Forgotten By You (Redeeming Love #2)

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Forgotten By You (Redeeming Love #2) Page 11

by Carlie Sexton

  “Did we set a date?” he asked, continuing to look at my ring.

  “We were gonna get married on February 22nd.”

  “It’s January now, right?”


  “I think I’m gonna need a little more time. I hope you understand.” Then he gave me his sexy grin. The same smile that made me weak in the knees. I wanted to climb on top of him and start kissing him, but I didn’t.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’d like to have the chance to get to know you again and hopefully my memory will come back in the process.”

  “I’d love that. I know this must be so hard for you, Mitch, and I won’t put any pressure on you. Of course…well…of course I want you back. I love you. But it’s completely okay to take it one day at a time. I’m just glad you want to…try.”

  “You’re so understanding,” he said, putting his hand to his head.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, wanting to do anything, anything at all, to make things better.

  “My head is throbbing. I need to take my meds and eat something. I hate to cut this short, but I need to go home.”

  “Of course. You need to rest. I’ll get my keys.”

  As I drove him home, Mitch held my hand. It felt so good to be connected to him, even if it was in this tiny way. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but at least he hadn’t written me off. I pulled up in front of his parents’ house, but didn’t turn off my car.

  “So, how about we do something on Friday night? I probably need low-key, but I’d like to see you.”

  “Why don’t you come over? We can have dinner and just hang out.”

  “Perfect. How about six?”


  “I’ll see you then,” he said, as he began opening his car door.

  “See you then.”

  I sat there for a moment, everything overwhelming me. My emotions today had been like a rollercoaster. I felt like an emotional wreck.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Walking into the house, I could hear my mom and Heather talking. I had ignored their texts and calls that had seemed to come at me like rapid fire all day.

  “I’m home,” I called out.

  “We were beginning to get worried,” my mother said as she began walking toward me. “Have you been with Kate all this time?”

  “I was with Kate for the afternoon, but she dropped me off at Charlie’s house. I needed to talk to her.”

  The sour look on my mom’s face said it all. “I see,” she said bitterly.

  “Why did you need to talk to Charlie?” Heather asked.

  I looked at both of them, staring at me, waiting for answers. They were both intelligent women. They should’ve known why. I was engaged to Charlie, and had been dating her for seven years. “Right now, I just wanna take my meds and eat something. I’m not up for any more talking.”

  My mom crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn’t happy, but she didn’t say anything. Neither did Heather. I kind of expected her to leave, but she didn’t. Instead, she followed me to the kitchen and watched me make a turkey sandwich. My head was hurting so much, I took two of my pills, hoping relief would find me.

  “So, what happened with Charlie?” Heather asked as I ate my last bite.

  Answering her question wasn’t at the top of my list. “Why did we break up?”

  “What does that have to do with Charlie?”

  “We’re not discussing Charlie. I wanna know why we broke up.”

  The sigh escaping Heather’s mouth was much louder than I thought possible. Tears filled her eyes and one rolled down her cheek.

  “Do you promise to hear me out without getting mad?”

  “I can try, but I can’t make any promises. I need you to tell me, or I’ll find out from someone else.”

  Heather seemed to mull over what I was saying and I knew someone besides us had the info I was looking for. If she wouldn’t tell me, then I’d get it out of Garrett.

  “It was right after graduation and I hadn’t been feeling well. I thought it was because of stress of finals, graduating, getting ready for college. But it wasn’t. I was pregnant.”

  “You got pregnant? Did you have a miscarriage?”

  “When I found out I was pregnant, I freaked out. I wasn’t ready to have a baby or be a mother. I assumed you’d agree with me that an abortion was the only thing that made sense for us. We were too young to be parents.”

  “Did I agree?” I asked, knowing what my current answer would be. No.

  “No, you said you loved me and we could work it out. We’d get help from your parents and find a way.”

  I had to tell myself to stay calm. Rage was welling up inside of me as I gritted my teeth together. “What. Happened. Heather? Did you—”

  “I went to a clinic and had an abortion without you knowing. Then I lied and told you I had a miscarriage. You believed me until Garrett started dating my best friend and she ended up telling him. He’s the one who told you the truth.”

  Heather laid her head on the table and began sobbing. Her shoulders were shaking and soft cries escaped her throat.

  I sat there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. I had an ache in my heart from where she just dropped her bomb. Comforting her would’ve been a nice gesture, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Now I understood why I had told Kate that Heather had done something unforgivable. She not only went behind my back, but she lied to me about it.

  Heather picked up her head. “Mitch, I’m so sorry. I was young and stupid. Please forgive me for ruining what we had together.”

  I still couldn’t speak. This was as painful as falling off the ladder. My body was racked with despair. I sat there thinking about how I was twenty-five and I should be mature, but I really wanted to scream at her and punch some holes in the wall.

  Stay calm. Stay calm. “I think I need a little bit of time to digest what you’ve just told me. It’d be good for you to go home and give me some space. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

  “Oh, Mitch. Please don’t shut me out. Tell me how you feel.”

