Royal Elite Epilogue: Royal Elite Book Seven

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Royal Elite Epilogue: Royal Elite Book Seven Page 11

by Kent, Rina

  Just seeing him puts me in a constant mood to fuck or touch or anything that includes his skin on mine. Not that Cole lets me wait. He’s normally the one who starts it. Like right now.

  His fingers keep creeping beneath my dress, and my legs part of their own volition under his ministrations.

  “Mum texted,” I say casually, pretending that he’s not about to finger me to an orgasm.

  “She did?” he says in his usual calm tone, even as he inches his fingers up.

  “She and Papa want to have Ava for the weekend.”

  “Tell them no one is taking my daughter away.”

  “They’re not taking her away. She is their grandkid.”

  “And we’re her parents, Butterfly. We waited for her more than they did.”

  That’s true. Still, he’s so possessive of her that Papa and Mum barely have her overnight. They’re older now and ‘need their grandkid’, as Mum keeps reminding me.

  “You’re hot.” Cole rips his gaze from the road for a fraction of a second to focus on me.

  “I know that.” I still blush. We might have been married for two years and fully public for way longer than that, but Cole still manages to bring the little girl out from inside me. The girl who spied on him when he wasn’t looking.

  The girl who watched him while he watched everything else, and was oblivious when he watched her.

  “No.” He removes his hand from between my legs and places it on my forehead. “You’re feverish. Did you have something to drink?”


  “Then what is it?”

  “I...let’s go home first.”

  “Tell me, Silver.”

  “I have an entire evening planned.”

  He narrows his eyes on me. “An entire evening for what?”

  A wave of nausea hits me out of the blue and I grab my mouth. “Stop the car.”

  He does and I open the door, flying out and heaving on the side of the road.

  Cole joins me in a second, holding my hair and stroking my back. This scene is so similar to the other time.

  “Silver…” Cole holds my shoulders after I finish. “Are you…”

  Damn it. I really planned an evening for this, and I even made Kim help me pick the candles and everything, but now, I don’t have a choice.

  I take his hand and place it on my stomach, nodding.

  “You’re pregnant?” he asks, eyes widening in wonder.

  “I am. I found out this morning and planned a romantic night to celebrate. Now it’s all ruined.”

  “Who says it’s ruined?” He holds me to him, kissing my nose. “We’ll celebrate until the morning if that’s what you want. Thank you for being mine, Butterfly.”


  He wipes my tears away with a smile and I groan, “Stupid hormones. They’re going to make our lives hell now, like when we were expecting Ava.”

  “I couldn’t give two fucks about that. As long as you’re healthy, I’ll take care of the hormones.”

  I bite my lower lip. “You will?”

  “Oh, I fucking will.” He carries me in his arms bridal style and I squeal, then laugh as he takes me to the car.

  Cole doesn’t wait until we get home.


  The Men’s Group Chat

  Ronan: Emergency.

  Ronan: I said, emergency, fuckers.

  Cole: Now what? You put juice in your kid’s milk again?

  Xander: Or you messed up Teal’s workspace and she’s coming after your arse with an axe?

  Aiden: Remi needs to get older so he can film that shit and send it over.

  Ronan: Premièrement, my Remi would never betray me. Deuxièmenent, fuck you all. Finalement, it’s none of your previous nonsense. I don’t know what to get Teal for our anniversary. I took her everywhere and she doesn’t like material shit. Give me inspiration.

  Xander: Last anniversary, I bought Green a piece of land on which she can build a new children’s centre. Best decision ever. And best sex ever that night.

  Ronan: Teal has no use for a piece of land. Dammit.

  Aiden: Buy her jewellery. Something she can have on all the time.

  Ronan: She doesn’t like jewellery. How about you, Cole? What did you get Silver on your last anniversary?

  Cole: Pretty sure a baby.

  Xander: *laughing out loud emoji*

  Aiden: Are you knocking her up for sport, Nash?

