Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 89

by Billy Wong

  Ignoring the blood which snaked across the floor from the dead, Rose grabbed the last man by the hair and slammed him against a wall. Desperately he drew a dagger with his good arm and tried to stab her, but she caught and broke his wrist, leaving him with no working hands. He sobbed at the realization of his helplessness, and Rose demanded, "Who are you, and why did you try to kill me?"

  "Y-you killed my sister!" he stammered.

  "She would've killed me. Now answer my question." Despite her outward bravado, she grew cold with terror as it dawned fully on her what had just happened. They'd attacked when Jacob and Amber were here, and if they'd come in a different way...

  His answer shocked and scared her. "The Earth Mother demands your death, mage, and so it shall be!"

  Had this man, too, heard the voice of a god calling for an end to magic in human hands? Could Graham's goals not have been the result of delusions, but the desires of some actual higher being? "How did you learn this? Did a man tell you?" Rose only hoped the answer was "yes."

  "Not a mere man, but the true champion of a god, blessed with not the reckless man-made magic you treasure, but power granted by the Earth Mother herself."

  Graham? Was he still alive after she'd taken his leg? Either way, whatever creature dared to endanger her helpless mother and children by attacking here should fear getting its comeuppance from her. Then again, she hoped it wasn't really a god... "What does he look like? How big is he? Does he only have one leg?"

  "He's gigantic, fit to tear you to bits, though I don't know much else. But I have seen him standing. He hides his true appearance from us, but we've seen his divine blessing in his superhuman strength and ability to bring monsters under his control. Too, his presence radiates otherworldly power."

  "If he's so powerful, why doesn't he come after me himself? Is your master scared of me?" She did wonder, though, if Graham had grown himself a new leg.

  "He has better things to do than waste his time on you," the man spat. But Rose grinned to imagine the monstrous druid hiding from her in some cave. "He entrusted us with bringing your head back to him." Finally giving in to fear, he stammered, "H-how did you beat all of us unarmed and unarmored? We were the b-best of our church, you monster!"

  The correct answer might be because of her strength and skill, but she snapped, "Because you were on the wrong side. Now, where's this master of yours? Is he nearby?"

  "It's good that you're so eager to die. Let me live, and I'll gladly lead you to where I've met him before."

  Though angry, she probably wouldn't have killed the helpless man anyway, but Rose would be glad to nip the attempts to kill her in the bud before something really bad happened. She knew her prisoner could lead her into a trap, but he did seemed shocked he'd failed to kill her, and she wasn't about to let the risk deter her from giving it a shot. She had walked knowingly into rather deadly traps before, after all, and walked out leaving many a lifeless enemy behind her. But she wasn't about to give the man a chance to form a plan to trick her on the way to his master.

  She met his eyes. "Tell me where he is," she snarled, "and I'll find him myself."

  He didn't answer at first, but Rose twisted his broken arm and he screamed. "He's in Blasilt! He taught us the ways of the Earth Mother in the basement of the abandoned mill."

  After dropping her prisoner off at the constabulary, Rose equipped herself for battle. Leaving her kids in the care of her mom, who she told to take refuge at a friend's house, she set out to finish off the one who'd killed poor Julie.


  Stepping down into the dusty mill basement, Rose thought for a moment that no one was there, and wondered if the Earth Mother faithful only met here on occasion. Then she spotted the massive shape huddled in a far corner, covered by a huge sheet of cloth. It didn't move as she approached carefully, and she nudged it with her foot. It shifted, and Rose backed away while it stood. "Graham?"

  Though its skin looked identical to Graham's in his transformed state, the lack of recognition in this creature's eyes along with its shorter height told Rose it was not him. "You are Rose?" its dry voice rumbled. "The Earth Mother demands your death!"

