The Ghost of Castle Isle

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The Ghost of Castle Isle Page 12

by C. Fennessy

Chapter Eight

  Kacey's line went dead. Her heart began beating fast. She turned to the others.

  "Garth wants me to take the documents to him in one hour," she told the others, "And I'm to come alone."

  Everyone sat in shocked silence, looking at one another for answers.

  Finally, Rick said, "I think we can get into the castle and rescue Brittany."

  "But how?" Emma asked, "That island is so well protected that we'd never get near it. Remember the cannon balls?"

  "He's expecting Kacey to come. He won't shoot."

  "My dad said we should leave it to the police," Kacey reminded them.

  Ava spoke up, "Well, we tried that, and it didn't work. We have no choice but to figure out another way to get Brittany."

  Emma asked, "But how will we get inside?"

  Kacey explained, "Garth said I'm to use his boat, The Phantom, tied up at the harbor pier. The keys are under the driver's seat."

  "Perfect!" Rick said confidently, "You girls have been inside the castle, right?"

  They nodded.

  "Then we should be able to find Brittany and get her out," Rick said, "We'll make a distraction to bring Garth out and keep him busy while you look for the girl."

  "But he said that I was to come alone," Kacey pointed out.

  "We'll hide under the boat cover. Once you're inside the castle, we'll sneak out of the boat and into the castle."

  Rick was the only one who had served in the military and had fought in Afghanistan. His training and experience gave him the ability to plan a rescue operation.

  He asked Kacey for some paper, and she gave him a tablet.

  "All right," he said as he opened the tablet and took out a pen, "Let's draw a floor plan of the castle. Tell me what you girls saw when you went to the séance."

  Each of the girls described the castle from the entrance in the cave to the main floor, and up to the second and third floors, and Rick drew out a floor plan. When they finished, he said,

  "It's not complete, but it's better than nothing. You said that there are guard dogs outside the castle, so we'll need to stop them. Dave and Emma will feed the dogs and then try to draw Garth' attention while Kacey, Josh, Ava and I get inside. Once we're inside, Kacey and Ava will look for Brittany while Josh and I keep an eye out for Garth. If he tries to interfere, we'll stop him. Once you find her, we'll take her out and leave the same way we came."

  "What should we do to handle the dogs?" Dave asked.

  "Make some noise. That should bring them out. Toss them some meat laced with sleeping pills. Then try to throw some stones at the windows, or pound on the door and then hide."

  "What if Garth comes out with gun or something?" Emma asked fearfully.

  "That's why you've got to hide. It'll be dark, and he won't see you if you stay hidden."

  Emma looked at Dave uncertainly, but he nodded confidently at Rick, "Got it."

  Rick continued, "Now, we'll need some rope, some duct tape, sleeping pills, and some meat."

  "There are some sleeping pills in Aunt Mary's medicine cabinet," Kacey said, "I don't think she'll mind us taking some tablets."

  "Good," Rick nodded, "Do you have any rope or duct tape?"

  "Look in the basement," Kacey advised, "I'm sure we'll find everything we need down there."

  The group headed down to the basement while Emma found some ground beef in the refrigerator. She began making meat balls with sleeping pills hidden inside.

  Once the basement light was on, they found a workshop where Uncle Charles used to refinish furniture as a hobby. Rick found duct tape, flashlights, rope, and a few other things that they might need. He asked Ava to go get the backpack that he had brought with him and empty it. The group headed upstairs.

  "I only put one pill in each meatball," Emma told them, "They're very strong pills and I don't want to kill the dogs, just make them sleepy."

  They packed everything into Rick's backpack, and put on jackets. Kacey wrote a note to Aunt Mary and left it on the kitchen table.

  They left the house quietly, and climbed into Rick's sports car. The wind gusted, sending heavy rain at times and lighter rain when the wind died down. There weren't many cars on the road, so they reached the harbor in ten minutes.

  Using flashlights, they ran through the wind and rain to the end of the main pier. Only one boat tied to the pier had a black tarp over the top to keep out the rain. Kacey shined her flashlight over the stern and shouted, "Here it is! The Phantom!"

  They all climbed in and found the pouch under the driver's seat filled with maps, but at the bottom were a set of keys. They tried each one until the ignition key fit.

  They used the boat cover to hide under while Rick drove the boat and Kacey navigated. The water was very choppy, and the wind blew fiercely once they were out on the ocean. Rain pelted their faces as Kacey showed Rick the island, and they headed the bow toward it.

  Beaten as if hit by a sledgehammer, each wave pounded against the hull with deafening force. The group worried that the craft would break up, sending them into the icy, cold depths of the sea.

  The wind howled more intensely as they neared the island. Rick had to fight with the steering wheel to stay on course. As soon as the boat was near the entrance, they could see a light and the raised portcullis.

  "Okay," Rick shouted over the wind, "You take over from here, just in case he has video cameras in the cave."

  Kacey nodded and took the wheel. Rick got under the cover with the others and they sat down on the floor, holding tightly onto the tarp.

  Kacey struggled with the wheel but managed to navigate the boat through the rough waves and into the cave. She pulled up next to the dock and tied the boat securely.

  Although she didn't see any cameras, she knew they could be hidden, so she left the boat and went up the stone steps into the castle alone.

