but she's not listening to us."

  Rick pointed out, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it."

  "I know," Kacey said, "I just wish I could think of some way to convince her."

  Josh smiled confidently. "Knowing you, you'll figure out something."

  At six o'clock, Hannah and Brittany locked the doors to the Crystal Cauldron and drove to the harbor. Hannah arranged a boat ride out to Castle Isle, and soon they were on their way. The sun was setting and the wind on the open water was stiff and cold. The boat bucked upon the cresting, white-capped waves. It took longer than usual to get to the island, but the portcullis was up when they arrived.

  Hannah told the boat captain she would call him when she needed a ride back, and he left them on the dock inside the cave. They followed the stone stairway up into the castle and knocked on the door. Soon, Garth Simms answered.

  "Welcome," he said, smiling, "I've been expecting you. Come into the library and warm up by the fire."

  They followed him through the great main hall where a fire was roaring in the spacious open fireplace. Light from the flaming torches danced, casting moving shadows upon the high ceiling.

  A fire in the hearth of the library made it warm and snug. They sat in leather, wing-backed chairs, and he poured them each glasses of spiced wine.

  They spoke briefly about the Crystal Cauldron, and about the séance. But Garth soon came to the reason why he invited them.

  "Brittany, Hannah tells me you are interested in joining my coven."

  Brittany nodded with a smile, "Yes, I am."

  "I'm very pleased to hear that. I have found the magical arts to be of great advantage. Once you learn the spells and charms, and how to read the tarot cards, you will live your life in confidence. If you become a medium to the spirits, your powers will increase. Soon, you will have the power to create your own destiny."

  Brittany smiled in anticipation. She wanted nothing more than to be in control of her own life and make it the way she wanted it to be. Garth continued.

  "But first, there are certain requirements that you must pass to join my coven. Are you willing to do whatever I ask to show your loyalty and your trust?"

  "Yes, I am," Brittany replied sincerely.

  Garth gave a slight smile, "I'm glad to hear that. I assure you, that once you are in my coven, you will no longer fear anything."

  Hannah looked at Brittany over her wine glass as she took a sip. Brittany was nodding in understanding. She said, "I want to do whatever I must to become a witch."

  Garth smiled, "Good. I will tell you more about that later. Tell me, what did your friends think about our séance last night?"

  Brittany looked at Hannah for support, but received none.

  "They..." Brittany began hesitantly.

  Garth waited, and said, "Don't be afraid. You can tell me."

  "Well, they didn't exactly believe in it. They told me it was all fake."

  She waited nervously to hear Garth' reaction.

  He smiled and nodded, "I'm not surprised. Many people are skeptical of my powers. They don't understand the power that we have because they have never met anyone before with such power. They only believe what they've been told by others: that magic is not real, and that no one can talk to spirits. However, they are wrong."

  "That's what I tried to tell them," Brittany said, "But they didn't believe me. They tried to talk me out of becoming a witch. And they said that you wouldn't be staying here at the castle much longer."

  Garth frowned, "What? Why did they say that?"

  "They said that you will have to move out because Kacey's Aunt Mary has found the real deed to the castle and her husband's will showing he's the owner. They're going to force you out."

  Garth' face remained still, but inside he was seething with anger.

  "Where are the deed and the will now?" he asked.

  "I think they're at Aunt Mary's house."

  Garth breathed deeply to control his anger.

  "Do you have your friend's phone number?" he asked.


  "May I have it, please?"

  She took out her cell phone and began to look up the number.

  "Here it is. Kacey Carlson. Mary Carlson is her great aunt."

  Garth took the phone from her and turned to Hannah.

  "Hannah, would you take Brittany upstairs to the guest room and get her ready for the initiation? I have a phone call to make."

  "Of course," Hannah replied and asked Brittany to follow her.

  She took Brittany up the winding stone stairway to the third floor. She led the girl down the long hallway and opened one of the bedroom doors.

  "Wait in here for Garth. Don't be afraid," Hannah smiled.

  Hannah closed the door and left her alone. The wind outside shook the trees and moaned through the cracks of her window. She shivered and rubbed her arms. Looking around, she began to feel nervous and afraid. The wind howled again ominously. Brittany began to pace the small room anxiously. She went to the door to open it, but found it was locked.


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