Claiming Callie: Part one

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Claiming Callie: Part one Page 6

by Rion, Paige

  Dean’s jaw drops and he stares at her like she’s stupid.

  A flare of irritation shoots up Callie’s spine. I am so sick of him treating me like a child.

  She fists her hands by her side and says, “What? Is that so hard to believe? A guy can’t be pining away for me? An attractive, rich guy? Why is that so far-fetched?”

  “Good one, Dean,” Jinny murmurs from behind them. “Now she’s pissed.”

  Dean flinches. “N-n-no… It’s just—”

  “Well, I’ll have you know that a lot of men find me quite attractive.” Callie moves toward him, pointing a finger at his chest. She pokes him once. Then again, right in the sternum.

  “I may be doing this escort thing, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a normal woman. And I may not care about his money, but I happen to like an attractive man who knows what he wants, even if it took this…thing I’m doing to give him the courage to ask me out.” Straightening, Callie lowers her hand, letting the heat of anger recede. “And I happen to think it’s sweet.”

  “Sweet? Ahh!” Dean presses his face into his hands for a moment, still holding his beer. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” His head whips toward Todd and he shoves his free hand into his thick, dark hair. “Come on, man. You’ve got to know what I’m saying. Tell them what you think. This guy…he sounds phony. Bad news. I mean, what kind of guy pays five hundred fucking dollars to go on a date?”

  Todd’s eyes dart from Dean to Jinny. “Um. I don’t know,” he mumbles.

  “Dude…” Dean says, desperation clear in his voice.

  “Listen, I’m not sure…It does sound kind of weird.” Jinny and Callie both shoot Todd a warning glare, and he quickly adds, “But I’m sure Callie knows what she’s doing. She can take care of herself.”

  “There. See?” Callie crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s fine.”

  Dean turns to her, and the despair on his face is palpable. Callie knows he’s been overprotective of her since she lost her parents. The pain she went through was unlike anything she’d experienced before—something she hoped to never experience again—and Dean and Jinny had witnessed it all. They were there to see her through her darkest moments. They helped her through her grief. But it’s time he starts seeing her as a twenty-two-year-old woman, not a distraught, grieving teenager. She realizes he’s only doing what he thinks is right in trying to protect her, but…

  She drops her arms, softening her stance. “I truly don’t think you need to worry.”

  But his expression remains unconvinced, and a thought dawns on her. Something that would reassure him and get him off her back. “Hey, you know the guy, actually.” She smiles. “I almost forgot, but you should know him fairly well. He plays basketball, too. In fact, I’ve seen you hang out with him before. That’s probably how he knows who I am.”

  Dean cocks his head. “Who is it?”

  “Your teammate Jason.”



  The moment the words leave Callie’s mouth, all the wind is knocked out of him. He can’t breathe. He can’t speak. He’s frozen. His mind is the only thing moving, and it’s galloping like a racehorse at full speed, picturing Jason’s cocky face in his head. The face Dean would like to smash into a million pieces. The one he just saw that morning. And all he can hear is Jason’s voice in his head, loud as gunfire. I’ll win the next one. And this time the stakes will be higher.

  Fuck. No…no…no… He couldn’t have meant Callie, could he? Even Jason isn’t that much of a prick.

  Hell, who am I kidding? Of course he is.

  Anger flashes through him, white hot, and he recalls what Callie said about it. That she thought his phony crush was sweet. Not only is he going out on this date with her to get back at Dean, but he’s selling her his story—the one he must’ve overheard in the coffee shop. Or a twisted version of it, anyway.

  “No,” Dean growls. He steps forward and grabs Callie’s arms. “There’s no way in hell you’re going out with that ass-hat.”

  “What the—get off me,” Callie says, shaking his arms off her. “Seriously? What is your problem? I really think you’ve gone postal. You’re on some weird overprotective-psycho-brother overdrive.”

