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Dirty Page 39

by Ella Miles

  “Tha—” I stop. I’m not going to thank him.

  He slinks back from me to his chair. “I hoped taking your mind off what I was about to do would help. Apparently, I was wrong.”

  I bite my lip.

  “The worst part is over. I’ll rinse out the wound and then close it with stitches. The novocaine I gave you earlier should make it, so you hardly feel a thing.”

  I nod.

  He begins to work, cleaning out the wound, flushing it with a clear liquid. When he gets the needle out, I close my eyes and grab the sheets again, preparing for a sharp sting. It never comes.

  I open my eyes, shocked as I watch him thread the needle through my skin as easily as he would cloth. He’s done this before. He’s too experienced not to have.

  “I can’t feel a thing.”

  His lips curl up a little, in what could be a smile if it wasn’t for this menacing glare.

  “I used to stitch my brother up on an almost weekly basis. I got skilled at it. Now I’m always working on one of the guy’s wounds. It beats paying a doctor’s bill every other week, and most of the time, the wounds couldn’t wait until we got them to the doctor anyway.”

  I continue to watch him sew up my leg. Not sure what to say or how to feel. My emotions are all over the place. Should I be thankful? Angry? Upset?

  I feel everything and more.

  He finally stops sewing and leans back to take a look at his work.

  “If it isn’t significantly better in a week, I’ll take you to the doctor myself.”

  I’m shocked at his words. “Thank you,” I say without thinking.

  His mouth drops open.

  Moments pass while we both sit staring at each other without speaking, hardly breathing. I have no doubt now he will keep his word and take me to the doctor if my leg doesn’t heal. But he’s done such a good job I’m not sure I can even hope for that to happen. Even if I were to go to a doctor, I have little hope for escape.

  He clears his throat. “I’m going to attach this stent to your leg to help keep the bone in the correct position and to remind you not to move your leg.”

  I nod and watch as he removes his gloves before he attaches the stent to the side of my leg with gauze. His hands are rough and calloused as they graze my skin causing tiny goosebumps to pop up.

  When he’s finished, he places a pillow under my leg so that it’s raised. Then he walks behind him to the closet and comes back with a thick blanket to drape over me.

  I gulp when he stops just inches from my body.

  “You should get some rest. I’ll bring you some food and more pain pills soon.”

  I nod, not willing to say thank you twice. Not to him.

  He turns and walks away. And the ache deep in my stomach grows stronger. I don’t need any other physical comforts right now. He’s made me entirely comfortable on his bed. The physical pain is all but a distant memory. But I still have needs, questions that haven’t been answered, and I won’t be able to get any rest without him answering.

  “Why did you save me?” I blurt out.

  He pauses and turns his head, but not his entire body.

  “Because you weren’t Armas’ to take.”

  “Why didn’t you rape me?”

  He hesitates. “Who says I won’t?”

  I swallow. Because he would have already raped me if that was his plan. He couldn’t even if he wanted to. No man that would spend that much time fixing my leg would hurt me.

  I narrow my eyes and firm my stare. “You won’t.”

  He laughs, and it sends chills down my arms, the only part of me not covered by the covers. “Don’t mistake me for someone who cares about you. I don’t. I’m cursed with the ability to heal, that’s all. And you’re mine. I wasn’t about to let another man touch you. Don’t think I won’t rape you, I will. Unlike Armas, I prefer my woman to have the ability to fight back.”

  “What happened to Armas? Will he try to come after me again?”


  His lips are tight, his jaw set as he speaks, but he doesn’t offer me up a further explanation.

  “I’m going to need more assurances than that.”

  He frowns as he runs his hand through his hair and finally faces me squarely on. His eyes peer into mine, and I stop breathing again. My body reacting to him unwillingly.

  “He’s dead,” he says, deadpanned like he was telling me the weather.


  “I killed him. Beat him to death for touching what is mine. I’ll make sure everyone else in his family is either dead or made to believe Armas deserved to be killed. No one will ever take you again. You’re mine.”

  My nipples harden, my lips part, and I feel a stirring deep in my belly begging to feel the erection I swear I see when I glance down at his crotch. If he notices me staring he doesn’t comment. Instead, he turns and strides out of the room, not bothering to tie me up or even lock the door. I couldn’t get far anyway, not with my leg the way it is even if I tried to crawl.

  My body continues to ache, and I throb between my legs, needing relief.

  The trauma from the car accident and rape must have fucked with my mind. That or the painkillers are making me delusional. There is no way I want to fuck Matteo. No way is that ever happening. I don’t care if he’s turned into the world’s greatest saint. There is nothing he can do to make me forgive him for what he’s done to me.



  Fuck this woman.

  Eden’s turned her charm on, and I don’t know how to stop my cock from falling for her ridiculous mind games. She thinks she can manipulate me into giving her back her freedom.

  She’s wrong.

  There is only one way for her to earn back her freedom. By telling me where I can find Nina. Otherwise, I’ll keep her trapped forever.



  Four weeks.

  That’s how long it’s been since the rape. That’s how long it’s been since my life changed forever.

