Teaberry Chase

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Teaberry Chase Page 15

by R A Wallace

  “He ordered firewood Thursday?” Megan wasn’t sure it mattered, but she preferred having the details.

  “Yeah. Looks like it. Alva ordered Thursday and Roxie delivered later that same day.” Zeke flipped a page. “Gabe ordered his wood Saturday. Said he needed it for a party he gave that night. Had a little cookout for some of the campers here, I guess.”

  “Roxie would have delivered it during the day then?”

  “Yeah. Like I said. Gabe wanted it before his cookout.”

  “Is Roxie available?” Megan asked.

  Zeke set his notepad back down. “Not sure how much she can help you. She delivered the wood during the day. Ken Medina wasn’t killed until that evening.”

  “Still.” Megan flashed another quick smile. “You never know who might have a puzzle piece.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Do you know where we are?” Bella asked.

  Ethan looked around. “Not really, but I can still see Cooper.”

  Bella pulled her phone out of her pocket. “I still have a signal.”

  “That means we could call for help if we need it,” Ethan said.

  Bella looked around. They were walking in a wooded area now, but there was a well-defined trail. “There’s more light ahead.”

  “Must be another clearing. Cooper is waiting for us there.”

  “Do you think he really has the beagle’s scent?” Bella asked as she picked up the pace again.

  “I hope. If not, we just took a long walk for nothing.” Ethan bent down when they reached the border collie. “What’s up, Coop?”

  Cooper took off again through the clearing.

  “There’s a house over there.” Bella pointed in the direction they were walking.

  “Wish I knew where we were,” Ethan muttered.

  “I can figure it out if I still have a signal,” Bella said as she pulled her phone out again. “The map software shows where we are. We just need to zoom out and get a reference.” Bella stopped and showed Ethan. “See? This is us. The animal hospital is over here.”

  “Wow. We walked farther than I thought.” Ethan scanned the area for Cooper. “I think he’s over by that house. It’s on the other side of that tree line. We’d better get over there before the owner finds him.”

  Bella took off with Ethan. Once they reached the tree line that acted as a natural fence around the far side of a yard, they saw that a woman was with Cooper. She was sitting on the step of a back porch.

  She looked up when she realized they were approaching. “Is this a friend of yours?”

  “It is. That’s Cooper. He won’t hurt you.”

  The woman laughed. “No. He definitely will not.” She looked down at the border collie. He was sitting on the step below her. She had her hand on his head. “He’s a good boy.”

  “Looks like he didn’t find the beagle,” Bella said to Ethan.

  A look of dismay crossed his face. “Sorry. I really thought he was on to something.”

  “He was,” the woman said. “Sherlock was here. If that’s who you’re referring to?”

  “Sherlock?” Bella stepped closer to the woman. She guessed she was maybe around her mother’s age. “I’m Bella, by the way. Bella Prescott. You might know my mom.”


  Bella nodded. “This is Ethan Jenkins.”

  “I’m Misty. Misty Moore. This is my place.” Misty motioned at the small farmhouse behind her. “For now.”

  Bella wondered why Misty looked sad. “Ethan’s dad is the town vet. Do you know Casey?”

  Ethan’s eyes flew to Bella when she called Casey his dad.

  Misty smiled as she absently rubbed Cooper’s ears. “Casey, sure. Is that where Sherlock was? Makes sense. Looked like he’d been patched up.”

  “I hope he wasn’t any trouble,” Bella said.

  “Trouble?” Misty sounded genuinely confused. “Dogs are never trouble.”

  Bella and Ethan shared a smile.

  “I feel the same way about most animals but especially dogs and cats. I have one of each,” Bella said.

  “Where is Sherlock now?” Ethan asked Misty.

  “Oh, I took him home. Just got back, actually, when this guy appeared.” She motioned to Cooper.

  “Where is home for Sherlock?” Ethan asked.

  “My neighbor, Mr. Wilton. He was pretty thrilled to see Sherlock, that’s for sure. Mr. Wilton is in his eighties. The two of them keep each other company. Do you know where Sherlock got hurt?”

