Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 68

by Billy Wong

  I did find enlightenment, a profound understanding of the elemental energies which make up the world. It's hard to explain, but it was like... I was one with life, full of pure, primal wisdom. And, in drawing into myself more of that energy which comprises all things, I became... this. With an ironic look, the dragon finished, Then, I got bored of enlightenment.

  "Oh, Finn, you're still the same old you!" Rose acknowledged with delight.

  By the way, did you join a holy order just because I left?

  It took her a moment for her to realize he referred to the word "Paladin" on her armor. "No, an undertaker's kid wrote that after I killed some undead. Anyway, I'll be happy to take you back as my husband, dragon or not, if you'll have me!""

  Guiltily, he said, But I'm not human anymore—I can't give you any more children, or even offer my love like I used to—I'd love to have you back, but I can't give you what you need.

  "With all your newfound power, isn't there some way you can take human form?"

  No. I can shape the elemental energies outside myself with skill now, but not alter the ones within me, for they are what comprise this draconic shell. I cannot release them, perhaps except in death.

  She remembered the way the dragon she'd killed years ago had changed back into a human form when it lay dying and nodded. "But the man-dragon, it was able to find some way to keep itself from becoming a full dragon as you are, and still retain draconic magical prowess. Perhaps it found a way to hold inside itself the energies you're talking about, without having such a large, bestial body?"

  For a moment, he looked hopeful, but then said, Yes, but its words indicated that it stopped its transformation, rather than reversing it. I don't know if its knowledge could help me, even if we could get our hands on it.

  "It never hurts to try. You did say you want to be human again, right? The first thing we should do is find out where the man-dragon came from, and search that place."

  Sounds good. I suppose you'll have to ask Sumafu?

  She looked worriedly at the ground. "I hope he doesn't hold a grudge against me like Justin does. After lying to him, now I've done so much to foil his country's plans."

  Despairingly, Finn said, If he's angry, so be it. We need what we need, Rose. I need it.

  "I know." She sighed. "So are you going to fly me there, or what?"

  Hmm? And let people see me?

  "Eh, doesn't matter if a couple people see you. Most won't believe their story anyway, as long as you don't do anything. So just put me down a good distance from the city and I'll walk the rest of the way."

  All right, I'll do it! I can't wait to be human again! Rose started towards her love. Wait. You forgive me, right?

  "Of course. If not, why would I be here? If anything, I treated you wrong, when I spoke so angrily and left you to suffer alone. I should be the one asking for forgiveness."

  The dragon nodded. Then I forgive you too. I have something for you, actually. It's in that pile of leaves over there.

  Rose bounded over, eagerly anticipating what she'd find. To her surprise, it was her wedding ring, which she'd crushed in a fit of rage when she last saw him. "You saved this? How the hell did you bring it here in those huge claws?!"

  Dragons are very sensitive... and uh, I wasn't a full dragon yet when I left.

  "I suppose you're giving this to me as a symbol of forgiveness? Well, I'll show a symbol of my own forgiveness, then." With those words, Rose painstakingly pried the band into a semblance of its original shape and forced it back onto her ring finger.

  Looks more beat up than any ring I've ever seen on a woman's finger, Finn commented.

  Rose smiled. "But it fits me, don't you think?"

  They both laughed uproariously, and Finn put in between guffaws, Yes, it looks like it's been through the battles with you—like me!

  The smiling Rose embraced his head, and Finn licked his wife with surprising gentleness, huge tongue softly touching her face. Finally the couple broke apart, and Rose asked her dragon, "Finn, were you in the forest south of here before? Justin was there, and he thought you burned it down!"

  I don't even breath fire! But I know what happened, because I did go there. There was a giant monster—well, almost as big as me, anyway—which looked like a huge beetle, and shot liquid fire from its rear end. It was moving towards a lone hunter, and being all aloof I thought to let it be at first, but the better part of me won out and I decided to fight it. In our ensuing battle, the thing set the forest on fire all around us. I tried to put out the flames with my breath, but fire spreads and my breath doesn't, and the monster escaped while I was distracted.