  Cole: You of all people should shut the fuck up, King.

  Aiden: She was my fiancée first.

  Cole: Just like Ron was Elsa’s fiancé first and Xan was her boyfriend.

  Xander: #Burn.

  Ronan: Hey, fuckers. Me. Pay attention to me. I’m the one who called this up. Where’s Levi anyway?

  Levi: Over here. Don’t care.

  Xander: Have you thought about asking Knox? He should know what his sister would want.

  Ronan: Jackpot! You’re promoted to being my best friend, Xan. I’ll hang the award in your office tomorrow.

  Xander: No thanks.

  One day later…

  Cole: How did it go, Ron?

  Xander: He’s been MIA for an entire day. Do you think he’s dead? Should we file a missing person report?

  Aiden: Damn. There should have been someone who filmed the whole murder scene.

  Ronan: I’m here. I’m not dead, but you all will be next time I see you. And no, there was no murder scene.

  Xander: So? What happened? Since when do you like suspense?

  Ronan: I can’t hear you over the halo clouding my head. Piss off.

  Cole: I guess that means it went well?

  Ronan: Well? Try fantastic. Try...adventurous.

  Aiden: A threesome?

  Ronan: Fuck you, King. I wouldn’t share my Teal, even if I was offered the world.

  Cole: La Débauche?

  Ronan: Ding, ding, ding. One word, fuckers. You need lightening years to reach my level.

  Ronan: Time for round two.

  * * *

  Aiden: How do you know if your wife is cheating on you?

  Cole: Easy. You don’t know.

  Xander: Elsa is cheating on you?

  Ronan: Hold my fucking beer. This shit is interesting. Is it me? Did she say my name while asleep? I knew she couldn’t have possibly gotten over me.

  Xander: And me. I know I should be sorry, but I’m kind of not.

  Aiden: Shut the fuck up, both of you.

  Cole: What happened?

  Aiden: She’s spending more time with him than with me.

  Xander: That’s bad.

  Aiden: And she ignores me when he’s around.

  Ronan: May he rest in peace. That is, if you didn’t kill him already.

  Aiden: That’s the thing. I can’t kill him.

  Xander: Why not? I’d do it in a heartbeat if anyone took up Kim’s time.

  Ronan: Who is it? We’ll do it for you. Lars learnt how to hide bodies.

  Cole: It’s Eli.

  Xander: WHAT? You’re jealous of your own fucking son, King?

  Aiden: He takes her time and he’s being a little shit about it, making a face at me behind her back.

  Cole: I hate him a little less now.

  Aiden: Why the hell do you hate him? What’s wrong with my son?

  Cole: The fact that he’s your son. And that he keeps roaming around my Ava like a shadow. I mean it, I’m breaking his legs before he comes near her.

  Ronan: I like him, though. If I had a daughter, I’d definitely give her to him. Speaking of which, Xan, you still didn’t change your mind about Cecily for Remi?

  Xander: Fuck you, Ron. My Cecily won’t be anyone’s but ours.

  Ronan: Your loss, mon ami. There’s Glyn and Ava and they’ll fight over my Rem.

  Cole: Leave my daughter out of this or you’ll regret it, Ron.

  Levi: Submit a proposition with favourable conditions and I might consider giving Glyn away.

  Ronan: Now we’re talking. Let me tell Remi the
news. He should be okay with it since I taught him to keep his options open.

  * * *

  Ronan: Who the fuck stole my stash of weed?

  Xander: You had a stash of weed and didn’t tell us?

  Levi: Why would you think it’s one of us?

  Ronan: Because it was there last night when we had Dad Day with the kids while the women went shopping. And by the way, I hate Dad Day. I don’t like Teal alone out there.

  Cole: She wasn’t alone, technically.

  Aiden: Says the one who was obsessively checking on his wife.

  Xander: Says the one who actually took his son and went after his wife.

