Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 73

by Billy Wong

  "Well, Rose, it looks like it comes down to this. Are you going to dedicate your victory to your hometown or what if you win?"

  She pointed to the barely legible word on her armor. "Why not... to justice! But I could dedicate it to both—or to Kayland."

  "We're both from Kayland."

  "How about to my kids?"

  Brandon smiled. "Yeah, it's always good to dedicate things to family. But if I prevail, I'm dedicating my win to the male race!"

  "That's good!" Rose said with a laugh. "I accept your challenge. If I win, it's for justice, my hometown, my kids, and the female sex!"

  "That's... a bit much. I'll think of four things besides the male race to dedicate my win to. Can't let you beat me there."

  Rose waved her sword at him. "Let's get it on, then."

  The two charged and collided like wild bulls, neither holding back a bit of their great strength. But once they broke off from their initial exchange, they brought to bear amazing skill as well. Every blow and counter flowed into the next, dazzling the crowd, and the fighters smiled with delight while they savored the contest. Rose thought Brandon near the equal of Finn, more than a decent match for her considering her condition. Her wounds hurt terribly and fatigue weighed down her limbs, and in fact she began to realize she might not be able to beat him head on. Yet she could even use her noticeable tiredness to her advantage. She allowed her movements to slow further and Brandon pressed his advantage hard, driving her back.

  Suddenly she tied up his greatsword with her crossguard and twisted to his side, looped an arm around his head and tripped him to the ground. Then she wrenched her sword free of his longer blade, and before he could react had it at his throat. Holding it there long enough to leave no doubt, she released him and stood smiling. She held her hand out to him, but after taking it, he hoisted her high into the air by her waist. He put her on his shoulder, proclaiming her the winner. Looking around to take in the adoration of the crowd, Rose couldn't help but blink back tears. Despite the awful pain she felt, she knew returning to finish the tourney been worth it.


  Most everybody left, including Adam who gave Rose a warm hug for her farewell. Rose and Julie remained among the few still chatting it up on the field, in no hurry to depart due to living all of a few minutes away. Rose noticed Brandon walking towards her and turned to face him with a smile. "What, you want one of my trophies from our ties? You agreed I'd get them both, so too bad!"

  He chuckled. "No, Rose, I just wanted to thank you. You were a great opponent. I just can't believe I fell for that feinted exhaustion at the end. I mean, the thing you're most known for is your endurance! Next year I'll win, okay?"

  "Sure, you can win if I'm pregnant again. Thank you too. You might even have helped me get some of the extra pounds off! What do you do to be so good, anyway?"

  The count touched his chest and said dramatically, "I am an explorer. I travel far and wide, and face dangers no one in Kayland has ever seen before. And, I always hurry back for the tournament."

  "That sounds fun. Know anyplace nice to visit for fun?"

  He started talking, and Rose stopped him to get a piece of paper to take notes. After that, they continued to tell each other about their lives and adventures while Julie listened in on the always interesting tales. Eventually, Rose remembered how she'd promised to return to Finn's side right after the tournament.

  "Sorry, but I have to go. My husband's waiting for me. Look forward to fighting you again!"

  "You too. I really enjoyed your company, Meatball."

  "Wait, what's a meatball?"

  "It's an exotic southern food. They grind up meat and shape it into a ball—really round and soft."

  Rose looked down at her figure. "Oh, you!" she said with a laugh. "I guess it's pretty appropriate."

  He smiled. "Heh. Take care, Meatball."

  The two women walked back to their tent and packed up Rose's many prizes. As they began the short trip to town, Julie seemed preoccupied with something. "What's wrong?" Rose asked.

  "Nothing's wrong, I'm just pondering something. Rose, I think I do still want to adventure with you, travel and explore the world together. It seems so exciting. I mean, I know I might not make the best fighter, but I won't always have to fight, right? I just want to see unfamiliar places, meet people all around. Will you take me?"

  Only half joking, Rose demanded, "Who'll care of my kids when we're both away?"

