Cinderella and the Lady

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Cinderella and the Lady Page 8

by KT Grant

  He dug his fingers into Simon’s chest, ravenous for the mouth plundering his own. Simon’s tongue seared the inside of his mouth, jabbing and swiping until he was out of breath.

  He tore his mouth away and swallowed. “Hello to you too.” He wiped away the drool on his lip. “You’re taking a chance coming here. Half the single female population of Aulnory is inside, frenzied to look their best for this masked ball your parents are hosting.”

  Simon’s hand slipped down and snared Noah’s. A scowl materialized. “I had to leave the house. Mother is obsessed with planning and decorating and she has the staff running around batty. Father is enclosed in his study and Kristina snuck away somewhere.”

  “Your mother wants the best for her only son, and that means finding him the perfect bride,” Noah pointed out, his voice purposely light.

  Simon’s fingers tightened. “Seeing you this week will be difficult with all the insanity.”

  “No worries, chap. I’ll be too busy with the shop and the barrage of customers.” His voice sounded too carefree as if he had no problem with the separation. “Perhaps it’s for the best we won’t see each other. It will ease your way with your courtship of your future wife.” He pulled his hand away and slipped it inside his jacket pocket.

  Simon’s lips twisted. “Courtship? Where did you get the idea I would court some woman my parents may find for me at this blasted ball?”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Simon, you can’t ignore this. You need to get married. People are starting to question—”

  Simon landed his palms on Noah’s chest and pushed him back. He stumbled against a crate and expelled a disgruntled sigh. “Jostling me around isn’t going to solve your problem.”

  “No, it isn’t. I’m acting like a spoiled brat, aren’t I?” Simon smoothed his palms over Noah’s chest and gave him a chastised look.

  “Look on the bright side.” He tapped Simon’s cheek. “The ball will be a perfect opportunity for you to have a passionate encounter with a lady or two.” Noah gave Simon a blinding smile, although it hurt to do so. “You’ll then come to the conclusion I’m not what you need any longer.”

  The dark glare Simon gave him made his heart jump. He’d never seen Simon so angry and it gave him a slight scare.

  “Explain to me what you mean by not needing you any longer,” Simon snapped and cupped Noah’s face.

  He swallowed. “At your age, most men have experienced some sort of passion with a woman. You’ve only practiced with me. How can you know you won’t be attracted to a woman unless you kiss her or touch her?”

  Simon’s growling amplified. “Practice? What the hell…how can you say that? I may have never been intimate with a woman, but I sure as hell know what I’m attracted to, and whom. Are you saying you’re finished with me?”

  “Let’s be realistic here.” Noah moved his head back to escape Simon’s hold. Simon increased the pressure of his grip and he went still before Simon really lost his temper. “Our relationship wasn’t meant to be forever. Perhaps this ball is a sign we should break things off. I refuse to be your dirty secret on the side as you romance a woman you’ll end up giving your name to and sharing your body with.”

  “I’m not ready to give you up yet. You’ve gone too far this time.” Simon’s voice lowered to a ragged whisper and rage flashed in his eyes.

  “Gone too far? By speaking my mind? You never seemed to have a problem before.” A chill shot up his back and he shifted from one leg to the other.

  “This talk about you leaving me is ridiculous.”

  “This talk would have happened eventually.” He lifted Simon’s palm to his mouth and bestowed a kiss there. “Why not now? It’s for the best if we end things now.”

  “For the best?” Simon slammed his palms on each side of Noah’s head. Harsh pants came out of his mouth and his chest heaved.

  “Calm down.” He nudged Simon back.

  Simon thrust his hand away moved in closer until their chests were flush against one another.

  “Here you stand, in control, as if everything between us was nothing more than a passing fancy.” Simon seethed, showing teeth.

  “You must back away and let me go. We’ll get caught and—”

  “Shut up.” Simon grasped Noah by the back of his neck and planted a kiss on his open mouth.

  He twisted his head to the side to escape Simon’s resilient mouth. Simon cursed, breaking off the kiss and latching his lips on the side of his throat. He swallowed a groan when Simon’s knee slid in between his legs and rocked over his groin.

