Heart of Stone

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Heart of Stone Page 18

by Dakota Willink

  “Look at me,” he repeated, his tone completely different this time. Gone was the soft cajoling, replaced by a deep gravely sound. This was a demand – one that I knew would be in my best interest to obey. I slowly turned my head to look at him and his mouth tilted up in a sardonic smile. “There may be hope for you yet.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, surprised by his expression.

  “It means that up until ten seconds ago, I didn’t think that there was a submissive bone in your body. Apparently, I was wrong. The way you looked at me just now…” he trailed off, as if searching for the right words. When he spoke again, his eyes were dark as midnight, his voice thick with desire. “It was more than just the turn of your head. Your body language changed. You have more strength than I originally gave you credit for. I underestimated you.”

  My anger fled, replaced by that all too familiar twisting in my belly. God help me, but I wanted to take him right then and there.

  “Um...is that supposed to be a compliment?” I asked, looking at the carpeted area rug that was under his knees. I focused on the subtle swirls in the carpet embroidery, unable to look at his face, into those scorching blue eyes that made it difficult for me to breath, let alone maintain any sort of self-control.

  “Take it as you will, but at the very least, strength is an important attribute,” he replied, moving to a standing position in front of me. “You’ll need to be strong if you want to learn how to properly submit to me. I believe that I can teach you, and I’m very much looking forward to it.”

  “I sense a ‘but’ in there,” I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

  “Tonight isn’t the right time. You’re too keyed up. I did that to you, knowing all too well how compliant you would be after I gave you a taste of what could be. It’s killing me to send you home, but you’ll thank me later.”

  “Maybe you’re right,” I finally conceded with a frown. He was making sense, but his practicality was enough to drive me insane.

  “I know I’m right. Now, come on,” he said, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead. His lips lingered, a reassuring sign that I wasn’t being rejected. “Hale is downstairs waiting to take you home.”

  We walked hand in hand to the doors of the penthouse elevator. I no longer felt like I was being dismissed, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of melancholy that settled over me. I felt like we were finally starting to make some headway and I was sorry to see the evening come to a close.

  When the elevator door opened, Alexander leaned down and pressed his lips softly to mine.

  “Let me know as soon as you make a decision.”

  “I think I made myself pretty clear already, Alex,” I quipped.

  “You know what I mean. Think about it some more, and we’ll get together again tomorrow night if that’s what you want. As for me, I’m going to take a cold shower and try to get the images of you bound and naked out of my head.”

  “Bound and naked –,” I started, eyes wide.

  But he silenced me with another kiss. I reached up to run my hands through his soft waves, pulling him closer so that I could take more. I demanded more. He groaned against my lips in response, revealing a frustration that matched my own before he gradually pulled away from me.

  The kiss was short, but for the third time that day, I was left without words and gasping for breath.

  How did he do that to me in just a matter of seconds?

  I would swear that he did it on purpose just to shut me up, knowing that one kiss would render me speechless. The look on his face told me that I was dead on.

  He smiled ruefully at me, cocking his head to the side.

  Oh, yeah. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  He took a step back so that he was no longer blocking the lift doors, leaving me alone and weak-kneed in the elevator.

  “I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Miss Cole. Good night,” he said, and the doors slid quietly shut.


  I lay awake in bed that night, all thoughts of sleep far from my mind as I tried to process all that had happened. This past week felt so surreal, it was almost overwhelming. What had started out as a clumsy bump on the head at Wally’s had turned into so much more, and I struggled to wrap my head around the turn of events.

  How had so much changed so fast?

  I wished that I could talk to Allyson about this, but she wasn’t home. A text from her earlier in the afternoon told me that she and Jeremy had made peace and were going out for the evening. It was well after midnight, and I didn’t expect her back anytime soon.

  I gave up on trying to sleep, got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Maybe if I had a glass of wine, my nerves would settle down and I could sleep.

  When I returned to my room, I went over to the stereo and flipped it on. I began to fiddle with the station selections in search of a song that I liked, when I remembered the music that Alexander had loaded onto my phone. I wasn’t really thinking clearly when he had asked me if I listened to it, my mind too focused on his hands that worked over my body. Now I wondered what sort of music was on it.

  Why did he ask me if I had listened to it?

  I picked up the phone and opened the music folder.

  Wow! There has to be at least a thousand songs on here.

  There were several artists that I recognized, but most of them I hadn’t heard of. He had separated the music into three different playlists. The first was titled “Persuasion”, the second one was “Surrender”, and the last was called “Control”.

  Curious, I selected the first playlist and plugged the phone into the speaker dock of the stereo. A soft guitar melody played through the speakers and I immediately recognized it as the artist that Alexander had stumbled upon in Venice.

  As I allowed the gentle notes to flow through me, a barrage of memories from the past two days overcame me. Alexander was dangerous for me; I knew that almost from the beginning. My experience, or lack thereof, was definitely going to be an issue. I was a quick learner, but the learn-as-you-go method was not going to work in this situation. If I was going to do this, I needed to establish some ground rules first.

