Blackwell 2 - Timeswept Rogue

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Blackwell 2 - Timeswept Rogue Page 35

by Amy J. Fetzer

  "It never surfaced."

  "And hence, neither did the child."

  Phalon stared, a muscle clenching in his jaw, and Ramsey could have swore he saw a flash of regret in his eyes.

  "That was twenty-five years ago. What do you know about


  Ramsey scoffed and let his gaze drift to the painting hanging behind the desk, then slowly bringing it back to meet Phalon's piercing blue eyes. "I know your heritage, Rothmere," came in a growl as deep as the ocean floor and Phalon paled, his body gone deathly still. "It seems for two hundred years the Rothmeres are still vipers on the flesh of the Blackwells."

  ' 'Give it to me,'' came in a sinister hiss and Ramsey instantly realized he wasn't referring to the diamonds. He tried not to show his confusion and without a word, spun on his heels and left, brushing past a slim blond woman. Ramsey froze, twisting, his gaze sweeping her once afore he bowed at the waist, then continued down the familiar hall.

  "Who was that?" Sloane said, advancing into the room and closing the door.

  "Trouble," he said, pacing. He paused, flicking a hand toward the phone. "Make the call."

  Penelope stood on the threshold of the study, gazing at Ram­sey. He looked as if he were carrying the weight of the world, she thought, bracing her shoulder on the frame and folding her arms. He sat behind the desk, elbows resting there, his head clutched in his hands, his fingers sunk into his hair.

  " You've been awfully quiet since we left the docks yes­terday."

  His head jerked up, his dark scowl evaporating. Smiling, he fell back into the chair, extending his arm in invitation and she flew to him, sinking onto his lap and curling one arm around his neck. He covered her mouth with his and she opened for



  Amy J, Fetzer


  him, the embers of desire flaming hot and bright. His tongue slid between her lips, sweeping wildly, his hands mapping her slender curves with a hunger that bordered on desperate. When he finally drew back, their breathing was labored, bodies eager for more.

  "What? What is it?" She brushed at his hair. "I can feel it, something is wrong."

  His gaze traveled her face. "God almighty, I love you," he rasped fiercely, tightening his embrace, burying his face in the curve of her shoulder.

  ' 'I know, Ramsey, I know,'' she soothed, rubbing the knotted muscles in the back of his neck, his shoulders.

  It was several moments before he lifted his head to look at her.

  "You're scaring me," she said, gazing into his dark brown eyes.

  He released a long breath, smoothing his hands up and down her arms and wishing he could postpone this.' 'Afore Alexander arrives I've a confession,"

  "You say that like you're going to the guillotine."

  Her tender heart bade him move with caution, fearing this first step would hurt her beyond repair. ' 'I've discovered where the diamonds originated."

  "And it's not Phalon or Sloane," she answered for him, searching his eyes and he nodded.' 'I knew it, I knew it! Where? Why?"

  His hands slid up to cup her lovely face. "Those gems were the price of Alexander's only child, Penelope."

  Her eyes widened and she inhaled sharply. "A ransom!"

  Afore he could respond, Margaret poked her head into the study and Ramsey lowered his hands, disappointed.

  "Hank's pulling into the drive with Mister Blackwell," she said and Penny frowned at the sadness in Margaret's expression.

  "She's upset." Penny hastily climbed from his lap and headed to the door.

  "I need to speak with you on this, Penelope."

  She glanced back, reaching out to straighten a vase. "Tell

  me after—" She inclined her head towards the door indicating their visitor. "In bed tonight."

  He smiled crookedly, his gaze sweeping over her body clad in the slim fitting dress. " 'Tis an invitation?"

  "No, Captain, an order," she said, then disappeared around the jamb.

  Ram's smile faded and he forced himself out of the chair. I could lose her, he thought, simply for finding Alexander first.



  Chapter 35

  Penny turned her attention back to Alexander, who was fight ing between a frown and a smile, and she knew she had to start somewhere, start releasing that part of her life. And though the ease of conversation, of the instant comloit they felt in the other's presence didn't escape her, or him, she wasn't ready to tell him. He was a virtual stranger. Tomorrow was soon enough, she thought, smiling, tilting her head.

