I Promise_A Night Hawks Saga

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I Promise_A Night Hawks Saga Page 9

by Tonya Coffey

  Rolling to my side, I kept one hand on her stomach. She watched me and I saw a million thoughts work across her face. She didn’t know how to hide her disappointment or her frustration with me.

  “Our lives are a little crazy right now.”

  She sighed, turning to face me on her side. “I wouldn’t regret it.”

  I wondered if she could read my mind. With my right hand, I cupped her face. My thumb gently slid along her bottom lip. “You might.”

  She shook her head. “Never.”

  Even so, I knew now wasn’t the time. I had things on my mind. I had people to save, to find. When I reunited Cora with her dad, I would ask sheriff Abrams about dating Cora. I wanted to do it right because every second I was with her I felt a bond I’d never experienced before.

  “Hey.” I looked up to see Luca in the doorway. “Let’s talk.”

  I kissed Cora’s cheek. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Smiling at her, I slid off the bed and went to the hall to see what Luca wanted.

  Luca grinned. “I came to get you earlier…”

  I frowned.

  “You were busy.”

  I sighed. “Was not.”

  “Looked like it to me.”

  Taking his mind off my business, I asked, “What do you want?”

  “Cole called.” He paused. “He wants to help us?”

  I straightened. “Did he say where he was when it all went down?”

  Luca shrugged. “Nah. Dad never mentioned him either.”

  I knew he hadn’t been at the club. It was where he should’ve been. The entire list of members was supposed to be with the VP or at the clubhouse and we knew Cole wasn’t one of the three with the VP.

  “Reid’s at the hospital,” Luca added. “Five are in serious condition.”

  “Shit,” I groaned. “Your dad’s watching over them?”

  “He said you could handle this but if you need him to call.”

  I sighed. The pressure on my shoulders was intensifying. I had to figure out who turned on us. Pretty well solved. I had to come up with a plan to get the bastard. Find our families and make the SOB pay for it all.

  I got an idea. “Where’s Emily?”

  Luca nodded toward the living room. “She’s asleep.”

  “Put her with Cora.” Luca went to her as I headed to the kitchen. I looked out the small window in the back door. The view of the big house across the lake was visible in the moonlight.

  Luca hurried back. Standing behind me he asked, “You know where they are, don’t you?”

  I stepped to the side so he could see what I was looking at. “I got an idea.”

  “I’ll be…” Then he turned to me. “The dawn looks bright.”

  I smiled. “Yes, it does.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven


  When I came out of the bathroom, Emily was lying in the bed. Seeing her and not Dante caused me to slouch. I couldn’t lie; I was disappointed he hadn’t come back. He said he would but maybe he’d found out something about our parents.

  I crawled under the cover next to Emily. I lay there staring at the ceiling, thinking of Dante. The plaster splotches even created his face for me. I stared at it, trying to understand how he made me feel. My whole insides felt squishy and warm. It felt good to be with him. He made me happy. If I was one who believed in fairy tales, I’d said our souls knew each other.

  “Dante will find your dad,” Emily’s voice was close to a whisper. “Our parents.”

  Rolling over on my side, I faced her. There was enough light from the moon shining through the sheer curtain we could see. “I know.”

  She pulled in a breath as she fixed the pillow under her head. “Do you like my brother?”

  I didn’t care if she knew that I thought he hung the moon. What did she expect, I asked her about him. I was sure my face looked awkward as I tried to hold back the smile and nodded.

  “He likes you.”

  “He does?” I don’t know why it surprised me. When he looked at me, I felt as if he did.

  “I’ve seen him around other girls.” She sighed. “I’ve never seen him the way he is with you.”

  Hearing he treated me differently made my heart feel light. Butterflies danced in my stomach and I wanted to grin from ear to ear. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “No problem.”

  I’d wanted to ask her about her and Luca. If I did, I didn’t want her to think I was prying but it was obvious they were together. “Can I ask you something?”

  “I’m an open book.”

  “Luca and you?”

  She smiled. “You figured it out?”

  I think the world knew. “Kind of obvious.”

  Emily took a breath and asked, “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Of course.”

  “We’ve been together for over a year.” She smiled. “Luca’s afraid Dante will be mad.” She rolled her eyes. “What’s funny, I think he’s more afraid of my brother than my dad.”

  “So…it’s serious?”

  “Are you asking me if we do it?”

  My face felt like it was on fire and I suddenly wished I hadn’t asked but I was curious. Besides, I felt like I was the only one in high school who hadn’t done it once.

  Emily laughed, lightly. “Just because sex is in the club like grease on axles doesn’t mean they’re running around humping everything with an ass.” Emily paused before she added, “Luca and I waited eight months.”

  I couldn’t believe it. Yet I could.

  “Dante isn’t one who takes advantage of girls.” She became serious. “Just make sure it’s when you know it’s right. No doubts.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out. It was nice talking to Emily about it. Having a girl to be girly with was really nice for a change. I frowned as I realized I wanted to ask her so much more.


