Hot As Blazes

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Hot As Blazes Page 2

by Dani Jace

  “Yes ma’am. Remain calm.”

  “Listen, he’s moaning and going to drown if someone doesn’t shut the water off.” She dare not move him in case he had neck or back injuries.


  “A car took out a fire hydrant.”


  The offending party sat in her car, shrieking like a banshee.

  “No. He bounced off another vehicle’s windshield. My truck only ate the bicycle. We need an ambulance ASAP!”

  “One’s been dispatched. Can you stay with him?”

  “Of course.” With trembling fingers, she brushed hair off his forehead, pushing aside the memories of her father’s accident. “Help is on the way.”

  “Do you think he has an ID or a cell phone?” A man approached with an umbrella. “He’s just in trunks―oh, wait!” He handed her the umbrella then returned with a sodden backpack. Grinning, he withdrew a sealed zippy bag.

  “See if he has an ICE list,” Jo yelled over the wailing sirens.

  Her umbrella friend found an emergency contact list and handed over the phone when the police arrived. An EMT jogged up and a firefighter relieved her from umbrella duty.

  As she stepped from beneath the cascading waterfall, a pair of beefy hands dropped a firefighter’s turnout coat over her shoulders.

  Strong and warm, the hands lingered. “So that was the, Oh shit,” Ray said huskily against her ear.

  She nodded.

  “You okay?”

  “Think so.” She stood solid but wanted to yield to his strength. Her father had perished not too far from here in an auto accident. The memory chilled her to the bone. Luckily, the boy on the bicycle would recover. While Ray returned to his crew, his smoky bunker coat comforted her.

  Utilities arrived to shut off the water then the wrecker hoisted the car onto its flatbed. Sweating in the steamy heat, firefighters cleared the road of scattered car parts. Their wisecracks reminded her of times when she’d gone on calls with her dad.

  She ached to be a part of the family again.

  Ray returned sweaty and grimy, but looking totally edible. His navy T-shirt bulged in all the right places. How could any man look so hot in bulky turnout pants?

  Before returning home, she hadn’t thought of sex in months. Now every time he was near, her body tightened with desire.

  “Come on. I’ll get your truck off the bike.” His hulky form slid behind the wheel.

  The sound of the Broncosaurus mangling the rest of the bike beneath its rear wheels set Jo’s teeth on edge. Another firefighter tossed the twisted heap to the wrecker driver.

  Ray hopped from her truck and held the driver’s door open. She shrugged off his coat and immediately missed his essence. How many women had been so lucky? A firefighter’s gear was sacred. “Thanks again.”

  His gaze wandered to her chest. “Didn’t want everyone to see you could win a wet T-shirt contest, Dahlin’.”

  Adrenaline and cold water had her nipples at attention beneath her clinging tank top. Heat scorched her cheeks. “Shit.”

  “You’ve been saying that a lot today.” He smiled in his easy way. “Can you drive?”

  “No problem.” She’d sounded stronger than she felt.

  “You did a good job, Jo. Kept your head.” With a large, steady finger, he lifted her chin. His soft gaze held compassion.

  It would’ve been so easy to melt against him. For shelter. For comfort. Hope for total fulfillment of all of her fantasies. He pressed a tender kiss to her cheek. The scratch of his stubble shot a jolt of sensual need low in her belly.

  “Have a beer when you get home.”

  She straightened, donned a tough expression and climbed into the seat. “Jack Daniels.”

  “Good man.” He shut the door. “But he’ll kick your ass if you’re not careful.”

  “Yeah, like a lot of men.” She winked and yanked her SUV into drive.

  As soon as she walked into the house, Bobby handed her a whiskey on the rocks. The glass smoked with cold vapor.


  He nodded. “Rough day?”

  Terror followed by ecstasy. “Practicing first responder skills.”

  While she held the frosty drink to her forehead, her shorts beeped. She drew her phone from her pocket and read Ray’s text.

  Cheers Dahlin’ H2CUS! Text code for hope to see you soon. After a swig of her cocktail, she touched her cheek where his lips had been.