  Levi: Says the one who suggested we all do the same.

  Ronan: Bottom line, Dad Day sucks. That’s why I needed the weed. We should do something to stop them from going out alone.

  Xander: Nah. Green says they need their alone time away from us and the kids.

  Ronan: Away from us?

  Levi: Us? As in, ALL OF US?

  Xander: I know, right? I didn’t think Kimmy would ever want time away from me.

  Aiden: You’re the one everyone needs time away from. And Astor. Nash, too. Levi, sometimes. I’m the only one Elsa doesn’t need time away from.

  Cole: Is that why she hid when you went to find her?

  Aiden: That’s because she was trying something on and saving it as a surprise. Speak for yourself. Silver hugged Ava and not you.

  Cole: It’s the hormones, idiot. She tries to control them in public.

  Aiden: Yeah, right.

  Xander: *laughing out loud emoji*

  Levi: *laughing out loud emoji*

  Ronan: *laughing out loud emoji* Now, back to my weed. Who touched it?

  Xander: Where did you hide it?

  Ronan: Where do you think? Underneath a flower pot. I got the good stuff and hid it from Teal because she doesn’t like its smell in the house. I spent a lot on this stash and got it from overseas. It’s my weekly break.

  Cole: What a shame for it to go down the drain.

  Ronan: You fucking…

  Xander: Uh-oh.

  Cole: Remember when you burnt the book that I spent so much time and effort to get from overseas? Well, payback’s a bitch.

  Ronan: Connard!

  Aiden: As I always say and no one believes me, Cole is a petty little bitch.


  The Women’s Group Chat

  Kimberly: Can I say that I’m so glad we decided to have our own group chat? The men aren’t the only ones who get that.

  Astrid: I had a peek at Levi’s phone by accident the other day and all they do is fight over there.

  Silver: Cole says he’s just there because Ronan usually makes a fool out of himself.

  Teal: Cole will have me to speak to.

  Silver: Oops.

  Elsa: And we even have Aurora with us.

  Astrid: But Jonathan isn’t with the men in the group chat.

  Aurora: Jonathan doesn’t do texting. He only uses emails. He’s a snob that way.

  Silver: Imagine if he were there, though. With both Aiden and Levi.

  Kimberly: *shivers emoji*

  Astrid: We already get that in family dinners. It’s more than enough.

  Aurora: Amen to that.

  Teal: I think it would be fun.

  Elsa: Did you just call that fun?

  Teal: Yeah, I mean they’re all part of the same family. It’s even more fun when Jonathan meets Dad and Agnus.

  Elsa: More like chaotic.

  Aurora: Nah. It’s more than that *winking emoji*

  Astrid: What do you mean?

  Aurora: Well, now that Jonathan and Ethan are actual friends again, Agnus doesn’t seem to like it.

  Elsa: Agnus doesn’t like anyone.

  Teal: Hey! That’s not true.

  Elsa: Teal, honey, I know Agnus raised you and Knox, but he’s still a psycho.

  Teal: He is not. He has a heart underneath it all. You just refuse to see it.

  Kimberly: Uh-oh. Ron won’t be happy if he learns you’re defending Agnus.

  Teal: You think?

  Aurora: Point is, the whole thing between Jonathan, Ethan, and Agnus is a lot more than you girls think. You’ll see.

  * * *

  Teal: Ronan was complaining about Dad Day earlier and made Remi hold a sign that says ‘Petition to Cancel Dad Day’, signed by all the other kids.

  Kimberly: Except for Cecily because she likes that day way too much to even think about cancelling it.

  Astrid: They’ll live.

  Elsa: They’re just being drama kings. We usually have the kids all the time. They won’t die if they have them once a week.

  Silver: It’s less about the kids and more about us. They dislike that we go out alone.

  Kimberly: Cole said that?

  Silver: He doesn’t have to. I can sense it without him having to say a word. Besides, he was grumbling about it to Papa the other day.