  My leg healing was the easy part. After watching Matteo work, as I suspected, it has healed magnificently. The swelling has gone down. The skin has fused together where it was once open. And from what I can tell, my bones have begun the long road of healing as well.

  My mind is haunted. Armas may be dead, but he still has control over me. I don’t sleep without having a nightmare of him raping me. I jump at every loud noise or movement. I hate being alone with any man, even the servants who are only bringing me food.

  Matteo hasn’t visited. Not once since the night, he saved me. The staff and men have brought me food, books, and pain pills, and have told me he’s busy working. But I know it’s a lie. He’s staying away because I wasn’t the only one who changed when I was raped. He felt something too. What? I’m not sure, but it changed.

  I hear the familiar creak of the door as it opens. I expect one of the men, Maximo, or Dierk, or Paul to be coming in to check on me. One of them normally does around this time of day. The interaction is always brief; I’m sure Matteo gave them orders not to stay long. But it’s at least something to look forward to each day.

  I hope it’s Dierk. He lingers the longest and will sometimes make jokes or tell me about the outside world. Mainly the weather and a few current events, but it’s heaven when I don’t even get to look out the window or step a foot out of bed. I should try walking soon, but I need help. And I don’t trust any of the men to help me. Not to mention I need a bath, a change of clothes, and a walk outside to remember what fresh air smells like again.

  My jaw unhinges when Matteo walks into the room. He doesn’t look at me. He seems lost in thought as he pulls his gray T-shirt up over his head. My eyes travel over his chest, six-pack abs, and down the v that disappears into his running shorts.

  My mouth waters, both from glimpsing his body and from jealousy. He can run outside, while the only thing I can do is turn over in bed.

  I clear my throat, and he stops, examining at me like he forg
ot I was still in his room. Or I exist at all. His lips tighten together, he’s going to go about his business, go shower, or whatever he came up here to do, instead of engaging with me.

  “Have you tried walking yet?” he asks, surprising me by speaking.

  “No.” I plead with my heart to stop racing in my chest. He’s just a naked man. I’m excited because it’s been so long since I’ve experienced the pleasure and release that comes with a great fuck. That’s all.

  He takes the shirt in his hand and wipes the sweat from his forehead.

  “You should be able to walk by now. If not, we should call a doctor out here.”

  “I haven’t exactly had too many opportunities to walk. I don’t trust if I try to get out of bed by myself, that I won’t fall and hurt myself all over.”

  He raises an eyebrow as he edges closer to the bed.

  “You? Afraid of falling?” He chuckles. “I didn’t think you were scared of anything, let alone a little fall.”

  I narrow my eyes as the anger rolls through my body. I let it escape though, as swiftly as it came. I’ll prove Matteo wrong.

  I throw the covers off my body and reach down and pull the gauze off my leg holding the stent in place so that I can move my leg. I scoot to the edge of the bed until my legs dangle over the edge and without thinking, I place my legs on the floor and stand up.

  He claps in a slow, teasing sort of way when I stand.

  My cheeks blush red, and sweat covers my brow, now more determined than ever to prove to him I’m not afraid. I take a step forward, and gradually transfer my weight to my newly healed leg. I think I have it when my knee buckles and I fall.

  His arms catch me as my face and hands are about to make contact with the ground.

  “Well, at least you proved you aren’t frightened.”

  I snarl.

  He laughs again. His laughter soon turns solemn as he holds me up under my arms and I clutch his shoulders.

  “Try again.”

  I take a step forward, and this time, with his help, I’m ready to put some weight on my leg. Not enough that I’m able to walk on my own, but enough to confirm my leg is healing and gives me enough faith I will soon make a full recovery, at least where my leg is concerned.

  I grin so widely I’m sure my lips reach my eyes.

  Matteo grins too, in his own way. It looks as much like a smirk as it does a genuine grin.

  “Take me to the bathroom. I could use a bath.”

  “I was going to say you stink.”

  I hit him playfully, and he chuckles. It’s weird to be bantering like this. We seem normal. Like any two friends, or at least, close acquaintances would.

  “Bathroom. Now.”

  He smirks, and we make our slow trek to the bathroom taking far longer than I would like.

  When my feet hit the cold tile, I gaze up at the tall shower standing beyond the entrance. The shower is impressive with five different shower heads and glass surrounding all of the walls. I don’t have a hope of using it again anytime soon.

  “Help me into the bath. I can remove my clothes and turn the water on after you leave.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “No, you either strip now, or you don’t bathe at all. I should receive a reward for helping you get this far. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve glimpsed your naked body.”

  I blush when I remember he’s already seen me naked plenty of times before.

  I pull my shirt off and push my underwear down.

  Matteo’s eyes don’t go to my body like I was expecting. Instead, his eyes stay on mine.

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “I thought you wanted to ogle at my body.”

  “I do.”

  I swallow hard as my breath catches in my throat and my body shivers from the cold.

  He runs my arms up and down instinctively, warming me.

  He’s different. Kinder somehow.

  His eyes drift down my body, and I bite my lip squirming a little in his arms as he studies my curves.

  “You do not need to be embarrassed. You have an amazing body, even if it’s a little beat up at the moment.”

  “I’m not embarrassed.”