  “He was found out at the campground,” Bella said. “According to the map on my phone, that’s not all that far from here.”

  “The way the crow flies anyway.” Misty’s eyes widened. “I just saw something about the campground on the news. You know there was a death out there this past weekend, right?”

  Bella knew from Rhys that Megan was looking into it along with the police. “Yes. Hopefully, someone will have it solved soon.”

  “The police raided the place yesterday. Picked up a bunch of guys. I saw them when I was at the Chase with Dena,” Misty said.

  “You saw the guys that were arrested?” Bella moved forward and took a seat on the step next to Misty. Ethan took a seat on the other side of Cooper.

  “Dena knows Gabe.” Misty looked at Bella. “Do you know him?”

  “He’s Dan Parker’s brother.” Bella nodded toward Ethan. “Ethan is Megan and Dan’s neighbor and Dena works for my mom.”

  “I can’t believe Gabe would be involved in anything that bad,” Misty said with a frown. “Though I guess they didn’t mention his name on the news.”

  “I’m sure he wasn’t involved,” Bella said. “Or he would have been picked up with the others.”

  Misty looked down at Cooper. “I wonder what happened to the one guy’s dog?”

  Bella looked at Ethan then shifted her eyes back to Misty. “Dog?”

  “I didn’t get his name. He was running loose at the Chase. Must have gotten away from his owner. He spooked Dena’s son but didn’t mean to.” Misty’s brows pulled together again. “The dog had manners. The owner, not so much. I wanted to take the poor thing home with me. I got the impression he wasn’t treated well.”

  “You sound like you work with animals,” Bella said. “You remind me of Casey.”

  Misty smiled but it looked sad. “I wish. I just lost a job today.” She looked at Bella first then Ethan. “I can’t say that I blame them for it. I was horrible at this job.” She winced. “And the one before that.”

  “Why don’t you work with animals?” Bella asked.

  Misty opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. Finally, she said, “Huh.”

  Ethan looked at Cooper then Bella. “We should probably get back. Casey is going to get worried if he makes it back to the animal hospital and we aren’t there.”

  Misty stood when they did. “I don’t think you should walk. Like you said, the campground isn’t all that far from here. I wouldn’t feel right if I just let you wander back off. I should drive you over and drop you off.”

  Bella looked at Ethan and made a decision. “We’ll accept the ride but only if you do us a favor.”

  Misty and Ethan shared a look of confusion.

  “You may not know this, but Megan often works on mysteries that happen in Teaberry. She calls them puzzles. Anyway, with Gabe being in the middle of everything, I’m sure Megan must be working on this puzzle.” Bella looked at Ethan.

  Ethan nodded his understanding and turned to Misty. “We’d be happy to have a ride, but only if you promise to talk to Megan.”

  Bella pulled her phone out. “I have her number in my phone. I can call her right now.”


  Dan pulled into the parking lot in front of Gabe’s Garage. He was happy to see that there were cars in the parking lot either waiting to be worked on or ready to pick up. Both bay doors were open. Both bays had cars inside. As Dan approached the open bay doors, he heard the music blasting. He found his brother bent
over the front of a car. Dan bypassed Gabe and went to the radio in the back. He turned the volume down.

  Gabe poked his head around the hood. “Hey, brother. What brings you by?”

  Dan joined Gabe at the front. “I want to talk.”

  Gabe straightened at the tone of Dan’s voice. “About what?”

  Dan straightened to his full height and faced Gabe. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t knock your block off?”

  “What?” Gabe spread his feet out a little farther as though ready to fight.

  Dan pointed at him. “You should have told us what you were doing.”

  Gabe’s eyes narrowed as he wiped his hands on a towel. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Dan leaned in. “Liar. You gave our parents gray hairs with that charade of yours. Not to mention me.”

  Gabe tossed the towel down. “What charade?”

  Dan pointed again. “Megan figured it out.”