  Kacey followed the winding stairs up from the cave, through the heavy oak door, and into the dimly lit stone hallway. To her right was another oak door that she hadn't noticed on her first visit. She pressed the wrought-iron handle and the door creaked open. Immediately, she felt a cold wind from the darkness. Dogs began barking viciously.

  She closed the door and waited quietly for her friends.

  The lights went out in the cave as the portcullis was lowered. As soon as it was down, the cave went completely dark, and the group came out of hiding. Rick turned on his flashlight and spoke softly.

  "I'll shine my light on the floor. Everyone stay together. We'll try to find a way to the outside of the castle for you two," he said to Dave and Emma.

  Soon, the shadows from Rick's flashlight reflected against the stone walls as Kacey awaited her friends.

  "Look," she whispered to the others, "Here's the door outside!"

  Dave came forward with Emma in his wake.

  "Great! Where should we meet you guys?" he asked Rick.

  "We'll meet at the castle entrance. Keep out of sight. Good luck!"

  Dave nodded, and he and Emma slipped through the doorway carrying the bag of meatballs.

  Rick told Ava and Josh, "Let Kacey go up first. Once she has Garth' attention, we'll sneak in and take him prisoner."

  Kacey nodded and left the group. On her way she said a silent prayer for God to help her and to enable the group to save Brittany.

  The thick oak door to the castle entrance was closed. She looked around and noticed a tiny camera lens the size of a small battery mounted above the door frame. She tried the handle and the door opened.

  The hallway into the castle was unlit, but the shadows of flames from the huge fireplace flashed madly in the main hall. She walked forward slowly, following the light.

  As she entered the main hall, Garth was sitting upon the throne chair. He looked at his watch.

  "I was beginning to think you wouldn't come. I'm glad to see that you value your friend's life more than your own. It's quite dangerous to take a boat out alone in this weather at night."

Brittany?" Kacey asked firmly.

  "She's safe--for now. Do you have the papers?"

  "I want to see Brittany first. If you release her, I'll give you what you want."

  Garth' expression changed to anger.

  "You are in no position to argue with me! Give me the papers!"

  "If you want them, you'll have to come and get them," she said.

  Garth stood up. He dismounted the stage where his throne stood and walked to her. When he was face-to-face, he demanded, "Hand them over!"

  Kacey knew she had to stall, so she shook her head. Twisted with rage, Garth struck her across the face.

  She felt a breeze and knew the door in the hall had opened.

  Suddenly, Rick and Josh rushed in and grabbed Garth. He resisted and punched Josh in the face. He lunged at Rick, but Rick twisted Garth' arm behind him to get him into an arm lock.

  Joshua grabbed his other hand, but Garth fought against them like a wild cat.

  Ava grabbed Kacey, asking, "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah! Let's go find Brittany!"

  The two girls rushed off into the library, and then into the séance room. They opened every unlocked door on the first floor, calling Brittany's name.

  Meanwhile, Garth managed to kick both Rick and Josh in the shins. He pulled away and ran toward the back of the castle. They rushed after him in pursuit.

  Garth grabbed a sword from a rack on the wall. Just as the guys ran into the room, Garth swung the sword wildly. He missed their faces by inches. They dodged the sword as he swung it again. He forced them back against the wall.

  Rick motioned for Josh to cover the other flank. They separated and came at Garth from both sides. He swung at Rick first, and the sharp blade sliced the air as Rick jerked back. Then he turned the weapon against Josh and swung at him. Josh jumped back, barely avoiding the blade's keen edge.

  Rick took the advantage while Garth was swinging at Josh to grab him from behind. Josh gripped Garth' other arm and twisted it behind him, and the sword fell, clanging on the floor.

  Joshua and Rick grab Garth.

  "Down on your knees!" Rick ordered, forcing Garth to the floor. Rick had a strong grip on Garth' arms.

  "Get the duct tape!" he shouted. Josh went into the back pack and found it. They wrapped both of Garth' hands securely behind his back, and forced him to lay face down on the floor while they wrapped tape around his knees.

  When the two girls entered the spiral stairway, cold wind swooped down from the top of the tower. Thunder roared and echoed against the stone walls. The tower had no lights, and the only time the girls could see is when lightning lit the stone stairs.

  "She may be in one of the bedrooms!" Kacey said, and Ava nodded.

  "Let's go!"

  Holding on to the rough, stone wall for guidance, they turned on a flashlight and followed the steps to the next floor. The lightning flashed again when they reached the arched doorway to the third floor.

  Pushing it open, they walked into the hallway. It was as dark as the stairs had been. Lightning flashed guiding them to the first bedroom door.

  Opening it, they called to Brittany, but it was empty. Thunder rumbled overhead as they went on to the next bedroom. It too, was empty when they cast their flashlight beam into the room.

  They opened the third bedroom door into darkness as thunder boomed and lightning flashed.

  Pale blue light flashed through the windows, and a white figure appeared before them in a long gown; the ghost of Abigail Simms!

  Kacey and Ava both screamed in terror.

  Lightning flashed again and the ghost stood stretching out her arms, reaching toward them.

  Lightning flashed and the ghost stood before them.


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