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Bullies Page 34

by Ben Shapiro

  3. Liberty Chick, “Flashback: Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist,” Breitbart News, October 11, 2010, http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2010/10/11/Progressives-Embrace-Convicted-Terrorist, accessed July 2012.

  4. “Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism.”

  5. Tiffany Gabbay, “Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence,” TheBlaze.com, May 25, 2012, http://www.theblaze.com/stories/readymeet-soros-funded-domestic-terrorist-brett-kimberlin-whose-job-is-terrorizing-bloggers-into-silence/, accessed July 2012.

  6. Robert Stacy McCain, “Never Doubt That God Answers Prayers,” TheOtherMcCain.com, May 21, 2012, http://theothermccain.com/2012/05/21/never-doubt-that-god-answers-prayer/, accessed July 2012.

  7. Mobutu and General Ze’evi, “Andrew Breitbart: Big Deal, Big Coronary, Big Corpse,” Gawker.com, March 6, 2012, http://gawker.com/5890660/andrew-breitbart-big-deal-big-coronary-big-corpse, accessed July 2012.

  8. “Touré on Breitbart: What He Added To The Discourse Was Dangerous,” RealClearPolitics.com, March 1, 2012, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/03/01/


  the_public_discourse_was_dangerous.html, accessed July 2012.

  9. “Andrew Breitbart’s death: The ‘astonishing’ liberal gloating,” TheWeek.com, March 2, 2012, http://theweek.com/article/index/225097/andrew-breitbarts-death-the-astonishing-liberal-gloating, accessed July 2012.

  10. Charlie Spiering, “Liberals celebrate death of Andrew Breitbart,” WashingtonExaminer.com, March 5, 2012, http://washingtonexaminer.com/article/1153471, accessed July 2012.


  Abbas, Mahmoud, 248

  ABC, ABC News, 20, 22, 89

  sexual issues and, 178, 230

  abortion, 68, 168–75, 229–30

  bullies on, 12, 15

  feminists and, 165–66, 169–70, 175

  Palin and, 159–60

  religious issues and, 225, 229

  science and, 242–43

  Abu Ghraib, 73

  Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 115

  Abunimah, Ali, 246

  Adams, J. Christian, 116

  Adelson, Sheldon, 152–53

  Adler, Ben, 161

  Advocate, 197

  affirmative action, 3, 108–10, 115

  Afghanistan, 220, 248

  anti-Americanism in, 66–67

  Islamophobia and, 64–67

  U.S. war in, 64–66, 72–74

  AFL-CIO, 98, 137

  African Methodist Episcopal Church, General Conference of, 224

  Albany, Oreg., 56

  Aldro, George, 144

  Alinksy, Saul, 13, 26, 171, 197

  Alito, Samuel, 35, 200

  Allen Chapel AME Church, 86

  American exceptionalism, 40, 58, 75–76

  American Federation of Teachers, 176

  American International Group (AIG), 124

  American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 249

  American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), 13, 96–100

  corporate sponsors of, 99–100, 171

  Martin case and, 97, 99

  stand-your-ground law and, 97–98

  voter ID measures and, 98–99

  American Revolution, 46, 58

  Americans for Prosperity, 151

  American Taliban, 237–38

  Anderson, Nels, 133

  And the Band Played On (Shilts), 197

  Angle, Sharron, 11, 61

  anti-Semites, anti-Semitism, 65, 102, 244–54

  bullying of, 252–53

  class issues and, 135–36, 145, 148, 153

  Israel and, 12, 27, 148, 244–45, 247–51, 253

  Apocalypse Now, 71

  Arabiya, Al, 37–38, 73

  Argentina, 41

  Arian, Sami Al-, 29, 246–47


  immigration issues and, 11, 60, 117–19

  “rightwing” extremism and, 59–60

  Arkansas, University of, Fort Smith, 194

  Assange, Julian, 44

  Associated Press (AP), 66, 84, 148, 173

  Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), 23, 120–21, 137, 261

  Atlantic, 44, 104–5, 160, 173

  autos, auto industry:

  bailouts and, 138–39

  environmental issues and, 201–3, 206–7, 215, 220

  labor unions and, 135, 138–39, 144

  Avatar, 221

  Axelrod, David, 154–55, 176–77, 221, 246

  Ayers, Bill:

  9/11 interview of, 53–54

  terrorism of, 29, 42, 53–54

  Vietnam War and, 42, 50, 53–54

  Azerbaijan, 250

  Bachmann, Michele, 162, 229

  Baer, Greg, 141, 145


  in auto industry, 138–39

  class issues and, 138–39, 142, 157

  economic crisis and, 123–24

  Occupy movement and, 144, 146

  Bain Capital, 155–56

  Bank of America, 124, 141, 145–46


  bailout of, 124, 144

  class issues and, 141, 145–46

  economic crisis and, 124–26, 136

  Occupy movement and, 144–45

  Bashir, Martin, 254

  Bauer, Gary, 184

  Bay, Robert, 112

  BBC, 66

  Bear Stearns, 123

  Beauchamp, Scott Thomas, 73

  Behar, Joy, 11, 255

  Beinart, Peter, 251

  Bell, Derrick:

  anti-Semitism of, 245–46

  race theory of, 114–15

  Bellavia, David, 74

  Ben Ami, Jeremy, 251

  Berkeley, Calif., 44

  Bernanke, Ben, 124

  Bernstein, Leonard, 112–13

  Bérubé, Michael, 44

  Bias (Goldberg), 24

  Biden, Joe, 107, 143–44, 183

  Bieber, Justin, 57

  bin Laden, Osama, 65, 72, 143, 215, 238, 246

  Birch, Elizabeth, 176

  Black, Jack, 189

  Black Panther Party, 111–13

  blacks, 57, 59, 69

  civil rights and, 62, 88, 94, 103, 108, 110–11, 113

  see also under racists, racism, race

  Blow, Charles, 85, 255

  Bluestockings, 147

  Blumenthal, Max, 121, 162, 245

  Blumenthal, Sidney, 245

  Boehlert, Eric, 247

  Bonus March, 131–34, 137

  Booker, Cory, 155

  Born on the Fourth of July, 71

  boycotts, 28, 99, 120, 135, 251

  left bullying and, 13–14

  sexual issues and, 168, 187, 191, 234

  Brawley, Tawana, 85

  Breitbart, Andrew, 4–9, 22, 103, 258–63

  ACORN and, 120–21, 261

  on bullies, 5–8, 263

  death of, 4, 7–9, 16, 162, 258, 260–62

  as fighter, 5–7, 9, 16, 260–62

  goal of, 262–63

  hateful emails of, 8–9

  on Media Matters, 4–5

  on SWATting, 258–59

  Breitbart, Suzie, 9

  Breitbart News, 8, 22, 261

  Brewer, Contessa, 101

  Brewer, Jan, 11, 117–19

  Brinker, Nancy, 170, 174

  British Petroleum (BP), 10, 216–18

  Brock, David, 5, 13, 24–26, 153, 155

  Brown, Corrine, 91

  Brown, Jerry, 55

  Brown, Tina, 21

  Brown v. Board of Education, 109, 114–15

  Bryant, Jamal, 86–87

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 247

  bullies, bullying:

  anti-American, 11, 16

  crisis of, 1–2

  meaning of, 10

  standing up to, 6–8, 257–58, 262–63

  victims vs., 5–6, 16

  Bully, 32

  Burgess, Emmanuel, 82

  Burleson, Albert Sidney, 45–46

  Burns, Eric, 26

  Burton, Bill, 155

  Bush, George W., 31–32, 35, 42, 100, 107, 157, 159

  economic crisis and, 123–24

  Iraq War and, 45, 65

  Islamophobia and, 64–65

  military and, 68, 71–72

  9/11 and, 10, 53, 64

  patriotism and, 45–46, 53

  science and, 240–41

  Bush, Laura, 177

  Buss, Kaitlyn, 100

  Cain, Herman, 102, 122, 184

  Cairo, 38, 248

  Calderon, Felipe, 118


  patriotism and, 55–56

  Proposition 8 in, 13–14, 33, 184, 189–92, 226–28

  California, University of, Davis, 109

  California, University of, Los Angeles (UCLA), 166

  Camelot and the Cultural Revolution (Piereson), 62

  Cameron, David, 217

  Cameron, James, 221

  Cameron, Judy L., 244

  Cantor, Eric, 120

  Capehart, Jonathan, 2, 97

  capitalists, capitalism, 34, 47, 62, 114, 124

  class issues and, 129, 136, 144–45, 158, 221

  environmental issues and, 201, 207, 221

  Occupy movement and, 95–96, 144–45

  patriotism and, 48, 50

  racial issues and, 95–96, 112

  Captain Planet, 221

  Carafano, James Jay, 70

  card check, 138

  Carey, Mariah, 32

  Carlos III, King of Spain, 92

  Carmichael, Stokely, 112

  Carney, Jay, 79, 147, 233

  Carson, André, 103

  Carson, Rachel, 207

  Cartoon Network, 2

  Carusone, Angelo, 234

  Carville, James, 26

  Casey, Bob, 158, 184

  Casey, George, 71

  Catholics, Catholic Church, 81, 153, 171–73, 175, 230–33, 236, 253

  Cathy, Dan, 187

  CBS, CBS News, 24, 36, 148, 210, 239

  Center for American Progress (CAP), 13, 24–25, 28, 34

  Center for Social Inclusion, 119–20

  Center for Sun-Climate Research, 208

  Cermak, Anton, 62

  charities, 18, 27–28, 170, 231, 235

  Chavez, Hugo, 39

  Cher, 255

  Chevy Volt, 201

  Chicago Tribune, 73

  chickenhawk argument, 68–69

  Chick-Fil-A, 187

  China, 40–42, 169, 204

  Chomsky, Noam, 237, 253

  Christians, Christianity, 11, 225–27, 235–40, 244

  comparisons between Taliban and, 237–39, 254

  Obama and, 226–27, 235–36

  secularism and, 229, 253–56

  sexual issues and, 168, 184

  Christoffersen, Margie, 191

  Chrysler, 135, 138–39

  Chu, Steven, 216

  Churchill, Ward, 16, 29, 65

  Cinco de Mayo, 56

  Citigroup, 124

  Citizens United, 153

  civil rights, 62, 88, 94, 103, 108, 110–11, 113

  Civil War, 18, 48, 100, 114, 118

  Clapper, James, 40

  class, class bullying, 3, 32, 49, 124–58, 258, 262

  Bonus March and, 131–34

  economic crisis and, 124–25

  environmental issues and, 217, 220–21

  labor unions and, 126, 131–42

  military and, 69–70

  Occupy movement and, 11–12, 126, 128, 142, 144–50, 153, 155

  origins of, 128–36

  racial issues and, 90, 104, 108, 112, 115

  Wurzelbacher incident and, 127–28, 142

  see also poor; wealthy

  class warfare, 127–28, 131, 136, 142, 157

  Clausen, Jim, 56

  Clean Air Act, 214

  Cleaver, Emanuel, 90, 107–8

  climate change, 43

  bullying on, 3, 207–8, 210–11, 214

  causes of, 207–8, 210–11, 213

  deniers of, 3, 211–13

  environmental issues and, 201, 203, 207–15, 220, 222

  fraud and manipulation of data on, 208–10

  Gore and, 210–11, 213, 222

  Clinton, Bill, 25, 67–68, 106, 157, 166, 211, 218, 245

  left bullying strategy and, 12–13

  Clinton, Hillary, 25, 67, 177, 183, 241, 246, 249

  Clooney, George, 149, 186

  Clyburn, James, 99

  CNBC, 142, 195

  CNN, 22, 89, 148, 259, 261

  Duke lacrosse rape case and, 18–19

  environmental issues and, 216–17

  sexual issues and, 176, 178

  coal, 130, 214

  Coca-Cola Company, 99–100, 171

  Cohen, Michael, 161

  colonialism, 41, 47–48

  and Obama’s apologies for U.S. foreign policy, 38–39

  patriotism and, 48, 55

  ColorOfChange, 10, 26, 98–99

  communists, communism, 3, 29, 39, 42, 49, 72, 112, 118, 169, 213, 237

  Bonus March and, 132–33

  class issues and, 132–35

  Kennedy assassination and, 62–63

  Coney Island, N.Y., 57

  Congress, U.S., 11, 31, 51, 98, 106, 120, 143–44, 248, 260

  class issues and, 136, 138, 154

  environmental issues and, 200–201, 214, 216–17