  “God!” He flinched as Simon sucked on his neck, his teeth biting down on his skin as his hand slipped in between them and grasped his stiff cock.

  “Mine,” Simon hissed and cupped him roughly, holding Noah in a firm grip.

  Noah slammed his head back against the wood behind him, wincing from the sting and the throbbing that had taken over his entire body. At this rate he would come in his breeches if Simon didn’t stop.

  “I can’t…” He arched into Simon’s clasp, closing his eyes as Simon lapped over his cheek, leaving a wet trail as he moved his face down the middle of his chest and knelt down before him.

  He watched through slitted eyes as Simon unfastened his breeches and tugged them and his drawers down. His member spilled out and he groaned when Simon circled his thumb across his weeping head.

  Many times in the past, Simon brought him to completion with his nimble hands, more so than sucking him off with his mouth. He always enjoyed having Simon’s cock in his mouth, never asking for the same in return. Now it looked like Simon wanted to return the favor.

  Simon rubbed his nose over the side of his prick, expelling a breath that encased his turgid flesh. He jerked his hips forward, anxious for Simon’s mouth on him.

  “Think of this as your punishment,” Simon whispered with a wicked grin and sealed his mouth around his pulsating cock.

  Noah fisted his hands into Simon’s hair as his mouth pumped back and forth. He spread his legs apart and bit down hard on his lip, shaking from the intensity over the exquisite pleasure traveling through his body. He was unraveling, coming apart because of the majestic man kneeling before him.

  Appreciative sounds came from Simon as he sucked and licked. His hands fiddled with Noah’s balls, clenching and releasing them, making him beg for Simon to finish him off.

  “Not yet…” Simon mumbled around Noah’s cock, running his teeth over a vein, then sucking down hard. His hand ventured further back until he found the curve of Noah’s ass and glided one finger in between his cheeks.

  “Fuuuck,” he garbled and ground down on Simon’s finger that slipped inside his anus and twisted to and fro. He wouldn’t last, not with the blunt finger deep inside his ass and a greedy mouth latched around his manhood, intent on stealing his essence.

  “Come for me. Now,” Simon ordered and dug his finger in deeper. His mouth engulfed Noah’s dick until he hit the back of his throat.

  Noah jerked and cupped Simon behind the head as he filled Simon’s mouth with his seed. Black spots appeared in front of his eyes and he blinked them away, blinded by the powerful orgasm. He barely had time to catch his breath when Simon rose, huffing. He wiped his mouth and cupped Noah’s cheeks, resting his forehead against his.

  Their heavy breaths mingled together and tears filled Noah’s eyes. He clutched Simon to him, silently proclaiming his love for this man he didn’t want to give up.

  Simon hid his face into the crook of his shoulder and whispered those three words he’d been longing to hear.

  He continued holding a trembling Simon with disregard for his near nakedness and drying seed on his thighs and stomach. He closed his eyes, whispering nonsensical words as Simon’s tears drenched his shirt collar.

  * * * *

  Mina palmed her heated cheeks and moved away from the window. She sat down next to the chamber pot, immune to the acrid smell of urine coming in that direction. She quivered from her climax,
her womb still clenching with the need to be filled with something long and thick. What she observed from the window in the water closet on the second floor had been scandalous and sinful, but had her wanting more, much, much more.

  Noah’s and Simon’s sexual exchange should have shocked her feminine sensibilities, but what she felt was quite the opposite. She couldn’t stop watching as the two men kissed passionately with their hands roaming over one another in possession. When Simon got down on his knees and took out Noah’s manhood, she almost swooned.

  She had reached in between her legs to ease the ache in her womanhood over the sex act that commenced. With fast strokes against her wet core, she experienced a release unlike any other she had before. She had wanted to see more, to take part in what both men offered one another.

  Now it made perfect sense why Simon was still unmarried. He had a tendre for Noah. They were lovers, and from the way they acted toward one another, had been for some time.

  Jealousy ripped through her chest. Simon was meant to be hers!