  “You wanna know how I feel?” I asked, standing up from my chair so quickly it made a loud screech across the floor. “I don’t think I can put into words for you how I’m feeling. I’ll talk to you when I’m ready,” I said, turning to walk to my room. My mom said something to me, but I didn’t stop to answer her or listen for that matter.

  Closing the door behind me, I leaned against it for support. What else could happen? I couldn’t seem to move as I put my head back. That’s when I heard them, my mother and Heather talking. Their voices were low, but I could still make them out.

  “You didn’t tell him everything, did you?” my mother asked.

  “No, he has no idea you took me to have the abortion.”

  “Thank you. If that ever came out, I don’t think he’d forgive me.”

  “Well, I know you were just advising me as to what you thought was best, considering you had been in my situation with Garrett.”

  “You were smarter than me. You didn’t get married because you were pregnant. I wish I could say the same.”

  What the fuck? All the muscles in my body tensed up. My mother advised my girlfriend to have an abortion and took her? She resented getting married and having a family?

  “You have to make sure he never finds out the baby wasn’t his. You can still make this work, Heather. Convince Mitch you were scared and felt you had no choice. Tell him you were thinking about his future.”

  “Well, I was. I was terrified and Mitch couldn’t see it. He only considered the good things, not the bad.”

  “He’s always been an optimist. A dreamer.”

  I couldn’t listen to any more. My mom. Was this why she didn’t like Charlie? Charlie didn’t strike me as the sort of woman to be manipulated or controlled easily. What had Kate said? She’s strong but allows me to be the man. Heather had cheated on me. What a bitch. I was right to lea
ve her. Even if I didn’t get my memory back, she wasn’t going to be part of my future. That was for certain.

  I lay on my bed, putting the pillow over my head. Charlie’s face appeared in my mind. She looked so beautiful tonight. I was grateful nothing more than kissing had happened between Heather and me. At least there was that. I could look Charlie in the eye and truthfully tell her nothing had happened between Heather and me.

  Damn it, I wish these pills would work so I could remember the last seven years. I wanted back what was mine in the worst way. I wondered where the hell Garrett was. I hoped we could talk openly and I could figure out what his problem was with me. The only Garrett I knew was not just a brother, but my best friend next to David.

  David. Gone so soon. I wanted to scream, hit the wall, strangle my mother. All of this was beyond fucked up. I was one giant, fucked-up mess.

  I heard the front door close and knew Heather was gone. My mom did her standard two knocks and then opened my bedroom door.

  “Are you okay?” she asked with what I assumed was fake concern.

  “I’ve been better.” I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her, look at her, breathe the same air as her. How had my dad done it all these years? Oh, that’s right, by hiding in his office and never saying a word. Maybe I’d take his lead for right now until I could get a grip on everything I’d learned today about my life.

  “Well, I just wanted to check on you. Hearing about David and finding out Heather had an abortion, you’ve had some blows today.”

  “Yeah, I need to digest all of the information. It’s been overwhelming,” I said, doing everything in my power not to get up and charge her. Keeping my mom in the dark gave me the upper hand in this situation. She was way craftier than I’d ever imagined. How could she choose Heather over me? I was disgusted by my own mother. It made me wonder what else she was capable of doing.

  “Well, I’ll let you get some rest. Has any of your memory come back, spending time with Kate and Charlie?”


  “Have you taken your pills?”

  “I did. Good night,” I said curtly.

  “Good night,” she said, quietly closing the door behind her.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I wasn’t ready to go home, so I texted Kate I was coming to her house. I needed to talk to her and not on the phone. I also needed Neil’s advice about what I’d done.

  As soon as Kate opened the door, I started talking.

  “I don’t know what you said to him, but I think we have a chance to get our life back.”

  “Oh, Charlie, I’m so glad.”

  “We’re gonna see each other on Friday night. Who knows, maybe by then the meds will have helped. I just need this nightmare to be over.” We sat on the sectional in her living room and Kate had a huge smile on her face.

  “Me too. I want this all to be over so we can get back to planning your wedding.”

  “Thanks, Kate. I’m so grateful to have you. Thank you for getting through to Mitch,” I said, placing my hand on hers.

  “Of course. You two are meant for each other. I really believe it’s all gonna work out.”

  “I hope so, but a couple of things have happened that I haven’t told you about.”

  “Good things or bad things?”

  “They’re both bad. I’m gonna need some advice from Neil. Is he home?”

  “Yes, he’s in his office. I’ll get him.”

  Kate went to get Neil and I contemplated what I was going to say. I knew Kate wouldn’t judge me, but I didn’t know how Neil was going to react to my news. I hoped he’d be understanding and be able to tell me what I should do.

  “Charlie,” Neil said as they both returned. “It’s good to see you. Kate told me things are looking up.”

  They both sat next to me holding hands. I was really anxious about telling them what I had done and my stomach was twisted in knots. “I’m just gonna come right out with the first problem. Garrett stayed with me last night and I had sex with him early this morning.”

  “Oh Charlie, what?” Kate asked, her eyes widening.

  Neil didn’t say anything.

  “I thought he was Mitch. It was dark, I’d had so much to drink, and I really thought…” I couldn’t finish, covering my mouth with my hand. My eyes filled with tears.