  Her mind fell into turmoil. Could there really be a god out to stop the revival of magic? She hoped it wasn't so, that Graham was the one who'd shared the secrets of his transformation with this new foe and it wasn't truly the chosen champion of a divinity. But there was little time to ponder the matter as the monster sprang at her like a big cat, nails like wooden dirks outstretched to threaten her face.

  Rose caught the creature's arms and threw it with a twist of her hips into the nearest wall. Falling on its side, it sprang back up and charged again. She drew her broadsword, feeling no need to fight this opponent with bare hands like she had with Graham. For tense seconds, it hesitated from entering the reach of her blade, then pulled a hand axe out from beneath its cloak. Rose's sword had great reach on the weapon, but she knew it could be thrown. Anticipating such an attack, she dodged easily when her foe did just that. It tried to take her off guard by following its throw in, but she ducked its grasp, drove her sword into its lower belly and then diagonally up through its torso. Wrenching the blade free, she hopped back from its frantically slashing claws. The creature screamed, grabbed at its falling guts, and collapsed.

  Though she'd defeated her opponent with relative ease, Rose held no illusions that if a divine force really did oppose the revival of magic, her victory here would deter it from pursuing its agenda. She had to figure out how these creatures came to be, and find a way to stop the hostility of whatever commanded them. Returning to Hullel, Rose took her children back, hoping desperately she would be able to keep them safe in Gustrone. She sniffed after turning away. Why did something like this have to happen, just when she'd thought she could relax for a bit... She supposed it couldn't be helped in her profession, even if she hated it. She set out for home, and the help of her knowledgeable friend Derrick.

  "Wait!" Lise cried as she walked out the door.

  Rose looked back. "I have to go. If I stay with you, I'll just put you in more danger."

  "I know. I know this is your life, and you do what you have to to survive it. I just want a last hug from my daughter before you go."

  They embraced. "I'll come back, mom," Rose promised. "I always do, don't I?"

  Sobbing, Lise squeezed Rose's huge arms and back and breathed, "Oh, Rose. I love you so much. You're so strong. You've given me and your father more to be proud of than we ever dreamed..."

  "What's wrong?" Even given the situation, her mother's distress seemed greater than expected.

  "I had a dream, the worst I've ever had. It was so real. I-I saw..." She paused to catch her breath. "I saw you in a cave, bleeding to death with your belly ripped wide open."

  Rose stroked her mom's head. "It's a dream, nothing more. Of course you're worried. You love me, and I'm really grateful you're so concerned. But I've dreamed many times of Finn dying, out of the same love-born worry. It hasn't happened yet."

  "It was too real," Lise said shakily. "More a vision than a dream. Don't go."

  "I can't stay. I'd just bring danger to you, and I can't have that."

  "I know. Goodbye, Rose."

  "It won't be the last time," she assured again. They tightened their embrace for a moment, then reluctantly released each other. Rose walked away, wishing she could soothe her scared mother, but beginning to share her fear.


  "What are you doing here?" Derrick asked the visitor, though he all but knew.

  Count Brandon gave the expected answer. "I came to visit Rose. I've missed my good comrade."

  Yes, and she'd be much more if he had his way. "She's not here."

  "Where is she, then? You must have some idea, being such close friends."

  "She was visiting her mother," he said reluctantly. "I don't know if she's still there, though. She might have started home already." After receiving his letter, she'd likely be in a hurry to check out the situa

  Brandon smiled. "I'll wait for her, then." They stood looking at each other for a while. "So where will I be staying?"

  Derrick was tempted to send him off to an inn, but didn't think Rose would approve of such rudeness. He showed Brandon to an empty bedroom. "Here."

  He turned to leave, but stopped when his guest demanded, "What is your problem with me?"

  Brandon had asked, so Derrick wouldn't refrain from his honest answer. "Rose is in love already with, and married to, a good friend of mine. I don't like that you'd try to destroy their love for your own sake."

  "It's not only for me, but also for Rose. She is a great woman, and surely deserves better than the way Finn treats her. She may love him, but how can he be equally devoted when he doesn't even stand by her in the worst of times? She needs a man who will not take her for granted the way he does, but cherish her with all his heart and give himself to her as she would to her love.