  Jinny stands up and moves to Callie’s side. “I agree. You need to back off now, Dean.” Her eyes flash a warning, but Dean doesn’t care. Maybe he has finally lost it.

  “You don’t understand!” Dean shakes his head.

  I have to get her to call off the date. She can’t go out with Jason.

  “He’s a self-serving, cocky, rich asshole who thinks he can get anything he wants. He—”

  “Wow. Sounds just like you, minus the rich part,” Jinny spits.

  Dean grits his teeth and stares down his sister.

  I’ve had about enough of you not taking my side! Just because you’re two years older doesn’t make you smarter. Clearly.

  Callie raises her hand, breaking through his thoughts, her expression eerily calm.

  Dean stops looking daggers at his sister so he can hear what she has to say, in the hopes that she’ll finally come to her senses.

  “Listen, I know your intentions are good, but I have a shot to put a good chunk of money on my debt. In one night. And to go out with someone I actually want to date. So what if it took paying for a date to get him to finally ask me out. He likes me. I’m sorry if you don’t approve, but I had a father once. He’s gone. And I don’t need a replacement.”

  Dean freezes. His heart does one giant thud in his chest before it seems to come to a complete halt. Callie’s eyes scan his face, looking as though he’s the most pathetic thing she’s ever seen, before she brushes past him toward her room, and all he wants to do is chase after her. But that’s not his role. And the words she just spoke continue to slice through him.

  “Nice,” Jinny says, her eyes hard on his face.

  Dean swallows. Shit.

  He screwed up—big time—and the urge to run from the apartment, from Callie’s words, hits him full force. Turning, he moves through the room in three strides, places his half-empty beer on the table, grabs his ball, and leaves.

  Closing the door behind him, he leans back on it and raises his gaze to the ceiling. His heart squeezes in his chest and his stomach churns.

  Breathe, breathe, breathe…

  His breath comes out in ragged puffs, as though he just ran a marathon.

  Well, now I know there’s a step down from brother.

  He’d take brother any day. Father is way worse.




  Callie can’t get Dean’s warnings out of her head. Try as she might, big flashing caution signs go off and on in her head every five minutes—like some flaring beacon, not to be ignored. Now that they’ve left the theater, she finds herself eyeing Jason from the passenger seat of his fancy car, wondering why he, of all people—college jock, gorgeous, rich, and seemingly charming—would want to pay for a date.

  Has he really been secretly pining away for me the last couple years?

  Callie chews her bottom lip, unsure what to think, and hating that Dean has gotten to her.

  Damn you, stupid bestie-brother-stand-in.

  She wants this date to go well. It may be a business transaction, but she hasn’t been out with a cute guy in ages. Not since that dope cheated on her last year. It had hurt Callie far more than she let on. Then again, maybe she hadn’t fooled anyone. At least not Dean. Maybe that’s why he’s acting so protective now.

  Yes, that explains it.

  She peers over at Jason, who gives her a sidelong glance and grins. Her stomach twirls.

  Who could resist a basketball player with long arms, bulging biceps, and dark eyes that sparkle when he flashes that perfect smile? Not me, that’s who.

  “I know I already told you, but God, that dress is killer.” His throaty voice fills the car as his eyes linger over the length of her, then drift back to her face.

nbsp; Callie blushes and bites back a goofy grin. “So you said.”

  See! You’re just letting Dean make you paranoid.

  From this moment on, she is going to relax with Jason and enjoy being out with him. After all, he’s been nothing but a gentleman since he picked her up. He took her to see a musical, and Callie loved every second of it. She hadn’t been to anything like it since high school, and she had forgotten how much fun they were.

  Now he’s taking her to Anwar’s—one of the best restaurants in the city, with a waiting list a mile long. She has no idea how he even got a table there. But she doesn’t care. Because this night. Is. Awesome.

  There. All thoughts of Dean’s rant, gone.

  Jason pulls up to the curb and lets the valet take his car, then escorts Callie into the restaurant. His hand presses into the small of her back as they move, making her stomach dip.

