Lauren's Love Lessons (Yesteryear Erotica Book 1)

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Lauren's Love Lessons (Yesteryear Erotica Book 1) Page 8

by Jodie Halliday

  “Hold my cock as she kisses your pussy,” said Steven, gripping her face between his palms. He kissed her lips tenderly as she squealed with delight.

  “Oh yes!” she shrieked as Emma probed her anus again. She kissed him again, harder still when he caressed her cheeks. “Yes, that’s so good. Emma, I love you,” she cried, shaking in the man’s arms as her gripped her limbs with his fists. Emma’s tongue flicked once more at her anus then lapped over her vagina to concentrate on her clit, the mixed sources of stimulation blinding her senses and locking her limbs. She held his cock with all her might, squeezing it without thinking, responding to each flick of her tongue, each finger on her pussy and each kiss of Steven’s lips as he soared out into the silence of her orgasm and tried to cry out. She shook uncontrollably as the second orgasm with another person crashed through her body. Her brain reconnected her breathing and she gasped for air.

  “Yes, yes. Ah!” she cried as she buried her head against his shoulder and rode the wave of pleasure, her fingers gripping him hard as she steadied herself. Emma licked deep inside her, then brought her finger to rest against her anus, feeling the contractions as she came and came. Lauren whimpered with pleasure like a dog in pain. Slowly though her muscles relaxed and she brought her legs together, then lay flat on the sofa, her breasts pointing straight up with all their youth. Emma picked up her blouse and caressed her breasts and neck with it before wrapping it around her shoulders.

  “You’re still hard!” said Emma, smiling at Steven.

  “I know, but I’ll save it for later,” said Steven. Lauren looked up and took note of his cock.

  “We could have it for lunch,” said Emma, laughing at her own joke. She looked down at Lauren and touched her hip. “And you, my little beauty, looked like an angel just then!”

  “I was in heaven,” whispered Lauren, holding her hand.

  “Come on, time to get washed and dressed,” said Emma. She watched as Steven and Lauren headed to their respective bathrooms then examined the sofa. The stain on the velvet cushions where Lauren had leaked and maybe even Steven had shot his streak of come would take some getting out. It would be embarrassing to have to explain to Lauren’s parents that the marks had been caused when their teenage daughter orgasmed right there while she had a tongue deep inside her and held Steven’s cock in her hand. She bent down and sniffed the damp mark, her eyes closing reflexively in response. She wondered how long it would be before that dark man with gleaming red eyes appeared before her to spear her with his trident and throw her into the eternal pit of fire. All she asked was a few more days.

  Chapter 6

  At eleven o’clock Steven took Lauren out to the Post Office to get some bread and milk while Emma cleaned the house and did some washing. As she dusted the lounge she sat on the sofa and cast her mind back to the few days that had passed since Lauren arrived. She saw the girl as a catalyst for her sex life in some ways, developing what would probably have occurred between her and Steven anyway, but at a much slower rate without her help. She considered what would have happened if Lauren had been ugly. She was sure that Steven would have shown little interest, and her own proposal to educate her would have been shelved, if she was wholly honest with herself.

  It was going to be difficult when her parents arrived, if not impossible. Emma determined that they should cease intimacy early, probably the day before, to make certain that they let nothing slip. But what if it had been a boy that needed consoling? She wondered how Steven would have reacted then, whether he would have joined in if Emma had encouraged the boy on the sofa each night. The thought of Steven naked with a boy somehow intrigued her, but didn’t create the same level of excitement as Lauren had done by any means. There was nobody she knew that had ever been involved as she was with another girl inside marriage. She was on her own, and would have to be careful about the consequences. Steven was right in that she was fairly sure what they were doing was illegal, and even if it wasn’t, discovery would mean catastrophe for both their careers.

  She dusted the bedrooms and had gone through to the kitchen when Steven came back, with Lauren in tow, carrying a bag of groceries.