  She could do with more of the ecstasy.

  Chapter 3

  Ray waded through the crowded ground floor of The Casino and around the stage where a band was setting up. The popular ocean-side nightclub was named after a legendary fifties beach club and boasted wooden floors and multi-levels like the original structure. With the flocking summer tourists, the place had become his friend Tommy’s place to scout for strange since his divorce.

  Ray would love to run into Jo, but for some reason he didn’t get the feeling she was into the social scene these days. Hell, she’d been putting off meeting him for a beer.

  He climbed the stairs and found his tall, lanky ladder truck driver slouched at a table overlooking the stage. His blond hair always needed a cut. At least he’d ditched the flowery Hawaiian shirt tonight for a regular collared shirt. After being in the National Guard, Ray had a thing for tidiness and it continued into his current career. His only slip was skipping a shave when he wasn’t on duty at the fire station.

  With a little over a year of firefighting under his belt, he’d acclimated to twenty-four shifts with rotating days off. Today started his first day off in four and he hoped to hear from Jo and ride some waves.

  “Is Bobby coming?” Tommy asked, raising his brew.

  He passed Tommy an are you kidding eye roll.

  “Pussy tied by the new flavor of the month, Sarah?”

  “Apparently. Found anything appetizing yet?” Ray scanned the crowd of bodies, some more dressed than others. From bikini tops to skintight dresses he couldn’t find Jo in the mix.

  “Too early. The honeys need to soak up a few before they’re ready to party serious.” Tommy lifted his chin.

  Ray preferred Papagayos, a small oceanfront bar catering to locals. But tonight he’d play wingman to his brother. Before he sat, a petite brunette bumped into his elbow.

  She turned, and smiled.

  Not his type.

  None were these days. Only a certain sexy surfer held his attention, but California seemed to have made her wary. Surely, it hadn’t only been because she’d been kicked over the surfing circuit.

  After giving him a once over, she said, “Oops, sorry. Didn’t spill your drink, did I?”

  “I didn’t have one.” He smiled. “How about I get us one?” He gestured, offering a seat at the table where his friend sat. “What’ll you have?”

  “Piña Colada.”

  “I’ll be right back.” He lingered at the bar, while Tommy spun firefighter tales. Upon his return, he sat her glass on the table.

  She barely acknowledged him.

  “You guys look cozy, and I saw an old buddy. Be back in a few.” He wandered through the expansive nightclub until he found a table of firefighters from Kitty Hawk. He grabbed an empty chair. “Expecting company?”

  “All swinging dicks welcome. It’s guys night out, but then that’s every night for you isn’t it, Ray?” Mark, a stocky engine operator grinned.

  “The perks of being single.” He replied with a sarcastic half-smile. And it gets old.

  “Heard you guys had a real burner the other day.” Bart, the skinny rookie asked wide-eyed.

  A waitress bent close and he asked for another scotch.

  Mark eyed her cleavage and shook his head after she left. “That was a sweet view. So how’s the hot little redhead I saw you with at the Black Raven last winter?”

  Ray shrugged. “In Jersey, I suppose.” They would swallow their tongues if they knew he hadn�
��t been with a woman since the ER doctor left without a word. A couple of weeks later, Jo had lost her scholarship and place on the surfing team. He’d called and offered his help, but she’d seemed determined to fix things on her own. His hope of her return had finally been answered.

  “Oh, God, you should’ve seen the blonde I hooked up with a couple of weeks back.” Bart wheezed. The young gun wiggled his brows. “Her legs were so long, I got lost working my way back after sucking her pink toenails.”

  The table erupted in hoots of laughter.

  Ray sipped his drink, feigning interest. He was more concerned about how long Jo planned to stay home. She’d been involved with some surfer named Vic. Had things had gone south and she’d come home for a break? He didn’t know how much time he had to convince her to forget the dick and stay, but he’d better get to work.

  Chapter 4

  Eating dinner on the deck, Jo winked at Bobby and popped another shrimp. “Just doing the deed until something better comes along, then?”

