The Phantom of Pemberley

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The Phantom of Pemberley Page 25

by Regina Jeffers

  Darcy stripped away his breeches and small clothes and crawled under the blankets with her. His weight caused her to roll toward him, and Darcy scooped Elizabeth into his arms. “Fitzwilliam?” she mumbled.

  “You were expecting someone else?” he teased as he stroked the hair from her face and kissed her temple.

  Elizabeth smiled mischievously, keeping her eyes closed.“My lover.”

  Darcy nibbled on her earlobe. “Does your lover make you gasp with anticipation?” He kissed his way down her neck, creating the sensation he had just described. Then his lips brushed hers. “Does your lover make you quiver with his touch?” He brushed Elizabeth’s breasts before trailing a line of fire across her hips. He feathered kisses along her chin line. “Does your lover bring you such ecstasy that it is a tempest impossible to control?”

  “No, sir,” she said as she snuggled into his chest, inhaling his scent—the smell of a powerful male. “Only my husband brings forth such pleasure. He is love incarnate.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, and then a curious kind of peace crossed his face.“Then I am thankful that I am your husband, ma’am.”

  “As am I, Mr. Darcy.”

  He kissed Elizabeth’s upturned nose. “Rest, my Love.Your husband is here to take care of you.” He wrapped her in his arms, pulling the blankets over them.

  The morning room buzzed with life and noise, the excitement of the previous evening carrying them into the new day. “Well, I am thankful Mrs. Darcy was not harmed by the incident,” Cathleen remarked. “A woman with child is in a precarious situation.”

  “With an estate this size,” Mrs.Williams observed,“it is imperative that the lady deliver a healthy heir. Mrs. Darcy must feel the pressure of giving Mr. Darcy a son to assume the estate.”

  Anne joined the conversation. “I am sure my cousin has never conveyed such an edict to his wife.”

  Mrs. Williams ignored Anne’s defense. “Mrs. Darcy must prove she is worthy of the respectability Mr. Darcy bestowed on her when she became his wife.”

  “Mrs. Darcy is a gentleman’s daughter,” Anne asserted.

  Evelyn Williams spit out her words: “That may be, Miss de Bourgh, but it is painfully evident that your cousin’s connections outpaced his wife’s.” She turned a deaf ear to Anne’s protest; and then she delivered a final cut. “It would seem to me, Miss de Bourgh, that you would count Mrs. Darcy’s situation as one of your blessings. If Her Ladyship had her way, you would be Mrs. Darcy and be expected to assume the position of mistress of Pemberley and be the mother of the Darcy line. It would be a daunting task for a woman of such a delicate nature. Maybe Mr. Darcy had it right, after all. A woman to serve Pemberley and him equally would have to understand those of a lower class.”

  Anne charged, “Why do you speak so poorly of your hostess?”

  Mrs. Williams smiled wryly. “That is where you are in error, Miss de Bourgh. I admire Mrs. Darcy. She is a survivor—the kind of woman who can adapt to any situation. Mrs. Darcy could follow the drum or host a grand ball for royalty. I understand her husband’s foresight in choosing the woman. Other choices would have weakened his position and his bloodline.”

  “Then your censure is for me?” Anne’s cheeks colored.

  Instead of giving her an answer, Mrs. Williams turned her back on Anne, ignoring the woman she had come to dislike.

  Her actions brought a deeper flush of color to Anne’s cheeks. Uncertain how to handle such a strained personal relationship, she retreated, taking her plate to another of the settings, away from the offending woman.

  Darcy called on Lieutenant Harwood, wishing to accompany the officer to the breakfast room—not allowing the man to surprise Anne. “Ah, Lieutenant, I see you are ready.”

  “I tend to be an early riser, Mr. Darcy.”

  “Then let us be about it.” Darcy led the way through the dimly lit hallways. As no one else resided in this part of Pemberley, no need existed to light lanterns on the tables. Hearing the noise of the morning room in the distance, Darcy reluctantly contemplated the scene he had constructed to inflict upon those in attendance. He had forbidden Elizabeth from coming downstairs this morning; she had reluctantly agreed, although she had provided her opinion on how he should handle the encounter. Luckily, Georgiana was in the music room. Since his reprimand regarding her late night sojourns, his sister had decided early morning seclusion was comparable to nocturnal solitude.