  "Derrick, or a babysitter like now?"

  "What a terrible mother I am," Rose mused with a sad smile. "I suppose I could bring them along if we're not planning to do anything dangerous." She hugged her eager pupil, nearly cracking her ribs before she protested. "Fine, why not? I'm sure we'll have lots of fun... not sure Derrick will be pleased though." They returned to Gustrone, and Rose left her trophies at home before going back to her dragon husband.


  Mani stared at the destroyed remains of her husband and almost fainted. She vomited all over the alley ground, and turning away from the ghastly sight muttered tearfully, "You should have listened to me. Now we are ruined!"

  The cloaked man standing behind her seemed moved by her grief, and his voice was shaky as he asked, "What will you do now? Will you allow this atrocity to go unpunished, or will you do something about your husband's slaughter and defilement?"

  "I warned him not to go back. He foolishly went anyway, and died for his folly. I won't follow in his footsteps and throw my life away as well, especially with myself being a much weaker warrior than he. If I die here, where will my children be with no parents? We still have plenty of wealth, more than enough to raise them, and I intend to be there to watch them grow up in what happiness I can salvage for them. They have already lost their father, a dishonored, crazed man in the end—how could I let them lose their mother as well? The war between Sevria and Kayland is long over, even if my husband never accepted it. His obsession is not mine. My time in this land is over."

  The man who'd brought Joghra's body asked softly, "Did your husband have any close friends or kin who would not share your forgiveness, and instead demand retribution for his death? If not for yourself, do they not deserve some justice for their loss? Rose was severely wounded by your brave husband before she killed him, allowing you some time to have a better chance to overcome her in her weakened state."

  "Why do you wish to see this tragic cycle continue?" Mani snapped. "Even though I should hate Rose for taking my husband away, I don't. Really, it was Joghra who forced his own demise. I've no heart to dog the poor soul who's already suffered so much due to this feud, especially if she's badly wounded like you say. How could I not feel compassion for a woman whose own children were so wrongly taken from her home, and who was forced to bear the burden of family and friends suffering because of another's spite towards her? If others desire to pursue revenge, I'd rather advise against it than help. Enough is enough, let hatred die with the man who held it." She motioned her servants to take her husband's body and left, shoulders stooped in sorrow.


  As she went, though Derrick had been touched by her misery, he felt a sense of relief that a long battle was finally over, and they could all relax a bit for the time being.

  Chapter 14

  Rose came back to find corpses of Kayland soldiers littering the ground outside the cave and gaped. She recognized one to be Ira, who'd served in Justin's unit while they hunted dragon, and figured they had tried to do the same here. Worried about her husband, she ran inside to see Finn reclining as before in his chamber. Though there were scattered arrows lodged in his hide, he didn't seem to have any serious wounds. However, he did look incredibly tired.

  "Are you alright? Those soldiers outside attacked you, didn't they?"

  Yes, and I killed them. But a few got away.

  "You have to get out of here! They'll bring more men, and they might be able to trap you—you can't stay!"

  To her horror, he said, I'm tired, Rose. Too tired to f
ly, or run away. I was barely able to kill the ones outside, though their weapons couldn't really hurt me. Why do you think I didn't just run, or scare them away? It's the creation of my gift, which has drained my strength. I no longer have sufficient energy to use this body properly. But it won't be long until I'm human again. I just need a little time!

  "You have to at least get out of this cave, where they can't corner you so easily. Can your item be taken outside?"

  Yes, it can, he admitted reluctantly. I hadn't wanted you to see it until it was completely finished, but now... Fine, I'll leave if you insist, though it'll be slow going and I don't know how I'll flee if they find me.

  Rose groaned. "Damn, am I going to have to play bodyguard again? Against my own countrymen no less? How long will it take to complete your transformation?"

  Maybe later today, maybe a day or two more.

  "And how long ago did you fight those soldiers?"