  Gabe grimaced. “Erica said she would.” He let out a sigh. “Listen, she needs to keep it to herself, okay?”

  “Too late. She already told mom and dad. Something you should have done,” Dan repeated.

  Gabe shook his head. He looked tired. “You know I couldn’t. You also know that I wanted to. Right?”

  Dan breathed in. He wasn’t ready to let go of his mad yet. “But you didn’t,” he insisted.

  “There was too much at stake. I knew these people. I wasn’t friends with them, I didn’t hang out with them, but they were always there. Around the fringes. Nothing good ever came of their presence. They were into every bad thing you can think of and several that you can’t. Drugs, identity theft, you name it. If they could figure out a way to make money from it, they did it.” Gabe waved his hands. “I couldn’t let them bring that here.”

  Dan dropped his gaze. He took a step back. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Gabe’s disbelief was obvious. He didn’t expect Dan to let him off so easily.

  “I get it, okay? I’m about to have a child. I want them to grow up in the Teaberry that I remember. Not the messed up scary one that you’re describing.”

  Gabe nodded slowly as he stared at his brother. “Okay. So, we’re good?”

  Dan held out his hand. “Yeah, we’re good.”

  Gabe reached his hand out. Dan grabbed it and pulled him in for a hug. “Just don’t do it again.”


  Megan found Roxie where Zeke had told her to look. She was loading up firewood into the back of a four wheeler. Megan introduced herself and explained why she was there.

  “You’re like one of those characters in a book,” Roxie said. “The nosey resident of a community that goes around getting into everyone’s business.”

  “Something like that,” Megan agreed. “I understand that you delivered firewood for several of the people involved in the raid? Zeke mentioned that you dropped wood off for Alva Guzman.”

  Roxie continued to load wood into the four wheeler. “If you say so.”

  Megan thought back to what Zeke said. “Site two oh six?”

  “Oh, yeah. That I did.” Roxie tossed another log.

  “And also for Gabe?”

  “Him I know.” Roxie paused for a moment and looked at Megan. “He wasn’t one of the ones picked up by the police.”

  Megan smiled. “No, he wasn’t. Did you notice anything unusual when you delivered the wood?”

  “Nope.” Roxie lifted another log.

  Megan looked around. They were next to an outbuilding. She imagined they kept the lawn equipment there and whatever else they needed to maintain the campground. There was a tractor parked next to the building. It had train cars hooked up to the back of it.

  “You deliver firewood during the day?” Megan asked.

  Roxie paused again and pointed toward the tractor. “And the train in the evenings, yeah.”

  “The murder occurred during the evening,” Megan said. “Did you notice anything unusual then.”

  Roxie hesitated for a moment before bending to pick up another log. “Just the dog.”

  “What dog?”

  “At two oh six.”

  “Alva’s dog?”

  “I guess. Anyway, the dog was tied up at two oh six but he was facing the other camp site and barking.” Roxie tossed the log in. “I told the police this too.”

  “Which camp site?”

  Roxie picked up another log. “The one where the victim was staying.”

  “You don’t know what the dog was barking about?” Megan watched Roxie toss the last log into the back.

  “No idea. Can’t imagine it was normal. None of the other campers ever complained about it and I never heard it barking when I made deliveries. Speaking of which.” She pointed to the four wheeler. “I need to make one now. It’s Friday. Everyone will be here tonight and they’ll want their campfires.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Misty stopped near the front door of the animal hospital just as her phone buzzed. She picked it up and checked the message.

  “Megan just texted me back. She wants to meet with me now.” Misty motioned to the building. “You’re sure Casey is still there?”

  “Yeah. He replied to my text letting him know that you were dropping us off.” Bella smiled as she got out of the car. “Thanks for the ride. Hopefully, you’ll have a piece of Megan’s puzzle.”

  Ethan waved before opening the front door of the building. He let Bella and Cooper pass through first. They found Casey standing at the window where the receptionist usually sat. The waiting room was empty.