  Leading the way, Darcy immediately noted that Mrs. Williams sat apart from the others. The woman had become quite withdrawn over the past few days—a fact which did not sit well with him. Mr. Worth chose items from the morning table, while Anne sat with Miss Donnel and Lord Stafford. Anne looked quite troubled, and for a moment, Darcy wondered if Worth had betrayed his trust. Then Anne’s eyes fell on Harwood, and she paled in horror. “Robert!” she exclaimed as she rose shakily to her feet.

  The lieutenant bowed chivalrously in her direction. “Miss de Bourgh, I am pleased to have found you safe.”

  Darcy jumped into the fray. “Ladies and Gentlemen, might I present Lieutenant Robert Harwood, an associate of my cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam. Lieutenant, this isViscount Stafford, his cousin Miss Donnel, Mr. Worth, and…” Darcy turned to introduce Mrs. Williams, but the woman had slipped from the room.“It seems our other guest has taken her leave unexpectedly.You shall meet Mrs. Williams, as well as my wife and sister, a bit later.” Anne remained standing, although she swayed in place. “And, of course, you hold an acquaintance with my cousin.”

  Anne demanded an explanation.“Why are you here?” Her eyes had not left Harwood’s face.

  The man smiled—the grin of a cat that has caught the mouse. “I believe, Miss de Bourgh, we should discuss in private the reason for my sudden appearance at Pemberley.”

  Again, Darcy took control of the conversation. “Anne, why do you not go and ask Lady Catherine to join us.We shall all meet in my study in, let us say, thirty minutes.”

  Anne nodded weakly and skirted from the room.

  “Please, Lieutenant, help yourself. Come join the viscount and me. I am sure Lord Stafford would be interested in the road conditions. He and Miss Donnel had set out to reach a seriously ill relative before being waylaid by the storm.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Darcy.” Harwood moved off to fill a breakfast plate. Darcy motioned a footman to bring both coffee and tea, and then he took a seat beside Miss Donnel, leaving the one beside the viscount available for Harwood. Worth quietly seated himself on the other side of Miss Donnel.

  When Harwood finally joined them, Adam Lawrence began. “Mr. Darcy seems to believe you are aware of an improvement in weather conditions. Might you enlighten us, sir? As our host has indicated, my cousin and I hoped to reach Cheshire before the demise of our relative, and Worth, here, has a law practice to which to return.”

  Harwood stuffed his mouth with bacon and toast—a stalling tactic recognized by three of his table partners. “I came from Liverpool by horseback.The roads are passable but difficult. A carriage might still find it impossible. Derby—at least, this part—appears to have taken the brunt of the storm. It became more difficult the closer I came to Lambton.”

  “And Pemberley was your destination?” Mr. Worth ground out in a poor attempt at civility.

  Harwood should have looked embarrassed, but he boldly announced to the group, “I followed Miss de Bourgh when I realized she had left with her mother and her companion.” For a man who wished to save a lady’s reputation by an offer of marriage, Darcy noted how easily Harwood himself spread the gossip of Anne’s indiscretion. “As I entered Derby and noted the conditions, I remembered, quite unexpectedly, Miss de Bourgh’s association with Mr. Darcy. I took the chance the ladies came to him for protection.”

  “I thought you were a close associate of the colonel?” Stafford asked in a seemingly innocent manner, although Darcy knew it was anything but innocent.

  Harwood stammered, “I-I call the colonel my friend. Why do you ask, sir?

  “Oh, no reason.” Stafford returned to the kippers piled high on his plate. “These are delicious, Darcy.” He gestured with his fork. “I must find out from whom your cook purchases these. I would have them regularly.”

  Harwood sat forward, trying to recapture the viscount’s attention. “No, sir. Really, I must insist. Do you question the legitimacy of my relationship with Colonel Fitzwilliam?”

  Stafford now sported the cat-like smile.“It just seemed odd that you would unexpectedly remember that the de Bourghs are related to Darcy. First, the lady in question called you by your Christian name, indicating an intimate relationship exists between you. Secondly, the Fitzwilliam family is very proud of their connections. I had known the Earl of Matlock less than a day before his association with both Darcy and the de Bourghs was made known to me. Finally, the colonel serves with Darcy as Miss Darcy’s guardian, something of which I would imagine a friend would be well aware. It seems more likely to me that you expected Miss de Bourgh to seek Mr. Darcy’s protection and his advice, and, therefore you came to Pemberley expecting to find her here.”

