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I Promise_A Night Hawks Saga

Page 4

by Tonya Coffey

  “Come on, I’ll take you to the room you’ll be staying in.”

  I smiled at Mom and at Cora as she followed her out the door. Standing there like a knot on a log, I had no clue to what I was going to do while she was here. I didn’t do anything that represented a bad boy but I didn’t like her being the center of attention for the ones who were.

  Feeling frustrated, I marched out the door into the main room past the stripper pole, the bar and to the pool tables at the back of the room.

  “Are you finished babysitting,” Reid asked, handing me a pool cue.

  Cole shot the five-ball into the corner pocket. “It’s more like he’s done drooling.”

  I smiled while they teased me. I wasn’t going to argue with them. There was no use denying the truth because I did like Cora. I more than liked her and I couldn’t figure out just why. There was just something about her that drew me to her.

  Luca looked around. “Where is she?”

  “Mom took her to clean up.”

  Cole dropped his cue. “See yons later.”

  I grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Cole faced me. “Is she your property?” He eyed me. “You staking your claim?”

  I had the urge to punch him in his smart mouth but it was who Cole was. “Stay away from her. She’s not your type.” I towered over him.

  Cole frowned, insulted by my statement. “And what’s my type?”

  A million words popped into my head—words that described the whores he took home. That pretty well summed it up. “Not her,” I growled, standing even taller, making my authority known.

  Luca stepped forward, pushing Cole back. “Let it go, Cole.” He gave him his stick. “You know you’re not interested.”

  Cole smiled and twirled his cue in his hand. “I’m only playing with you, future pres.”

  I watched Cole walk to the other side of the table then I picked up my pool cue.

  “So,” Luca walked up next to me, “She’s why you’re late coming to the job every day?” he whispered.

  I shrugged, still watching Cole.

  “How far has it gone?”

  I cleared my throat. How could I tell Luca I hadn’t held her hand or pulled her to me and kissed her lips? “Most of the sentences I’ve spoken to her are barely that.” How can I feel this way from just looking at her?

  Luca looked at me with a funny expression. “You’re really into her.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I am.” I took a deep breath and let it out as I leaned against the next pool table. “And you don’t have to tell me what a bad idea it is, I know.”

  “An outlaw prince with the town’s princess.” Luca laughed. “It’s like Romeo and Juliet.”

  “The hell it is,” I said. I didn’t want it to be that way but the truth was I thought of it too. It was why I’d run out earlier today. I didn’t want her to get hurt. Yet it happened.

  Luca mumbled as he shot, “A match made in hell.”

  Chapter Ten


  I felt like a new person as the hot water rolled over my cool skin. My fingers and toes tingled as blood drifted back into each digit. The smell of decay had left my body, rolling with the water down the drain and out of my nose. I was glad to be rid of the stench.

  As I stood in the spray, I worried about Dad. Had my decision put him in a bad position? Tears stung my eyes as I thought of the lie. Did I hurt him like I did Mom? I wanted to scream but instead, I sucked back the tears and turned off the water.

  Being in the clubhouse was odd. I didn’t feel comfortable being here but I tried to fake it. I wanted Dad to come and get me, to show me he wasn’t mad but I understood why he wasn’t here. He’s protecting you, I told myself. I kept repeating it, hoping I’d believe it.

  I hurried and dressed in the clean clothes Leah gave me. The pants were a little long but the shirt fits me perfect. I even liked the pink color. When I was dressed, I held Dante’s hoody in my hands. I stared at the hawk with its wide mouth and talons outstretched. The widespread wings with vibrant colors stood out against the black fabric. The wide white letters along the top spelled out Night Hawks and the bottom said Tennessee just as it did on the outside of the club wall. Everyone who drove past the building was drawn to the club’s logo. I thought it was beautiful. I didn’t care they were supposed to be bad. I felt safe with Dante.

  With a quick inhale and exhale, I pulled it over my head.

