Reaper's Rival: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 2

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Reaper's Rival: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 2 Page 13

by Simone Elise

  She chewed on her bottom lip. “Well, if Dad punches you, I don’t want to be pulled in to break it off.” She threaded her arms through it, pulling it down. “Stop staring at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m something special.”

  “You are special.” I twisted her around in my arms and kissed her shoulder, right where my name was tattooed. “Especially to me.”

  I knew she was going to say something but the knocking on the door stopped her. Brad. I let go of her and went to open it up. As soon as these guns were loaded and she was gone, I was going to call the only other person I thought she might open up to.


  God, it was hot. The guns were loaded and I had numerous missed calls from Daniels. Right now I was avoiding them. I knew he would be pissed off. He hated waiting. I walked back into the bar, needing a drink. Reaper and Brad followed me in.

  Kim and Dad were at the table, and the television was on.

  “The police have made a statement that this kill is linked to the kills earlier this month. While they aren’t saying who is at the top of suspect list, they have told us that there is footage of the car chase and the kill, which should mean they are close to an arrest. Back to you, Jeff.” I caught the end of the news and was surprised to see the car I had shot off the road on screen.

  I swallowed sharply and walked to the bar fridge.

  “What kind of idiot would kill someone in front of a police station?” Brad asked the room.

  “Someone who doesn’t give a fuck if they get caught or not.” Dad grunted. “We don’t know who this hit-man is, do we? Any word on the street?”

  “Nope, not gang-related that we know if.” Reaper twisted the cap off a beer. “Must be a professional.”

  “I wonder if there is a connection between the victims. Doesn’t a hit-man usually work off a list or something?” Kim asked while cutting up her lunch.

  “The police aren’t telling us half the facts. Never do.” Dad shrugged. “Clearly they are getting braver though, taking out a man in front of a police station.”

  Dad had no idea how wrong he was. I was nowhere near brave. And if I had seen the police station, I wouldn’t have done the hit. I gulped down the water, trying to ignore the fact that all my family and friends were thinking a complete stranger was behind these kills when it was actually me.

  My phone started buzzing on the bar.


  Well now, I guess I had to answer. What if that footage had a still of me taking the shot? I was hanging out the window with no mask.

  I answered.


  “You seen the TV?”

  “Yes.” I looked up at the television. “Any heat?”

  “Nah, they have no idea who is behind it. Found the burned-out car though. From what I’ve been told, they only have a blurry image of you taking the shot. Nothing they can ID you on.”

  Thank fuck for that. “Thanks for reassuring me.” Reaper’s eyes were on me, he was listening to every word I said. Which meant I had to make sure my walls were up. I turned my back to him so he couldn’t see my reaction. “Sorry about this morning.”

  “You’ve been avoiding me calls.”

  “Slept in. I’m heading out now.”

  “Good. Cause when you didn’t show this morning, the guys that were meant to be taking them the full distance have left. So that means you and I are taking them.”

  I groaned. “That’s a seven-hour drive!”

  “Good thing you got a sleep in because you won’t be doing much more of it for the next twelve hours.”

  “I never agreed to this.”

  “Yeah well, you slept in, didn’t you? Screwing up my day as well. So hurry the fuck up.”

  “Right. I’m leaving now.” I hung up and walked around the bar. “Hey Brad, are you in a rush for that van anytime soon?”

  He swallowed the beer in his mouth. “How long do you need it?”

  “Gotta go out of town. Should be back tomorrow.”

  “What, you are moving the guns now? I thought you said you were just dropping them off.” Reaper was down my throat right away. I knew moving guns was dangerous. I knew if we got pulled over they wouldn’t just arrest me, they would assume I was a supplier and throw the book at me.

  “The guys that were meant to move them bailed when I didn’t show this morning.” I glanced at Dad, feeling his eyes on me. “Don’t worry Dad, Daniels is coming with me. So at least if I go down, I’ll take him with me.”

  Dad grunted.