  “Cynical much?” He frowned leaning forward. He had their Dad’s scowl down pat and dark wavy hair with the matching Superman curl. His physique was built for speed whereas Ray could probably bench the fire engine.

  “Touchy.” She shook off the burn and savored her cold brew. “Jail time does things to a girl.”

  “Vic was a prick.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Move on and try to find a happy place that might involve a decent guy.”

  She hadn’t been truly happy since Dad died. Being separated from her brother and Ray only made her lonelier. Then she’d unknowingly gotten involved with a drug dealer. With her luck, the asshole would get out on a technicality. She stabbed her coleslaw as icy insecurity crept up her spine. “I am not looking for a man. What I need is a job with benefits. Playing lifeguard is only a short-term solution. I burned up my share of Dad’s insurance money to pay a lawyer and my last semester of college.”

  “What about firefighting? The county has an academy starting this fall. Think about it, Jo. Being a lifeguard and firefighter has similarities. Both are physically demanding rescues in extreme conditions. You won’t be happy working in an office somewhere.” He waved his hand toward the ocean where she’d spent most of her life.

  “Right.” An office equaled a jail with pretty walls.

  “Ray said you held it together at the accident the other day.”

  “Yeah.” Him being there helped. So he’d complimented her to her brother. She warmed. “The kid got lucky. Fighting fires might be a rush, but I can’t deal with seeing people mutilated on the highway.” Like Dad.

  “Well, there’s always the topless bait girl gig on the deep-sea fishing charters? I hear they get good tips.” He smirked.

  “According to recent internet job searches, I don’t meet their qualifications. Only C cups and above need apply.” She pushed out her less than adequate bust.

  “Too bad. You could cut bait with your tongue.” He flung a shrimp at her.

  Jo snorted. “Alright, enough about me. Tell me about your woman.” She leaned in. “Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, a weekend away is serious for you.”

  “She’s got brains, beauty, and is willing to put up with my job.” He leaned back and crossed his arms.

  “What about love?”

  His eyes darkened. “Look who’s talking. One day at a time.”

  Jo pulled another beer from the cooler. “Any special plans for July fourth?”

  “Mike is having a big bash at his new place at Corolla. It’s got three floors and an elevator. You know he’ll pull out all the stops.”

  “Departmental party?”

  “Always. Come with us. Put your face out there. Who knows, you might luck into a job.”

  “Sure.” The disgraced sister surfer tagging along. What was a little more humiliation in front of the locals?

  “Oh, before I forget. Can you do me a favor?” He stood.


  He went inside for a minute and returned with a small box. “Put this in your truck and drop it off at Ray’s place on your way home tomorrow, will you? I’ve got a meeting in Camden County all day.”

  “Is this a set-up?” She frowned shaking the package. “What’s in it?”


  It was too heavy. Even though she suspected Ray needed the Magnum variety. “Smart ass.”

  “A fishing reel. Got a discount and free shipping for ordering two. Ray might want to try it out on his rod this weekend.” He arched a dark brow suggestively.

  His cell phone chirped before she fired back a retort.

  He glanced at the display. “It’s Sarah. Oh, yeah I forgot. Ray left a message on the answering machine. Don’t you answer your cell, or are you ignoring him?” He turned to head inside.

  Maybe his interest went beyond waves and beer. Her pulse surged.

  * * * *

  Ready for pizza, Jo hopped into her truck after shift. The small white box Bobby asked her to take to Ray sat on the passenger’s seat. Use on his rod. Yeah, right. After a day of rescuing hardheaded tourists from rip currents, she concluded vacation turned people stupid.

  Irritable and hungry she drove across the bypass. At the next signal light, she turned left and passed the new high school. Maybe she would have kids going there someday.

  Small houses lined narrow streets. Some were vacation rentals. When had Ray moved from the stucco cottage around the corner from the beach house? After his mom moved up north with her new man, or had he given up the place when he shipped to Iraq?

  He phone gave her directions as she hung the next right to a small cedar-sided house, newly remodeled. His Hummer sat in the driveway. A red Jeep and a small sedan with a serious case of cancer, a.k.a. rust, were parked out front on the street. She pulled in behind Ray’s ride and unbuckled her seatbelt.

