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Bullies Page 37

by Ben Shapiro

  Duke lacrosse rape case and, 18–21

  Fluke incident and, 232–34

  in history, 163–68

  Martin and, 78, 80

  Obama and, 160–61, 171–73, 175–78, 183–89, 193–95, 226, 229–30, 233

  Palin and, 159–62, 173–74, 178, 228, 233

  religion and, 168, 171–73, 175, 184, 188–92, 196, 225–34, 237–39, 254–55

  science and, 242–44

  and stay-at-home moms, 165, 172, 176–79

  violence and, 187–88

  see also feminists, feminism; gays; marriage

  Shabazz, Malik, 116

  Shaiman, Marc, 189–91

  Sharpton, Al, 11, 113, 118–19, 122, 226, 247

  Martin case and, 84–85, 93

  Shaw, Irwin, 47

  Sheehan, Cindy, 45

  Shelton, Hilary O., 119

  Shepard, Matthew, 168

  Shilts, Randy, 197

  Signorile, Michelangelo, 197, 254

  Silent Spring (Carson), 207

  Simeone, Lisa, 147

  Simmons, Russell, 148

  Sinclair, Upton, 129

  Sirhan, Sirhan, 62

  Slate, 23, 209, 241, 261

  Smith, Ben, 13, 22, 27

  socialists, socialism, 6, 11, 124

  class issues and, 129, 131, 136

  Social Psychological & Personality Science, 202–3

  Society for the Psychology of Women, 181

  Solov, Larry, 261

  Sommers, Christina Hoff, 180

  Soptic, Joe, 155–56

  Soros, George, 119–20, 152, 260

  Israel and, 250–51

  Media Matters and, 4, 26

  South America, 39

  Southern Poverty Law Center, 188

  Soviet Union, 16, 18, 40, 67, 115, 118

  class issues and, 132–33

  Kennedy assassination and, 62–63

  Stalin, Joseph, 11, 15, 65, 169

  stand-your-ground law, 97–98

  Starr, Kenneth, 61

  State Department, U.S., 64, 219, 249

  stay-at-home moms, 165, 172, 176–79

  Steinem, Gloria, 169, 180

  Stephanopoulos, George, 23, 230–31

  Stewart, Jon, 26, 60, 62

  stimulus package, 137, 157

  stocks, stock market, 123–25, 131

  Stone, Oliver, 46, 50

  StopBullying.gov, 2, 183

  Streisand, Barbra, 32, 203

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 63, 75

  Port Huron statement of, 48–49, 53

  Vietnam War and, 49–50

  Stuxnet computer virus, 250

  Sullivan, Andrew, 10, 44, 160

  Summers, Larry, 166–67, 244

  Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, 117–18

  Supreme Court, U.S., 62–63, 75, 87, 133, 153, 200

  Obamacare and, 35–36

  racial issues and, 108–9

  religious issues and, 234–35, 237

  sexual issues and, 255–56

  Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 13, 163, 170–75

  Svensmark, Henrik, 208

  SWATting, 258–60

  Sylvester, John “Sly,” 163

  Taibbi, Matt, 9, 162

  Taliban, 16, 237–40, 254, 248

  taxes, taxpayers, 12, 24, 35, 45, 68, 72, 97, 123, 248

  class issues and, 127–28, 132, 135, 151–52, 158

  environmental issues and, 202, 217

  racial issues and, 120–21

  sexual issues and, 167, 170, 172

  Tea Party, 3, 162

  class issues and, 142–44, 148, 151

  extremism and, 60–61, 188

  Occupy movement and, 144, 148

  patriotism and, 57–58, 60

  racial issues and, 35, 101–4

  sexual issues, 58, 102

  terrorists, terrorism, 11, 40, 188, 232, 260

  of Ayers, 29, 42, 53–54

  DHS on, 58–59

  Islamophobia and, 64, 66–67

  military and, 67, 70, 73

  patriotism and, 43–44

  right and, 58–61

  war on, 39, 143

  see also 9/11

  Thin Red Line, The (Jones), 47

  Thomas, Clarence, 35, 122, 169

  Thomas, Kelly, 94

  Thomas More Law Center, 56

  Thoreen, Casey, 74

  Tides Foundation, 26, 260

  Till, Emmett, 88

  Time, 37–38, 117

  class issues and, 134, 143, 149

  sexual issues and, 186, 195

  Times of London, 249

  Todd, Chuck, 25

  Tonight Show, The, 195

  Toobin, Jeffrey, 21, 89, 161

  Touré, 4, 104–7, 261

  Toyota Prius, 202–3, 220

  “Tragedy of the Commons, The” (Hardin), 205

  transgenderism, transvestism, 18, 167, 181–83, 193–94

  treason, 44, 53, 168

  Treasury Department, U.S., 124, 151

  Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), 124–25

  Turkey, 38–39, 235

  Twain, Mark, 254

  United Auto Workers (UAW), 135, 138–39, 144

  United Nations, 41–42, 54, 99, 148, 214, 222, 248

