Lauren's Love Lessons (Yesteryear Erotica Book 1)

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Lauren's Love Lessons (Yesteryear Erotica Book 1) Page 4

by Jodie Halliday

  “Good night,” said Emma, leaning towards Lauren. They kissed gently, their hands wandering.

  “Night” replied Lauren as they separated. As Lauren entered her room she looked back. Emma smiled and waved. Without disturbing Steven, she slid her clothes off and slipped on her nighty. Once in bed she curled up, her back to her husband. Sliding her hand underneath her nighty she pushed underneath the elastic of her knickers. Her fingers slid easily along her wet lips and it was only because she couldn’t trust herself to stay quite that she removed her fingers from deep inside herself and eventually went to sleep.

  Chapter 2

  Emma heard footsteps behind her and looked up at the reflection in the kitchen window to see who it might be. Small hands slipped round her waist, and a head leaned against her back.

  “Hey, good morning,” said Emma.

  “Morning!” Lauren squeezed her. Emma put the dish in her hands back into the water.

  “My hands are all wet” she said, turning to face the young girl. Lauren snuggled up to her and kissed her lips.

  “That’s OK. You’re still in your dressing gown.”

  “I’ll change in a minute, I just wanted to get this done. Sleep well?”

  “Oh yes, wonderful.”

  “Good. There’s toast, Cornflakes and other cereal if you like. I’m making tea in a minute.”

  Lauren helped herself to two slices of bread and put them under the grill. She poured a glass of milk and sat down on the bench seat. Emma pulled two cups from the cupboard, added two teaspoons of tea to the pot, followed by boiling water from the kettle. After a couple of minutes she poured the tea into the cups, added milk and took one of the cups through to the bedroom for Steven. He stirred gently as she entered.

  “What time is it?”

  “About eight o’clock I think.” She set the cup down on his bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I don’t remember you coming to bed.”

  “It was quite late, you were asleep. Lauren and I talked for ages.”

  “Is she OK? What’s the problem?” He sat up slightly, looking at her.

  “School, friends, growing pains I think.”

  “Huh. She’s so tiny, like a child.” Steven reached for his tea. “I assume she slept outdoors that night.”

  “Yes, it sounds horrible Steven, she had some very bad experiences at Kings Cross. Right now, she really needs someone just to talk to, to be her friend right now.”

  Steven looked at her closely. “And you offered to help?”

  “Of course. I said I would talk to her, tell her some of things that she needs to know at her age.”

  “Like what?” he asked, sipping his tea. “Why can’t her parents do that?”

  “Like about life, you know, boys and so on.”

  “Doesn’t she know about it then? Don’t they teach that sort of stuff in Biology?”

  “Maybe, but it’s more on the relationship side. It seems other girls find out and she doesn’t. Life can be very tough when you’re living away from home if you are left out.”

  “So what did you tell her?”

  Emma shrugged. “We spoke about kissing mainly.”

  “How can you spend hours talking about kissing?”

  Emma was silent. She looked down at her dressing gown, toying with the belt. “We tried a little, pretended.”

  Steven sat up. “You were kissing Lauren last night? Are you out of your mind?” he hissed.

  She slid up onto the bed and sat next to him, running her hand over his chest.

  “It’s OK, really. It’s not unusual for girls to experiment. In fact it’s quite safe, safer than experimenting with boys.” She slid her hand inside his pyjama top.

  “What else, besides hours of kissing?”

  “It wasn’t hours, maybe half an hour.”

  “What else?” he asked as her hand slipped under the covers. He was hard.

  “We touched.”

  “What did you do?” Her hand slid through the fly of his pyjama bottoms.

  “I undid her blouse” His cock pulsed in her hand. “And then I slid my hand behind her and undid her bra.” Steven gasped. She slid her hand up and down his cock, pleased at the early-morning size he offered. “We were on the sofa, drinking wine.”

  “You must be mad! Ah, wine again. It seems to have a decidedly disastrous effect on you!”