  He walks up to the maître d’ while Callie hangs back, waiting for him. In seconds, Jason shoves his hands in his pockets, and she can hear the raised octave of his voice. His face turns red as he speaks—now clearly worked up—and when she moves to his side to see what’s going on, flashbacks of her date with the balding Rick O’Toole come back full throttle.

  He turns to her and she shakes the memory of the doomed date away.

  “Oh, God,” he says, placing a hand over his face.

  What is he shielding himself from? Embarrassment?

  “This is… Well, this is not the way I planned tonight…” He stares at his feet, unable to look her in the eye.

  His mortification is palpable, and a stab of sympathy hits her. “We don’t have a reservation, do we?”

  He meets her gaze. “No. I, uh… My parents usually secure a table at least once a month, but it turns out they’re using it. Right now, in fact.” He steps forward, his hands fluttering in front of him, as if he’s suddenly unsure of what to do with himself. “I’m sorry. I had no idea. But the only way we’re dining here is if we sit with them.”

  Um. Sit with his parents on a first date? One he’s paying me a great deal of money for? AWKWARD!

  The idea sits in Callie’s gut like a lead brick. “That’s okay. Really, I don’t mind going somewhere else. It’s no big deal. I’m just enjoying being in your company.”

  Is it okay to say that? I am being paid, after all.

  His eyes light up. “Yeah?”

  Callie nods. “We can go anywhere. Your choice.”

  He rubs his jaw and then smirks, and something about the gesture twists Callie’s stomach, and not in a good way—in a weird way she can’t pinpoint.

  “I know the perfect place. The atmosphere is more laid-back, and the food’s just as good, in my opinion.” He reaches out and envelops her hand in his.

  “Okay, let’s do it, then.”

  “If you say so…” He grins and leads her out of the restaurant.

  Five minutes later, they pull into the lot of a towering apartment building. Callie glances up at the stone monstrosity and swallows.

  “I happen to make killer Italian. And we were only a few blocks from my place. So…” He shrugs, like he’s trying to come off as nonchalant, but Callie senses he loves the idea of hanging at his apartment far too much.

  Or am I just being paranoid again? Sheesh, get a grip, Callie. It’s not as though this is your first time alone with an attractive man. It’s fine. Totally fine.

  But I don’t feel fine. Her heart jumps in her throat. Something about going up to his place after he paid her a great sum of money for this date feels…wrong. Dean’s whacked-out, overly furious expression flashes in her head at the thought, and she grimaces. He would completely disapprove, and she’s totally letting him play with her head.

  Strap-on your big girl shoes, sister, you’re going in. So what if he paid you for this date? He’s paying for your company, after all. And that’s all you’re giving him. Your company. Whether it’s in a crowded restaurant or in his fancy-schmancy apartment should make no difference.


  Callie pushes her shoulders back and meets Jason’s expectant gaze. “Sure. This is fine. Sounds great, actually.”

  Jason’s posture visibly relaxes at her response. “Great. Let’s go.”

  He moves out of the car and around to her side, opening the door for her before she can do so herself. She steps out, being careful to keep her legs closed in the short dress she’s wearing, and follows up the walkway to the huge glass doors, where a greeter murmurs his recognition to Jason and gives him a polite nod, then lets them inside.

  Callie gasps as she takes in the expansive foyer with its dark marble floors, huge chandeliers hanging above like clusters of fallen stars, and stark white walls boasting huge contemporary pieces of art she imagines must cost a fortune.

  Jason smiles beside her but is polite enough not to comment on her gawking. She snaps her mouth shut and follows him into the elevator. The doors slide shut, and suddenly, being this close to him—a man she hardly knows, in such a small space—quickens her pulse to a gallop. She watches him out of the corner of her eye, hoping he doesn’t sense her nerves. He stands, hands in his pockets, eyes a shimmering brown, and in that moment, he’s the picture of a self-assured man.