  “Sherlock, huh?” Casey opened the door leading to the exam rooms and crossed into the waiting room.

  “Misty didn’t seem very surprised when he ended up at her place,” Ethan said. “Or when Cooper did either, for that matter.”

  Casey laughed as he took a seat. “I’m not surprised. It isn’t the first time dogs from here have shown up at her door.”

  “Seriously?” Ethan took a seat near Casey.

  “She’s like some sort of dog magnet,” Casey said. “Always has been. No matter where she goes, they seem to chase her.”

  “That’s funny.” Ethan reached for Cooper. The border collie sat between his feet.

  “They always seem to behave better around her,” Casey said as he watched Cooper.

  “I suggested that she try some sort of job working with animals.” Bella took a seat next to Casey. “It seems like something that would make her happy. I felt bad when she told us she’d just lost her job today.”

  “Maybe she’ll figure something out,” Casey said. He looked at one then the other. “Have you two had enough excitement for one day?”

  “We know that Cooper can track a dog now,” Ethan pointed out.

  Casey chuckled. “I guess.” He pointed at Bella as he stood. “We need to get you home.” He pointed at Ethan. “You have chores.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Ethan grinned as he stood. “Come on, Coop. You did good today.”

  “He did very well,” Bella agreed as Casey locked the front door and turned around.

  “Truck is out back,” Casey said as he crossed back through to the other side. “Next time, you two need to text me before you go haring off.”

  Bella and Ethan shared a smile behind Casey’s back.

  “Yes, sir,” they said in unison.


  Megan parked in front of Misty’s small farmhouse. Misty was waiting for her on the front porch. Megan climbed the steps and took a seat next to her.

  “Thanks for meeting with me,” Megan said.

  Misty gave an apologetic smile. “I’m not sure what help I can be. The kids seemed to think it was a good idea.”

  Megan wasn’t sure either. “What were you talking about when they suggested it?”

  “A dog, actually. It belonged to one of those men they picked up at the campground.”

  Megan crossed her fingers. “Do you remember what the man’s name was?”

  Misty made
a face. “Al or Alvin or something.”


  “Yes. I think that was it. I didn’t pay any attention to the other names they flashed on the news. I just remember the guy with the dog.”

  “When did you see the dog?” Megan thought about what Dena had told her. “It wasn’t at the Chase was it? When you went with Dena and the boys?”

  Misty’s eyes widened. “You know about that?”

  “Dena told me.”

  “Yeah. It was there. We were walking back to the car. A dog rushed the boys and shook them up pretty bad. The oldest boy tried to laugh it off, but I could tell they were both scared.” Misty’s eyes held concern behind her purple tortoiseshell glasses. “It wasn’t the dog’s fault. He was just as scared as the boys were. He didn’t understand why there were so many strange people everywhere.”

  “What happened next?”

  A frown pulled the sides of Misty’s mouth down. “The owner. That Alva guy. He grabbed the dog’s collar and pulled him away.” She shook her head. “Yelled at the dog the whole time like it was all his fault.”

  Megan wondered if what Misty was telling her helped with her puzzle.

  “It wasn’t the first time we’d seen them, of course,” Misty continued. “They were all together earlier when they stopped to talk to Dena.”

  “Was that when Gabe was with them?” Megan wondered why Dena hadn’t mentioned the dog. She probably hadn’t thought it was important.

  “Yeah. It was pretty obvious then that the dog didn’t like the owner.”


  “He definitely liked Gabe.” Misty frowned. “And that guy that was killed.”

  “Ken Medina?”

  Misty shrugged. “I didn’t pay any attention to his name. I did see his picture on the news. It was the same guy that the black and white dog liked.”

  “How could you tell that?”

  “The dog didn’t try to hide his feelings,” Misty said wryly. “He barked at the owner and it wasn’t a happy bark. More like an agitated, growling kind of bark.”

  “Yeah. I guess that’s pretty obvious.” Megan looked at the view from the porch. There weren’t a lot of houses close to Misty’s. It was a nice, rural area.


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