  labor unions and, 135, 138

  Martin case and, 90–92

  Obamacare and, 35–36

  patriotism and, 45, 75

  religious issues and, 232, 235

  sexual issues and, 175, 231

  Connor, Bull, 94, 103

  Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 8

  conservatives, conservatism, 3, 7, 10, 13, 17, 22–24, 33, 40, 49, 64, 74, 259–61

  blacks as, 121–22

  Breitbart and, 6, 9

  media and, 22–24

  Media Matters and, 26, 28

  military and, 69, 73

  racial issues and, 100, 102, 113, 115, 120–21, 245–46

  religious issues and, 225, 239, 254

  “rightwing” extremism and, 59, 61–62

  sexual issues and, 162–63, 169, 178–79, 193

  universities and, 28, 30–31

  Constitution, U.S., 6, 15, 42, 49, 58, 97, 101, 106, 114, 214

  class issues and, 130, 153

  Obamacare and, 35–36

  religious issues and, 225, 234–36

  sexual issues and, 190, 226, 228–30, 256

  consumerism, 154, 156, 213, 220–21

  contraception, 163, 172–73, 229–34

  Corkins, Floyd, 187–88

  corporations, 11–13, 121, 213

  ALEC and, 99–100, 171

  class issues and, 128–29, 134–35, 145–46, 151–57

  labor unions and, 135, 137, 139, 141

  Occupy movement and, 96, 145

  Coughlin, Charles, 135–36, 143

  Couric, Katie, 169

  Cox, Archibald, 30

  Cox, James Renshaw, 132

  Craig Ferguson Show, 160

  creationism, 241

  Creators Syndicate, 8

  crime, 42, 73, 187

  Occupy movement and, 146, 149

  racial issues and, 110–12, 114–16, 119, 168

  critical race theory (CRT), 114–15

  critical theory, 114

  Crown Heights riot, 113

  Cruise, Tom, 71, 228, 254

  Crump, Ben, 84

  Cumming, Alan, 102

  Cutter, Stephanie, 152, 155–56

  Cyrus, Miley, 149

  Czolgosz, Leon, 61–62

  Daily Beast, 162, 261

  Daily Bruin, 7–8

  Daily Caller, 26, 106

  Daily Kos, 27, 237–38

  Davis, Angela, 112

  Days of Rage, 50–51

  debt, 123

  labor unions and, 139, 141

  Tea Party and, 142–43

  Defense Department, U.S., see Pentagon

  DeLong, Carl, 260

  Democrats, Democratic Party, 9, 30, 32, 41, 54, 59, 61, 65, 97, 99, 117, 248, 260

  Bonus March and, 132–33

  bullying of, 11, 13, 231

  class issues and, 131–33, 136, 150, 152, 154, 158

  environmental issues and, 201, 203, 216–17

  labor unions and, 137, 141

  media and, 21–24, 174

  Media Matters and, 26, 28

  military and, 67–69, 72–73

  patriotism and, 51, 56, 75

  racial issues and, 79, 90–91, 103, 107–8, 116, 118, 120

  religious issues and, 231, 253–54

  sexual issues and, 169–70, 172–76, 192, 231, 234

  Denton, Vicki, 139

  Dershowitz, Alan, 27, 247

  DeSmogBlog, 209

  Deutsch, Donny, 195

  DiBona, Vin, 33

  Dimon, Jamie, 146

  Dionne, E. J., 13, 27

  Dissent, 44

  Dohrn, Bernardine, 29, 50

  Donaldson, Sam, 106–7

  Donmoyer, Ryan, 161

  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, 186

  Dos Passos, John, 47

  Dowd, Maureen, 45

  Dreams from My Father (Obama), 111

  Drexler, Peggy, 195

  Drudge, Matt, 8, 23

  Duke lacrosse rape case, 18–21, 85

  Dunn, Anita, 26

  Dupnik, Clarence, 60

  Durbin, Dick, 11, 67

  Dworkin, Andrea, 181, 196

  Dyson, Michael Eric, 105

  Earth System Governance Project, 222

  East Anglia, University of, Climate Research Unit (CRU) of, 208, 210

  Easton, Nina, 141

  Eckern, Scott, 190–91

  economics, economy, 15, 26, 34, 96, 109

  class issues and, 124–25, 128–32, 134, 136–37, 139, 143–44, 147, 150–52, 154–55

  crises in, 1, 29, 36, 46, 123–26, 131–32, 136, 216

  environmental issues and, 201–5, 216–18, 220, 222–23

  Iran and, 250–51

  labor unions and, 137, 139

  military and, 69, 72

  patriotism and, 46, 48–49

  “rightwing” extremism and, 58–59

  sexual issues and, 166, 171, 190

  Tea Party and, 143–44

  universities and, 29–32

  Economist, 121

  Edison, Thomas, 130, 153–54

  Edna Cohen School, 57

  education, 14, 72, 145

  bullying in, 1–2, 257

  environmental issues and, 31, 209–10, 213

  labor unions and, 137, 140

  Martin case and, 77–78, 80

  military and, 69–70

  multiculturalism and, 55–56

  patriotism and, 43, 55, 57

  racial issues and, 77–78, 80, 91, 108–9

  religious issues and, 31, 226–27, 232–34


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