  "On a whim, I auditioned for summer stock . . ." she began and after a few minutes, Ramsey stood and left them aione.

  It was a moment he'd dreaded and anticipated since he'd laid eyes on her. She'd asked how he'd become the last surviv­ing member of his clan and he'd told her.

  And the tears in her eyes nearly broke his heart.

  ' 'Oh Alexander," she whispered, covering his hand with her own. "I'm sorry I asked."

  He stared down at her slim manicured hand, and when she started to jerk back, he wrapped his fingers around hers. "It's all right." He gave her fingers a quick squeeze, releasing a long slow breath. Talking about it twice in two days was going to make him a very old man, he thought. "I sailed away and never looked back."

  "You didn't have reason to," she said, letting gopf his hand.

  "Well .. . now that I'm in a seat, coveted by millions of adoring fans," he said with a reporter's vibrato and she made a sour face—"tell me how you got so famous."

  Tension leapt into her body, her gaze wary.

  Ramsey leaned close and she lifted her gaze to his sympa­thetic eyes.

  "You've naught but time, love," he said for her ears alone, recognizing her old resistance.

  Penny sank into the wicker sofa with a huff. "That was fabulous, Margaret," she said and the men surrounding her agreed. Margaret smiled, a smile not quite reaching her eyes, Penny thought as she poured coffee. She wouldn't talk with her before, claiming she was running behind in preparing dinner and Penelope knew from experience that Margaret was the most efficient woman on this continent.

  "Let me know when you're ready for dessert."

  Ramsey looked at Penelope and smiled. "Cheesecake," they said with feeling and Margaret's laughter joined Alexander's as she headed back into the house.

  Penny sipped her coffee, letting the warm breeze smooth over her skin, then suddenly kicked off her shoes and stood, walking to the pool and dropping down on the edge. She sank her feet into the glittering water, the pool lights painting the liquid a translucent blue-green.

  Behind her Ramsey met Alexander's gaze, then rose, crossing to Penelope. "I've the need to check the grounds," he said, bending to drop a kiss to the top of her head.

  She caught his hand, searching his dark eyes. "You'd tell me if there was trouble, wouldn't you?"

  "Aye, love." He .squatted aside her, kissing her quick and heavy and Alexander smiled as she watched Ramsey return to the house. But he wasn't a stupid man and though he didn't mention the armed guards at the door or the surveillance equip­ment, it was obvious something was stringing the people of this house as tight as a full blown sail.



  Amv J. Fetzer

  And something was about to snap.

  "You look happy," Alexander said suddenly, softly, the realization pleasing him.

  "I didn't know I could love someone that much," she replied before returning her gaze to the pool. "I'd just about given up when Ramsey came into my life."

  "You're too young to crawl into a hole and hide."

  "I thought I had good reason." She glanced back over her shoulder, her smile teasing. "And look who's talking."

  He flashed her an easy grin. "Sort of makes you believe in fate."

  "I believe in a lot more than just fate," came on a-short laugh. "Nothing means the same anymore." Not her outlook towards herself, towards her career, and s
he didn't care if she ever landed another prime role again. She had other plans. "But something's been bothering me." Penny twisted to look at Alexander and his expression encouraged. "How did a Rothmere end up owning your house?"

  Alexander's features sharpened and he looked at his lap, then took a sip of coffee, replacing the cup on the saucer before returning his gaze to Penelope.

  "When my world was falling apart he came in and rescued it."

  "How can that be, if he's got your ancestral home?"

  Alexander leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands. "The city was going to take it all, and he bought the note, promising to leave the house and lands as they'd been for two hundred hundred years." He shrugged. "The company he couldn't do anything about- Phafon didn't know enough about shipping, then."

  She swung her legs out of the pool and stood, her footprints marking her path back to him.

  "Why him?" She sank into the wicker sofa.

  He shrugged negligently. "He was family."

  "What?" She straightened, eyes wide.

  "My wire, Annora," he eyed her for a second or two, "was Phalon's sister."