  universities, university professors, 51, 69, 257

  anti-Americanism at, 29–30

  left and, 18, 30–31

  liberals and, 28–32

  patriotism and, 46, 48

  racial issues and, 29, 109–10

  science and, 242–43

  sexual issues and, 31, 194, 232–33

  student loan rates and, 31–32

  Urban League, 86, 98, 113

  USA Today, 19, 148, 254

  Valley of the Wolves, 251

  vanden Heuvel, Katrina, 241

  VanderSloot, Frank, 150–52

  Varney, Stuart, 125

  Velvet Revolution, 260

  Vietnam, Vietnam War, 16, 40, 70, 168–69

  Ayers and, 42, 50, 53–54

  Obama and, 41–42, 52–53, 71

  patriotism and, 49–54

  Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 41–42, 52, 71

  View, The, 11, 37

  voter identification measures, 3, 14

  as racial issue, 98–99, 104

  voter registration, 88, 137, 184

  Wagner, Dennis, 254

  Walker, Scott, 139–41

  Walker, Vaughn, 192, 227–29

  Wallace, Chris, 61

  Wall-E, 221

  Wallsten, Peter, 147

  Walsh, Kenneth T., 102

  Walt, Stephen, 12

  War on Poverty, 157

  War on Terror, 39, 143

  Warren, Earl, 62–63

  Warren, Rick, 184

  Washington Examiner, 99, 120

  Washington Post, 2, 13, 27, 241, 250

  class issues and, 147–48

  JList and, 21, 23

  Martin case and, 91, 97–98

  sexual issues and, 194–95

  water, 199–202, 204–6

  Waters, Maxine, 90, 95

  Waters, Walter W., 132

  wealthy, 156–58, 177

  class bullies and, 128–31, 136

  economic crisis and, 124, 126

  labor unions and, 131, 139

  Occupy movement and, 144, 149

  shutting up, 150–54

  Weathermen, Weather Underground, 50–51, 53, 75, 112

  Weigel, David, 23

  Weiner, Anthony, 21, 261

  Weinstein, Harvey, 32

  welfare, welfare state, 15, 110, 152, 229

  West, Allen, 61

  West, Cornel, 29

  West, Kanye, 148–49

  wetlands, protection of, 199–200

  White, Betty, 160

  White, Micah, 213

  Whitefield, Paul, 68

  WikiLeaks, 44

  Wiley, Maya, 120

  William II, King of Germany, 15, 130

  Williams, Brian,

  Williams, Joe, 107

  Willis, Oliver, 247–48

  Wilson, Duff, 19–20

  Wilson, Frederica, 90

  Wilson, Woodrow:

  class issues and, 130–31, 135

  patriotism and, 45–47, 50

  Winning the Future, 2

  Wisconsin, 57, 139–41, 162–63

  Wolfe, Tom, 112–13

  Wolfowitz, Paul, 247

  Wonkette, 161–62

  World Bank, 214

  World Trade Center (WTC), 54, 64, 247

  World War I:

  class issues and, 131–32, 135

  patriotism and, 45–48

  World War II, 29, 42, 66, 135, 196

  patriotism and, 46–48

  Wright, Jeremiah, 16, 22, 41, 65, 113, 115, 224, 245

  Wurzelbacher, Samuel Joseph (Joe the Plumber), 12, 127–28, 134, 142

  Wyman, Thomas, 238–39

  Yeomans, William, 143

  Yglesias, Matthew, 261

  Young Lions, The (Shaw), 47

  Zangara, Giuseppe, 62

  Zeese, Kevin, 44

  Zimmerman, George:

  arrest of, 83, 86, 89, 91–93, 98, 119–20

  Martin case and, 79, 81–93, 96–98, 104

  Martin’s physical confrontation with, 83–84, 88, 91, 96

  media on, 85–86, 88–89, 97

  neighborhood watch led by, 81–82, 84–85, 87

  911 call of, 82, 88–89

  stand-your-ground law and, 97–98

  Zimmerman, Shellie, 81

  Zinn, Howard, 47, 65

  Zwick, Steve, 212

  Threshold Editions

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  Copyright © 2013 by Ben Shapiro

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  Designed by Claudia Martinez

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Shapiro, Ben.

  Bullies : how the left’s culture of fear and intimidation silences America / Ben Shapiro.

  p. cm.

  Summary: “From the editor-at-large of Breitbart.com comes a galvanizing and alarming look at the strategy of leftist thuggery to silence their opponents”—Provided by publisher.

  1. Threat (Psychology)—United States. 2. Intimidation—United States. 3. Bullying—United States. 4. Liberalism—United States. 5. Right and left (Political science)—United States. I. Title.

  BF575.T45S53 2013



  ISBN 978-1-4767-0999-4

  ISBN 978-1-4767-1001-3 (eBook)




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