My Dirty Janitor Book 4: The Second Coming of Ginny's Chinning: An Oral Sex Adventure

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My Dirty Janitor Book 4: The Second Coming of Ginny's Chinning: An Oral Sex Adventure Page 4

by Toni Mozzie

  Chapter Two

  After work, Lily went to a tourist agency to look into prices to cheap countries she’d researched online. She preferred to talk to a living person about destinations, as this was a big decision to make.

  In Europe, she was considering options like Croatia or Montenegro. She didn’t want to eat up all her savings. Maybe stay three months. Pick up a bit of the language, get a foreign boyfriend. She was also considering Thailand, Vietnam or Korea. There was the possibility that she could teach English in that part of the world, and the culture and people attracted her.

  Prices were about what she’d expected, but she couldn’t make up her mind, so she headed to the gym to work out and think it over. She would need to put in her notice at work and tell her friends. This was going to be the hardest part. She loved her friends as much as they loved her. She knew they were concerned for her, and once she broke the news that she was quitting her job and moving to some cheap country, she knew they would try to have her committed, saying it was just the depression taking over.

  Her workouts lasted an hour. She started with the running machine before doing some light lifting for toning. The session ended on a stationary bike.

  She drank lots of water because she liked to work up a good sweat. After the weights, she had to pee. Whenever it was free, she used the restroom next to the weight room designated for those with disabilities because it saved her from going all the way back to the locker room.

  She sucked back some more water and went in. The mirror pulled her toward it. She stared back at herself. She looked more tired than usual. She splashed a little water on her face and then walked over to the toilet, pulled her yoga pants down to her ankles and sat down. It smelled clean, lemony a little. It must have just been cleaned. She relaxed as the pee gushed out of her.

  Her mind was a blank; the moment was crisp, a pleasant effect of a strenuous workout, and another reason to exercise.

  The last drop of pee was hardly out of her when the door jerked open and in came a young, well-built Asian guy pulling a cart of cleaning supplies. He was the janitor. Lily had seen him a few times. As far as she knew, he had never looked her way or smiled at her. He wasn’t looking at her now either, as his back was turned to her as he backed into the restroom.

  Lily jumped up and then realizing she was exposing herself collapsed back onto the toilet seat and scrambled to yank her yoga pants up, but they got caught in her knees.

  Had she forgotten to lock the door? Was she that spaced out?

  The janitor didn’t notice her sitting there in front of him, until he and his cart were in and he’d locked the door. He turned and stared at her, his eyes diverting for a moment to her crotch. Natural enough, instinctive reflex, she thought later.

  “Oh, shit, sorry, ma’am. The door wasn’t locked.”

  “Sorry, I forgot to lock it.”

  “I just cleaned this unit but forgot to restock. I’m a little behind schedule. Since I’ve already invaded your privacy, might as well take advantage of it. I’ll just be a sec. Besides, you don’t have any toilet paper.”

  Lily glanced over at the dispenser. It was empty. Still, she couldn’t believe how causally this guy was acting. Was it because they were in a gym where people routinely undressed in front of one another or wore very little? Maybe this has happened a hundred times to this guy, and he thought nothing of it anymore.

  She relaxed. She was behaving prudishly. She was behaving like her old self. If she wanted to move on from the last seven years of broiling in her own stews, she needed to take risks outside of her comfort zone. What was the harm? It wasn’t like she was in any danger. It was kind of exciting, being so vulnerable with her pussy exposed to a sexy stranger.

  She watched him as he cleaned around the sink and refilled the soap dispenser. She watched him in the mirror. Not once did he sneak a peek at her. Her heart fell, which made her wonder what she was hoping would happen.

  The janitor grabbed a couple rolls from his cart. He put two on the sink counter, and then turning a little toward Lily, he handed her the other roll, looking away from her, but it did not look obvious, more like he was really in a hurry and already his attention was turned to other things.

  Lily reached for the roll, but it was just out of reach. She stood up a little and the janitor turned toward her. She sat back down on the seat, her bare knees touching.

  “Oh, there is a drop of pee on the floor,” he muttered, unraveling several sheets and instinctively kneeling down in front of her to wipe clean the floor between Lily’s feet. “Must have happened when you stood up so quickly when I came in. I didn’t mean to startle you. You must have been pretty distracted not to remember to lock the door. I hope everything is okay. You look tense.”

  Lily stared back at him, eyes wide. She couldn’t believe this was happening, but her pussy could; this man kneeling before her was getting her wet. She was sweaty, so she dared not hope this could escalate.

  “What is that you’re wearing?” he whispered, still on his knees, his eyes on her legs.

  “I think at the moment, not much.”

  “No, I mean that scent.”

  “The toilet?”

  “No, it’s clean; I just cleaned it. No, it’s something else—very feminine, reminiscent of a rose garden after a sun shower on a hot summer afternoon.” He swallowed hard.

  Lily stared down at the cute guy emasculating himself in front of her. “Are you coming onto me while I’m sitting on a toilet?”