  Penny fell back, the wicker creaking. "How interesting."


  "What's going on here, Penelope?"

  She looked up.

  "This place is tighter than Camp David."

  "There have been some threats." She couldn't meet his gaze, the half-truth sticking in her throat.

  "Who's trying to hurt you?"

  "I've done some stupid things in the past," she hedged.

  His pale-green eyes flared. "You're being blackmailed."

  Her skin reddened.' 'Products of a misspent youth,'' she said with a shrug as he withdrew a leather envelope and pipe from inside his jacket, holding it up in question. Penny nodded her permission, watching as he filled the pipe and brought it to his lips to light it. "It won't work for long. I have a—" She went still as glass, her body tightening as the smoke haloed his head. She inhaled, her gaze narrowing, a strong sense of deja vu' sweeping her, holding her. For an instant she could see nothing but his face engulfed in smoke and she flinched violently when someone touched her.

  "Ramsey," she whispered, relaxing, her gaze dropping to the books in his hand. He handed them to her and she stared at Tess's journals, smoothing her fingers over the corners, then took the first, checked the sequence, and handed it to Alexander.

  Alexander didn't open it, staring at the space between his feet, puffing on his pipe,

  "Tess Renfrew was my best friend, Alexander." His gaze jerked up. "And in Seventeen Eighty-nine she married Dane Blackwell." "I know."

  Penelope's gaze bounced between Ramsey and Alexander. "Do you know how she—"

  "Time shifted?" came with an arching brow. "No. And for over fifty years, I never believed the stories," he lifted his gaze to Ramsey's—"not until I saw your name on the sale agreement. It matches the signature on the marriage certificate." He was waiting for an admittance and when no comment was forthcoming, Penelope nudged him.

  Ramsey swallowed, lowering himself beside Penelope and


  Amy J. Fetzer

  curling his arm around her shoulders. "I fear I am laying my future in your hands, sir."

  Alexander leaned back in the cushion and rubbed a hand over his face before looking at the couple.' 'It's safe. . . Ramsey Malachai Gamaliel O'Keefe."

  Ramsey's lips quirked and as Alexander opened the first book, he stood, drawing Penny with him and ushering her toward the house.

  She tilted her head close to his. "What on earth possessed your parents to give you all those names?" she whispered, and Ram chuckled lowly.

  "I was a tiny thing when I was born, love."

  She gave his big body a speculative glance.

  "Mayhaps they imagined I'd grow into them."

  "Well . .. parts of you did," she said in a throaty purr and he laughed, stepping into the coolness of the house and leaving Alexander to learn of his heritage.

  They found him pacing the wood deck and when the glass door slid back he ceased, his gaze narrowing on the couple.

  "Phalon didn't have anything to do with the disappearance of my child," he said with absolute conviction. "He .. . adored his sister. And would never do anything to hurt us like that." He shook a paper at them.

  "I'm not accusing," she said, crossing to him. "But how do you explain them having the diamonds in the first place?"

  His gaze knifed her. "Hell, if I know. The police didn't even know I turned the money into diamonds. But they're gone. Everything's gone! So what does it matter!"

  "Alexander," Penelope said calmingly, pushing him gently into a seat. She laid a hand on his forearm. "We didn't tell you this to upset you. I felt you had a right to know about your family." She got the distinct feeling he was hiding something.

  His wrinkled fists clenched and unclenched, his lips pulled tight and it was a tense moment before he spoke. "Is this codicil of any value?"

  "Aye, Wainright verified the signature. And as the Welsh-



  man said, the constitution has held up for two hundred years, why not this?"

  The older man chuckled, short and deep and Penny smiled at Ramsey, her relief relaxing her.

  Yet when Alexander's gaze fell on the codicil still in his hand, his expression turned grave. "You should let this die. Ramsey. It's not worth it."

  "I cannot." Alex's gaze flew to his. " 'Tis a matter of honor." He took the codicil. "She entrusted me," he glanced briefly at Penelope, "us to right this wrong."

  "It doesn't mean the same, without Annora," he said softly, his gaze flicking to Penelope.

  "I do not mean to be unfeeling, but an injustice has been done, to more than you."