  "And I'm not afraid to say, I am that man."

  Derrick knew he couldn't get Brandon to understand Finn's situation without revealing his secret, which would incriminate him after the battle he'd had against a group of misguided soldiers, but tried to argue on his behalf anyway. "Finn is kept from being together with Rose by extraordinary circumstances, but he does love her greatly as she does him, and wishes and strives with all his heart to overcome these hardships to return to her side. I find it inspiring that their love is capable of enduring such difficult times. Don't you admire the strength of their bond?"

  "Even if their love is true, does that mean clinging to their relationship is necessarily best for them? If Finn cannot provide what Rose needs from her man, it is she who suffers for his want." More quietly, he added, "Why else do you think she tolerated me so much?" The two men held each other's gaze, and Derrick could see triumph in Brandon's eyes as the count recognized his growing uncertainty. He walked briskly from the room, but had to admit Brandon's words had indeed cast doubt into his mind.


  Rose arrived in Gustrone and hurried to find Derrick. At the center, he greeted her with confusing words. "So what are you planning to do about it?"

  She had no idea what he meant, as he shouldn't know about what'd happened in Hullel. "What?"

  "You didn't get the letter? Loreen said that whole towns have been disappearing in northern Coblan, and Prince Wilner's too much of an ass to do anything about it."

  Rose found the news disturbing as he did, but her first response was, "Have you been reading my mail?" Before Derrick could reply, she added, "Don't worry, it's all right. That does sound like something we should maybe check out. I miss Loreen anyway. But we've got other problems." Quickly, she filled him in on her recent battles.

  "Count Brandon's here waiting to woo you, too. We have plenty of problems to deal with, huh?"

  She thought about it and smiled. "I wouldn't call Brandon being here a bad thing. Being so infatuated with me, he can help us deal with whatever we find in Coblan. When we're done there I'll tell him straight off, and if he still wants to be friends, that'll be perfect. As for the Earth Mother fanatics, my mom's in hiding now, and they're after us anyway. We'll deal with them if they come, and if not, they can wait until after we've finished in Coblan."

  "Sounds good, but what if they come and try to destroy the center? They did brazenly attack your mom's house, after all."

  Rose frowned, but said, "We'll just have to tell the city guard, and trust in them to keep a close eye on this place and protect it."

  Derrick shook his head. "I don't want to leave it up to them, when the risks are so great."

  "How about you stay here then?" Though he might be in danger, she feared he'd be in more following her to Coblan, and didn't want to expose him to such peril so soon after what happened to Julie. She'd certainly be less distracted by fear for her allies if they were all hardened warriors like Finn, Brandon, and Loreen, though she was a little nervous about Brandon riding on Finn's back.

  It gladdened her to see Derrick give a slight nod. "Yes, I would feel better being here to help watch out for the center. Are you sure you don't need me, though?"

  "Yes, I'm sure. You're a good friend and a brave fighter, but you're more needed here than in Coblan. If you really want to help me, try to find out more about Earth Mother worship while I'm gone. I'll appreciate whatever info you get for sure."

  He hugged her tight and whispered, "Come back alive, Rose."

  She returned his hug even more strongly, gave him a peck on the cheek and giggled. "I always do, don't I? Just hope I don't get any more new scars!"

  "They never mar your inner beauty."

  Even if they didn't, chronic pain went hand in hand with her worse wounds. But she smiled. "Yeah, as long as I survive, right? Knowing my record, I should be fine."

  "I trust you'll come back. Just don't let Brandon seduce you against your better judgement, okay?"

  "Finn will be there with me," she reminded him.

  "Not all the time."

  Rose shrugged. "I'll just have to be careful then. Well... bye." They shared another parting hug. Then Rose gathered up the count and the dragon, and they were flying north into unknown danger.