  The bedroom Leah brought me to was simple. There was a double bed with a black comforter, a single window on the far wall and one chest of drawers on the wall next to the bathroom door. A table lamp set on top of it along with a clock. There was no personal items, no motorcycle stuff like the rest of the club. If you just appeared in this room, you wouldn’t know you were in a motorcycle club. It reminded me of a motel room.

  I stood in the middle of the room, my eyes filtered over the walls and the floor. I didn’t know what to do. Should I go to the kitchen or wait for them to come and get me? I wondered what I should do.

  Leave. You don’t belong here, Cora.

  I pushed the opinion away as my stomach growled a little rumble. Instead of dwelling on my thoughts, I decided to obey the call for food and go dig into Leah’s chicken and dumplings. My mouth salivated at the thought. When she told me about having them it made me hungry. It had been years since I ate homemade dumplings. If I wasn’t mistaken, it was right after Mom had died. One of our neighbors invited us over for supper. The ache of missing Mom slipped into my chest. It was hard sometimes especially when things reminded me of her. I allowed the pain to stay, thinking of her and the meals we had, embracing the memories. Now I could go.

  I slowly opened the door. The music slipped down the hall, causing the pictures to vibrate against the sheetrock. Stepping out into the white walls, I looked left and right before I closed the door behind me. I followed the thump of the bass as it echoed against my chest. The closer I came to the main room, the more intense it felt. I put my hand on my heart, expecting it to jump out with the beat.

  My eyes widened when I got a good view of the main room. A woman swung on a pole to the right and she had a group of men cheering her on. My face burned because all she had on was a pink thong. Lowering my gaze, I hurried to the kitchen door, hoping no one saw me.

  “Cora,” Leah surprised me, as I entered. “I was just coming to check on you.”

  I tried to smile but the image of what was happening feet from me was burned into my brain. “I feel better now.” I tried to make her believe I did.

  Leah sighed. Her eyes were soft along with her posture. “I’m sorry you can’t go home, yet. I know…this…isn’t where you want to be.”

  I didn’t want to say something that was insulting to Leah or the lifestyle she chose, so I smiled and twisted my toe into the linoleum making my shoe squeak. I’d never been around people who partied or women who felt comfortable with their nakedness. I was taught it was wrong. But I tried to keep an opened mind.

  “I fixed you a plate.” Leah set a plate, filled with everything, down on the table in front of my empty chair. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I put a little of everything on it.”

  “Thank you.”

  It looked great. It smelled wonderful. I sat down and inhaled the savory goodness: chicken and dumplings with dressing, green beans, and a roll. My mouth watered looking at the perfect picture on the plate. It looked as if she plucked it out of a magazine. I stared at it as I thought about how long it had been since I set down and ate real food. It was months ago. Dad and I only ate frozen dinners or fast food, nothing that was homemade. I tried cooking a few times but I got Dad’s genes when it came to talent in the kitchen. He burned toast and I burned water. So I dug in.

  After a few bites, I asked, “Have you talked to my dad?”

  “No, but I believe Darin has though.”

  I didn’t have to ask to know who Darin was. His name was written all over town. Darin Black’s Constr

  “Do you know how long I’ll have to stay here?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t.” Leah leaned against the cabinet. “Did you see your attackers?”

  I looked up at her. “No.” I wondered if she knew who they were. If I should tell her that I did know. If I did, would that put her in danger too?

  “I’m just glad Dante found you when he did.”

  “Me too.”

  If he hadn’t found me, I wondered where I’d be right now. Would I be dead? Would they have traded me for something? With a sigh, I went back to eating, trying to look at the good in being in my position.

  I’d get to talk to Dante any time I wanted. Number one reason.

  Chapter Eleven


  The aroma of Mom’s cooking pulled me back to the kitchen. Since I was out looking for Cora, eating was the last thing on my mind. Now that I knew she was safe and in plain sight, I could fill my stomach. Besides, beating Luca at pool was getting old.