  “Plonk them in the kitchen for now, or put it away if you know where things go,” said Emma.

  “What’s the time?” asked Steven

  “Er, five and twenty to one.”

  “OK, news time at one, that’s good.”

  “I thought we should sunbathe after lunch, maybe have a swim, just so we have something to show for our days here,” suggested Emma.

  “Good idea, we can sit in the dunes away from the wind,” said Steven, helping with the cutlery for lunch. He took the newspaper from the shopping bag and went into the lounge.

  “Hungry?” asked Emma

  “Very,” said Lauren, smiling, cuddling her round the waist.

  “All that exercise this morning. Be a dear and fill the sugar bowl, would you?”

  “OK, where’s the sugar?”

  “Cupboard, up there, said Emma, nodding to the glass-fronted cupboard with green little curtains”

  Lauren nodded. “Em?” she asked as she tipped the sugar.


  “This morning was so special for me, I just can’t tell you what it meant.”

  “And for Steven and me. You being here is helping everyone explore,” said Emma, hugging her waist.

  “You looked so natural while you were making love, like you didn’t have a care in the world, even though he was so deep inside you. I will never forget your look, like rapture.”

  “That’s how it felt. Having you there watching made it very special, but the feeling I had at the end when I came was just the same as you felt when I licked your pussy.”

  “My pussy! That was the word I was trying to remember. Didn’t it hurt the first time he put his thing in your pussy?”

  “His cock?”


  “A little, but I knew it might. He was slow and knew I was a virgin. That was about a fortnight before we got engaged, at his parent’s house. I knew very little about what was going to happen, except that he would put his cock in me and that it would be like having several fingers inside.”

  “I don’t know if I could do it.”

  “Your pussy is naturally stretchy, it’s made for sex and a man.”

  “I’m feeling aroused, as you say, just thinking about it.”

  “So am I. Maybe we’ll play more this afternoon?”

  Lauren nodded, leaning her head on Emma’s shoulder.

  “I was thinking this morning how lucky, in a strange way, it was that you got here early. I wish I had had the chance at your age to be told all these things. It would have made my teenage years so much easier.” She slipped her arms around Lauren’s waist and pulled her close.

  “I know, I thought something like that in the car. Didn’t you have any opportunity to explore boys when you were my age?”

  “There was one young boy. I suppose I was about your age. It was at a riding school. I had seen him each time I rode at the stables, maybe four or five times. We had smiled at each other, nothing else.”

  “That’s it?”

  “No!” laughed Emma. “One Saturday he was cleaning the tack room and I was waiting for my father who had gone to see someone on business. I knew I had a two hour wait, so I was sitting in the hay inside at the back of the stables. We began talking and he suggested that we should climb way up into the hay. I said no, but he asked me again five minutes later and I said yes.”

  “That’s romantic.”

  “A little bit, I suppose. Anyway, we kissed and he asked if I wanted to see his thing. I can’t remember what he called it, but I think I said OK. He took it out and eventually I touched it. He came right then. I shrieked and it went all over my jodhpurs. I was so angry, and he looked so upset and embarrassed. After I wiped myself down I waited outside. When I got home I felt so silly.”

  “But why?”

  “It was an opportunity to
learn more than I did. I could have been kinder to him. I could have encouraged him to try and do the same to me. But we were both very young. The next cock I saw was Steven’s.”

  “You’re both so kind and so honest with me.”

  “But you see, it‘s not as though I had a lot of experience either before meeting Steven. I expect most girls are the same. And your parents, and mine,” said Emma, releasing Lauren and continuing with the groceries.

  “I could never ask my parents about anything like this, or even tell them my problems. They would just tell me to stop being silly.”

  “They’ll be here in two days.”

  “I know, I’m dreading it.”

  “No more nakedness.”

  “That will be hard, along with the inquest of why I left school early.”

  “Tell the truth, Lori, and just hear them out. They’ll get over it. But be careful you don’t do it again otherwise the university might expel you on the grounds that they can’t guarantee your safety,” said Emma, kissing her lips.