  The storm door opened as she slid from the truck. A bottle-blonde with a spray tan and recently glossed lips, slinked out. A flowery tattoo donned her bare shoulder “You looking for Craig or Ray?”

  “Neither.” Jo gritted her teeth while clutching her little box.

  “Don’t know what you’re missing.” She smirked over her shoulder as she passed.

  The woman’s ass looked like a uni-butt in the stretch denim shorts. Jo would take her passé Levi cutoffs anytime.

  Inside, a shower hummed. Ray should have his dates lock up when they leave. One never knew when a former felon might saunter in.

  She almost asked if anyone was home, but dropped the package onto a counter separating the small living area from a galley kitchen. Pretty tidy place. Then again, maybe he offered extras for house cleaning.

  The confrontation with the blonde relit old jealousy and she hated it.

  Back inside her truck, she cranked the ignition. The dual exhaust rumbled as she rammed the shifter into reverse and stomped on the gas. She slammed the truck into drive making the tires bark. A sharp whistle caused her to slam on brakes.

  Ray jogged over from his neighbor’s yard, wearing a worn, sleeveless T-shirt. Behind him, a pick-up truck sat with the hood up. A lady’s man and a mechanic.

  “Were you going to leave without saying hello?” He propped his large paw on her driver’s door.

  Hot need spiked through her traitorous body. She squirmed in her seat trying to ignore her dampening panties before straightening. “Bobby wanted you to have your new fishing reel for the weekend. It’s on the counter. Thought you were busy. I heard the shower running after I ran into big boobs on her way out.”

  He flashed a grin. “Aww come on Jo, I’m an ass man and you know it.”

  Most of his women did tend to have apple butts. Like hers. He’d never commented, but she’d caught him looking on occasion. “How could I have forgotten?”

  “Miss Hooters is a friend of my roommate, Craig.” His grin melted into devilish smile. “I wasn’t invited to that party.” His cynical tone mocked as though he sense
d her jealousy.

  “Sounded like she might ask you next time.”

  His blue eyes darkened. “Not my type. Thought you were going to invite me to surf and have a beer.”

  “You know you’re welcome to drop by the house anytime.” She refused to play his flirting game. They weren’t in high school any more. Even if he was truly interested in her, he never kept a woman long. If he broke her heart, she’d never recover. Her foot slipped from the brake. “I gotta go.”

  He stepped onto the running board and held onto the door. “Hold up.”

  His sincere gaze weakened her resolve. Tired of rating as only a surf buddy and Bobby’s little sister, she glared at him. “What?”

  “Nothing’s changed since high school. I still want to bend you over my knee, for being a brat.” He winked.

  He knew how to push her buttons. And the little one between her legs ached to be stroked. “In your dreams—”

  He ducked through the window, cupped her chin, and planted his lips against hers. His chin stubble rasped her skin in a wicked glide. She couldn’t resist and let him have his way.

  His tongue teased her lips and found entry. She answered the mating as his fingers traced along her jaw. He tasted like aroused male and she wanted more. Wanted him to take her to heights she’d never known with a lover, but she’d never settle for being a notch on his headboard.

  “So sweet.” His raspy voice jolted her from a semi-trance.

  She sucked in a breath. “I really have to go.”

  “Dahlin’, you better be at Mike’s party this weekend or I’ll come looking for you. And when I do, it’s going to take more than a kiss to satisfy me.”

  Damned fireman. Now she knew for sure what she was missing.

  Chapter 5

  After her early shift on the Fourth of July, Jo returned home and showered. As she shampooed her hair, Ray’s heated kiss still lingered on her lips and tongue. They’d kissed once before. After her father’s funeral, he’d kept the black hole of grief from swallowing her.

  His recent kiss had held the same hungry desire. A desire she’d previously dismissed as circumstantial. Her body refused to forget his stroking fingers and tongue as she bathed. She slid her soapy hands between her thighs and imagined they were his. Her aching need bloomed under a delicate massage.


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