  I pushed the kitchen door inward to find Cora sitting at the table, eating. Mom was busy cleaning up the mess someone had made earlier. Maybe me. I gave Cora a grin and her right foot started to bounce lightly on her toe. I’d noticed when we talked in the school hallway; she would twist one foot on her toe. She’s nervous.

  I glanced at the shirt she wore. For some reason, it made me proud she wore it. I felt taller, stronger.

  “You look better,” I told her as I passed. Her eyes were bright and her face was flushed pink. Beautiful, I thought.

  “Hungry, honey?” Mom’s question brought me back to her being in the room.

  “Starving.” I grabbed a plate and quickly filled it so I could sit next to Cora.

  When I sat, Cora said, “Your mom’s a great cook.”

  “Don’t say that too loud, she might get the big head.” I winked at her and her cheeks reddened. I don’t know what it was about her when she became embarrassed but she was absolutely amazing.

  Mom rolled her eyes, ignoring my comment. “Thank you, dear.” Then she looked at me. “Are you staying here or going home tonight?”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “Cora can’t stay here alone and I don’t want to leave Emily at home by herself with everything that’s going on.”

  Of course, I wanted to stay here and watch over Cora. I had to keep the crazies away from my girl. Some of the men in this place were hounds and I didn’t want them getting Cora’s scent. “I’ll stay here.”

  “Cora, make sure to lock your door.” Mom looked at me before she exited. “Behave.”

  “Thank you, Leah.”

  Mom smiled at Cora. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you two in the morning.”

  After Mom left, we ate in silence. The sound of our forks hitting the plate filled the room. The music in the rest of the club was background noise. I couldn’t believe how nervous Cora made me. As I sat next to her, I felt as if I’d do something wrong and make an ass out of myself. It was so strange how different I felt in her vicinity.

  Cora broke the tension between us. “Do you stay here a lot?”

  “Most times.” I quickly regretted my answer. I didn’t want her to think I screwed every girl who walked through the door.

  “Do you have your own room here?”

  I nodded. “Looks similar to yours.”


  She picked at her green beans. I could tell she had a lot on her mind but I was afraid of what it was. “How was Algebra?”

  She sighed. “I’m doing better.”

  I took a bite. “Math is the only subject I’m good at.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  I wanted to laugh. “I’m passing so that’s what counts.”

  “Are you going to college?”

  “I’m not really the college kind of guy.”

  She smiled. “I don’t know. I could see you in a frat house, making pledges work for your vote.”

  I frowned at the thought. “Do you see me as a party driven jackass?” She does see me like everyone else. “Getting drunk all the time.”

  Her face slouched. “N-no. I-I didn’t mean—” she stuttered.

  I picked up my plate and set it in the sink, hard. “That’s OK.” I interrupted her. “I know what you meant.” I felt so stupid for letting my guard down, for letting her get close to me. She wasn’t any different than any other girl.

  “Dante…” she whispered.

  I glanced at her. Her eyes were wide with tears in them. It tore at my insides seeing her like that but what could I say. I was garbage to her. She plainly said it.

  “I didn’t mean that’s who you are.”

  I plastered on a smile trying not to show her how hurt I was. After all, I was a biker and I had no feelings. “It’s fine, Cora. Biker’s brains are only programmed for drugs, sex, and parties.” I crossed my arms, leaning against the sink, feeling like a jackass.

  I didn’t think her eyes could widen more from my comment but I was wrong. I wanted to walk out of the kitchen and let Luca punch me in the nuts because of the hurt that was written all over her face. I said I wouldn’t let anything happen to her and I just hurt her.

  She saw me as a monster so it was better I showed her who she expected me to be now instead of later. How could I ever think a girl like her could be interested in a guy like me?

  Chapter Twelve


  All I could do was stare at him. The sarcasm Dante spewed poured off of him like a stink that was attracted to only me. His form was stiff and his jaw tight as he bit down, trying to not say something he would regret.