  “I assure,Your Lordship, that you are in error,” Harwood asserted.

  Stafford laughed softly, self-mockingly setting the ploy. “I may be, sir. It would not be the first time, now would it?”

  “Nor the last,”Worth added good-naturedly.

  The viscount nodded in agreement. “Nor the last.” He turned to Cathleen. “How do you feel about a tour of the Darcys’ conservatory, my Dear? Worth, here, tells me our hostess has teased several interesting rose varieties from the ground.”

  “That would be excellent, my Lord.” Cathleen placed her napkin on the table. “I wish to look in on Mrs. Darcy first; then, I will join you, Adam. Please excuse me, gentlemen.”

  “I shall wait patiently in Mr. Darcy’s well-stocked library.” Stafford, too, begged their permission to leave and disappeared from the room.

  “I have a great need to check on my wife, if you have no objections, Lieutenant. Mrs. Darcy took a tumble yesterday evening, and I am a doting husband, it seems.” Darcy shot a quick glance at Worth, reminding him not to say anything untoward to Harwood.

  The lieutenant nodded and returned to his breakfast.

  Worth followed Darcy to his feet. “There is something about which I wish to speak to His Lordship. I hate to leave you to your own devices, Harwood, but I am sure you will understand.” Worth picked up his pace so he might overtake Darcy in the main foyer. “Darcy,” he hissed as he came close.

  “Yes, Mr.Worth,” Darcy turned expectantly to the man.

  “I want to be part of the negotiations between Harwood and Anne.”

  Darcy ignored the familiar use of his cousin’s name. “How would that expedite the matter?” Darcy drew Worth away from the servants’ ears.

  “I am a man of the law, for God’s sake. I understand what is legal, and what is not in such situations.”Worth’s voice spoke of his need to keep Anne from danger, and Darcy appreciated the man’s sincerity. He had known the same anxiety when Lydia Bennet eloped with George Wickham and placed her whole family’s reputation in peril. “I have developed an affection for Miss de Bourgh, and if I can use my skills to safeguard her, I will. I am not the swashbuckling male that the lieutenant is. But let me prove to Miss de Bourgh that I am the superior choice.”

  “You will not betray your affection for Anne before the lieutenant?” Darcy cautioned. “My aunt will be hard enough to contain without your passion creating other issues.”

  Worth smiled slightly. “I will be in the room only as Miss de Bourgh’s man of business.”

  “I like your deviousness, Mr.Worth.” Darcy clapped the man on the shoulder. “My study in twenty minutes.”

  Worth leaned closer to ensure privacy. “Tell Miss de Bourgh that at no time is she to admit more than a friendly interest in the lieutenant. She is to repeatedly deny that she ever had an interest in the man romantically.”

  “I understand,Worth.”

  “I spent several hours after we parted yesterday evening trying to determine the best way to handle this. Tell Her Ladyship and Anne to follow my lead.”

  Twenty minutes later, Darcy escorted an agitated Lady Catherine along the main staircase. She had taken to her room after their encounter the previous evening, agreeing to this meeting only at his insistence. He instructed his aunt on holding her tongue while in the lieutenant’s presence. “I have guaranteed Mr. Worth of your cooperation, Aunt,” he spoke quietly to her alone. “It could mean the difference between paying the man a substantial sum or sending him packing. Do you comprehend my meaning, Your Ladyship?”

  “I thoroughly grasp the gravity of the situation, Darcy. I am a woman very well acquainted with the business of a man’s world.”

  “Lady Catherine, I do not question your intelligence, but like the rest of the Fitzwilliams, you possess a fervor, which sometimes boils over into misspoken feelings.” He patted the back of her hand as it rested on his arm.

  “I will do my best to perform admirably in your presence, Nephew,” she bit out the words.

  This time he squeezed her hand gently, suddenly aware of how fragile it appeared—the gnarled knuckles and the no-longer-firm skin. In fact, her hand trembled slightly. “That is all one may ask, Aunt.”