  “We will take them.” Reaper said. “We know the roads and the risk we are taking.”

  “That risk you normally take for the club,” I pointed out. “This isn’t club business. It’s my business, and I’m handling it. Now I have to go.”

  “I’ll get Cameron to listen to the scanners. Give you a heads up. Tell him what roads you are taking.” Dad spoke to me. “That’s not a suggestion either, Abby.”

  “I’ll think about it.” The last thing I wanted was to be tracked. If things did go wrong and I was forced to kill again, I didn’t want Dad knowing. “Bye.” I walked past Reaper and I thought I had gotten away from them till I heard the door open up after me.

  I felt his hand wrap around my arm.

  “Kade, I’m already late.” I wanted to groan but I didn’t. I kept patient and turned back to look at him.

  The serious look he was giving me told he wasn’t letting me leave that easy.

  “Look, I’ll be fine.” I wanted to reassure him. “You do it all the time,” I added.

  He grunted. “Don’t even try that card. You shouldn’t be anywhere near a gun right now.”

  “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t handle a weapon.” If only he knew how skilled I was with a gun. “Now bye.” I pulled my arm from his grasp and headed for the truck.

  “Will you be back tonight?”

  “Doubtful.” I threw it over my shoulder but was surprised to see he was right there. God, why did he have to get so close? “I’ll message you if I will be though.” I staggered out and pulled the handle on the van.

  “Don’t go, Abby.” His arm shot out, blocking me from climbing in. “Remember how you told me you had a bad feeling once? And you were right. Well, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

  Why did he have to throw that memory at me? I gently moved his arm out of my way.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow, Kade. I promise.” I didn’t even think it through, my lips were on his cheek before my brain worked.

  “I hate you taking a risk like this.”

  I laughed. “Trust me. Compared to what I have been doing, this is a walk in the park.” I clamped my mouth shut immediately. Shit, why did I say that? “Um…bye.”

  I climbed into the van and closed the door. Why was my hand shaking as I stuck the key in the ignition? Stupid hormones. I took off before I was even strapped in, needing to put as much distance between Kade and I. Before I did something stupid like tell him the reason I was doing it or worse, listen to him and not go through with it.


  We were three hours into the drive. I had done what Dad asked and told Cameron our location. The only reason I did it was because I knew he would be listening to the scanner anyway. Plus there was zero chance of us being pulled over.

  Daniels was whinging about the lack of air-conditioning and I was trying my best to read the newest romance novel I had gotten hooked on. I swear when it came to books, the old me was still just as addicted.

  It was the one thing I had never given up. My art comes and goes. And while I’m itching to get a sketch pad out and jot down my ideas, I knew they wouldn’t turn out well, because my art always reflected me. Reflected what was happening in my life. So I knew there was a reason why my ideas were dark and gloomy.


  I looked up from my pages, frowning at Daniels. “What? Did the engine light come on or something?” I didn’t know the las
t time this thing had been serviced.

  “Worse. Cops.”

  I turned to look out the back, seeing the flashing lights. Fuck me.

  I dropped my book and undid my seat belt. Reaching into the back, I grabbed the first gun my hand landed on and loaded it with ammo.

  “Do we pull over, chase, or kill them?” Daniels said, sounding like he needed my input.

  “The van’s plates will lead straight back to Dad. That’s why they will be pulling us over.” I snapped the gun back together.

  My phone started ringing. I knew who it would be but I answered anyway, putting it on loudspeaker.

  “Abby the plates got ran on the van, are you being pulled over?” Dad’s voice was gruff and rude, but I heard the panic.

  “Yeah, we are.”

  “You still loaded?”



  “Don’t worry, I’m handling it.” I whacked Daniels on the arm. “Pull over.”

  Daniels eyed the gun in my hand and then back at the flashing lights. “You sure about this, Abby? Killing a cop-”

  “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE GOING TO KILL A COP, ABBY?” Dad’s voice roared from the phone, cutting Daniels off.