  Is he just comfortable in his element? Or feeling smug? She’s not sure, but this doesn’t seem like a guy who’s too afraid to confront a woman he has a crush on.

  The doors slide open, and they step into a spacious hallway, where Jason leads her to his apartment. He punches a combination into an electronic keypad and the lock clicks, then the door opens. Cassie stifles a gasp as she steps inside. The apartment is unlike any other college pad she’s ever seen. Huge, seamless windows give a spectacular view of the city. The lights of the tall buildings and the headlights of passing traffic twinkle in the dark night like fireflies. All of his walls are painted white, a stark contrast to the espresso wood on the floors, and paintings, much like the ones in the lobby, grace almost every wall. The furniture is all clean and modern—black leather, with the kind of simplistic lines that read money.

  Do college kids really live like this?

  Yeah, rich ones must. Rich college kids who can afford to pay their longtime crush for a date simply because they’re nervous and it’s a guarantee.

  But what kind of jobs do his parents have if they can afford a place like this for their kid? Sheesh.

  “Um…” Callie murmurs because she needs to say something but is still too shell-shocked. “This is awesome.”

  Jason smiles and moves into the kitchen with its sleek white cabinets and marble countertops. “Yeah. I love it. My dad actually owns this building. So…” He shrugs like it’s no big deal and pulls two wineglasses from a cupboard.

  Holy crap!

  He lifts the wine bottle, gesturing to the other room. “You can take a seat on the couch if you want, or wherever you’re comfortable. I’ll fix us something in a minute.”

  “Oh, okay.” Callie turns and moves to the black leather sofa. When he joins her, he holds out one of the glasses, filled with a deep merlot. She accepts the glass and has to clamp her lips shut to keep from chuckling at the contrast with the way she and Jinny usually drink wine—out of paper cups.

  He settles in next to her—a little too close for comfort—and drapes one arm across her shoulders. She takes a sip of her wine, trying to tamp down the flutter of nerves in her throat. She needs to loosen up, but how can she when she barely knows this man? And she’s sitting here in his beautiful apartment, drinking wine, with him sitting only inches away from her.

  “So…” Callie trails off, trying to think of what to say.

  “So…” Jason smiles at her and leans even farther into her.

  Awkward! Okay, relax, Callie.

  Reassurance. I just need a little reassurance.

  She clears her throat. “You said you had a crush on me for a long time. How long?” She smiles and tilts her head, waiting for his response and letting him know she’s interested.

  “I guess it started a couple years ago when I saw Dean with you and Jinny. You were at one of our games or something, and afterward, I asked Dean who the gorgeous blond girl was. He told me that you were his sister’s best friend, and like a sister to him as well, and I was immediately bummed.” He shook his head and grinned. “I figured there was no way I could ask you out. What if we didn’t work out? Or it ended badly? Would Dean blame me if I couldn’t make you happy?”

  “You would really let Dean’s friendship with me stop you?”

  “Well, I’m not usually that noble, but Dean and I are the best on the team. We have been since we started here. Hell, we’ve picked this team up and taken them farther than anyone has in the last fifteen years. We need to have a strong friendship. If things turn to shit with Dean and me, the team suffers…so I was stuck. Stuck with this huge crush on this gorgeous girl and nothing I could do about it.”

  Oh, my! He’s hot and adorable.

  “Well, I do love Dean like a brother, but it’s none of his business who I date. He looks out for me a lot—I think more so than a normal friend would, just because of what happened with my parents, but he needs to learn when to quit.”

  Jason narrows his eyes. “What happened with your parents?”

  “Uh, that’s probably too long of a story to tell.” She shakes her head. The familiar wrenching in her chest makes it hard to breathe, and she waves the subject away before it can paralyze their conversation. “So, how’d you know about my, uh…the business I’m doing now?”

  Jason chuckles and glances up at her over the rim of his glass before he takes a sip. “Well, I heard Dean talking about it, actually.”


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