  “Then why are you squirming and your cheeks are blushed?”

  I frown. “Because I’m naked standing in front of a man who kidnapped me. I think I’m allowed to blush.”

  He holds my hand, keeping me upright while he leans over the tub and turns the water on to hot. The steam from it begins to fill the room.

  We are both silent for a moment while we wait for the bath to fill. I don’t like the silence. In the quiet, that’s when Armas creeps in making me unsafe. So I don’t let the silence stretch like I usually would.

  “Why do you always keep the blinds closed? I’ve been living in a cave for weeks. I asked the men to open them for me, but it was one of the things they wouldn’t do for me no matter how much I asked them to.”

  He chuckles. “A misunderstanding. They think I like the darkness. I often sit in my office with all the blinds closed. Every time I’ve allowed anyone into my personal space, it is always jet-black.”


  “Because that’s what I want them to see. I want them to think I’m nothing but a monster that lives in the night. I do like the dark when I need to focus and think, which happens to be often. I’ll make sure the blinds are open from now on.”

  My mouth is dry as he speaks. I nod instead of saying thanks.

  He reaches over and turns off the faucet. I glance over at the tub filled almost to the brim with water. I take a step toward the tub, forgetting I can’t walk on my own, and my leg gives out.

  Matteo holds me up though. He’s always holding me up. Saving me.

  He holds my arms as I carefully take the two steps over to the tub and step in. He doesn’t let me go until I’ve sunk into the warm water. I close my eyes as the liquid warms my body and starts melting the dirt caked on me. Along with anything remaining of Armas.

  I keep my eyes closed for a long time trying to push Armas out.

  I can’t.

  The warm water can’t do it.

  I should wash and get clean. Maybe, being clean will do the trick. I open my eyes and Matteo is still standing there.

  “You just going to stand there and creepily watch me?”

  He removes his shorts, and my heart stops. He’s going to join me.

  My eyes try to stay on his chest, but I can’t help but sneak a peek at his cock again. His cock is hard and thick, wanting me.

  My cheeks flush as I breathe and tear my eyes from his erection.

  I can’t.

  I don’t know what’s wrong with me; it’s like I’ve never seen a cock before.

  “Are you just going to stare at me creepily? Because I’d be more than okay if you were.”

  I attempt to smile like I’m not bothered, but he knows me well enough to realize the smile is a lie. By now my cheeks are bright red as I finally meet his gaze.

  His face is smiling brightly at me. For once, he doesn’t seem as serious or dangerous. He seems human.

  He starts walking toward me though, and I’m not sure I want him in the tub with me. My nipples may have hardened, and my sex may be aching for his cock, but it’s not what I want. I don’t want to have sex with a man as cruel as him.

  At the last second, he turns and steps into the all-glass shower, flipping the water on.

  I exhale.

  He’s not going to touch me.

  I try to ignore him as I take the bar of soap and begin scrubbing my body thoroughly. My eyes fluttering up to his naked ass any chance I get to take a glance without him noticing.

  He doesn’t glimpse my way though. He showers like I’m not two feet away and naked.

  I’ve washed every piece of skin I can find on my body, and I still don’t feel relaxed, though it helps the ache in my leg. I’m clean again. I should be calm, but I’m not.

  I dunk my head under the water washing off the last pieces of dirt
. I don’t have any shampoo to wash my hair, but dunking it in the soapy water does enough.

  When I resurface, Matteo is standing over me. Naked. His body dripping with water.

  My bottom lip quivers, both terrified and excited. What do I want from him? I don’t know. What does he want from me? He doesn’t know either.

  He extends his hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me up. He hands me a towel, and I take it wrapping it around my body. I lift my leg to step out, but he scoops me into his arms, a motion I’ve started to get used to and enjoy.

  “I don’t want you overworking your leg. I’ll teach you some exercises you can start doing to increase your leg strength slowly, so you don’t injure it again.”

  I nod, still unable to speak. Nothing but a towel separate my body from his.

  He takes me back to his bed.

  “Why do you always put me in your bed instead of one of the other bedrooms? Why give up your bed to me?”

  He gently lays me down as he stands over me, not at all embarrassed he’s naked. Not that he should be.

  “Because I want you in my bed.”

  He says it so simply like it’s obvious. He grabs a pillow and places it under my leg, lifting my leg up. Then he reaches for the towel clutched to my body. He snatches it out of my grip and pulls it off my body, exposing me again.

  My breathing speeds when the cold air hits, touching my warm skin. I close my eyes making an effort to calm my breathing to keep Matteo from thinking I’m into him.


  Armas’ face smirks down at me. His cock resting at my entrance.


  He pushes in any way. His cock burns inside me, ripping my insides apart as he rapes me. My body isn’t mine anymore. It’s his. He bites down on my nipple, and I cry. It hurts too much.

  I can’t escape him. It all hurts, but having his cock inside me is too much. His thrusts never end, and my body can’t take the intrusion much longer.

  “No. Please, stop.”

  He doesn’t. Not until his cum is spilling into me. It feels like lava. I want it out.

  “Eden,” Matteo’s voice calls out, saving me from my nightmare, as he saved me from that day.


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