  I sipped my wine and wondered about the non-disclosure agreements that some of his other women asked him to sign. I was curious about what these agreements actually entailed.

  Maybe I should draw up an unofficial contract of sorts, just to make sure that we’re on the same page.

  Setting a few of my own stipulations might help me to protect myself, as well get a clear understanding of what exactly he wanted me to submit to. It didn’t have to be anything extravagant, but only informal guidelines that we could both agree to. I glanced over at the digital alarm clock on my nightstand.

  “Well, there’s no better time than the present.” I said aloud to myself, opting to make a list while my thoughts were still fresh, despite the late hour.

  I frowned when I looked down at my near empty glass of wine and headed back to the kitchen to refill.

  It’s going to be a long night – I should just grab the bottle.

  I returned to the bedroom, bottle and glass in hand, and switched the music to Alexander’s next playlist. I recognized the rough guitar chords immediately.

  Oh, shit. Not this song.

  Goose bumps prickled down my spine, the song giving me flashbacks of Alexander’s skillful fingers between my thighs. I immediately felt a little stirring deep in my belly.

  Leaving the song playing, I pulled out my laptop, opened a blank document, and absently thought about what music could be on Alexander’s “Control” playlist. I probably didn’t want to know. At least not right now. If the first two had me feeling all hot and bothered, I could only imagine what the last one would do to me.

  I tried to tune out the music and contemplated where I should begin my typing. A list of bullet points should be sufficient enough. It didn’t have to be anything fancy, and the job at Turning Stone seemed like the most logical place
to start. That was simple.

  My fingers began moving over the keys, rushing to get the easy part out of the way first.

  Work Requirements

  I will work for Turning Stone Advertising and follow the limited job description outlined to me at the coffee shop. Further job expectations can be discussed and agreed upon at a later date.

  Retirement options and benefits are a prerequisite for me to accept employment.

  Salary to be determined, but must exceed current pay at Wally’s by a minimum of fifty percent.

  In the event that my employment ends due to our personal dealings, a severance package must be determined.

  I paused over the last two bullet points, not wanting to sound too presumptuous. I was really looking forward to working in my chosen field, but I also had bills to pay. After only a moment of hesitation, I decided to leave it as is. If it was going to be an issue, then Alexander and I could haggle over it when the time came.

  I moved on to the next part of our agreement.

  How should I title that?

  This part of the list would definitely be more complicated. Settling on the first thing that came to mind, I began to type again.

  Extracurricular Activities

  Exclusiveness – we will not be tied together like we are dating. However, I insist that you do not sleep with other people while you are with me.

  I can come and go as I please – you are not allowed to control my life. You are my boss in the workplace only. This is merely a business arrangement. Sex is an added bonus.

  I frowned at the last bullet point.

  When it’s put like that, I really do sound like a prostitute.

  I didn’t dwell on that thought too long, or I’d risk scratching the whole idea of sleeping with Alexander. The fact that I was even putting all of this on paper was ludicrous, but I continued to type nonetheless.

  I am not on any form of birth control, but agree to take care of it as soon as possible

  STD testing is mandatory. I will provide you with a doctor’s report showing that I’m clean. I expect you to do the same.

  Condoms: until I get on the pill and a clean bill of health comes for both of us, condoms must be worn.

  Clarification of my role as a ‘Submissive’ can be outlined in the space below.

  I made a bunch of blank lines under the title ‘Alexander’s Expectations’, then sat back and reread what I had typed. I tapped a finger on my chin and tried to think of anything else I should put on the list. I thought that what I had come up with was pretty clear. It was responsible to say the least, and should be a good enough start. He just needed to outline his specific requirements.

  Hopefully, he doesn’t request that I run around wearing a maid’s costume. That would be weird.

  Laughing to myself, I clicked the save button and closed the laptop.

  Flopping onto the bed, I stared up at the ceiling. The music had changed and another one of Alexander’s sexy tunes started to play.

  God – what WAS this music?

  It was making me edgy. Restless. And I could barely wait to go over my list with Alexander, the anticipation killing me.

  Why should I hold out until tomorrow?

  Maybe it was the wine deciding for me. Or maybe it was his music. Either way, it didn’t matter. I knew that I wanted him.


  I went and grabbed my phone off of the speaker dock, silencing the music, so that I could send him a text message.


  1:28 AM, Me: I’ve made my decision. You just need to agree to my terms.

  My phoned chimed almost immediately with his response. I looked at the clock. It was one thirty in the morning. I was surprised that he responded right away, but happy that he was still awake.

  I couldn’t have planned this more perfectly if I tried.

  1:31 AM, Alexander: What are your terms?

  1:32 AM, Me: I want to meet.

  1:34 AM, Alexander: Tomorrow night at 7.

  1:35 AM, Me: I don’t want to wait. Come to my apartment now.

  1:36 AM, Alexander: No. It’s late.