  "That was one hell of trip, Meatball!" Brandon exclaimed as he dismounted Finn. "I thought your dragon friend meant to kill us a time or two!"

  Rose smiled. Kill him, maybe. Finn had flown as roughly as he ever had during the trip to Coblan, knowing Rose was used to and enjoyed such thrilling rides. Meanwhile the count, having never flown dragonback before, had been understandably terrified, though being strapped down was never in real danger of falling.

  "We're here," she said. "I just hope Prince Wilner doesn't decide to revive his grudge with me just for visiting his bodyguard."

  Her friend Loreen had returned to the prince's employ to aid her nation's recovery from the wars brought on by the monarch himself, in spite of the fact she'd fought by Rose's side against Wilner before and helped to temporarily end his reign. After returning from his presumed death, Wilner had come to blows with Rose again, when he allied himself with other invaders from the southern republic of Sevria in another attempt to topple the government of Kayland.

  In total, she'd fought Prince Wilner on five separate occasions, and their blades had drunk of each other's blood more times than she cared to remember. Rose greatly respected the skills of the powerful warrior, a man widely considered the best in the world until she'd defeated him. She bore many a bad scar from his deadly axes. But she didn't plan to fight him this time, and hoped he wouldn't force it. As fearsome an opponent as Wilner could be, she shuddered more to wonder what entity or phenomena might be responsible for the mysterious annihilation of entire villages.

  She wrapped her light cloak tightly about her while she and Brandon walked the short distance towards Loreen's home in southeast Coblan; though it was getting cold here up north, her companion realized the cause of her small shiver to be internal.

  "So that fatal-looking scar between your breasts—Wilner gave you that?" Brandon asked.

  "You looked there while stitching me up, huh? Yeah, he did that to me, and?"

  "Just curious. Are you scared?"

  "I never lost to him." She would be dead if she had.

  He draped an arm over her shoulders and hugged her close. "You look scared. It's all right. He almost killed you."

  "Okay, I am just a little worried," she admitted. "More of what else is going than of Wilner—the threat you don't know is usually more frightful. But you'll protect me, won't you?"

  "Of course," Brandon rushed to answer, before recognizing her jest for what it was.

  Rose elbowed him. "If anyone is saving somebody from Prince Wilner, it'll be me saving you. How's your butt?"

  "How's your head?"

  She fingered the new skin over where a hole had been put in her skull. "I had torturous headaches for a few weeks, but I'm better now. I just hope whatever made the wound didn't go inside, but fel
l out after failing to penetrate fully. I think I'm okay, though. Still hurts sometimes, of course, but I'm used to pain. So how's your butt? Can you sit down comfortably?"

  "Had to put my weight on the other cheek for a bit, but it's healed. Finn doesn't mind you coming here into Prince Wilner's territory? Why isn't he with you?"

  He was, but Rose said, "I don't need him to baby me. I was never afraid to meet the most fearsome foes before I met Finn, and that hasn't changed even if so much else has. You needn't worry about me. And you're here to help, right? I'm glad to have a friend braving this danger with me. So, any idea what might be wiping out these villages?"

  "Your dragon friend could do it. Not saying it's him, of course. But something else really big..."

  "The rumors say it might be something big too. But it'd also have to be really fast to leave no survivors. Or there's more than one of them."

  "That is a scary thought."

  "There's more than one of us too. Just hope whatever it is doesn't fly!" Sobering at her own suggestion, she fell silent for some time.

  Seeing her unhappy face, Brandon tousled her great dark mane. "Cheer up. Whatever it is, you're the greatest warrior anywhere. You'll be able to handle it."

  "Thanks." His flattery heartened her, and against her better judgment she leaned closer to him. "So what did happen between you and Ashleigh? You seem like a good fit for each other."

  "I do like her. She's a good woman, brave and strong. Smart, too—very practical in most things. But she insists on being too formal towards me, treating me like her lord above all else."


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