  He and Lady Catherine entered his study, followed by Anne. The lieutenant waited impatiently by the hearth. Darcy had purposely delayed their entrance—just a few extra minutes to allow Harwood to become uncomfortable with his surroundings. Darcy’s father had designed the study as an advantage in his business dealings. Dark mahogany panels, rich forest green. The walls sported hunting trophies, weapons, lead crystal—no sign of femininity anywhere. The room could overpower someone—break him with its strength and masculinity. Darcy often used that fact to his advantage.

  Upon seeing them, the lieutenant smiled amiably and offered them all a bow before saying, “Your Ladyship, it is pleasant to see you again.”

  “Do not feign cordiality with me, Lieutenant!” Lady Catherine barked.

  “Sit here, Aunt.” Darcy led her to a chair close to the fire.“Shall I send for some tea?”

  Lady Catherine waved away his concern.“I shall be fine, Darcy.”

  He seated Anne beside her mother. Since he had sent her from the morning room, Anne’s docility had returned—a fact he had expected. His cousin’s newfound freedom was a delicate thing. “Come, join us, Harwood.” Darcy clustered the chairs in a relatively tight circle.

  “For whom is the extra chair?” Harwood remarked, seating himself in the wing chair beside Darcy’s.“Shall I have the opportunity of meeting your wife, after all?”

  “Unfortunately, I do not expect Mrs. Darcy to join us until supper. The chair is for my cousin’s legal counsel.” His words brought a simple nod of recognition for what he planned from his aunt and a renewal of hope from Anne.

  “I was unaware that the de Bourghs’ man of business traveled with them.” Harwood shifted uncomfortably in his chair and looked around, as though he was expecting a judge to materialize and pass sentence.

  Darcy chuckled lightly, having seen the effect of the mention of the word “legal” had on the lieutenant. Suddenly, this conversation took on interesting overtones. “You misunderstand, Harwood. Mr. Worth met my family at Pemberley to settle some financial transactions.”

  “Mr. Worth?” Harwood looked surprised. “The gentleman I met this morning?”

  Worth strolled in the room casually, playing the part of the disinterested man of law. “I apologize for my tardiness, Darcy. The viscount and I took up a heated discussion on duty and politics: I pray I have not delayed your conversation.”

  Lady Catherine played her part by saying, “We have just taken our seats,Worth. Please come join us.”

  Harwood glanced around nervously. “I did not expect a full audience for my proposal.”

  “People of our connections, Lieutenant, do not even order a sack of seed without legal co
unsel,” Lady Catherine said and sniffed.

  Darcy interrupted, “Harwood, why should we stand on ceremony? Please explain to my aunt and my cousin what you told me yesterday evening.” He sat back into the chair’s cushions, giving the impression of being relaxed.

  However, Harwood shifted uneasily in his chair, a point Darcy and Lady Catherine enjoyed.“As you are aware,Your Ladyship, while I visited at Rosings Park, I developed a deep affection for Miss de Bourgh.” Lady Catherine started to object, but a warning flick of Darcy’s wrist stifled her protest. Constantly clearing his throat, Harwood continued, unaware of the private interchange. “And maybe I flatter myself, but I believe Miss de Bourgh returned my interest. I asked your daughter to make me the happiest of men before I left for my new post, but Miss de Bourgh could not muster the strength she would have needed to inform you of her decision, so I departed for Liverpool alone. However, several days after my arrival on the western coast, I received word of Miss de Bourgh’s presence in the city.

  “I immediately made moves to protect your daughter by finding her adequate housing. It was not of the best quality, perhaps, now that I consider the situation, but I had hoped to guard against it becoming common knowledge that Miss de Bourgh traveled unchaperoned. Unfortunately, as I made plans to solidify our union, you arrived and whisked your daughter away.Your position made Miss de Bourgh’s name recognizable. As such, many in Liverpool now are aware of her ruination. I have followed you to Pemberley to offer your daughter the protection of my name.”

  Lady Catherine bristled. “You accuse me of ruining my own child?”

  “May I, Lady Catherine?”Worth inserted quickly.

  “Certainly, Mr. Worth. Please earn your pay.” Her caustic tone spoke of her disdain for Harwood.

  Worth leaned forward to press his point. “May I summarize, Lieutenant?” Without waiting for a response, he continued. “You are under the impression that Miss de Bourgh, first, is afraid of her own mother and would refuse a man whom she affected rather than address such a wish to Her Ladyship. Secondly, you assume that Miss de Bourgh came to Liverpool specifically to join in holy matrimony with you.”


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