  "Finn, they might be here any minute now! We've got to get out of here!" Saying this, she began towards the cave mouth only to see it was too late. A squad of soldiers, several of whom pushed a ballista on wheels in front of them, started into the cavern. Not wanting to fight warriors of her own nation, she yelled, "Stop! This dragon doesn't want to harm anyone!" But though she wished to avoid violence, she had to be ready to fight if necessary, and tied a piece of her shirt around her face to hide her identity.

  A familiar voice yelled back, "It already butchered much of my squad! Harmless?! I don't think so!"

  "They attacked it first! It was only defending itself!"

  She realized who spoke to her as Justin stepped into view and replied, "How do you know? I thought you were supposed to be killing monsters, not befriending them. Or is diplomacy with murderous beasts a new heroic trend?"

  Darn, disguising herself was hard. Unwilling to reveal the dragon's true nature, Rose explained, "Dragons can speak to us through their minds, and after talking to this one, I've learned of its goodness. To answer your second question, I'll talk to anything that's willing to do so, something a defender of the realm like you would do best to learn."

  "And you can trust the words of a dragon? How do we know it hasn't cursed you? I know you and I have had our quarrels, but I don't want to see anyone fall prey to the evil magic of such a fell being. Fight it, I know you can! You killed a larger beast than this before, didn't you?"

  Rose knew his words to be honest, and that he really did what he thought right. But it wasn't, and she cried, "I promise you my judgment is unimpaired, and this dragon truly is good of heart. I will not allow you to murder this innocent creature which only wants to live in peace. What crime did it originally commit that led you to attack it?"

  "It stole cows!" one of the other soldiers yelled.

  "Is this true?" she asked Finn with a scowl.

  I had to eat. I didn't harm any people, I swear.

  A flustered Rose considered the problem. Stealing livestock was a real crime, but certainly not one somebody should be killed for, as the soldiers had tried to do to him. Then again, who could fault them for panicking at the sight of a dragon? Now men were dead, and the situation far out of control. If only she'd stayed with him, she could've prevented this... Now what was she to do?

  Trying to buy time, she asked, "If all he did was steal livestock, why'd you try to kill him?"

  "It's a dragon!" Justin said. "What were we supposed to do, stand there and let it butcher us? We had to try and bring it down before it got a chance to attack. Now, stand aside!"

  "No! If you hadn't attacked it, it would've left you alone Why did you have to treat it like just some wild animal, when it is a thinking being like ourselves? You could have given it a chance to explain itself! Didn't it try to talk to you?" This last question was as much for Finn as his hunters, and she glanced questioningly at him.

  Yes I did, but they didn't listen. Justin told them not to listen to my tricks, and to kill me before I could bewitch them.

  Justin all but confirmed his story. "The creature did try to work its guile on us, but we resisted and persisted in our course."

  His rashness angered Rose, as she remembered her own first experience in dealing with a dragon. That beast had truly been evil, and she'd killed it, but only after listening to its words for some time. Of course, it had not viewed her as a threat and readily admitted to all its vile ways, thinking to easily dispose of her when it'd finished its gloating. "And what made you so sure that any word it spoke was guile? Did you decide it was evil as soon as you saw it, or did you judge that from its words?"

  She heard a bit of doubt creep into Justin's voice. "I assumed it evil on sight, for it is an abomination not found in nature."

  "Even if true, that wouldn't make it evil. Being a dragon isn't a matter of morality, but a matter of magical prowess. Any human sufficiently well versed in the arcane arts may become a dragon if so inclined—good or evil."

  "So this creature must be hundreds of years old, then?" a soldier marveled.

  She hesitated for a moment. "I'd assume so. There are no people so magically skilled today, after all."

  Why don't you just tell them? Finn asked in her mind. Wouldn't it be easier?

  "Only if you want to risk criminal charges after turning back to human."

  "I don't know anymore if this dragon is naturally inclined to malice," Justin said, "like I'd previously assumed. But it did kill many soldiers, and if you want it to be treated fairly, then it should answer to the law as humans do. So how about you convince it to surrender, and I'll try to make sure it gets a fair trial."