  “Sorry, it’s just so intoxicating. I should go. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Sorry.” The janitor seemed to realize where he was and what he was doing and the trouble he could get into.

  Lily’s heart raced. Let go, she thought.

  She didn’t know what would happen next, and she didn’t care. She didn’t care if she misunderstood this situation or if he would reject her or laugh at her. The moment the man moved to get up, Lily let go of her yoga pants. They slid back toward her ankles, and she spread her legs, revealing her wet, tender pussy.

  Chapter Three

  The janitor stared greedily at her pussy, its plump pink labia, and her light blonde pubic hair, neatly trimmed funneling to a point above her clit. Her pussy lips sticky with sweat, pee and pussy juice, clung to one another. He ran both his hands along the inside of her thighs, before pushing her legs wider and adjusted himself closer. Her legs were as wide as they would go with her yoga pants down at her ankles. Realizing this, the man removed them quickly and once more ran his hands down the inside of her thighs groping for the very softness of her flesh.

  She could feel his strength as his hands gripped her legs under her knees, pushing her legs down towards her. She arched her back. It was a little uncomfortable, so she held onto the rails around the toilet.

  Sensing her discomfort, he reached back and grabbed a couple clean gym towels from the cart and placed them under her ass. The towels drooped into the toilet bowl, but Lily liked the feeling, like she was on a hammock.

  “Can I taste you?” he asked softly. His eyes were still on her pussy.

  In response, Lily inched her pelvis closer to him, her clit pulsating in anticipation of that first moist sensation of his tongue.

  He ran his middle finger into the folds of her pussy, separating the lips.

  “You’re so wet,” he said, and then leaned in.

  Lily felt the cool heat of his tongue as it probed the opening to her pussy, the tip of his tongue lapping up her juices.

  “Fuck, you taste awesome.” And with eagerness his tongue probed deeper inside her, slurping her juices into his mouth.

  Lily’s head gently fell back and instead of staring at the ceiling, she closed her eyes and let the rising and ebbing waves of pleasure ripple through her. Her right hand reached underneath her top and caressed her tingling nipples as they grew hard.

  Noticing this, the janitor slid his hands up her abdomen and underneath her top and fondled her breasts before gently squeezing her nip
ples. But he never took his focus off her pussy.

  Yet he had still to introduce himself to her clit.

  Just when she realized this, she felt his mouth closing over it. She could feel his lips capture her clit and suck it into his mouth. Cradled in his tongue, he sucked on her clit back and forth, his saliva slithering down her pussy to her ass. Then he released her clit and with his tongue slurped up the fluid that Lily’s pussy was soaked in.

  Then his tongue tensed and hardened as it lightly explored the edges of her asshole. This she’d never experienced before, and her asshole reacted by contracting, but the pleasure it brought let her relax as his tongue teased her asshole for a few seconds before returning to her pussy.

  He took one of her delicate pussy lips into his mouth and pulled gently on it, before releasing it. He did the same with the other—gently and without hurry. Both were interested only in this moment lasting forever and the pleasure she was feeling made it feel like it possibly could last forever—that it was forever, that this was forever. Nothing else in the world existed. Neither of them even heard a timid knock at the door—twice.

  With his index and middle fingers forming a ‘V’, he ran them up the length of her pussy, gently pinching her pussy lips together, but they did not stick, her pussy a mound of sopping flesh. The light blond hairs above her clit, caked in his salvia.

  “Put a finger in,” she moaned.

  He swirled a finger around her clit, swallowed hard, leaned in, and took it into his mouth again, sucking on it hard, teasing it out of his mouth, before pulling it back in, the tip of his tongue exploring every side of it. At the same time, he slowly slid his middle finger into her pussy. The ease at which his lubricated finger entered her made her gasp. She felt his finger curl and lift upwards and rub the inside of her clit. The rhythmic inward/outward motion of his finger entranced her body, her pelvis instinctively moving to his thrusts.

  Lily felt her muscles begin to tighten. Her upper thighs began to shudder. She was going to come. Sweat trickled down her back and down her stomach. Lily’s body surrendered, and she felt like she was falling into a burning, tingly ecstasy. It was impossible to say how long it lasted.

  It was the hardest she’d ever come, and later she accounted that to the nature he’d eaten her out and location he’d eaten her out.

  Afterward, he remained between her legs, gently lapping and slurping up her pussy juices. When her body’s convulsions subsided, he reached back and grabbed the toilet paper and gently wiped her clean.

  “That was the tastiest snack I’ve had in a long time,” he said, getting back to his feet, still admiring her pink slit as she sat up straight. “I need to go though. I’m behind schedule. Let me leave first.”

  “What if someone is waiting out there?”

  “So what?”

  “What will we say we were doing?”

  “Say nothing. I don’t know about you, but I don’t owe anyone an explanation for anything I do. Actually, I would think that what just happened was the most natural, most logical thing that could have happened. See you around?” he asked, his eyes searching her. “There is a certain flavor of pussy that I am addicted to. You are it.”