  Well, didn’t that just suck…I want a piece of Mr. Danger-licious now.

  I went to type my response, and found I was struggling to spell properly. Even the spelling auto correct wasn’t recognizing my mistakes. I glanced over at the empty bottle of wine on my nightstand.

  Geez – I’m really drunk.

  I should have known better. I knew that I was a lightweight and two glasses of wine was typically my limit.

  Who in the hell gets drunk alone?

  I turned my attention back to the phone, now wishing that I had waited until morning to text him. He was right. Meeting up tomorrow would be better. It was late and I needed to get my drunken ass to bed. I threw the first plan out the window and focused on plan B instead.

  1:43 AM, Me: Fine. Tomorrow then. Where should we meet?

  1:45 AM, Alexander: I’ll have Hale pick you up. You can come to my place again.

  1:46 AM, Me: Ok – see you then.

  1:48 AM, Alexander: Don’t disappoint me.

  1:50 AM, Me: Don’t worry Mr. Danger-licious. I won’t.

  1:50 AM, Alexander: ???

  Oh, now you’ve done it, you stupid lush.

  I wished there was a way to unsend the stupid, made-up word. I was trying to think of how to respond, when the phone started vibrating in my hand. Alexander Stone’s name popped up on the caller I.D.

  Crap! He’s calling – now what?

  Pure panic set in as I stared at the ringing phone, trying to decide whether or not I should answer it. Talking to Alexander wouldn’t be very smart, especially considering my current state of mind. I had way too much wine in my system.

  The phone continued to ring as I tried to make a decision. I didn’t think that I could handle him at that particular moment. But then I reconsidered. Maybe I could.

  Okay, Stone. It’s time to have a little fun with you.

  A sly smile formed on my lips as I slid my finger along the touchscreen of the phone.

  “Hey, sexy,” I purred.

  “Krystina?” he asked hesitantly.


  “Where are you?”

  “I’m home, all by my lonesome little self,” I told him, trying to keep my words from slurring.

  “Are you…ah, okay?”

  “Oh, I could be better. But someone rejected me tonight,” I said in my best pouty voice.

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “Oh, come on now! Who drinks alone, you silly boy?”

  “Hmm. You sound…off.”


  I thought I was doing a good job.

  “It’s not my fault. You make me crazy, Alexander Stone.”

  “I do, huh?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes. You’re so myst…myst-er-ious.” I struggled to get the word out.

  Note to self – use small words right now.

  He was silent on the other end of the line. I could hear traffic in the background and I absently wondered where he was at this time of night.

  “Are you still there?” I asked him.

  “I’m here, Krystina,” he answered patiently. He was talking to me like I was a child and it was annoying.

  “Why do you make me so crazy?”

  “Trust me, Miss Cole. Crazy doesn’t even begin to describe the things you do to me.”

  “I like it when you call me ‘Miss Cole’. It’s so proper, yet so hot at the same time.”

  “I’m not sure how to respond to you right now. You’re usually much more inhibited.”

  “You make me like this,” I told him. I thought about my little angel and devil friends. The devil had the same mischievous smile that Alexander did. “You…you’re dangerous to me. Like the devil, constantly tempting me.”

  “Oh, really? And are you an angel?”

  “Actually…um, yes. I am an angel,” I said confidently, voicing my sudden revelation. “But you mister – you�
�re that pesky little devil on my shoulder that drowns out my angel’s warnings.”

  “What in the world are you talking about, Krystina?”

  “You know – a sub…a subconscious. Good versus evil. Like in the cartoons.”

  There was silence for a moment before the line suddenly went dead.

  Aww, what a party pooper. I was just starting to have some fun, too. Oh, well.

  I knew I would probably hate myself in the morning, but I didn’t particularly care. At that moment, I was envisioning Alexander as my own little devil and my skin began to tingle from the memories of his hand spanking my behind.

  I should have pushed him further tonight. I know he would have fucked me if I had any clue as to what I was doing. But no – I had to be the good little girl that I was, and left when he dismissed me.

  I should have Allyson give me some pointers on how to be more aggressive with men.

  I went back to my room and plugged the phone back into the dock. I laughed out loud when “Sweater Weather” started playing.

  “I love this song!” I shouted to the empty bedroom.

  And it was a sexy song too. I danced around my room, not caring that I probably looked like an idiot. It felt good. It made me wonder what it would be like with Alexander – to feel him inside me for the first time. A shiver of anticipation ran through me at the thought.

  Lost in my own little what-if sexual fantasies, a loud knock at the door of my apartment had me leaping out of my skin, interrupting the solo dance routine that I had been rocking.

  “Krystina! Open up,” came Alexander’s voice loudly through the door.

  Oh. My. God. He’s here. At my apartment.

  I quickly went to the door, as fast as my inebriated state would allow, bumping into half the furniture along the way. I opened the door and there he stood. I hungrily drank in every glorious sexy inch of him.

  “I’ve been knocking for five minutes. Why didn’t you answer sooner?” he demanded.


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