  The idea was reasonable enough, but it wouldn't be long before Finn could return to being a human, and in any case, somehow Rose didn't think a dragon would get treated too fairly in a modern court. "What you suggest might work in a different world, but right now, people are unlikely to accept the treatment of a dragon as though it were a man. What guarantee can you give that someone won't decide to shoot a ballista his way out of similar prejudice as you held? That it will have its words listened to, and not simply be dismissed as evil outright? You can't, so this dragon's not going anywhere. You attacked it and your men paid the price for your mistake. Don't take this folly any further."

  "What about our friends?!" an irate soldier snapped.

  Rose frowned. "I'm sorry. I can't say anything that'll alleviate your grief. But you can't come in here. Leave before you create more grief."

  "Is that a threat?" another man spat.

  Tell them who I am! Finn urged her in her mind.

  Shaking her head in response to him, Rose implored Justin, "Please get your men under control. You don't want them to suffer the same fate as the others, do you?"

  "Don't be scared by her words!" a soldier yelled. "The dragon is weakened! Last time, it seemed ill and so slow, it couldn't even chase us down without using its breath! Now that we have a ballista, we can easily slay the creature! No mercy to the monster that killed our friends, am I right?!"

  "Rose," Justin said, "these men will not allow you to shelter this beast which has killed their comrades. Get out of their way, unless you value the life of a monster over that of men."

  But she did, because the monster was her husband. Damn Finn, why couldn't he have just chased them away? The despairing Rose could hardly think of a peaceful way to resolve the dilemma as the squad resumed their advance, pushing the ballista forward in preparation for the slaughter of her love.

  "Justin, please stop them! I'll... I'll kill you if you don't!" she threatened desperately.

  "You'd really do that for a monster? You sound like you love it." To her immense relief, he then commanded, "Men, hold! Rose says she'll kill me if you continue. Thus I can infer that she'll kill any of you who try to harm her dragon as well, and all of us together stand little chance against her. Let's go." Grudgingly, the squad retreated out of the cave and farther, the sound of the heavy ballista's movement fading away.

  Is it over? Finn asked.

  "No. He didn't do that out of sympathy for you, or me. He did it because he believed what I said, although I'd have tried not to kill them if I could help it. Guess I'm getting a little better at being intimidating. But you're lucky you're going to be a human again. You won't have to bear any of the blame for this, unlike me. At least I'm glad I didn't have to kill anybody, which would be much worse. Even so, protecting what they deem a murdering monster by threatening the lives of not only soldiers of Kayland, but also an officer with noble blood—I might take some flack for this."

  I'm sorry about getting you into this, Rose, her love said helplessly.

  "Why'd you have to steal cows?! Couldn't you have caught deer or something?"

  I didn't think anybody would actually believe reports from farmers of dragons stealing their animals, or bother to do anything about it. It was much easier than hunting wild game.

  Rose grew angrier, and admonished him, "Farmers are people too, and most of them have enough trouble making ends meet as it is! How could you do that to them?"

  I tried not to hurt any one farmer too much. That's why I only took one animal from each, when I could remember who I'd already stolen from.

  She shook her head in exasperation. "Yes, and that's why people started taking the dragon reports seriously, because so many farmers were talking about it! Did you even try to do your thieving while they weren't watching, at least?"

  I tried, but they literally felt my presence as I came closer, me being a dragon.

  "And you still stole! That's great, isn't it Finn? You're a joy to be with, but sometimes you make me wonder if it's worth it. Can you ever not get me in great trouble, over some failing of your own?"

  The dragon looked ashamed, and did not seem to know how to defend himself. It was all he could do to mutter, You bore my children...

  Calming, Rose said, "Yes, because I love you. I'd do anything for you, Finn, even though you make me so angry sometimes... But why do you have to be so aggravatingly irresponsible?! When will you learn to think about the consequences of your actions?"


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