  “How did you and Garrett leave things?” Neil asked.

  “He wanted to comfort me, but I made him leave. He told me he’s in love with me.”

  “Oh, shit. Charlie, this is a complication you just don’t need,” Kate interjected.

  “I know. I’m so angry with myself. I shouldn’t have had so much to drink. But when I saw Mitch and Heather, I had to drown the pain. I just couldn’t stand it. But all I managed to do was hurt Garrett and possibly ruin my relationship with Mitch. I don’t know what to do.”

  Kate and I both looked over at Neil, who sat there with his brow furrowed.

  “I’m not going to lie to you. It won’t matter to Mitch that you thought it was him and not Garrett. You slept with his brother. Chances are, he knows his brother has feelings for you. Mitch is really good at reading people,” Neil said somberly.

  “I know,” I said. “Should I tell him and beg his forgiveness?”

  “Normally, I’d advise you not to say a word, but it’s all going to unravel if Garrett ends up telling him.”

  “I know. I need to talk to Garrett. I hope he understands.”

  “Has Garrett had feelings for you for a long time?” Neil continued.

  “Yes. Years.”

  “Obviously Mitch doesn’t know right now, but I wonder if he knew before the accident.”

  “I need to find that out. I’m gonna text Garrett and suggest we get together,” I said.

  “Clearing the air would be really good right now. If he tells Mitch it’s going to be really bad. Mitch might not forgive you.”

  “Charlie, I’m so sorry all of this is happening. What’s the other bad thing you wanted to talk about? Is it as bad as this?” Kate asked.

  “I saw Eric.”

  “No. Where did you see him?”

  “Who’s Eric?” Neil asked.

  “My abusive ex from high school. We broke up the day I met Mitch.”

  Neil nodded.

  “He was in line at the Mexican restaurant when I went to get dinner.”

  “Did he see you? Talk to you?”

  “Yes, we had a conversation. He knows about Mitch’s accident and that we aren’t together right now.”

  “But…how?” Kate questioned.

  “He’s the pharmacist where Mitch got his prescription filled. I guess Heather took him to get it and he talked to Mitch. I was really stunned to see him and he asked me out for coffee, saying he’d been to anger management classes.”

  “What did you say?” Kate asked.

  “I told him I couldn’t right now because there was too much going on.”

  “What does your gut tell you? Do you think he was sincere?” Neil asked.

  “I had the chills the entire time I was talking to him. I couldn’t wait to get away from him.”

  “That’s bad, too. He didn’t follow you, did he?”

  “I don’t think so, but I really have no idea. He’s very crafty.” Glancing at my phone, I realized it was getting late. “I better go. It’s late.”

  “Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night and we can talk more?” Neil suggested.

  “That’d be great,” I said, getting up. We said our goodbyes and I headed home. Just talking about what had happened had drained all my energy. I was grateful neither Kate nor Neil had judged me for what I’d done. I was the worst judge of myself anyway. I couldn’t take their anger too.


  I wasn’t home for more than two minutes when I heard a knock. I walked to the door, looked through the peephole, and saw Garrett staring back at me. Looks like we’d be clearing the air sooner than I thought. I opened the door and let him in. />
  “Garrett. Come in. Beer?”

  “I’d love a beer if you have it.”

  “Coming right up.” This gave me a moment to gather my thoughts. The last thing I wanted was to hurt Garrett. He’d always been so good to me. I felt ill both emotionally and physically. Talking just came easily for us and I had shared so much with him and he with me before he did his disappearing act. I was hoping we could have that kind of communication tonight.

  Returning to the living room, I handed Garrett his beer and had one for myself. I needed something to take the edge off and push my heart from my throat back down to my chest.

  We had a long awkward pause, which screamed loud and clear just how uncomfortable we both were. I took a long sip of my beer, hoping the liquid courage would give me some words.

  “Have you talked to Mitch today?” I asked. Small talk sucked.

  “I haven’t seen him. I needed time to think.”

  I stared at Garrett. Hadn’t he come back to spend time with Mitch? Help him? I couldn’t stop my brow from creasing. Why wasn’t he there for Mitch?

  “Okay, I’m gonna come clean with you. I came back for you, Charlie. I’m not proud of myself, but I see this as an opportunity for us.”

  “Garrett, I appreciate your honesty, but I can’t consider us. I want my life back with Mitch.”

  Garrett’s nostrils flared slightly. He seemed angry, but was controlling it rather well. “I know this is a difficult time for you, but I think if you were honest with yourself you’d realize there’s always been a spark between us.”

  “Garrett,” I said, touching his arm. “If I’d met you first, things may have been different. But I met Mitch first. I can’t explain why fate steered my life in the direction it has, but I’m engaged to your brother. I love him.”

  “But what if he never remembers? What if he stays with Heather?”

  “I don’t know. I keep pushing those thoughts away and hoping he’ll come back to me. All of this just happened a few days ago.”

  “Charlie, I want you to leave Mitch and be with me. Come to New York and start a life with me. I love you. I always have. Please give us a chance.”


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