  “Do you like what it does?”

  He smiled. “Yes, sometimes.”

  “Her breasts are so pretty. I kissed them.”

  Steven put his cup down on the bedside table. “Emma, this means trouble! I had no idea you could be so, you know. Such a deviant. She’ll tell everyone.”

  “No she won’t. I think we’re good enough friends that she’ll keep in to herself.”

  Steven turned to Emma and pulled at the belt. He pushed his hand between her legs and found her wetness. She gasped at the sudden audacity and slumped against his shoulder.

  “She’s so pretty Steven, don’t you think? How could we not help her out?”

  “Well, I must admit, she did look a lot nicer after she had cleaned herself up.” He paused to watch what she was doing with his cock. “As long as we don’t end up in prison for whatever crime it is.”

  “Shh!” said Emma as she slipped off her dressing gown. His fingers slid into her easily again and she groaned, pleased that her needs would be taken care of, needs that had been with her since the moment she had kissed their nineteen year old visitor. They kissed, the taste of morning and tea in their mouths. He pushed her over onto her stomach so that she faced the headboard, then pulled her up so she was on her knees. His hands massaged her taught buttocks, pulling the little mounds apart. His fingers worked lower, running along the gusset of her knickers before slowly pulling them down off her bottom. She moaned quietly as his hand pushed between her legs, slipping along the wetness of her vulva. Her knickers were pushed lower, halfway down her thighs, just as his cock ran along the crack of her buttocks, searching for her opening.

  She looked to her left, noticing the door an inch or two ajar. She decided that it wasn’t worth moving to shut it, just in case the moment was lost. His cock pressed against her lips and then pushed past the tight opening, filling her completely in a matter of seconds. She buried her head in her pillow, muffling the little cries that escaped.

  “What else?” he asked, slightly breathlessly.

  Emma’s heart surged. They never talked during sex and she was pleased that a new variation was taking shape.

  “I licked her nipples” replied Emma, reaching round to her clit. She massaged it slowly, in time with his thrusts. “They got very hard when I sucked them.”

  “Bad girls,” he gasped, his fingers digging into her buttocks, pulling them open in a way that he had never done before.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. They felt so nice in my mouth, little buds, Steven.”

  “What did she do to you?”

  “Nothing. She kissed me nicely.”


  “On my cheek, my neck, on the lips,” said Emma. He teased her, just penetrating her then pulling out again, over and over again. He pushed deep inside once again.

  “That’s disgusting” he said, his cock pulsing inside her.

  “I know.”

  “And she’s only eighteen.”

  “Nineteen” corrected Emma.

  “You’re going to jail.”

  “No, please. Oh harder! She just needs love. A lot of love.”

  “Yes you are. Straight to jail.

  “She’s so…. so adorable. Oh yes, oh Steve!”

  His pace quickened and she turned to her left, easing the tightness in her neck. A shape slipped past the door on the way to the lounge causing a huge surge of pleasure to course through her. She pushed back against him, demanding his whole length and was rewarded by the sensuous feeling of approaching orgasm. She quickened her pace, he meeting her demands. Her back arched higher, presenting her bottom to him as
he thrust harder into her, driving her deeper into the pillow. With one final touch of her clit she sent herself over the top, shuddering with the bright white light of bliss, coughing into the pillow to mask her cries. He rode her at a constant pace, slowing slightly just as she did, then began again, shorter strokes of increased power until she felt his cock expand inside her.

  “Oh!” he cried loudly as his movements became uncoordinated. His thrusts hurt her slightly as he bottomed out inside her. Several more grunts accompanied each bulge of his cock until he was still, resting heavily on her back. He pulled out and fell onto the bed as a small stream of his cum dribbled out of her. She fell over, resting her head on his stomach, facing his feet. His cock was throbbing, slightly deflated and covered in the result of their love-making. She rested, getting her breath back, matching the rise and fall of his chest. She took his cock in her hand, causing him to jump, then pulled the foreskin back to the top and stroked it very gently, watching it pulse in her fingers. She traced her fingers up and down his thighs dreamily, watching his cock, thinking how it had been so very deep inside her a minute ago.