  Like me.

  My eyes burned. I was trying to not miss Daddy by keeping my attention on Dante. I tried to occupy my mind but now it was empty. I’d messed it all up with a comment that he misunderstood.

  I’d watched Dante become this amazing person from afar. I’d had the pleasure of sharing words with him. I’d never expected him to like me. When he did, I said something that turned him against me. One statement and I was on the outside, a bottom feeder. It’s where you belong.

  With each second, my chest ached. The room began to close in on me and I couldn’t breathe. I shot up, causing the chair to flip over and stormed out of the kitchen into the club. The music thumped into my head and my heart. Still, I was too closed in. I needed air, to clear my head. My eyes locked on the main door and I ran. I shot passed club members without caring, without hearing what they said. I could care less about the one who wanted to kill me. I wanted as far away from Dante as I could get. I wanted my Daddy.

  Barely through the double doors, I was hit with the cool night air. The smell of burnt wood drifted up into my nose. My eyes worked around the parking lot. I didn’t belong here. I wasn’t like Dante or anyone else, he knew that. I knew that. I was simple and I needed to be in my home.

  With tears feeling like ice on my face, I ran toward the street and turned right. My breath came fast and hard, burning my lungs. The streetlights seemed to whip by as if I was in a car but I knew it was only my imagination. I just wanted to be home, in my dad’s arms so he could comfort me.

  “Cora,” Dante screamed at me.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him. The sound of his boots thumped into the pavement as he narrowed the distance between us. I pushed my legs faster.

  “Stop, Cora.”

  I didn’t want to stop. Not until I got home, where I could fall into the safety of my bed and cry in peace. It was the only place I belonged.

  A truck slowed to a stop at the end of the road. Seeing it caused me to slow my pace, watching it. Two heartbeats later and it roared to life. Tires squealed, pushing it forward in my direction. My heart sank. My eyes widened at the vehicle barreling toward me. For a split second, I didn’t know what to do. I’d done it again. I didn’t listen and I was going to get splattered on the pavement like an opossum.

  Dante’s feet pounded louder. “Run, Cora,” he screamed.

  My eyes jerked left and righ
t, trying to figure out where to go. I back paddled then shot across the ditch into the grass toward a side street. I knew I couldn’t outrun the truck, so I tried to put as many obstacles between us as I could.

  My adrenaline pumped as I saw Dante pull a pistol from his waistband. He aimed at the vehicle and fired. The pop was louder than the truck bouncing across the ditch after me. I dug deeper, pushing myself harder.

  Pop, Pop, echoed into the darkness behind me. The sound of metal and glass fracturing filled the chaos.

  In my peripheral vision, I saw the truck coming closer. Closer it neared. I dove between two buildings where a small car could fit. My hands hit gravel and dirt. I slide then my elbow skated across the ground as I hit. The crash of bending metal and breaking glass followed me. I rolled, trying to wrap one arm around my head, to keep from cracking my noggin. The blast of a gun caused me to suck in a breath as my body bounced off something hard. My breath came hard and fast, trying to pull myself together.

  When the commotion was over, I pried my eyes open. A couple of feet from me was a mangled wreck of metal and glass wedged between the buildings. Dante ran to the passenger’s side. The man in the driver’s seat raised a gun at me. I jerked from the sight as Dante shot him first. The man groaned, dropped his weapon and slumped out the side window.

  I stared at the truck, at the man. What had I done to deserve this? His hollow eyes were focused on me. Even in death, he wanted to kill me.

  My body shivered as I stared at him. All around me people were dying and it was because of me. I averted my gaze as Dante climbed over the vehicle. He checked the driver for a pulse before he ran to me. Only then did I breathe easily when he wrapped his arms around me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My heart was beating out of my chest. My adrenaline pumped. A feeling of guilt wrapped my soul. With my attitude, I caused her to run. She ran right into danger. You really protected her, I thought.


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