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Cover Me (Rock Gods #3)

Page 7

by Joanna Blake

"It's no trouble. I just have friends in the right places."

  "It was more than that."

  He shrugged.

  "I'm sorry I just ran off like that. I ws going to call in the morning but I should have left you a message…"

  She trailed off as he shrugged again.

  "Betsy filled in for you. She did a great job."

  "Oh. That's great. I was worried that I'd make things difficult for you."

  "Not at all."

  Kat felt a little disappointed by his lukewarm reception. He'd been perfectly polite of course, he just hadn't fawned all over her like usual.

  It was weird.

  No, it was more than that.

  It was professional.

  That's what she wanted right?

  Except that it wasn't.

  A dull feeling came over her. He'd backed off like she'd asked him too. Now she got to realize what she was missing.

  Once the lights came on though, she forgot everything and lost herself in the thrill of performing. When they broke for intermission she was smiling as she caught her breath and drank a cup of green tea. Bruce was nowhere to be found. But when they went on stage again, it was nearly time to do their duet.

  Finally it was time. She sang her heart out, loving the sound of their voices together. She had promised her mother a recording of the song. The sound guy had promised to tape it for her tonight.

  As the song ended she turned to face Bruce. Tenderly he cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers. The same electricity jumped between them. The lights went out and he stepped away abruptly, making her feel bereft.

  It was like that the next night too. And the next.

  Bruce was polite to her, friendly even. But the hungry look in his eyes was gone, replaced with mild interest.

  It should have been a relief.

  She hated it.

  In fact, he was slowly driving her insane. She had no reason to be upset at all. Tommy was doing great according to her mother who called at least twice each and every day with a detailed report. The hotel had strict orders to track her down if she got another urgent message. The show was going great. The crew and band were getting along really well. She even had friends for the first time in a long time.

  Everything was great.

  Kat was miserable.

  It was Saturday night. They had Sundays off which usually meant that everyone went out on the town after the show. The girls had asked her to but she declined, saying she wanted to watch a movie in her hotel room instead.

  The show was packed as usual. The crowd was especially wild tonight. There must have been something in the air because when it came time for the kiss, Bruce did something unexpected.

  He really kissed her.

  She moaned as he pressed her body against his, her nipples instantly hard. His mouth slanted over hers, urging her lips to part breathlessly. The lights went out but he kept kissing her for a moment. Then he shook his head and pushed her away.


  "It's- okay."

  She stood there for a second staring at him before she realized she needed to get back off stage. She was barely there in time for the next number when the lights went up. It was his solo, the sad song he did the acoustic for.

  She watched in the wings, feeling a very strange emotion as his heart seemed to pour out into the audience.

  Into her.

  After the show Kat watched as Bruce signed autographs. Some of the crew and band were going dancing and Bruce invited a few of the more attractive girls to go with them. He threw his arm around one and left without a backward glance.

  Kat's stomach dropped. He was going to take her advice apparently. He probably already had.

  He certainly didn't seem frustrated anymore.

  Betsy and Linda came up on either side of her.

  "Ooooh, is that the sound of a heart breaking?"

  "No. No! I just- I don't know."

  "You got it bad girl. I know the signs."

  Kat sighed.

  "Maybe I do. But it's hopeless. He doesn't even like me anymore. I knew this would happen. He's probably been banging a different girl every night."

  "From what I can tell he goes back to his room every night. Alone. But I can't say for certain."

  "He hasn't been going out?"

  Linda shook her head slowly.

  "We could always go dancing ourselves. Get you all dolled up, go and get your man…"

  Kat shook her head.

  "I couldn't. I'd feel ridiculous. Besides, what if he doesn't want me anymore?"

  Betsy looked at Linda and laughed.

  "That man looks like he's ready to jump out of his skin whenever you are around. Just… not when you're looking."

  Butterflies seemed to be flying around her insides all the sudden.


  "Yes really. But I think you're going to have to make the first move honey."

  She squared her shoulders.

  "Okay. Let's do it."


  Bruce sat with the rest of the crew and the band. He'd already encouraged the girls he'd brought to hang out with the other guys. If Kat wasn't there to see him with them, then what was the point?

  He knew he was getting to her, but it was taking too long. He was tempted to have a drink again. But no, not after what happened last time. He'd made an ass of himself, and hurt Kat in the process. It wasn't worth it, not in the state he was in. He was familiar with the condition but he'd never experienced it before. It was the same thing that poets had been writing about for centuries.

  Unrequited love.

  Well, not quite unrequited. Just not requited enough.

  Just then Harry elbowed his ribs.

  "She's here."

  Bruce sat up and scanned the room. He saw her almost immediately. It was easy to pick her out since every man in the place was looking that way.

  Dear God.

  Kat was dressed- or should he say undressed- in a minuscule dress. If you could even call it that. It had a corset top that pushed her gorgeous tits up and out, cinching in her already tiny waist. The skirt was absurdly short. He wasn't sure she could sit down in it without revealing, well, everything.