  Luca and I had been talking while Cora and Emily giggled about who knew what in the bedroom. Even though I didn’t know what it was about, I was glad Cora wasn’t sad anymore. Emily helped her I supposed.

  Refocusing on Luca. “What do you think?” I asked as I leaned back in the kitchen chair. “Does it make sense?”

  Luca smirked, “Son of a bitch.”

  “I had a feeling something wasn’t right with him, I just didn’t want to believe it.”

  Luca thought about what I’d said and then asked, “You really think he’s working for Abbott?”

  I shrugged. “Don’t know for sure but my ears don’t lie.”

  “Why would he go against the club?” he racked a hand through his hair. “Against his dad?”

  I didn’t know but I would guess. “Money. Greed. Power” Who could turn their back on their family? “He let his dad die so he’s no better than Abbott in my eyes.”

  “I agree.”

  “I got a feeling Cole wants to bring the party to us that was why he called but I want to crash Abbott’s.”

  Luca nodded. “Luckily for us, they won’t see us coming.”

  “Yeah. Luck is definitely on our side.”

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  Emily fell asleep pretty fast. I tossed and turned, thinking of what would happen tomorrow. How would Dante find Dad? Will they all be alive? I listened to Dante and Luca talk in the kitchen. Their muffled voices never revealed what they spoke of but I hoped they figured everything out.

  Giving up on trying to sleep, I eased off the bed. I let my toes sink into the shaggy green carpet. It was soft like you’d expect but some places were hard and kind of sticky.

  I slowly walked out of the bedroom, seeing Dante and Luca sitting at the small table in the kitchen. The light above the stove cast a soft glow around them.

  As I entered, Dante smiled and Luca nodded. I gave them both a half smile and went to the cupboard for a cup and filled it with water from the faucet.

  “Why don’t you get some sleep,” Dante told Luca behind me.

  “You sure?”
  “Yeah.” Luca got up and took a few steps before he added, “Luca, she’s my little sister.”

  Luca nodded to him then disappeared down the hall.

  I sat down next to Dante, sipping my water. I don’t know why I was nervous around him but I was lost for words. I felt so much. My insides started to twist in on themselves and my leg started to bounce. My toe gently twisted into the linoleum under the table.

  Dante glanced at the table. My movements caused it to rock lightly. “You’re not tired?” He took my hand and held it between his, causing my leg to stop.

  I was glad he didn’t say anything about it. It just kind of happens. Didn’t know why. “Too much stuff going on in my head.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  The insects outside croaked in a beautiful night song. My heart beat in an excited motion as if it called out to them.

  “Want to talk about what’s on your mind?”

  “You know what it is.”

  Dante scooted closer to me. His thumb slowly made a circle on my hand. My breath was shallow as he leaned in next to me. His breath was on my cheek, calming my nerves.

  “You don’t have to worry. Everything will work out.”

  I looked at his hand holding mine. It was warm, comforting. I could close my eyes and drift into him. I lifted my eyes, locking gazes with him. “Will you be OK?”

  He smiled a cock-eyed grin, making my stomach do a little flop. It was the best smile I’d ever seen him smile. “Sure I will.”

  “I don’t want to lose anyone I care about,” I added, “especially you.”

  His face softened. “Nothing’s going to happen to me.”

  My eyes clouded with tears thinking about it. I couldn’t live without him. He was my breath, my life. “Promise?”

  He cupped my cheek, letting me lean into him. “I promise.”

  He pressed his lips to me, lightly. Then I wrapped my arms around him, laying against him. His arms held me, protecting me. Then a vibration alerted me to a flip phone on the table. Dante picked it up, read the caller idea and sighed.

  “Luca,” he called. “Incoming.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  I set the phone down on the table. I stared at the white top, letting my emotions build in me. The anger I felt for the betrayal Cole cast onto my family, on Cora’s and the club ate at me.

  My face didn’t hold the emotion I felt though. When I was younger, I started playing poker with other members of the club. Dad gave me pointers and eventually I started winning, a lot. So much so they won’t let me play anymore.

  Now that my face was straight, my hand folded into a fist and I slammed it onto the tabletop. Cole had the nerve to tell me he was at the hospital in a bed next to Reid a few hours ago. I knew better.

  “Cole wants to meet,” I told Luca and Emily who stood at the kitchen doorway.


  “He wanted to know where we were but I ignored the question.”

  “Cole did this?” Emily stepped forward. “He did this to us?” Her voice rose, showing her anger.

  Luca tried to put an arm around her but she pushed him away. “Why?”

  I shrugged. If I knew I would tell them. “He’ll pay,” was all I could tell her that maybe would ease her mind.

  Luca sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Do you remember a couple of years ago Cole ran off to Daytona? He followed a girl back home and came back beaten black and blue about a week later.”

  “That girl hung around the club,” Emily thought out loud. “She was looking for drugs but no one trusted her because she didn’t look like your normal crack head.”

  “She was looking for information,” Luca added.

  I nodded. “Cole ratted on the club.”

  “Wait,” Cora chimed in. “I thought no one knew what happened to Abbott’s son other than our parents?”