  Rose felt proud of her husband for doing the right thing, but curiously asked, "What do you breath anyway, if not fire? You said you were using it against the flames?"

  Finn hesitated a bit. I breath a stream of cold air.

  "Damn, Finn!" Rose cried with a grin. "Are you designed to fight me or what? I hate cold!"

  You'd probably still beat me, the dragon jokingly assured her. Anyway, it has to do with my elemental affinity. I'm a water type, apparently.

  "Wow, I never would have thought so from your personality. But I guess it must not be about that and more like your sign or something? We should spar again sometime."

  I'd love to, when I'm human again.

  Rose gave his scaly hide a playful punch. "We have to do it at least once when you're still a dragon. Don't worry, I can take your best!" He cocked his head doubtfully at her, and she added, "Hey, I did last time, and that one was much bigger than you too."

  He nudged her with his snout. That's true, I suppose. Mighty Rose... I love you so.

  "So why did you chose to live in this kind of forest, anyway? Is it a physical thing?"

  No, I just chose forests to distinguish myself from the dragons I've heard about!"

  She chuckled at that. "Hey, speaking of giant monsters, I have to tell you about the Spelldrinker."

  Spelldrinker? Okay, I'm ready to hear what excitement I missed.

  She cheerfully informed him, "Just the usual nigh invulnerable, really fast healing, magic-absorbing, nation-destroying ancient monster with claws the size of longswords. They punched through my armor like it was paper; I couldn't believe it!"

  I should have been there to help you.

  Rose shook her head quickly. "No, actually for once it might've been a bad idea, if you'd been fighting as a dragon anyway. Considering how magical you are, I'd have been scared of it drawing power from your blood or your very presence! Anyway, I'll tell you the whole story later. Let's get going to Mulhiri, right?" He agreed, and lowered his neck for her to climb aboard. Taking a seat and grabbing hold of his wingbones, Rose observed, "Wow, your back is rough!" and jumped off. She took off her cloak and used it and some rope to make herself a makeshift saddle, and after securing it climbed back on. Her husband smiled appreciatively at her creativity and took flight.

  Chapter 11

  They arrived outside Mulhiri the next day, Rose marveling at Finn's flight speed. Instructing the dragon to remain hidden until she returned, she made her way into the island city and wasted no time heading straight for Sumafu's palace. The duke's guards gave her some verbal opposition, but she made her way inside, and going upstairs knocked on his door.

  The plump Sevrian noble promptly opened it, and smiled when he beheld her. "Rose?! How good to see you!"

  His voice sounded cheerful, much to her relief. "Hello, old friend. I'm glad to see you happy."

  "Why wouldn't I be happy? Ah, I'm sure you're wondering how I feel about your battles with my countrymen. It matters not to me. In war, you have to defend yourself and your country, and I've heard you did an admirable job. You even beat Joghra—I wasn't sure if anyone could do that. So, have you come here just to see an old friend?"

  She shook her head. "I'd love to stay for a couple days and chat, but that's not the only reason. That man-dragon statue, which turned out to be an actual monster—where did you get it?"
br />   Sumafu thought about it for a while. "I'm not sure, actually. I got it about ten years ago... I'm pretty sure it came from the same place as the magic book, though. Now, where did that..?"

  "Maybe there's something else in here that could give us a clue?"

  "No, I've almost retrieved the knowledge out of the recesses of my mind. Ah, it was either from Volston or Vilsbak. Someplace named like that."

  Rose laughed. "Well, I guess we know the place. Vilsbak is a city in the nation of Volston."

  "So it is." His expression turned curious. "Why do you want to know? The man-dragon is dead, and its book for the most part useless."

  "My husband and I would like to see if there are any other magic treasures left there which could prove useful. Thanks for helping us out."

  "So how long are you going to stay?"