  He could see the lacy tops of her thigh high stockings when she turned to say something to Betsy. They were leaning against the bar ordering drinks. He was staring at the absurdly high knee high boots she wore when a swarm of men defended on her.

  He cursed. Why oh why had he bought her that particular outfit? He must be a glutton for punishment. Instead of making her jealous, he was the one who wanted to fight every man in the place, just for looking at her.

  And they were all looking at her.

  He was about to get up when he saw her leading a good looking guy to the dance floor. She started to twine her body seductively, not grinding on her partner, but keeping just out of his reach.

  Jesus Christ she was a good dancer.

  He sat back down again abruptly. His heart was pounding in his chest while he watched her move. And that was before he noticed her eyes.

  She was staring right at him.


  Kat felt a shock go through her at the moment that Bruce realized what she was deliberately doing to him. He'd been staring at her hungrily before she caught his eye.

  And held it.

  She danced slowly and sinuously, thinking about the things she'd like to do to him. All the while staring directly at him. She smiled at him seductively after a little while, just in case he had any doubts in his mind about what she was after.

  That was all it took. He was on his feet in an instant, and pulling her out of the club in the next. They were out on the street before she knew what hit her.

  He pulled her away from the club and turned to face her.

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  He seemed angry at her. That was good.

  "Dancing. It's a dance club silly."

  He frowned.

  "Don't you like dancing?

  "No. I don't like that kind of dancing. It looked like you were- you were-"

  "Making love?"

  His jaw dropped. She smiled and stepped closer to him, laying her hands on his chest.


  There was a warning tone in his voice. Also something else.


  She stepped closer, until her breasts were pressing up against his chest. She tilted her head and looked up at him inquisitively.


  Bruce was breathing heavily as she made lazy whorls on his chest with her finger tips. Then she let her hands slip lower, to his rock hard abs.

  He moaned and pulled her hands away, holding her wrists tightly. He didn't step away though. That was good.

  "Kat. I can't do this again."

  "I know."

  She knew she'd won a split second before his mouth came crashing down on hers.


  They rode up the elevator to his suite in silence. Bruce couldn't tear his eyes off of her. She was staring hungrily at him, leaning against the far wall of the elevator.

  Finally as they neared the penthouse he leaned over her.

  "You aren't drunk are you?

  Slowly she shook her head 'no.'

  "You're sure about this?

  She nodded, a warm look in her eyes.

  "Once I start I'm not sure I will be able to stop."

  She stared at him without any pretense.

  "Me either."


  The doors opened.

  Bruce was walking on air. He knew he should take it slow but he was way past that now. His whole body was thrumming with desire. He slid the key card into the door and looked at her. She was watching his hands carefully before she looked up at him. The look in her eyes nearly undid him.

  She wanted him. As badly as he wanted her.

  He pushed the door open and she stepped through it.

  In seconds he had her up against the door. He didn't even remember closing it behind them. Her head fell back as he ravaged her neck and throat with his mouth. His hands were on her hips, holding them firmly against his arousal. He'd never been this hard in his life. He growled and lifted his head to stare down on her.

  "Bed. Now."

  Kat nodded breathlessly.

  He wasn't sure they were going to make it to the bed.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the suite. The couch looked comfortable. The carpet looked comfortable. He felt his dick twitch in his pants and groaned. Why the hell was this suite so damn big? He hadn't noticed before.

  There, up ahead was the bedroom. He took longer strides, practically dragging Kat behind him. He glanced back. She was taking tiny little jogging steps to keep up, trying not to trip in her heels. He curse and leaned down, picking her up. Jesus, she felt good in his arms. She blinked up at him, her pretty little mouth parted slightly.

  He walked faster.

  Bruce kicked open the bedroom door. He kicked it shut again behind him. He tossed Kat on the oversized bed, making her squeal.

  And then he got down to business.

  He pulled his shirt off and reached for her boots. She watched him breathlessly as he unzipped one and then the other, pulling them off. Then he climbed up and over her, running his hands up her legs, over her chest and sides, everywhere. He smiled at her and then unceremoniously turned her over. Gently he unzipped her dress, making sure not to scratch her. He kissed each inch of her gorgeous smooth skin as it came into view. Nobody had skin like her. It was like honey and cream…

  He pulled the dress down slowly, revealing her perfect ass. The black lace panties were sheer with matching garter and thigh highs just below. He groaned and ran his hand over her ass before grabbing her hip and tugging her back over onto her back. Not before he unclasped her bra though.

  Easy now…

  He wanted to enjoy this. He wanted her to enjoy this. He didn't want to lose control and just plow into her.

  But oh God, that was exactly what he wanted to do.