  Lauren held her tightly, continuing the kiss before opening her eyes and smiling.

  “I think I’m going to be confident when I get back. I can listen to the other girls and know whether they are making things up or not.”

  “Good, if you feel like that then you’re ready to go back.”

  “In September, not today?”

  “No, not today. Today is for sunbathing and more playing around I think.”

  They made lunch together, Lauren arranging cold meat creatively on a plate while Emma boiled some potatoes for potato salad. After lunch they all changed into swim suits, grabbed towels and headed for the beach. The dunes made a perfect spot to use as a base since it was sheltered from the wind but still got the sun. Emma spread her towel out next to Lauren’s and sat down, looking over the swell of her breasts to watch Steven as he climbed up the four foot hillock of the dune and surveyed the scene. His trunks billowed in the breeze.

  “Nobody! I can’t think of the last time I saw anyone else on this beach,” he said from his vantage point.

  “That’s because there are no houses here, and you can only get to this part across someone’s property,” said Emma, shading her eyes with her hand. “Isn’t the public access north of here?” He slid down the sand and spread out his towel.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  “Anyone want some oil for their skin?” asked Emma.

  Both Steven and Lauren shook their heads, so Emma squashed the bottle into the sand and lay back. Her one piece navy blue costume went well with her blonde hair and she filled it very nicely. Lauren also climbed up the dune and looked around, silent with her thoughts as she looked into the distance. She glanced back at Steven and Emma, lying below her, their eyes shut tight against the blinding light. She liked Steven’s shape, his strong muscles and the delta shape of his shoulders down to his waist. And Emma too was shapely, her breasts firm and her legs full of elegance. She could see the distinct valley between her legs where the swimsuit material was tightest. She recalled once again watching Emma make love to him, how she rose and sank on his cock, in command of what happened. The feeling though of his cock in her hand, and the power it seemed to give her came to mind. The groans that she brought out of him as she stroked him. She thought about how she would control him if they made love together. It seemed almost certain. As long as he wanted to do it, she would readily agree. She looked at his bathing trunks and tried to imagine where his cock would be at that moment. She didn’t think it was hard, but wasn’t sure what it looked like when it wasn’t or how it would lie there. She returned to the base of the dune and lay on her towel between Emma and Steven. Her costume, similar to Emma’s but with a small frill around the top was almost the same colour as her red towel, but slightly lighter.

  After about twenty minutes, Emma looked up and turned to Lauren, touching her arm.

  “You should go for a walk. Take Steven with you, so I can sleep.” Lauren nodded and turned to her side, nudging Steven gently.

  “Emma says we should go for a walk so she can sleep. Do you want to?” she asked.

  He sat up, brushed the sand off his legs and then stood, holding out his hand for her. He pulled her up, brushing the sand off her swimming costume. They held hands as they climbed through the dunes and down onto the beach.

  “Let’s walk by the water,” said Lauren, guiding him down to the edge.

  “We should swim, I bet the water’s very warm.”

  She tested it with her fingers. “Feels almost hot!”

  “Let’s walk a bit,” he suggested, taking her hand once again. He looked back after a few minutes and tried to discern their base in the dunes through the haze. Deciding it was far enough, he pulled Lauren into the water quickly.

  “What are you doing?” she shrieked. They laughed as he splashed her.

  “That’s for last time!” he said, drenching her. She splashed him back with both hands, at which he ran towards her and picked her up in his arms.

  “Put me down you big bully!” shouted Lauren, playfully hitting his chest.

  “Say sorry.”

  “No! What for?”

  “For getting me wet!” he laughed, twisting so she shrieked.

  “Put me down!”

  “One …two ….three…,” he said, swaying with her each time.

  “Now! Put me down, please?”

  He dropped her in the water and she went under, her feet the last thing to disappear. She emerged quickly, brushing the water from her eyes.