  She thought about Finn waiting outside. "Just the night, I suppose. I do need some sleep." They dined together and shared stories of their lives since they'd last seen one another, but Rose felt a slight sense of lurking discomfort in him though they both pretended it wasn't there. Late into the night, they finally went to bed. When she awakened the next day, she shared breakfast with the duke and got ready to leave.

  As she reached the door, she turned back and said, "I'm sorry for deceiving you before." She, along with Finn, had tricked Sumafu into revealing the location of the magical secrets they'd discovered before the war.

  "I know, you told me. Don't worry about it. You've done well for your country and your friends, something you can take pride in."

  Wondering at the feelings behind the polite answer, Rose asked, "Did I do well for you?"

  "You hurt me, as you well know. But not so badly. I've been deceived before, not an unfamiliar experience in the realm of politics. You had the courage to confess, at least, and the conscience to feel guilty over it. That alone makes it less detestable."

  "Do you forgive me then?"

  Sumafu met her eyes. "You're as forgiven as much as I can forgive someone who's deceived me, which is to say I don't hate you or wish you harm. I know you're a good person. But I can't easily trust you again, after such a vile trick."

  She understood his feelings, for it was indeed hard to trust a trickster. "What would I have to do to regain your trust?"

  "I don't know. Perhaps I should not fault you, but blame my own carelessness instead, and use more caution next time in matters dealing with our countries."

  Rose realized he held back a smile, and said, "Guess all's fair in love and war, eh?"

  "I suppose it is. Tell your husband good luck with the magic center for me." He gave her a generous sackful of food and they parted, not the best of friends, but certainly not enemies. She sampled the gourmet dishes on the way, knowing they'd soon be all gone.

  Reaching her husband, she emptied the bag into his mouth, and sadly watched the dragon scarf it down. "So, we're off to Vilsbak. Hopefully we'll find something helpful there. Oh, and Sumafu says good luck with your center which you're not at."

  Isn't Vilsbak in another country?

  "Dragon flight, remember?" Rose reminded him as she pointed to his wings. "It won't take more than half a week."

  True, but I'll be sick of flying.

  "What, don't you want to be a human again? Besides, at least you're more suited to withstanding the wind up there than me!"

  Don't worry, I'm going. I'm just tired—of being a dragon.

  Rose smiled and petted his snout. "Well, that's what we're going to change." She mounted him, wondering what strange sights they'd see at their new destination. She'd fought people from Volston before, but never been in the country itself. Flying east and then south across Kayland, Rose marveled at how different things looked from above and the speed at which everything flew by when they stayed close to the ground. On the way, she lovingly told her husband stories about their children, and he entertained her with tales of the difficulties in adjusting to dragonhood. As she expected, the trip to Vilsbak wasn't long at all, and arriving nearby the couple separated again. She figured it'd be harder for the dragon to hide in unfamiliar territory and warned Finn of this, telling him to be careful not to give away his presence to the locals.


  Watching his wife go, Finn gave a draconic sigh. Though he could fully appreciate her company in terms of her kindness and cheer, he couldn't enjoy her physical presence nearly as well as he once had. She looked and felt so small now, so unlike the appealing mass and solidity he'd seen in her as a human, and he could barely feel her through his tough skin. Though he'd told her dragons were very sensitive, this did not actually apply to touch—with the sole exception of the tip of his tail, which was like a fingertip for a human—and deprived him of proper physical intimacy. How he longed to be human again!


  Rose entered Vilsbak, which looked to her more like an oversized village rather than a true city. Well, Volston was mostly a barbarian land, with cities even like this one being a rarity. She marveled that such significant pieces of the past as the man-dragon and its trapped spellbook would be found here, though she realized that hundreds of years ago, things could have been much different. Thinking of the powerful ancients, she pondered how she would have done in that world. Probably well enough; she'd beaten enough survivors of the past to know herself their match

  She wondered if this place even had a library, and asked a leather-armored man she assumed to be a town guard. He told her there was indeed one, and she made her way to the moderately sized house that passed for it. She headed to the librarian's desk and asked if they had records of ruin excavations done about ten years ago. The old man eagerly found them for her, earning her gratitude.