  Giving her twitching mound one last rub, she rose to her feet and stared out the window. Both Simon and Noah were gone. No evidence of their assignation remained.

  Tapping her chin, she stared down at the alleyway. Did Simon only prefer men or did he like women also? And if he did, would he be open to sharing?

  “Aha!” she shouted in glee. Now, with this tidbit of information she had, she could use it to her benefit. As shameful as it sounded, she wasn’t above blackmail to get what she wanted. What if she approached Simon with a solution that would benefit them both? She adored Noah and wanted the best for him also. She truly didn’t want to hurt him or Simon.

  She splashed scented water on her hands from the bowl on a table and patted down her flushed face. She now knew how to get Simon to marry her, and if it all worked out to her favor, he wouldn’t refuse. She had come up with a perfect way to get what she wanted.

  Chapter Seven

  Ellie wandered along the river bank near the Perrault property. She kept looking over her shoulder to see if she was shadowed or if anyone lurked in the bushes or behind the trees. She was both nervous and anxious, her basket far too light since she had left both August and Jack at home. She wished she brought them both with her for support, but couldn’t take the chance they would cause a ruckus, especially Jack, who wouldn’t stay in the basket for long.

  She patted the side of her hair where she had pinned a white ribbon she had snitched from Mina’s collection. It matched her one nice dress, a blue checkered gingham instead of her mourning dress. She hoped to impress Diana, even with her outdated dress, taking the time to style her hair and going as far as spraying on some of Geraldine’s lilac-scented perfume.

  Turning the bend near an out cropping of trees stood a small wooden structure. The white paint was peeling down the sides and the two windows were missing glass. The building lacked charm, but otherwise it looked sound for her tutoring lesson; much like a schoolhouse. She smiled, pleased with that idea, and walked up to the front door. Lifting her hand, she gave the door a rap. The door swung open.

  Diana wore a floral muslin dress, displaying the graceful arch of her throat and her ample bosom. Her hair was spread across her shoulders like a curtain. She’s breathtaking! Ellie’s hand rose of its own accord toward Diana’s tresses. She blinked and dropped her hand down at her side.

  Diana didn’t seem to notice her transgression and smiled in welcome.

  “I’m so happy you decided to...oh my dear, whatever happened to your chin?”

  She moved back when Diana lifted her hand toward her face. She covered the offensive-looking scratch. “It’s nothing to worry about. August swiped me with one of his claws.”

  Diana gave her a skeptical look but didn’t press any further. “Come inside.”

  She backed into the room and Ellie entered, taking stock of her surroundings. It had a homey feel to it with a fireplace, a tiny kitchen with a table, and a small bed arranged with linens and pillows in the far corner.

  Ellie sniffed, expecting to smell stale air and dust. She found neither. “Did someone clean?”

  Diana nodded and swiped a finger across the back of a chair. “I dusted and swept, and brought sheets and pillows for the bed.” She rubbed her hands and snuck a peek at the basket. “Did you bring August?”

  “Not this time. I left him and Jack home. They get into mischief and I wouldn’t want them to be a bother.”

  “Jack?” Diana asked. “You have another cat?”

  “Erm, not a cat. Just another pet of mine.” She bit the inside of her cheek. She wanted to smack her forehead for mentioning Jack.

  To her surprise, Diana didn’t ask any questions about her rodent pet. On the table, Ellie set out the parcel of food she brought with her, as well as her slate and chalk, and a few old elementary books of Mina’s she found hidden in one of the library shelves.

  “I bought some food in case we get hungry,” she explained, peering at Diana over her shoulder.

  Diana stared at her hair. Ellie hunched her shoulders, uncomfortable at being studied in such a way.

  “The ribbon suits you,” Diana said, and before Ellie could stop her, she pushed aside one of her curls behind her ear and her fingertip grazed over the ribbon.

  She grabbed the chair next to her to stop from swaying. Diana moved over to the counter in the kitchen and produced a bottle and two glasses.

  “Do you like wine?”

  Ellie nodded, although she’d never had any. She didn’t want to disappoint Diana.