  “Be nice to her. She needs to feel confident around men and women,” she said, leaning down to kiss the top of his cock. Her tongue traced around the top of his foreskin, teasing the sensitive area. She stopped suddenly, realising that normally she would never have dreamed of tasting him after he had come. She closed her eyes and kissed him again, licking at the juices.

  “It will mean trouble,” he said, touching her blonde hair.

  “I don’t think so. She’s just inquisitive, like anyone of that age.” She felt a trickle of come running down her leg and pulled her dressing gown underneath herself. Two orgasms in two days and a delightful little girl desperate for instruction in love. Emma knew this could be the holiday of a lifetime.

  Steven reached for his tea. “I didn’t go round kissing members of my own sex at her age.”

  “I did,” replied Emma with a grin as she slipped off the bed and padded into the bathroom.

  Chapter 3

  The sea that morning shimmered in the early light. A tanker, even possibly a large fishing boat, drifted silently along the horizon. The gulls wheeled in the sky, following their own course in search of food. Emma’s heart raced as she watched Lauren through the marram grass of the dune, skipping barefoot down the deserted beach to the water’s edge to look at a crab. There was youthful energy in her movements, everything she encountered seemed to provide fascination and new knowledge. Lauren strolled back up, spinning happily as she watched the gulls circling and gliding in the warm air above her. She took Emma’s hand as they walked away from the house, her face a picture of happiness and such a contrast from when she had first arrived. Emma breathed in the warm morning air, overjoyed with the company and interested that they had dressed almost identically in a white top and pink shorts. Sisters, perhaps.

  “We match. You and I. Same clothes almost,” she said.

  “Oh yes, you’re right.”

  “White knickers?”

  “Of course, that’s all I have!”

  “And a white bra?”

  “Yes, but it’s getting hot.”

  “Take it off soon. I will too I think. Your hair looks great, I love the little curls at the end.”

  “They aren’t always there. I’m not sure what makes them come and go.”

  “Mine has always been thick and straight. And blonde.”

  They walked on, deep in thought, the expanse and beauty of the beach making conversation less important. Their fingers entwined, gentle and so very comforting.



  “I thought a lot about last night.”

  “So did I.”

  “I lay awake for ages, thinking about, you know, how it felt.”

  “I told Steven about it.”

  Lauren gasped. “Emma, you didn’t, did you?”

  “Yes. It’s OK. I think he approved. Eventually.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That we were practicing kissing.”

  “Oh, well that’s not so bad.”

  “And that I took your top off and kissed your beautiful breasts.”

  “Oh Emma, he’ll hate me!”

  “No he won’t. I wanted to tell him last night but he was asleep. I was so… you know, after we went to bed.”


  “You know, aroused. Down here,” she said, nodding down at her waist.

  “Oh. So was I,” said Lauren, clearly unused to discussing such things.

  “I wanted him to feel it, but he was asleep so I wanted to play with myself, but I couldn’t trust myself to stay quiet.”

  Lauren was quiet, absorbing the information she was gleaning from Emma about married life.

  “I felt the same,” said Lauren eventually.

  “Did you play with yourself?”

  Lauren gasped and brought her hand to her face. “Emma!”

  “It’s OK, sweetie, everyone does it.”

  Lauren as her eyes darted around Emma’s face, looking for guidance. “For a while, but I was worried about messing the sheets up,”

  Emma smiled and squeezed her hand. “Poor you. Poor us, eh?” she said in a natural manner, confirming such topics were within bounds.