  “Cole’s dad did,” I told her. “Cole and his dad have a septic business. I think that’s how Dad got rid of the bodies.”

  Luca finally managed to put his arm around Emily. Her face set in a scowl that reminded me of Mom when she was mad at one of the women hanging around the club. Cora stared at the table, a blank expression on her face. She was so different compared to the girls I normally dated. They were like Emily, tough, strong headed. Cora was in a cocoon and when she came out of the shell, she’d be amazing.

  Cora then looked up at me. “Did he tell you where he was?”

  I took Cora’s hands, holding them between mine. I wanted to comfort her, to reassure her everything would be fine. “He doesn’t have to tell me because I think I know.”

  Emily’s frown deepened. “You do?”

  I nodded and Luca let out a soft laugh that made both girls look at him.

  “Where?” Emily was getting frustrated. “Tell me?”

  I smiled at Cora and asked, “Does Grandma have a boat?”

  Chapter Thirty


  It didn’t take long for Dante and Luca to come up with a plan. Emily divided the ammo and I helped fill the clips, thinking happy thoughts as I worked, then we each took a gun. I didn’t want to keep it. I wasn’t confident having it on me because I wouldn’t pull the trigger. I’d never take someone’s life.

  Dante and Luca moved the furniture and piled pillows, sheets, and blankets in the beds to make it look as if we slept in them. I asked why and Luca explained, if Cole had a tracker on the phone they would know where we were. I nodded as if I understood but thought faking Cole out was useless. If they turned the light on they would know we weren’t there.

  I informed Dante Grandma had a small flat bottom John boat she used to drift around the lake. When I was five, she took me out in it and let me catch sun grannies. Mom stood on the bank and waved at me. I asked Grandma why Mom didn’t come with us, she told me it was our time. That way each time I was on the water it would remind me of her. I guess she was right because I’m thinking of her now.

  As I stood next to the cottage, staring at the dark water, I tried to not remember those times. I needed to be strong and brave like Emily. She didn’t show her sadness. Making me be like her was the only way I would get through this.

  The night air drifted around me, teasing me with a chill. Dante’s hoody helped keep the cold away but something was different in the night. I felt as if there was a warning in the atmosphere, calling out to me. It itched at my bones, needing me to heed it.

  “Cora?” Dante stood next to me.

  I looked at him then at Emily and Luca who had walked up without me knowing it. I felt stupid all of a sudden, being lost in my thoughts, absorbed in the ambiance.

  “You OK?”

  I nodded, trying to push the feeling away that something was out there and it wanted me. Or someone you know.

  Dante motioned for Luca and Emily to go back in the house then he stepped closer, taking my hand. “Talk to me?”

  I didn’t know what to say to him. “I’m scared,” I told him.

  He nodded. “Me too.”

  I locked gazes with him. He didn’t seem scared. There wasn’t a single line on his face that told me he was lying or that he felt the strangeness in the air. He was confident and sure of his plans. I wish I could be.

  Leaning against the house, the chipping paint against my back, I glanced at the moon. It hung more over the house across the lake. It wasn’t full but only days from it. Every now and then a wistful movement of clouds drifted across it.

  “Cora.” He gently touched my face, tilting my chin up to meet his eyes. “Please tell me what’s wrong?”

  The warmth of his palm felt so good against my chilled skin. I sighed, pulling the courage together with the intention of telling him what I needed. I had to let him know because what if I never got the chance to tell him.

  “Sitting in that shack, you were the only one I thought of. The only one I’d hoped would save me. I know it sounds crazy…” I licked my lips. “I knew as I listened to t
he whistle of the trains what was in my heart…” I took a breath because I wasn’t making any sense. I had to just do it. I gripped his shirt, stepping closer to him. “People can tell me I’m too young to know but I do. I feel it. I love you, Dante.” I watched the expression on his face. He didn’t seem surprised. However, he did crack a little smile. “I was afraid I wouldn’t get the chance to tell you.”

  His eyes drank me in. He ran his hands through my hair and gripped my face between his palms. “I love you too.” He kissed me.

  He kissed me, chasing all my fears away. The feeling of dread floated away. I had done what I desired. He knew what was in my heart and I felt like he loved me. I’d known all along. The way he looked at me. It was in his touch. In everything, he did for me. I was Dante’s and as he broke the kiss, staring down at me, a chill worked through me. It wasn’t from the cold so what made me shiver.

  Chapter Thirty-one


  We stood in the kitchen waiting for the next move. I knew where our parents were but I needed to get as many people out of the house as possible. For that reason, Luca and I decided to call Cole and have him meet us somewhere else. After we’d talked about it, we decided to fill in the VP so he could deal with Cole so we could focus on Abbott and our parents.

  “Ready?” Luca asked me.

  Taking a breath, I dialed Cole’s number. My heart thumped as I waited for him to answer.

  “Hey,” he answered a little too excited.

  “It’s me.”

  “Hey, man. You ready for my help?” Cole’s voice was distorted.

  “We’re headed to Luca’s. We’re tired, hoping to get some sleep.” The VP would be there waiting for him to show up.

  “Good. I’ll meet you there.”


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