  “Wonderful!” Diana clapped. “This will be our reward for when we finish with our lesson for today.”

  She found it strange Diana used the word “our” and not “your”. She liked the idea of sharing between the two of them.

  “That would be nice.” She sat down.

  Diana took a satchel off a chair and sat. She opened the bag and extracted a bundle of paper and a book. “Put the slate away. From now on you’ll use paper and pen.”

  Ellie’s jaw dropped. When Diana placed the paper in front of her, she stroked it. She never used real paper to write on before. What a treat!

  Diana set a small jar of ink and a pen next to her and opened the book to the first page. “Why don’t you write out the alphabet and we’ll take it from there?”

  Ellie nodded enthusiastically and hid her smile when Diana laughed. She lifted the pen, dipped it in the ink and drew the letter A.

  * * * *

  An hour later, Kristina wanted to take a break. Her back ached from sitting in the rigid wooden chair. But then again Elle had allowed her to take her hand to assist with her writing. Their shoulders brushed against one another and their elbows bumped while they scribbled on the paper.

  She was proud of her student, who with some instruction not only wrote out the entire alphabet but also copied a few sentences from the primer and could read and understand them. Her handwriting still needed work, but she made sure to compliment Elle in order to see her smile and her eyes lose the uncertainty always lurking underneath.

  She lifted her arms over her head and stretched, twisting her neck back and forth to release the stiffness there. Elle read aloud from her book, but then yawned.

  “Let’s take a break. I’m famished,” Kristina said and grabbed the wine.

  Thunder rumbled in the distance and the wind had picked up. When she turned back around, Elle stared out the window. Her face had paled and she rubbed her arms as if she was cold.

  “Are you all right?” she asked and sat back down next to the startled woman.

  Elle’s lips tilted up into a small smile. “I hate storms.”

  “I’m not keen on them either. But they do pop up unexpectedly this time of year. We’ll just have to wait it out if it rains too hard.” She opened the wine she had uncorked earlier and poured the dark red liquid into two glasses.

  Elle pushed aside the book and papers and laid out the food.

  Kristina stomach gru
mbled over the selection of bread, cheeses, and fruit. “Grapes are my favorite fruit.” She popped one into her mouth.

  “Apples are still the best. I can’t get enough of them.” Elle took one and polished it against her shoulder. Instead of taking a bite, she set it on the table.

  “I gathered that,” she murmured, trying not to stare at Elle’s mouth when she took a tentative sip of her wine.

  “Hm, good.” Elle covered her mouth when she burped, murmuring an apology.

  “I’m happy you approve.” Without waiting for permission, she brushed a hand over Elle’s hair. She loved touching her hair. It wasn’t as smooth as she’d like, but she enjoyed running her fingers through the curly locks.

  Elle bit into her apple and chewed. Kristina took a sip of her wine and continued caressing her hair. Elle jerked her head away and touched the spot Kristina had been admiring with her hand.

  “You must think I’m rude. I normally don’t go around touching people’s heads,” she clarified and ate another grape.

  “My mother would brush my hair before bed.” A sober look appeared on Elle’s face.

  “Was your hair always short?” she asked.

  Elle shook her head. “I chopped it off around the time I became a…servant. It kept falling in my face and would never stay in a braid. It’s easier to take care of this way.”

  “The ribbon is a nice touch. Did you wear it for me today?” she asked, and nudged her shoulder against Elle’s.

  Elle finished her wine and took a few more bites of her apple, not answering.

  Kristina swallowed a frustrated sigh, allowing her question to go unanswered. She poured more wine for them both. “I want to know more about you. It will help me with your lessons.”

  She waited for the hesitation to surface over her flawed statement. Elle continued drinking her wine. Her cheeks gave off a rosy glow and the paleness of her skin diminished, lessening her gaunt appearance.

  She placed her hand on top of Elle’s fist resting in her lap. Elle’s hand twitched. Kristina’s thumb ran over the knuckles, troubled by how bony they were.

  “You’re far too skinny.” She gave Elle’s hand another squeeze.


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