  Kat was breathing heavily as he pulled her against him. He lowered his head to kiss her again as he fondled her glorious breasts. The kiss went from zero to sixty in two seconds flat. They were both frantic again, grinding into each other. He pulled his mouth away and tore her bra off. He unleashed on her then, kissing and caressing her breasts like a starving man at a feast. Then he reached down to her panties. He ran his fingers up and down her tiny slit while he sucked her nipples, twirling his tongue around the perfect cherry red tops.





  "Please hurry."

  He wanted to taste her, explore her, but he knew what she was asking. She wanted him inside her. Now.

  Dear god, that's what he wanted too.

  He lifted himself up and tugged on the tiny bows on either side of her panties. They came free and he groaned. He couldn't resist sliding his tongue up and down her perfect puffy little lips.

  Hmmmm God, she was already wet, a thin line of dew there for him to sample. She was whimpering now as he reached down and started working on his pants.

  Thank god being a musician made him ambidextrous.

  He tore his mouth away and rolled over long enough to yank his jeans off. Then he was back, tasting and touching her with abandonment.

  The moment was at hand.

  He kissed his way up her body and positioned his cock head against her tiny little slit.


  Her eyes fluttered open. Her mouth was open. She looked utterly wild and wanton. He groaned and started to ease his way inside her.

  Her slick and silky walls were so tight that he had to go slow. At first. He knew that once he was fully inside her, all bets were off.


  Kat gasped as Bruce eased his way deeper inside her. She hadn't gotten a good look at his shaft, but she could tell it was big.

  Really big.

  She stared up at him. He was concentrating hard, watching her with those heavy lidded bedroom eyes. Jesus the man was sexy! No wonder she'd had such a hard time resisting him.

  Thank goodness she'd finally stopped fighting it.

  She'd never felt anything like this in her life. This much pleasure, this much desire… it was making it difficult to think. She'd certainly lost all sense of modesty. She wanted him too badly to be shy.


  She cried out as he slid in a bit further.

  "Christ, Kat, you're so small. Unnfff… am I hurting you sweetheart?"

  She shook her head breathlessly. No he wasn't hurting her. He was being so careful and slow. But she wanted him to go faster.

  To take her. Hard.

  She whimpered and felt her body squeeze down on him unconsciously. He groaned and sunk in a little deeper. And then her hips started to make small circles without her meaning to. Her body had taken over, pulling him inside her with every rotation.

  "Oh God Kat. I can't- I can't-"


  He moaned and lowered his head to her neck. His hands grasped her hips hard. And he started to move.

  Oh dear lord, he started to move.

  Slowly but firmly he slid into her depths until she felt the tip of his shaft touch her womb. She moaned in protest as he withdrew, but then he drove back into her completely. Again and again he pistoned his cock into her willing femininity.

  But she wanted it harder. Much harder.

  Bruce was staring into her eyes as he pumped her with his cock.


  He stopped above her. Her whole body was screaming in protest at the interruption.


  "I forgot to put on a condom- hold on-"

  He started to withdraw but she wrapped her legs around him.

  "It's okay."

  He stared down at her.

  "I'm on the pill."

  He moaned and leaned down to kiss her. And then he began again. This t
ime his movements were less precise, more desperate. She could tell he wasn't going to be able to stop again if he wanted to.

  Thank goodness for that.

  Kat felt tremors starting to build in her limbs as she got closer. She hadn't felt anything like this before in her life. She knew she was going to climax and that it was going to be big. No, not big.

  It was going to be epic.

  "Oh God, oh God-"

  She froze, her spine arching off the bed as she started to peak. She could see Bruce above her, watching her as he continued riding her through her orgasm. She fell back to bed, her whole body shaking.

  His arms were around her as his body came even closer.

  "I got you… it's okay…"

  How had he known that the orgasm had shaken her to her core?

  She felt so vulnerable and exposed, so incredibly open that it frightened her. And she could feel another orgasm building inside her.

  "Oh God!"

  His thick rod pulsed inside her as her body convulsed on his shaft. They were coming together this time, his essence adding to the sensation, allowing him to move faster inside her.

  Her head was thrashing on the pillows. Her whole body felt like it was in the middle of a fireworks show. Still, he didn't stop.

  He plunged into her again and again as he lost himself in his orgasm, just like she had done. Finally he collapsed on top of her, using his forearms to keep from crushing her completely with his weight. He was almost twice the size of her, so she appreciated the gesture.

  That's with the tiny part of her brain that could still think.

  He kissed her tenderly and rolled to the side, taking her with him. He was still inside her. Clearly he didn't want it to end any more than she did.

  She never wanted it to end. Not just because the sex was so good. No, it was because she loved him.

  She was in love with Bruce Harrison.

  Oh no.

  There was no denying it after what had just happened. She loved him. Now she was really in trouble.

  Her head was spinning when Bruce started moving his hips. She gasped. He was getting hard again, still inside her. She gripped his shoulders as the sensations overtook her.


  "Oh God, yes."


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