  “That’s plan B.” I muttered. “Look Dad, I’ve got to go.” I hung up. “Pull over, Daniels.”

  Daniels shook his head but indicated. “You sure about this?” he said, pulling the van to a stop.

  I nodded my head, watching in the mirror as the cop got out. Just one. I can handle one.

  As soon as he went to Daniels’ side of the car. I slipped out and rounded the van. I heard him ask for Daniels’ license and radio for backup when I walked up behind him and pressed the gun into the back of his head.

  “You are going to do exactly what I say,” I said calmly.

  “Put the gun down, miss.”

  I pressed the gun closer to his head, leaving a mark. “You decide whether this is your last day on the job or if you want to go home to your family.”

  “The pay isn’t worth dying for. What do you want?” The cop automatically gave in. Good. I liked it when things went easy and my way.

  “Cancel the backup.” I lowered the gun. “And I promise you can drive away from this.”

  He pressed the button on his radio. “This is 214 canceling the need for back up on the western highway.” I waited for his answer when they asked if he wanted further details on the van. “Negative. It’s just a girl. All handled.”

  I lowered the gun completely. “Thanks. You’ve made my day better.”

  The cop turned around. “You won’t get away with this.” He pointed to the car. “You are being recorded.”

  “I’m planning on wiping that. And you are going to show me how.”

  “I’ll lose my job!”

  “Lose your job or your life? You pick.” He really shouldn’t have pulled us over.

  “I’ll show you how to do it,” he grumbled, and Daniels got out.

  “Seeing as you handled that. I’ll handle wiping the footage. Your phone keeps ringing too.” Daniels walked past me and headed for the cop car.

  I walked back around the van and climbed back in, hearing my phone ringing.

  “Yeah Dad, it’s handled,” I answered.

  “What did you do?” he barked. “I shouldn’t have let you go this morning. I should have made the boys do it. When you get home Abby, we are having a serious discussion about your boyfriend.”

  “You need to trust me more, Dad. Believe it or not. I can handle myself. As for my boyfriend, I’m not breaking up with him, and things like this happen when you are dating a criminal. So don’t even plan on giving me a lecture.” I hung up before he could say another word and Daniels climbed back into the van.

  “You’re calm under pressure.” He looked at me. “You didn’t even flinch.”

  “What can I say?” I picked up my book. “I’m getting better.”

  “Or colder,” Daniels muttered, getting back on the highway. At least there was no one around to see what I had just pulled.

  “I stopped us from getting arrested. The least you can say is thank you.”

  “Thank you,” he smiled. “Girlfriend.”

  Rolling my eyes, I turned my phone off so Dad couldn’t harass me further and I went back to reading. Now where did I leave off?


  Trigger and Kim were arguing at the bar. No one knew what it was over. All they were doing was saying hurtful things to each other. Kim was getting more frustrated by the minute and didn’t even look hurt by what Trigger was saying. But he was getting it back just as good as he served it at her.

  Brad and I were meant to be working on the new bikes that arrived yesterday. Stripping the plates and VINs.

  But I couldn’t think clearly. My mind was on Abby and what she was currently doing. I wouldn’t be able to rest tonight. Not till I knew she was heading back and was safe and as far away as possible from those bloody guns.

  Brad threw more money on the table and smirked at me. “Come on Reaper, I can read you like a book. I know you’ve got a shitty hand.”

  Brad and I were gambling and avoiding the heat and what we should be doing, even though Roach kept barking at us to get in the garage.

  I looked down at my hand. Why could my best friend read me so easily? I bluffed and threw down more money. If there was one thing I had a lot of, it was money.

  “So want to tell me why you were in Abby’s room this morning?” Brad reached for his beer with a knowing smile. “Took you long enough to make a move.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. Wasn’t about to be open with him in the bar when Abby’s sister and her father were within hearing distance.

  “Noticed the ink on her shoulder too.” He leaned over the table. “I don’t think anyone else has yet, or they would be down her throat.”