  Alexander knew what he meant and stood, face to face with Ramsey. "Without the diamonds, you don't have a leg to stand on," he reminded.

  "Sloane's penchant for blackmail has naught to destroy us after the morrow." He glanced assuringly at Penelope. " 'Tis the entire cache they believe Tess gave to Penelope," Ramsey dug in his trouser pocket, then held up his fist, opening his fingers. The thumb sized deep rose hued diamond dropped like a hanged man from a gold chain. "And she did not."

  Penny stared at the spinning stone, momentarily trapped b its fiery brilliance til Alexander caught the diamond in his palm and tilted it toward the porch light.

  "The Red Lady."

  Ramsey scowled as the older man rubbed his thumb over

  the cut stone.

  "This one belonged to Annora." His gaze jerked to Ram­sey's. "It wasn't one of the group I bought to exchange. It belonged to my great great grandmother."

  Ramsey released the chain into Alexander's hand. "You're certain?"

  "Annora never took it off." He looked at Penelope for a long moment, then slowly brought his gaze back to Ramsey's. "And I can prove it."




  Amy J. Fetzer

  His body slid smoothly into hers, again and again, her hips tucking to take more. His broad hands swept leisurely down her sides, pushing her legs around his waist as he lifted her back off the bed, and they melted, mouth to mouth, breast to chest. Yielding femininity to masculine strength.

  She rocked and he cupped her buttocks, feeling her motion, savoring the quick shots of rapture racking her body. Her breath choked and she clung to him, gripping his shoulders, grinding down. She was always so wild for him, throwing her head back and begging for speed and power, and Ramsey bucked, finding his release in hers. He held her, her slick body arching tightly against his as spasms wrenched her, snapping through her like a brush fire.

  After a long moment, she softened against him, kissing him slowly, liquidly, and Ramsey thought he'd perish into dust from her tender loving.

  "Marry me, Ramsey," she said against his lips. "I love you. Marry me."

  His brows rose and he
pulled back, his gaze searching hers. " Tis usually the man who asks."

  Her look was petulant. "Not in my century."

  " 'Tis hardly the proper spot to be doing the asking."

  She was suddenly still, her expression falling. "Is that a no?"

  "Nay, nay." He sighed miserably, running the tip of his finger across her bare shoulder and watching his movements. "I'd never thought to love enough to speak the words to any­one," he met her gaze, "and wanted to do the asking."

  She arched a tapered brow, her lips tugging. He was pouting. "Want me to withdraw the offer?"

  "Nay!" Appalled and a little afraid. "I'll be your mate."

  Mate, how apt. "You make it sound like a chore."

  "I will make a fine husband," he said supremely, adjusting his arms about her. "You'll see."

  She gave him a cool look, yet her eyes sparkled with happi­ness. "Think so?"

  He pushed her onto her back, thrusting deeply into her lush body. "Ahh, you've that doubtin' look about you, temptress." "Assure me," came on a gasp. "If it takes a century, my love." Her smile was bright, her eyes tearing. "I can hardly wait."

  She smelled cherries and felt safe, cocooned in softness, in the place of a child's dreams, a warmth and gentleness she only vaguely remembered, surrounding her. She saw hands, manicured, slim and feminine, reaching out to touch her. She loves me, she thought, and struggled to see more. A dark green dress, a length of ribbon and lace. And a flicker of light, quicksilver and pink as a spring rose. A deep voice whispered lovingly, humming a lullaby.

  Then she glimpsed a face, brief, hazy, like a puff of mist, and she hungered to recapture the vision.

  But it slipped away like a breeze, dissipating.

  Then it came again, familiar, dark. Suffocating.

  Terror rode through her blood. She was not alone. Her arms were bound and she couldn't cry out, couldn't move her lips Sweat moved beneath her clothes, tears streaked her cheeks Heavy footsteps marked a rhythm with the air punching from her lungs. An odor, brittle and musty, filled her nostrils and wind howled, slow and whistling, as if through a crack in a window. Hands gripped her, tight and punishing. And she feared the threat. Then the words came, hateful and knifing.


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