  Aurora: Honestly, they will have to suck it.

  Astrid: You’re one to talk. Jonathan sends his bodyguards after you if you don’t answer his calls.

  Aurora: But I don’t go with them. He’s my husband, not my keeper. He’ll get used to it, eventually.

  Elsa: It’s been over ten years, Aurora. I don’t think Jonathan will ever get used to it.

  Aurora: Well, neither will I.

  Kimberly: I feel bad for leaving Xan and Cecily alone, though.

  Silver: Stop being a softie, Kim. That’s exactly their aim. They want us to feel guilty and cancel the whole thing.

  Astrid: Which will not happen, right? I enjoy being husband-and-kid-free.

  Teal: We will not bow.

  Elsa: Not now. Not ever.

  * * *

  Elsa: Eli asked me today how long it took me to marry his daddy.

  Kimberly: Cecily asked where she can find someone like her daddy *laughing emoji*

  Astrid: Bran and Lan only ask why the hell we had Glyn. They think she’s spoilt and unnecessary. They called their sister unnecessary.

  Teal: And then there’s Remi, who keeps asking if he came out of me like the cub came from the lioness we watched in the documentary. He had an argument about it with Ronan and didn’t speak to him for an hour, thinking his daddy hurt me.

  Aurora: He’s so cute.

  Silver: Ava barely talks and whenever she does, it’s to call her daddy’s name. I’m scared she’ll be jealous once the baby is born.

  Kimberly: She’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure she will love her baby sister or brother. Besides, do you think Cole will even let her feel jealous?

  Astrid: She’s right. Eli wasn’t jealous of Lan and Bran when they were born.

  Aurora: That’s because he was already spoilt shitless by all of us.

  Elsa: Eli is weird these days. He’s always holding on to Aiden and asking him if there’s a way to make a pact of marriage.

  Teal: What does he even mean by a pact of marriage?

  Elsa: No clue, but it seems that my little boy is in a hurry.

  Silver: What did Aiden say?

  Elsa: What do you think? He supports him every step of the way and told him he’ll even take care of his Uncle Cole if he needs to.

  Silver: Uh-oh. I think I know where this is going.

  Elsa: Me, too. It won’t be pretty.

  Teal: But it will be fun.


  * * *

  Up next is a thrilling arranged mafia romance with explosive characters. Pre-order Throne of Power now!

  * * *

  Curious about Aiden’s domineering father, Jonathan King? You can read his story in Reign of a King.

  What’s Next?

  Thank you so much for reading Royal Elite Epilogue! If you liked it, please leave a review.

  Your support means the world to me.

  If you’re thirsty for more discussions with other readers of the series, you can join the Facebook group, Rina’s Spoilers Room.

  Next up is an e
pic arranged marriage duet set in the world of the Russian Mafia. Throne of Power features an assassin Kyle and a fearless mafia princess.

  If you’re looking to what to read next, jump into Reign of a King to read about Aiden’s father and Levi’s uncle, the ruthless Jonathan King.

  P.S. Yes, there will be a series for the horsemen’s children, but it won’t be releasing until 2022. Check my Coming Soon schedule to keep updated on what I’m working on.

  Also By Rina Kent


  Cruel King

  Deviant King

  Steel Princess

  Twisted Kingdom

  Black Knight

  Vicious Prince

  Ruthless Empire

  Royal Elite Epilogue


  All The Lies

  All The Truths


  Rule of a Kingdom (Free Prequel)

  Reign of a King

  Rise of a Queen


  Throne of Power

  Throne of Vengeance







  Team Zero Boxset 1-3


  Remorse (FREE)


  He Hates Me

  He Hates Me Not

  About the Author

  Rina Kent is an international bestselling author of everything enemies to lovers romance.

  Darkness is her playground, suspense is her best friend, and twists are her brain’s food. However, she likes to think she’s a romantic at heart in some way, so don’t kill her hopes just yet.


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