  She didn’t have a response. She looked at his nametag: Andrew.

  “Where are you from?” she asked.

  “East end.”

  “No, I mean your background. My ancestry’s Scandinavian.”

  He laughed. “Oh, my grandparents emigrated here from Vietnam.”

  “Have you visited?”

  “Vietnam? Sure.”

  “What’s it like.”

  “It depends where you go. But the beaches at Na Trang are the cheapest paradise I’ve seen on this earth.”

  He was about to turn when she stood up and kissed him. There wasn’t much passion in the kiss; she was kind of spent at the moment on that front. She wanted to kiss him though. She didn’t want there to be someone out there in the world whom she’d had sex with but had never kissed.

  He unlocked the door, opened it and peeked through the crack. “No one’s waiting. Take care.” Then he left, making sure the door was closed behind him.

  Lily got up, twaddled to the door, locked it and sat back down on the toilet. She had to pee again.

  Chapter Four

  When Lily stepped out of the restroom, no one was waiting to use it. If people saw it was occupied, they wouldn’t wait, they’d just go to the locker room.

  Lily still hadn’t hit the bike yet, but to hell with that routine. The whole point of a new beginning after all was to let go of the past.

  She went to the locker room and stripped off her sweaty clothes, her body already getting cold as her moist body cooled. She went to the shower and stood under the hot gushing water, as it sent delicious shivers of delight through her body. She then arched her back and pelvis so the water would spray her pussy, as her fingers probed her, removing all signs of what had just happened.

  She took twice as long in the shower, lathering her body up twice before getting out. Usually after working out, she felt euphoric, a high that comes only with working out, but it never usually lasted more than an hour after the work out. When she was out on the street, she still had that energy of a workout surging through her, and she knew it had nothing to do with exercise, even though it did have something to do with getting her heart rate up.

  She went to a café and ordered a latte and composed an email of resignation to her company. She was on friendly terms with her boss, and even though this was going to be unpleasant, she knew her boss would help with the transition anyway possible.

  When she’d finished, she reread the email. In it she explained that she wanted to take time away from work, not because she didn’t love her job or the company, but because she needed a change in scenery and was going to live abroad for a few months at least. She took a deep breath and then hit the ‘send’ button.

  As she sipped her coffee, she wondered how she would break the news to Amber and Lindsey. She thought maybe she could invite them to join her for a couple weeks at the beginning so they could see it was the right thing for her. They were reasonable and would jump at the chance at a little vacation, especially if Lily footed some of the bill.

  There was a lot to do, but Lily felt that her life had direction again once she’d made the decision to travel. She’d wanted to travel since university. She’d considered taking a year off before starting university, but her parents persuaded her not to. That was when she was younger and easily swayed. Not anymore.

  She received an email notification. It was her boss.

  She held her breath as she clicked to open the email.

  I’m sorry to hear you aren’t happy, Lily. However, if you are still interested in working with us, I’m certain we can arrange for you to work remotely.

  Lily stared at the message in disbelief.

  Had she stayed chained to her old live needlessly?

  She answered back that she was interested in this arrangement and wondered if she could set up a meeting to discuss the details tomorrow. Her boss answered immediately writing that she was expecting Lily first thing in the morning, adding that this was serendipitous, as the company was looking to downsize and was considering asking employees to work remotely, to reduce office expenses. If only everything were this easy.

  Next up: her friends.

  She arranged to meet them that evening for drinks.

  At first they were all frowns, but when Lily explained that she wouldn’t have to give up her job and that this was a no-brainer, and that they were welcome to join her on a little vacation to see how good it would be for her, they warmed to the idea, and then came the tears of departure even though no date had been set yet.

  Then Amber asked tentatively, “Wait, can I rent your condo? I’ll pay market value.”

  “As long as you promise to water the plants, and come with me for two weeks.”


  At that moment, Lily felt free; life excit
ed her again, now that she was no longer afraid to take what she deserved.

  But until her plane left, she had no intention of stopping her workout regime.

  About the Author

  Toni Mozzie has been writing mystery, romance and erotica for over twenty years under various pen names while traveling to exotic locations such as Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Italy, Hungry, Romania, and Brazil. Learn more at:

  Other books available by Toni Mozzie

  A Horny, Haunted House (erotica humor dark fantasy)

  Taken up the Elevator (erotica fantasy/Science fiction)

  A Subway Named Seduction (erotica urban)

  The Patron Saint of Porn Stars (erotica mystery)

  My Dirty Janitor (erotica humor kinky)

  Coming in November:

  Roughing it (erotic ffm survival adventure)

  Slave 9 (BDSM)

  Bonging and Banging

  Taken up the Elevator 4

  For a complete list of books currently available by Toni Mozzie, please go to the author’s page:

  If you enjoyed this book and would like information on future releases, promotions, sneak peeks, and giveaways please sign up for Toni Mozzie’s newsletter at:

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