  They walked on, hand in hand, swinging their arms. The wide sandy beach gave way to a tight strip of sand where the headland had encroached on the beach. Small pools formed in the rocks and they stopped to look. Emma sat down, watching Lauren. Her long legs were tanned, smooth and inviting. The hard muscular shape of her buttocks was evident through her shorts. Emma breathed deeply, expecting it to clear her head. Thoughts formed about the next session, just how far she should go, and whether she should press Steven to take her out in the car. They walked for another half an hour before turning round and worked their way back to the house. While Emma made corned beef salad, Lauren changed out of her shorts and into the yellow skirt she had worn before.

  After lunch, Steven did ask Lauren if she wanted to go out in the car for a drive (even without Emma having to prompt) in a good-humoured way. It clearly excited Lauren and she looked several times at Emma to try and get some indication with regards to her feelings about the invitation. But Emma allowed them to leave without comment, just wishing them luck and suggesting they get back for about four o’clock.

  She watched the car trundle up the drive and onto the road, turning right to head north. It seemed strange to know that there was another girl sitting next to him, but she was excited with the fact that he had agreed to help in her to reassure Lauren before the end of the summer. She closed the front door and paused at the entrance to Lauren’s room. Pushing the bedroom door open carefully, as though someone might still be there, she peered inside. The bed was unmade, which surprised her. Stepping into the room she saw the suitcase up against the wall, and the wardrobe door open. At the bottom was a pile of clothes. She looked out of the window, just in case they had returned unexpectedly.

  She bent down and turned over the pile of clothes, recognising the socks and school skirt she had worn the first day. A pair of knickers tumbled out, which she picked up. They were damp where Lauren had obviously tried to wash them in the bathroom. She dropped them approximately where she had found them, noting another white pair. They were dry, and she opened them up and looked down at the gusset. It was heavily stained, confirming that the young girl had been very excited from their conversation on the sofa. Grinning to herself, she brought them up to her nose and inhaled. A heavenly scent greeted her, powerful enough to make her legs wobble. She slid onto Lauren’s bed and laid back, the knickers still at her nose. Closing her eyes, her mind drifted back to her schooldays, of nights of passions and giggles, fumbling and hurried satisfaction. She imagined what this little girl must look like naked, and how wonderful it would be to go further with her, slipping her knickers down after stripping her of her bra. Inhaling again she imagined the rich, wet folds of her
vagina and how she might push her tongue inside, licking her as she moaned. Emma brought her legs up and touched her mound, tantalising herself as she dreamed on the bed.

  They drove slowly up the coast road, Lauren commenting that they had walked the same way earlier that day. Steven confessed to having no idea where they were going or what they might see, but he seemed to warm to the idea of being out with Lauren as their conversation developed. To her surprise she was found it easy to talk to him, and she was sure she must seem quite a contrast from the sulky, miserable girl he had met two days earlier. The excitement of conversing with an adult, along with the overtones of the previous two days, excited her immeasurably. She wondered if Emma’s method of teaching her had some merit after all. She knew that he occasionally stole a look at her, feeling his gaze over her profile, and sensed that his eyes lingered on the outline of her breasts against her white top. She pushed herself forward as though looking more closely out of the windscreen.

  “Look, there’s a lighthouse!” said Lauren, pointing almost straight ahead. The road turned inland away from Happisburgh as they approached so they pulled off to the right and parked outside the towering structure.

  “Seems very quiet here,” said Lauren, peering through the windscreen.

  “Let’s take a look.”

  Steven led the way from the gravel driveway to the door cut into the base of the lighthouse. He looked around at the outhouses but they all seemed padlocked shut. The lighthouse door opened easily, and he looked inside.

  “Just stairs. Want to climb up?”

  “What if we get locked in?”

  “No, we won’t. They’ll see the car here. Come on,” said Steven, leading the way.

  They climbed the first few stairs and the light started to fade.

  “This is spooky,” said Lauren, slowing down.

  “Here, give me your hand” he offered. She accepted, and they carefully continued up the unlit spiral staircase. After several minutes climbing, they found a door that creaked loudly as he pushed against it. Cool air blew in as they squeezed through the opening and into daylight.


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