  “You bully!” she shouted, grabbing his ankles and pushing with her shoulder against his knees.

  “Hey!” he said, falling just a little too easily into the water. He came up next to her and took hold of her waist. “Unfair.”

  They cuddled, kneeling in the shallow water, kissing gently as the waves lapped around them.

  “I’m full of sand now. Thanks to you,” she said with mock annoyance.

  “I can help you with that,” he said, slipping her costume off her shoulders. He kissed her neck and ear, his fingers trailing over her breasts.

  “Are you sure we should do this?”

  “Nobody would ever see us, and I’ve always wanted to feel what it’s like to be in the sea naked.” He pulled her suit down further. “Stand up.”

  Lauren stood and he tugged it down, revealing her pussy. He pulled it down her thighs and helped her get her feet out of it.

  “Now you,” she said, kneeling as he stood. She gripped the waistband of his trunks and pulled slowly, smiling as his stiff cock popped into view. “It’s hard again,” she said.

  “That’s because you’re here,” said Steven, watching her face as she pulled his trunks down to his ankles. He stepped out, gathered both costumes and threw them into the shallow water. They sat together, only her breasts revealing that at least one of them was exposing more than normal.

  “Didn’t you swim naked with Emma?”

  “Until this week I would never have considered it. I wouldn’t even have asked. But with you I seem to know that it’s something she might do if she was in the right mood, but I think that you would do it quite naturally.”

  Lauren shrugged. She reached forward and touched his thigh. “I think I’m beginning to know what you mean. It seems easy to talk to you. I know what you mean on occasions even when Emma doesn’t. Does that make sense?”

  He moved forward and kissed her lips, touching her breast gently. Her fingers moved up his leg and found his cock. He pushed her back into the water, careful to ensure that she remained above it. With his arm around her neck to support her, he leaned over her and kissed her lips again, trailing his free hand over her chest. She continued to stroke his cock, slowly, just enough to keep him hard but not enough to take him to the onset of orgasm. They caressed for many minutes, loving each other silently as the waves cooled their skin.

  “My bottom’s full of sand I think, I can feel it grating,” said Steven.

“Kneel, and I’ll check.”

  “No, that’s weird!” said Steven.

  “Come on, it’s not. And I’ve seen it before, haven’t I?” He knelt in front of her and she slipped her hand underneath his balls. She could feel the sand between his skin and hers. She looked down and regarded his stiff cock once again. Her fingers stroked it, exploring its properties. “It’s so clever how the skin moves. And it’s hard and soft at the same time” Steven smiled and caressed her wet hair. “Is it the same for all men?” she asked.

  “Mmm, I think so. But they come in all different shapes and sizes.”

  “I enjoyed this morning.”

  “I know you did, so did I.”

  “I was so surprised when you came. There was so much of it and I wondered how you would stop it shooting out.”

  “It stops on its own. “ He paused to take her hand and kiss it. “Your turn, get up,” he said, turning her round. His finger slid between her buttocks and came to rest over her anus. He pressed lightly.

  “Oh Steven!” she sighed.


  “Mmm, but that feels so naughty!”

  “I know, quite different isn’t it?”

  “Mmm. Any sand?”

  “Some, we can shower off up at the house then come back and wake up Emma.” They gathered their swimming costumes and made their way across the sand naked, avoiding the dunes as best they could. He led her to the outside shower on the far side of the house and turned the taps on. After letting it run for a little while the water became tepid and they got under the shower head. They turned slowly, reaching up to allow the water to wash them off. He took the soap from the windowsill and lathered his hands.

  “Turn the water off for a while,” he said. Starting at her neck he soaped her body, applying generous amounts to her breasts and between her legs. His cock bobbed in front of him, rock hard again. She gripped his shoulders tightly as she felt his fingers running along her pussy lips. He knelt in front of her and washed her legs, then turned her round and ran the bar of soap over her buttocks. Slowly he pushed in between the cheeks of her bottom until he had soaped up her anus.


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