  Rose sat down to read, and saw to her surprise that a fairly large amount of treasure-hunting was done around here. Luckily for her, major items found at each dig were recorded. She soon saw "ancient statue of dragon-like humanoid" listed as an item found beneath the Aldman Valley, which she noted had not been excavated again for the past eight years. Consulting the librarian, she was annoyed to hear the valley now served as home to a deadly gang of raiders, who did not abide outsiders in their territory. Well, she wouldn't abide anyone in the way of her love's humanity, she reckoned. She bought a local map and left the library.

  When she walked outside, she grew alarmed to hear a terrified young man crying, "Dragon! A dragon in the woods is attacking our soldiers!"

  Realizing it could only be Finn he spoke of, she grabbed him roughly and asked, "Where is it?"

  "Lady, what will you do?" he asked with fright. "You cannot stand against such a beast." He looked more closely at her. "Even if you are quite sturdy of build."

  "I'm a dragonslayer," she assured him truthfully enough, showing him her gigantic weapons.

  "I'll take you there!" the excited boy said, and Rose felt glad he didn't have the wherewithal to get more help before dragging her along.

  They reached the battle, and she was treated to a strange sight. Two fatigued soldiers jabbed ineffectively at the dragon with long spears, while the rest of their squad sat on the ground resting. All looked exhausted and nearly petrified with fear, except for their silver-armored leader who barked useless orders to the two currently fighting. For Finn's part, he slashed weakly at the air in front of the men, unwilling to fight back in earnest due to fear of accidentally killing them. Soon enough, the worn-out fighters passed their spears to comrades, who stood up to replace them in engaging the dragon.

  Rose didn't know how long this stupidity had been going on, but she was going to stop it now before somebody got seriously hurt. Interposing herself between the dragon and soldiers, she blocked a spear with her shield, grabbed its shaft and yanked it out of its wielder's hand.

  "Enough!" she yelled. The soldiers backed away in surprise, and turning to Finn she asked, "Why didn't you just fly away?!"

  They had bows, and I was afraid for my wings. So I thought I could just scare them off by pretending to attack. It would have worke
d too, but for their zealot leader.

  "Why didn't you talk to them?"

  I did, but their leader said I was lying, and meant to trick and harm them.

  She turned to the soldiers, focusing her eyes on the slim, well-groomed officer who had been shouting. "He is not trying to harm you! If he wanted to, he could have just frozen you all with his icy breath. Now stop this and leave him be!"

  The soldiers seemed even more frightened after hearing her words than before. One screamed, threw his sword at her (missing by three feet), and ran. Nobody tried to stop him, and indeed many of his fellows seemed eager to follow. Rose was about to ask what their problem with her was when the officer breathed, "The legendary dragon-woman. May the gods have pity on us all."

  Though normally dauntless, at this Rose recoiled and thought she might've had a heart attack if she was older. The dragon-man had a mate?! That would be terrible! Was there a brood of dragon-kids too? Reluctantly, she asked, "What is this dragon-woman you speak of? That's not me, I'm not even from this country!"

  All the soldiers relaxed considerably, though Rose did not at the reply. "She is a flame-haired female warrior who is said to ride a dragon and fight with a ferocity equal to that of her mount."

  Rose sighed. At least there wouldn't be a brood of dragon-kids to deal with. Though, a female warrior and a dragon against a similar pairing could be an interesting fight. "Flamed-haired? Couldn't you see my hair's black?" She lifted up a few strands of her wavy mane to emphasize her point.

  The officer blushed. "I thought it more likely that detail was incorrect, than there being more than one dragon-woman around. So... you don't rape men and eat babies?"

  "Hell no! There's a woman around here who actually does that?! And rides a dragon? Or is this another false rumor like the undead overlord of the sewers of Tolei?"

  Finn's mental voice startled her. That was false? I thought you fought the undead overlord.

  "There was a would-be overlord, but he wasn't undead. Just another loser in a mask who couldn't even handle his sword properly."


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