  When he meant anyone else, he was talking about Roach.

  “Must be proud, brother. Getting your name on her. That’s better than a wedding ring.” Brad had a point.

  A wedding ring could always come off. A tattoo couldn’t. Not only was Abby stating to everyone she was taken, she was telling them who by. Me. I smiled.

  “Yeah, got to admit I never loved seeing a tattoo more than hers.” I was honest. Just thinking about that ink on her shoulder and what it meant did wild things to me. I wanted her back here. Not out running guns. That was my job. Not hers. Why would Daniels even expect that of her? She was a girl.

  “PLATES JUST GOT RAN ON THE VAN!” Cameron burst open the clubhouse doors.

  I immediately got up and reached into my pocket. Fuck it, I knew things were going to go bad. I warned her. I shouldn’t have let go. Fuck it. I knew it. I shouldn’t have let her leave with those darn guns. That was my job. Not hers. Now I wasn’t there to help her. I was hours away.

  I had just gotten my phone out when I noticed Roach was already on his.

  “Abby, the plates just got ran on the van, are you being pulled over?” Roach barked into the phone. Everyone was deadly silent, waiting for her to answer.

  “Yeah, we are.” Her voice confirmed my nightmare. Maybe there was a chance they didn’t have the guns anymore.

  “You still loaded?” Roach asked, but the panic in his voice was clear to everyone in the room. She was hours away. Away from cops we owned. Or for us to be able to take the heat.

  Please tell me she didn’t have the guns anymore.

  We all waited for her answer.

  “Yep.” She answered smoothly. Calm. Controlled.

  “Fuck.” Roach said what we all thought hearing that.

  “Don’t worry, I’m handling it.” She still sounded in control. Not panicking that she was a few minutes away from getting locked up for the rest of her life. I heard her say “Pull over.”

  “You sure about this, Abby? Killing a cop-” Daniels was speaking, but Roach quickly cut him off.

  “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE GOING TO KILL A COP, ABBY?” Roach roared into the phone, s
aying what I was about to say.

  “That’s plan B,” Abby said. “Look Dad, I’ve got to go.”

  She hung up.


  “We have to do something.” I looked at Roach. “NOW!”

  “WHAT CAN I FUCKING DO? SHE’S HOURS AWAY!” Roach put the phone back to his ear and we all listened to the ringing. Abby wasn’t picking up. Because she was getting fucking arrested. I told her not to touch those guns!

  Fuck this. It was my fault. I knew better. I knew the risk she was taking, still, I let her take it. For what? For her boyfriend?

  “The cop just radioed for backup.” Cameron walked back in with the scanner.

  Great. Fucking great.

  Roach kept ringing.

  “We need to pull on the strings we have. Maybe get her out before she’s processed,” I said, thinking of which cop to call. Who had the most power?

  “This is 214 canceling the need for backup on the western highway.” The scanner went off.

  “Is that cop the one with Abby?” I asked Cameron. He nodded his head.

  “214, are you still with hostiles?” The scanner went off again.

  Abby was considered hostile? I guess that van was linked with us. They were only assuming what was correct under normal circumstances.

  “Negative. It’s just a girl. All handled,” the cop radioed back.

  What the hell had she done to pull that off? Roach was still calling her.

  “Yeah Dad, it’s handled.” Abby’s voice answered the phone.

  “What did you do?” Roach wanted answers. I wanted answers. “I shouldn’t have let you go this morning. I should have made the boys do it. When you get home Abby, we are having a serious discussion about your boyfriend.”

  Roach’s words were painted in regret and aggression. He was only saying what we were all feeling.

  “You need to trust me more, Dad. Believe it or not. I can handle myself. As for my boyfriend, I’m not breaking up with him, and things like this happen when you are dating a criminal. So don’t even plan on giving me a lecture.” Abby’s voice was sharp and to the point. Roach opened his mouth to argue, but she hung up before he could get a word in.


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